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December 06, 1955 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State



VOL. LXVI, No. 58


S _______________________________________________________________________________________ -

Lodge Asks
UN To Pass
Aerial Plan
Says Reds Find
Idea 'Fantastic'
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. yesterday
urged the UN Political Committee
to endorse President Eisenhow's
"open sky" program for mutual
aerial inspections between the
Soviet Union and the United
Speaking with the full backing
of the Eisenhower administration,
the chief U.S. delegate drew a
verbal picture of Soviet planes
flying over the' United States and
United States planes flying over
the Soviet Union on peaceful mis-
sions of aerial photography.
Pictures "Fantastic"
He said Nikita Khrushchev, So-
viet Communist party chieftain,
in a talk to an Indian audience
Nov. 26 seemed "to find this pic-
* ture fantastic."
"We Americans do not," Lodge
said to the UN delegates. "We
believe that many, many others
do not find it fantastic.
"It will be as reassuring as the
sight of the policeman on his
Lodge outlined the position
taken by the United States since
Eisenhower voiced his aerial in-
spection program at the summit
conference in July.
Plan Outlined
In brief, .Lodge said:
1. The Eisenhower program is
not 'a substitute for over-all dis-
armament but is a necessary be-
beginming for such a scheme. It is
insurance against surprise attacks.
2. The United States accepts
a suggestion by Premier Bulganin
of the Soviet Union that ground
observers should be stationed at
key points to strengthen an in-
spection scheme.
3. The United States believes
the place to start now is between
the Soviet Union and the United
States but Washington is willing
to negotiate with other sovereign
states with regard to extending
the inspection to their territories.
Want Tests Halted
4. Once a system of arms limi-
tation is in effect and operating
satisfactorily, the United States
agrees there should be correspond-
c ing restriction on the testing of
nuclear weapons. The Russians
have proposed that powers posses-
sing nuclear weapons agree to a
halt in further tests.
5. The Russians object that
the inspection scheme will cost
enormous expenditures. The
United 'States can afford it and so
can the Soviet Union. "It is a
trifling premium to pay for an in-'
surance polly against war," Lodge
'Airline Site
Current negotiations concerning
the proposed move of commercial
airline operations from Willow Run
Airport to Wayne-Major Airport
continue in a state of flux. .
The most recent development
has been a proposal by Wayne
County officials for a 27 million
dollar developmental program at
Wayne Major. According to Le-
roy C., Smith, county engineer,
about one half of 'this sum would
be required for initial construction
of such facilities as hangars and

a terminal building.
Smith said these funds would
come from federal aid, state and
county appropriations, and an is-
sue of revenue bonds. He declined
to comment on what the appor-
tionment amongst the sources
would be.
No decision has been reached on
this proposal and the entire prob-
lem is still under study. The air-
lines are opposed to the move de-
spite the offers of Wayne County
and recent recommendations of the
federal government's Air Use Panel
that Willow Run be converted to
military use.
Willow Run, owned by the Uni-
versity, is operated by Airlines Na-
tional Terminal Services Company
Dance Chairman
Petitions Available
Less than one week remains to




W ithEisenhower
January Meeting on Cold War
Strategy To Be Held at White House
GETTYSBURG, Pa. (IF) - Two top leaders of the Western
world, President Dwight D. Eisenhower and British Prime Minister
Anthony Eden, will meet at the White House Jan. 30 on strategy for
combatting Russia's stepped-up cold war maneuvers.
A massive array of touchy international issues will confront this
hands-across-the-Atlantic conference in the wake of the failure of
the Geneva foreign ministers' sessiois last month to bridge major
gaps dividing East and West.
But there were no solid indications that either the President or
the Prime Minister feels that any real emergency impels a meeting


them and their foreignI

World News
By Thie Associated Press
LINZ, Austria - A 300-foot
wide avalanche roaring down from
the Taern Alps killed at least
nine workers at the Kaprun power
project and critically injured three
It was believed that 18 or 19
were struck by the avalanche orig-
inally. Police said 230 rescue
workers were pushing a search for
the missing.
* * *
LANSING - State Democrats
have asked a United States Senate
subcommittee to investigate politi-
cal fund raising by the Republican
party in Michigan.
Neil Staebler, Democratic State
Chairman, wrote the Hennings
Subcommittee requesting the in-
In the letter, Staebler men-
tioned a Detroit News story which
said General Motors Corporation
executives are not contributing
to the Party because of ,dissension.
The sense of the story, Staebler
said, is that General Motors execu-
tives contribute or withhold con-
tributions from the Party "As a
matter of high corporate policy"
and should be investigated to de-
termine who sets this policy.
States Supreme Court ruled yes-
terday both the federal govern-
ment and Eastern Air Lines are
liable for damages in a 1949 air
crash here which took the lives of
55 persons.
In three separate actions, the
court closed out a long, bitter legal
battle over the question of liabili-
The disaster occurred, when a
four-engine Eastern airliner and
a P38 fighter flown by Bolivian
pilot Eric Rios Bridoux collided in
the air.
In .one action, the court unani-
mously agreed with decision of
lotwer federal courts that the gov-
ernment is subject to liability.
In another, it, agreed with the
United States Court of Appeals
here that the government's liabil-
ty is limited to $15,000 per death.
Garg Again
Gargoyle will be sold tomorrow
regardless of atmospheric condi-
This issue is packed with good
things to eat, including an insert
parody of the Michigan Daily
which is calculated to bring down
the house, garage, and barn.
Also included are a, TV section;
likewise an imitation new car ad,
a detective story contest with
prizes, and a joke column with each
joke reviewed so you will know
whether or not you want to read it.

