T hr Intr igat
Sixty-Sixth Year
'There Are Times When I'm For A Little Federal Aid"
_ rt'I~ii
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Kefauver Dilemma: Shoot
For No. One or Two Post?
IN a week or two, the Democratic party spot-
light, which has shined so liberally of late
on Adlai Stevenson, will shift to Estes Kefauver.
The Tennessee Senator has promised an an-
nouncement of his intentions toward the Presi-
dential nomination around Dec. 16.
The decision Kefauver will announce has
not been as easy to make as his ambitions
might indicate. He has made no pretense of
being reluctant to run, and discusses quite
freely his bids for support, including attempts
to line up a campaign manager.
But campaigns can't be run on ambition
alone, or Kefauver would have been President
long ago. His prospects for the noimination are
clearly not good. Even members of his staff
admit he must rely mainly on primaries in
the search for delegates.
They also admit that Stevenson's apparent
willingness to enter several primaries will make
it even harder for Kefauver to try to carry
the convention than it was in 1952. Then, it
was just about imp'ossible.
KEFAUVER can no longer win primaries by
default as he could last time, and he faces
the prospect of losing any contest both he and
Stevenson enter. Nor can he challenge the
convention with a reputation for being the na-
tion's most popular Democrat, what with all
polls showing Stevenson more popular among
rank and file Democrats and Independents as
well as party leaders.
He does not carry the liability of having lost,
but the tendency among Democrats is to mini-
mize Stevenson's responsibility for his defeat
and maximize Eisenhower's.
Kefauver's dilemma then is whether to run
against what now seems the certain prospect
of Stevenson's nomination. Admittedly that
prospect may well change. But there is a
question whether Kefauver would be the bene-
fieiary of any decline in Stevenson's fortunes,
even -if he were responsible for that decline
through beating him in a primary.
Indications are that party leaders have
chosen Averell Harriman as stand-in for the
role of leading contender for the nomination,
and the New York governor seems ready to
Jeap onstage should Stevenson muff his lines.
There are other prizes to be won next year,
even if the nomination seems a dim prospect.
Kefauver says his plans do not include running
for Vice-President. He laughs off suggestions
that all it would take to change his mind
would be a "good, firm offer," but he does not
deny them.
If the Vice-Presidency is Kefauver's immed-
iate goal, strategy becomes a problem. A first
rule of politics is that no one ever openly runs
for the Vice-Presidential nomination. To do so
precludes most any chance of winning the
bigger prize and tends to diminish a candi-
date's stature.
IEFAUVER may well be planning to ma-
neuver himself into the second position,
A Stevenson-Kefauver ticket would have geo-
graphic balance and both an "egghead" and
"folksy" appeal. It would also include the
two most popular Democrats in the party today.
The question then is whether an active Presi-
dential campaign will improve or hurt the
Tennesseean's chances for the Vice-Presidency.
Several primary victories might re-inforce esti-
mates of his popular appeal and increase his
stature in the party.
But a bid for the nomination might also
have the effect of alienating the man who will
probably decide the party's second place choice
-the Presidential nominee, probably Steven-
son. Campaigns for nominations, however
friendly they may be at the outset, strain
tempers and often degenerate into slugfests.
Some ill-will was created, for example, by
Kefauver's recent charge that the national
committee has shown partiality toward Stev-
enson. If the candidates were to clash in a
primary fight, as seems possible in Minnesota
and probable in California, the wounds might
be hard to heal by convention time.
There is a chance, then, that Kefauver's
announcement later in the month will be that
he has chosen tiot to engage in a costly and
fatiguing campaign, and will hope for the
Ambition being what it is, however, it seems
more likely he will enter the race, and pray for
a miracle.
cif o-
DAC Offers Top-Notch
Dancing, Comedy
SHOWMANSHIP is the theme of the new Dramatic Arts Cente-
production, a joint program consisting of Indian dancing and
Moliere's "The Physician in Spite of Himself."
The first portion, "Nritya Darpan" (Mirror of Dance) features
Madame Sunalini Rajam and her pupils in a collection of 15 classical
and folk Indian dance numbers. The dances are varied, although there
is a too-heavy reliance sometimes on folk dances which correspond to
Western mime, an interpretative method that is not especially popular
in Western. countries today.
