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September 21, 1955 - Image 52

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-09-21

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The Daily Covers Every Aspect of News




Every important news event is
covered by the Daily.
Two Associated Press teletype
machines go on at 3 p.m. six days
a week to bring the campus in-
formation on what is happening
throughout the world.
The Daily's 2 a.m. deadline, the
latest in the state, makes it pos-
sible to put last-minute news on
student breakfast tables when no
other morning paper has it.
Through its membership in the
Associated Press, unusual for a
college. paper, The Daily caA bring
news on national and state events
as well to its campus readers.
A staff of student reporters
numbering more than 60 Covers
campus and local events, so that
The Daily's news pages are able
to keep 'students informed on
matters that directly affect them.
A staff member is also often sent
to cover events of national sig-
, s *

EDITING-Night desk is a hubub of activity as the night editor, sitting in the middle of the
semi-circle, edits stories and places them on a page with signifying marks on the page dummy.
Staff members seated around the desk write headlines, rewrite stories and proofread.

* Features
Though a staff member's chief
responsibility is being forever
alert for news, he often works on
feature stories about campus and
city personalities, institutions and
anything else that promises to
make interesting reading.
Ann Arbor, with the University
its main attraction, is recognized
as a gold-mine of story material.
The University, by itself, could
provide enough fascinating stor-
ies to fill a set of encyclopedias if
there were enough people to write
them. The Daily writes as many
of them as it can, and still tries
for more.
* * *
s Editorials
A staff member may also express
his opinion onany topic by writ-
ing for the editorial page. Its edi-
torial page is what most distin-
guishes The Daily from other
college papers, for its editorials
.represent the views of only the
writer whose name is signed to
the editorial. The Daily never has
had an editorial policy.
The reason for this is that The
Daily recognizes that freedom of
expression is necessary for intel-
lectual growth. In fact, The Daily
encourages the expression of di-
vergent views through its editor-
ials and Letters to the Editor col-
The editorial page, besides staff
members' opinions and interpre-
tations of the news, contains the
writings of nationally known col-
umnists, notably Drew Pearson
and Walter Lippmann, and the
clever cartoons of The Washing-
ton Post's Herblock.
* Magazine
To provide even more reading
enjoyment for the campus, The
Daily last year experimented with
a Sunday Magazine section that
appeared roughly every three
weeks. The venture was well re-;
ceived by the campus and proved,
worthwhile, so that the Sunday,
Magazine will be a regular feature,
this year.
The Sunday Magazine contains
articles on art, music, books,
sports, personalities and many
other subjects. An issue often de-i
votes several pages to different ar-1
ticles on the same topic, such asI
student travel.l

Daily Offers
To All Students
If you enjoy' meeting inter-
esting and famous people,
would like to learn first-hand
the operation of a newspaper,
and can withstand large quan-
tities of cigarette smoke, you
should join The Daily staff.
A unique aspect of The
Daily is that it is both a morn-
ning newspaper and an extra-
curricular activity. It depends
upon student volunteers for
its staffs, so that any academ-
ically eligible student is not
only welcome, but also encour-
aged to stop at the Student
Publications Building and in-
quire about becoming a Daily
staff member.
Students may join the gen-
eral news staff, the sports
staff or the women's staff on
the editorial side, or the busi-
ness staff for the financial
part of newspapering.
Meetings for 'prospective
staff members will be held
during the first week of class-
es at times to be announced in
The Daily's first issue.

Take Care
Of Finances
The Daily, like any newspaper,
is also a business; and the busi-
ness side of The Daily is like-
wise handled by students.
The Daily Business staff is res-
ponsible mainly for keeping the
paper financially above water, be-
cause The Daily is a self-support-
ing, non-profit organization.
Advertising and circulation rev-
enues make The Daily possible.
Duties of the business staff include
soliciting advertising, selling sub-
scriptions and financing,
Operating under a busines
manager, the staff is segmented
for work in various departments:
local advertising, classified adver-
tising, promotions, contracts, cir-
culation and accounting. Student
staff members gain experience in
writing advertising, layout and de-
sign and in general newspapei
business practice.
The Daily has a gross income of
approximately $115,000 annually.
* Plant
Revenues in the past have pro-
vided The Daily with its own phy-
sical plant in the Student Publi-
cations Building, one of the fin-
est plants for a newspaper the size
of The Daily, in the country.
Besides a five-year-old, $100,-
000 rotary press, there are four
linotype machines, a Fairchild en-
graver, mat rolling and plate cast-
ing equipment, and a complete
line of typography - everything
needed to produce a newspaper.
* Board in Control
The Daily is published under the
authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications, an agen-
cy of the University Board of Re-
The Board has concerned itself
mostly with financial matters but
serves as an intermediary between
the editorial staff and the Univer-
sity as well. However, it does not
attempt to censor editorial or news
articles, which is true also with
its relations with the other four
publications under its jurisdic-
" History
Besides being recognized as one
of the best, The Daily is the na-
tion's oldest college newspaper in
terms of continuous publication.
It was first published in the fall
of 1890 by a group of non-frater-
nity men, and later opened its
staff to all interested students.
Surviving its competitors, itwas
purchased by the University short-
ly after the turn of the century.
It was later moved from a small,
down-town print shop to the Ann
Arbor Press Building and finally
to its present location in 1932.
Former Daily editors and re-
porters who have achieved nation-
al and international fame are New
York's ex-governor Thomas E.
Dewey, Chicago Tribune publisher
Chesser M. Campbell, Stan Swin-
ton, Chief of the Associated Press
RomerBureau, and Arthur Miller,
author of "Death of A Salesman."