Mainly they will be up against
old, holdover problems and one
new one that embraces all the oth-
Among the holdovers are the
impasse with Russia on uniting
Germany and achieving world dis-
armament, and the situations in
the troubled Middle East and
The new one is the increasingly
harsher trend in Russian foreign
policy, accompanied by vigorous
propaganda blasts at the free
world, since the Geneva confer-
In addition, President Eisenhow-
er and Prime Minister Eden may
wish to consider the implications
of repeated governmental crises
besetting one of their chief allies
- France -- and measures for
strengthening the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
Yesterday's announcement of
the conference had home front
political connotations.
Republicans who are hoping that
President Eisenhower will recover
enough from his Sept. 24 heart at-
tack to try for another term next
year can be expected to fan their
hopes with this.
A merican
Air Defense
Puto rial
WASH{INGTON (M -)- Operation
Cracker Jack -- a surprise test of
the air defenses of the North
American continent, got under way
late yesterday.
Some 400,000 members of the
civilian Ground Observer Corps,
plus joint forces of the United
States and Canada were taking
part in the exercise.
Primary objective of the test, is
to test the effectiveness of the
radar tracking and interceptor de-
fenses of both the United States
and Canada.
Air National Guard pilots tak-
ing part in the exercise are under
orders which call for them to be
on duty for a period not to exceed
four days.
Planes of the U.S. Strategic Air
Command were playing the part
of a mythical enemy in attempt-
ing to penetrate the air defense
set up.
Elements of the U.S. Air Force,
Navy, Marines and the National
Guard were involved in the exer-
cise, along with Canadian forces.
The Air Defense Command at
Colorado Springs, Colo., said no'
figures would be disclosed as to
the actual number of units or
planes taking part in the test,
saying ,such information is classi-

Long Shot!
Edwards, WTTV newscaster and
former national commentator
for the AFL, said yesterday he
was as amazed as anybody
when the body of missing 3-
year-old Ronnie Weitkamp was
found Sunday in woods near
Crane, Ind., as he forecast Oct.
Edwards said he sent two
friends to "interview" a 33-
year-old horse, Lady Wonder,
at Richmond, Va., which pur-
portedly answers questions by
nudging letters hanging from
a wire.
The horse, which had been
credited with locating the body
of missing Dann Matson of
Quincy, Mass., in 1952, spelled
out that the Weitkamp boy
would be found dead, in Decem-
ber, in woods about a mile from
his home.
Langer Asks
Power Bill
WASHINGTON () - Sen. Wil-
liam Langer (D-ND) demanded
yesterday that the Senate sub-
poena postmaster General Arthur
E. Summerfield and Sherman Ad-
ams, top White House aide, in the
new Dixon-Yates probe.
Langer said he wants to bring
.out "how much money Mr. Dixon
and Mr. Yates . . . contributed to
the campaign funds of the Repub-
lican party" in the 1952 campaign
in which President Eisenhower
won election.
Utility Magnates
Edgar H. Dixon and Eugene A.
Yates are the utility magnates who
contract~d with the government to
build a 107 million dollar power
plant at West Memphis, Ark., to
furnish electricity for the Ten-
nessee Valley Authority
The contract has been canceled
and now the subcommittee, headed
by Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn),
is engaged in a search for any
"criminal conspiracy" which might
be connected with it.
Two Refusals,
Chairman Lewis E. Strauss of
the Atomic Energy Commission
and Budget Director Rowland R.
Hughes both refused yesterday to
tell the senators whether they had
discussed ramifications of the con-
tract with Adams or anyone else
at the White House.
They both contended any such
discussions, if they were in fact
held, would be privileged communi-
cations within the executive branch.
of the government.
Langer, a subcommittee member,
said his demand to subpoena Ad-
ams and Summerfield was "moti-
vated partly by the fact" that a
federal grand jury in St. Louis has
indicated Matthew J. Connelly and
T. Lamar Caudle for conspiring to
defraud the government in income
tax cases.
Connelly was a top White House
aide in the Truman administration
and Caudle held a senior post in
the Justice Department.
Could Plead Exemption
Langer said he believes Connelly
could have pleaded exemption, or
privilege, in any congressional
inquiry into such a matter on
grounds that he was a White
House aide not subject to con-
gressional subjoena.
Therefore, Langer said, he is
proposing that both Summerfield
and Adams be subjoenaed, not as
government officials, but as private

citizens -- Summerfield as former
chairman of the Republican Na-
tional Committee during the 1952
presidential campaign.