But the classical pieces, particularly Madam Rajam's Abhinaya
and Lou MeKush's Kathaki Dance and Tillana are beautifully performed
and exciting to watch. The Abhinaya allows Madam Rajam an op-
portunity to draw on all her artistic abilities, and coming near the end
of the program is something worth waiting for. MeKush repeats two
show-stopping dances from last spring's DAC "Dance Fair," and they
are very worthy of reprise.
All in all, while the dance program may seem a bit strange and
unfamiliar for some, it is a vivid and exceptional experience, put to-
gether with attention and care.
TO SCHOLARS, the revamping given the 17th century Molliere
farce may seem extreme. But the company plays the piece in the style
of broad, slapstick comedy which the opening night crowd seemed to
enjoy thoroughly. In fact, it is probably the best comedy rendition
the company has done, for Molliere is an appropriate foil for their
and Director Joseph Gistirah's farcical talents, last season somewhat
misused in "The Boor."
"Physician" relates how an innocent fogoter is forced to assume
the role of a doctor and cure an ailing young lady. The humor is high-
styled' and presents Molliere at his best, lampooning the incompetencies
t °
Hagerty, Adams Vital to Ike
THE MEN who can claim chief
credit for getting Eisenhower in
a more receptive frame of mind-
if, as Len Hall says, Ike is more
receptive - are efficient Sherman
Adams, the Assistant President,
and Jim Hagerty, astute, genial
Secretary for the Press.
The first has done what Ike
always thought could be done even
before he, became President .-
handled practically all problems
except top-top policy. The second
has created both public con-
fidence in Ike's health and Ike's
confidence in his own health.
The man who did the first,
Sherman-Adams, has largely ful-
filled Eisenhower's private hope
that the job of being President of
the United States could be more
like the job of being President of
France, with a Prime Minister to
handle legislative and other mat-
*A* * d
this. He did it to a large extent
before Ike became ill, but he has
done it 99 per cent since he be-
came ill. Adams not only is Assist-
ant President, but he is largely the
Cabinet. He correlates and coordi-
nates with the Cabinet. With a
few exceptions, they report to him.
Even Secretary Dulles, who does
report to Ike on foreign policy, was
careful at Denver not to take up
too many major matters connected
with the Geneva Conference. It
might have been better, incident-
ally, if he had.
Jim Hagerty, the other potent
figure on the White House team, is
not only one of the most astute
public relations men ever to oper-
ate in Washington, but he has
also become the confidant of the
President and to some extent his
appointment secretary.
* * *
erty watched every move made by
the doctors to mold public opinion.
His aim was not only to create
public confidence in the Presi-
dent's health, but to create Presi-
dential confidence in his own
That was why Hagerty got so
sore at the interview given by Dr.
Paul Dudley White in his home in
Boston indicating that there was
much more doubt than earlier ex-
pressed as to whether the Presi-
dent could ever recover.
It was also Hagerty who was
given credit for the adroit post-
ponement of the date of January
1 when the doctors would pass on
whether Ike could run again.
* s* *
city may not seem to have a heart.
Its presses turn out pulp, head-
lines, printers ink with machine-
like precision. But the other day
New Yorkers gathered to salute
the New York Daily Mirror for
helping keep half a million kids
off the streets in the biggest youth
program in any American city.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Sore Point of Football
A T the annual football bust in Detroit Mon-
day night, University President Harlan H*
Hatcher put his finger on the sore point of
college football when he expressed a wish for
a return to the time when games were played
"to see who would win" instead of for bids to
bowl games.
He pointed out, with newspaper headlines
for illustration, that such emphasis has been
put on winning a trip to a big bowl game that
the purpose behind college football has been
forgotten. And he asked for a stop to this
"accelerated madness."
Indeed, the emphasis on making a bowl trip
seems sometime to make us forget that it is
football we are playing. Yet, some feel it makes
no difference what we are playing, as long as
there is a Rose Bowl or a Sugar Bowl to play
it in.
Although the avowed purpose of collegiate
sports is to train athletically talented and in-
clined young men in sportsmanship and develop
their character through teamwork and compe-
tition, no one has ever suggested that a foot-
ball team take the field without concern as to
whether it wins or loses.
The goal of winning is proper to a football
game, of winning that football game.
Coaches say they play their games "one at
a time," but we are not so sure. Winning the
game has taken second place to winning a bowl
bid, almost so that games on which no bowl
bid rides is lost in the shuffle, and relegated to
the second or third pagesof the sports section.