ASSOCIATED PRESS-A reporter reads the latest international and national news as it comes
off the Associated Press teletype. The Daily's 2 a.m. deadline permits it to get the latest teletype
news on its pages. The Daily is one of the few college papers with a teletype service.



AD LAYOUT-Business staffers solicit advertising to provide revenues for The Daily's operation.
Here a staff member is placing ads on a page dummy, arranging them for a neat display that
will leave sufficient room on the page for news and feature articles.

REPORTING-Student reporters check every day for assign-
ments. Here a reporter stands by to follow up a story tip received
on the telephone.

Material for the magazine is
written by Daily staff members
and others who wish to write only
for the magazine section.
* s *
!r Staff
Accomplishing all this indicates
a bee-hive of activity in the Stu-
dent Publications Building, and
implies a large staff organized to
work efficiently.
A senior staff of seven directs
The Daily's activity. It has the
responsibility of maintaining a
smooth-working and meaningful
A junior staff of night editors
and assistant night editors han-
dles the bulk of the work. A night
editor is responsible for putting
out the entire paper one night a
week. In addition, night editors
and assistants each cover one or
more major news beats.
Rewrites, soph staffers, and try-
outs round out the staff. The first
two of these are also assigned to
news beats and are expected to
help the night editor put out the

paper one night a week. Tryouts
spend their first semester learning
the fundamentals of headline
writing, proofreading and report-
ing before they become soph staff-
ers and begin to put to use what
theyhave learned.
* Sports
A separate staff, headed by a
sports editor, reports the results
of all University athletic events.
Daily sports writers follow the
various teams through their prac-
tice sessions, report on their prog-
ress and often go along on road
The sports page often presents
interviews with coaches and fea-
ture articles on the University's
outstanding athletes. Senior sports
editors periodically write columns
in- which they discuss some aspect
of Michigan or national sports.
An attempt is also made to keep
students up to date on national
sports happenings, especially dur-
ing the football and baseball sea-

* Womens
The Daily's women's staff is also
a separate unit responsible for
one, sometimes two, pages a day.
In recent years, the staff has prid-
ed itself on producing an activi-
ties page, rather than a women's
News and feature angles of all
campus organizations and their
work is covered, with emphasis on
social activities.
Composed only of coeds and di-
rected by a women's editor, the
staff writes news stories, feature
articles, interviews with campus
and visiting personalities and spe-
cial picture-pages. Coeds also.
learn headline-writing, proofread-
ing and page make-up.
Another separate staff provides
The Daily with pictures to go
with its stories. Daily photog-
raphers have the use of The Dai-
ly's own darkroom and two Speed-
Graphic press cameras, one just
recently acquired.
Photographers are called upon
to work with reporters on news
and action photos and feature pic-
tures, and sometimes find a whole
page of their art published. They
cooperate with the general news
staff, the sports staff and the
women's staff.
* Radio
In addition to their regular du-
ties of putting out a daily news-
paper, Daily staff members in-
terested in radio present a nightly
newscast over Ann Arbor station
Presented at midnight Monday
through Friday, the program is a
five-minute roundup of campus,
national and international news,
including the latest sports results.
It is broadcast from The Daily's
editorial office.
* s *
* Awards
The Daily has become recogniz-
ed as one of the best college news-
papers in the country, and one .of
the top dailies of its circulation,

LINOTYPING-Four Linotype machines are among The Daily's equipment. Here, Linotype oper-
ators are busy setting in head type stories sent downstairs by the night editor. After a story has
been set, the lead type is inked and checked by a proofreader. The next step is putting the lead
type in a page form.



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