Fai t RechRegentsApprove Tech's'
Settlement Pflaying in Sugar Bowl,

DETROIT (R) - Two bargain-
ing sessions yesterday failed to
settle a labor dispute that has kept
Detroit's three metropolitan news-
papers shut down since last Thurs-
Negotiators, representing strik-
ing AFL-CIO stereotypers of local
9 and the Detroit Newspaper Pub-
lishers Assn., adjourned a night
session after an hour and 45 min-
utes. Neither side would comment
on progress, if any.
Meeting Scheduled
A new meeting was scheduled for
3 p.m. today. Negotiators met for
two hours yesterday.
James H. Sampson, Internation-
al Vice-President of the Stereo-
typers Union, sat in on the after-
noon bargaining and described it
as "a friendly meeting."
Sampson had told reporters as
he entered the session: "We are
Center on Demands
Today's discussions centered
mainly on demands of the stereo-
typers that they be paid overtime
for any work performed on an edi-
tion prior to its publication date
and that color plates be handled
by regular crews at overtime rates
or by special ,crewmen hired for
color work.
The three papers employ 116
stereotypers' and have a total
working staff of 4,598.
Two negotiating sessions were
held Saturday, but when they end-
ed George Robinson, president of
the striking local union, said "We
are no closer together than when
the strike began."
Stereotypers walked out and
threw picket lines around the
morning -Free Press and afternoon
Times and News at 4:30 a.m.
Thursday, following expiration of
their old contract at midnight
Other printing craft unions re-
fused\ to cross the picket lines,
shutting the papers.
LANSING (RP)-State police said
yesterday they have put a 24-hour
watch on the home of Gov. G.
Mennen Williams after the Gov-
ernor's wife, Nancy, received a
telephone warning that a bomb
was hidden in the house.
Police quoted Mrs. Williams as
saying she received two telephone
calls warning of the bomb Nov. 26.
She said the tipster told her the
bomb had been hidden on Thanks-
giving Day, when the family was
at the home of the governor's
mother in Grosse Pointe Farms.
The Governor's wife said it was
impossible to tell whether the
caller was a men or a woman. The
voice, she said, was muffled "as
if a cloth had been put over the



ATLANTA (M)-Regents of the Georgia University System yester-
day gave Georgia Tech a green light to play Pittsburgh University in
the Sugar Bowl football game Jan. 2.
Regents adopted a resolution to apply to all athletic teams of the
university system stating "all contests held within the state of Geor-
gia shall be held in conformity with the constitution, laws customs and
ytraditions of the state."


.. SRA Lecturer

SRA Talks
Host Meland
Reverend Bernard E. Meland,
professor of constructive theology
at the University, of Chicago, will
deliver the second lecture in the
annual "This I Believe" series at
8 p.m. today in 'Auditorium A,
Angell Hall.
"What of the Future" is the
general topic of the series, given
today, tomorrow and Thursday
and is sponsored by the Student
Religious Association and the
Campus Religious Council.
Dr. Meland has written several
works including "Higher Educa-
tion and the Human Spirit," pub-
'lished in 1953, and is co-editor of
the Journal of Religion published
at the University of Chicago.
During the period in which the
lectures are being presented sev-
eral activities including open dis-
cussions are being being planned
to give greater opportunity for
informal consideration of issues.
raised by the speakers.

The resolution 'declared, how-
ever, that games played outside
of Georgia shall be under the laws,
customs and traditions of the host
This was qualified, however.
with a clause stating "no contract
or agreement shall be entered into
for an athletic contest in any state
where the circumstances under
which it is to be filled are repug-
nant to the laws, customs and
traditions of the host state."
Shortly before the regents acted,
Gov. Marvin Griffin had backed
down somewhat on his Friday de-
mand for a racial policy that.not
only would have barred Georgia
Tech from the Sugar Bowl but
would have prohibited any Georgia,
state college teams from playing
against Negroes or before unsegre-
gated spectators.'
Aimed Only at Sugar Bowl
The governor told his news con-
ference that his request to the re-
gents chairman, Robert 0. Arnold
of Covington, was aimed only at
the Sugar Bowl and that he would
not oppose nonsegregated games
played in states where segrega-
tion is not practiced.
Landa Von Lottenberg, ten-
year-old German Shepherd
mascot of Tau Delta Phi frater-
nity, was struck and killed by
an automobile early Sunday
night on Washtenaw near Aus-
tin Avenue.
Owned by the fraternity since
1949, Landa - a frisky, hand-
some female, met her demise
about 7:30 p.m.
Pedigreed, the dog was one
of the better known campus
mascots --reaching her zenith
last fall when the fraternity
held "Landa's Birthday Party"
-celebrating the tenth anni-
versary of her birth.
The fraternity has made no
plans as yet to replace her.