EMPHASIS on winning has caused enough
trouble, what with interested alumni cruci-
fying coaches and all. It is further intensified
by the institution of the traditional rivalry,
where feelings often run higher than a V-2
rocket and cause comparable damage.
When the desire simply to win the game is
compounded with traditional rivalry and a
stake in a bowl game in the same stadium on
the same afternoon before many thousand fans
who are excessively mindful of all these factors,
emotions on both sides too easily explode, as
they did in the Ohio State-Michigan game,
throwing the sport completely out of propor-
tion to its importance and reflecting upon the
character of the institutions involved.
To avoid recurrences of such demonstrations
is the aim, and the only way to do that now
seems to be to de-emphasize, not football, but
bowl games. That President Hatcher recom-
mended such a course at a time when he might
have been severely criticized for sour grapes
after the Ohio State game incident is to be
highly commended. His suggestion that foot-
ball be returned to its proper perspective should
be taken seriously by the Big Ten when the
time comes to decide on a renewal of the Rose
Bowl pact.
The University could help by coming out
officially against renewal of the Rose Bowl
-JIM DYGERT, City Editor
worst Panel Show Most Enjoyable
of his century's medicine men. Th
jibes (e.g., comments on women's
late permission, the AMA, Bus.
Ad. school) which do not destroy
the play's form, but bring
great audience approval. Tempo
throughout is fast-paced, and only
in one minor scene between the
physician and a few peasants does
the show begin to lag. But it picks
up soon enough, and a speeded-up
rendition of the scene in fu-
ture performances will undoubted-
ly bring the affair to perfection.
SIDNEY WALKER is cast as the
make-shift physician, and his gro-
tesque comic mannerisms pretty
much carry the play. The other
performers have only relatively
minor roles, but they perform with
relish and top-notch timing. Ralph
Drischell renders his usual excel-
lent performance, and one hopes
that sometime he will be allowed
bigger roles. Ann Gregory, Elaine
Sinclair and MaryJane Forsyth
do their bits remarkably well.
In fact, the strangest attribute
of the "Physician" cast is that
some individuals who have not par-
ticularly distinguished themselves
in previous dramatic turns display
very rare comic talents. And what
is even more indispensible, the cast
seems to be enjoying their work.
An audienece cannot help but ap-
preciate this and respond accord-
The entire progran is geared
with the showmanship principle
of keeping the audience in mind,
a sure crowd-pleasing gimmick.
-Ernest Theodossin
Well Done
"DOUBLE Confession," a British
import, is a well-done murder
mystery, although by no means o
Hitchcockian stature.
Jim Medwey (Derek Farr) seizes
upon his wife's death to revenge,
himself upon her lover, Charlie
Durham (William Hartnell), by
telling him that he has evidence
that Durham murdered her. While
trying to decide whether or not to
go to the police, Medway meets
Ann Corday (Joan Hopkins), a
young woman trying to determine
whether she should let her illegiti-
mate daughter be adopted. The
plot is complicated by Durham's
revenge-bent stooge, Paynter
(Peter Lorre), a crusading news-
paper editor, Hilary (Ronald How-
ard) and a competent police-
man, Inspector Tenby (Naunton
Wayne). The real murderer is un-
covered in true British detective
story fashion, complete with sur-
prise twist.
BESIDES THE main plot, there
is an aggregation of side charac-
ters so well drawn that they pro-
vide many of the movie's high
Although the entire cast is ex-
cellent, it is Lorre who gives the
outstanding performance, both as
a semi-tragic and comic char-
acter. Farr, as the man who finds
he cannot betray someone he
hates, and Hartnell, as the spine
less yet powerful Durham, both
turn in skilled performances. Miss
H~opkin's offbeat loveliness and
naturalacting technique is be-
lievable, even when the love scenes
turn a bit cloying. Wayne does
much to dispel the popular con-
ception of the incompetent police
officer, and Howard is the image
of his father (the late Leslie How-
ard) both in appearance and abil-
* "
THE CAMERA does full justice
Red Leaders Embarrass Nehru
Daily Television Writer
"I'VE Got A Secret" (CBS Wed-
nesday 9:30) is the worst panel
show on television.
But it is also one of the most
enjoyable shows on television.