Reuther Repie
To Goldwater
NEW YORK UP)-P r e si d e
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yesl
day labor unions have a legitinm
interest in politics but should
sure they "accurately refl
wishes of their members be
taking sides.
President Eisenhower addrea
the founding convention of
merged AFL-CIO by teleph
from the Gettysburg, Pa., 0
office, his temporary headquari
while he is recuperating from
His voice came through clef
and distinctly to the 1,400 di
gates in the 71st Regiment Arm
They cheered when AFL-(
President George Meany, from
hall, introduced the Presid
They arose and gave another bi
of applause at the end of
Speculate AFL-CIO Role
The President's reference to
curately reflecting views of
rank and file came at a time w
there is speculation as to w
role the new 16 million member
ganization will play in the 1
presidential election.
Both the AFL and the CIO
dorsed Adlai E. Stevenson,
Democratic candidate, in his 1
campaign against President Els
President Eisenhower told
unionists, "The roads you tra
the schools your children atte
the taxes you pay, the standards
integrity in government, the c
duct of the public business is y
business as Americans.
'Your Views Vary'
"And while all of you, as to
public business, have a com
goal-a stronger and better Ami
ica-your views as to the 1
means of reaching that goal v
widely-just as they do ina
other group of American citit
"So in your new national orga
zation, as well as in your mi
constitutent organizations, y
have a great opportunity
making your meetings the wor
most effective exhibit of de
cratic processes.
"In those meetings the rights
minorities holding differing soc
economic and political views m
be scrupulously protected and ti
views accurately reflected.'"
Walter Reuther, president of
old CIO, commented:
"The President's address refu
completely the Goldwater line
cause obviously it indicated
believes the members of organi
labor have a right to particip
in shaping political decisions
our government . .."
French Fire
On Algerians
Kill Forty
ALGIERS OP)-French secuJ
troops fired on a crowded na
market place near the Tunis
border Sunday and at least 40
gerians were killed.
The death toll across Frei
North Africa was at least 69.
least 40 were injured.
In addition to the bloody s
on the market square of the tc

of Lamy, French authorities a
that 24 Algerians died else h(
Sunday as a result of rebel
Lamy is a town of 10,000 o:
miles inland from the Mediter
nean. The market was crowd
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. when natic
alists in the throng fired s<
shots. A confused melee result
French authorities said local
curity troons were fired on a

Soviet Architect Accuses.
l "
U.S., France of Plotting
MOSCOW (A)-Soviet architect Alexander V. Vlasov accused the
US and French police yesterday of organizing a plot against him dur-
ing his recent trip abroad.
He also accused two American reporters in Moscow of crudely
distorting the recent Soviet government decree which criticized his
Pravda Interview
In an interview with the official Communist party newspaper
Pravda, Vlasov said the trip of his builders' delegation to the United
States impressed the ordinary American public with the chances
<>of improving Soviet-American re-

"Film Flam," Union Opera,

To Open Tonight
The world's movie capital will get the full treatment tonight
with the opening of "Film Flam," the 36th annual Union Opera.
Yesterday's dress rehearsal of the satire on Hollywood "worked
out very well," director Fred Evans commented.
"We've been knotting the thing up," he added, "and I think
we've got a good show.
Everything Set
"We're more ready for a show now than I think we've been for
years on the day before opening," he continued, attributing it to early
arrangement and rehearsing of musical numbers.
This year's opera, written by Russ Brown, '56, Chuck Reynolds,
Grad, and Bill Russell, '58Med, tells of efforts to revive Passe Studios.
Ts~nr hie t~% ntal Arn ~ . 1N1e T1Tas ~i T-n C-mhlad

"This did not please those circles
trying to hamper these links,"
Vlasov said. "They determinedly
sought a cause to poison the at-
mosphere which was being created
as the result of the exchange of
delegations between the Soviet
Union and the United States."
Cites Demonstrations
Vlasov said there were demon-
strations both in the United States
and France urging him not to re-
turn home after reports were pub-
lished that he was criticized by the
party and government. The Soviet
Union already has protested to
Paris that French police tried to
persuade Vlasov to seek asylum.
Vlasov was criticized in the pre-
amble to the recent decree on
architecture for nermitting extrav-

(, 1 : _

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