A good TV panel show should
have two to five panel members,
a moderator and contestants who
have a famous face or name, have
interesting or unusual occupations
or who have accomplished the un-
The panel should then try to
find out who the contestant is or
why he is on the show by intelli-
gently questioning him. Some in-
sertion of comedy may prove to
add to the panel show, but com-
plete silliness detracts from the
main idea of the show.
"SECRET" has the panel, the
moderator and the contestants, but
the actions of the panel and the
secrets of the guests cause the
"panel show" idea to be imma-
terial and then anything can hap-
pen, and usually does.
It is not unusual to see Gary
Moore, the moderator, leading any
kind of an animal onto the stage
and then proceed to ride, milk,
wrestle or do just about anything
with it.
Or is it improbable that the en-
tire panel will leave their chairs
and proceed to dress up in strange
costumes, dance, sing, leave the
stage or just do anything that they
think will be funny.
After the not too important
questioning contestants have been
seen to shoot arrows, type 160
words in a minute, sing, dance,
tell of interesting experiences and
demonstrate some pretty weird in-
ventions, just to name a few.
gimmick is to include some local
Allen's "Tonight," where such a
diversification of talented and un-
talented people have performed
and so many crazy stunts have
been enacted.
"I've Got A Secret" is a very
poor panel show. But for good
all-around fun and enjoyment
with an element of the unexpected,
you can't beat it.
* * *
FOR THE first time since the
coaxial cable was put into use
NBC did not have one show in
the "Top Ten." According to the
Trendex ratings for the first week
in November, CBS placed nine
shows in the most-watched ten
and ABC's "Disneyland" completed
the list.
Last year at this time the ten
best were more evenly divided with
NBC holding down five positions,
CBS two and "Disneyland" again
making for the ABC entry.
Another interesting fact is that
sevenof the present top ten are
half-hour shows. Thus the CBS
policy of situation comedy and
quiz shows seem at the present to
be more acceptable than NBC's 60
and 90 minute extravaganza poli-
The three top shows are $64,000
Question," "Ed Sullivan" and "I
Love Lucy," with "Question" still
far ahead of the field.
* * * -
THE COLGATE Palmolive-Peet
Co., the first sponsor of the "Big"
shows on television is leaving its
long-lived position as sponsor of
the Sunday 8-9 slot on NBC. They
felt that the strong competitionj
of Ed Sullivan was just too great.
This means that Martin and
Lewis will have to look for an-
other TV outlet, for NBC is
planning to use that hour as $
showcase for new talent when Col-
gate leaves at the end of this
Dean and Jerry are the only
original stars of the show
left with Cantor, Hope, Durante,
O'Conner and Abbot & Costello
all graduating to shows of their
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be In
by 2 p.m. Friday.
- VOL. LXVII, NO. 55
General Notices
TIAA - College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association retire-
ment program who wis) to change their
contributions to the College Retirement
Equities Fund or to apply for or discon-
tinue participation in the Equities
Fund, will be able to make such changes
before Dec. 15, 1955.
Staff members who have one-fourth
or one-third of the contributions to
TIAA allocated to CREF may wish to
change to a one-half basis, or go from
the latter to a one-fourth or one-third
Late Permission: Correction on late
permission for all women students for
the Robert Shaw Chorale Concert,
November 22, 1955. Corrected time is
The Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, Dec. 5, at 8 p.m. in the
West Lecture Room of the Rackham
Building. Miss Elva Minuse, Instructor
in Epdemiology, will speak on the sub-
ject: "'Research in Respiratory Disease
The National Research Council is
offering postdoctoral research associate-
ships to provide young investigators an
opportunity for advanced training in
basic research in the physical and
mathematical sciences, and in engineer-
ing psychology and visual psychophysics.
Applicants must be citizens of the
U.S., and have completedrthe research
for the PhD or ScD degree. The as-
sociateships are tenable only at the
National Bureau of Standards in wash-
ington and Boulder. Appointments will
be for one year and the stipend will
be $6390 and subject to income tax.
Requests for application forms Yshould
be addressed to the fellowship Office,
National Academy of Sciences-National
Research Council, 2101 Constitution
Ave. N. W., Washington 25, D. C. Ap-
plications must be received by the
Council by Jan. 9, 1956.
The Chicago Chapter of the English-
Speaking Union has offered two $1000
scholarships to graduate students for
a year's research and study in the
United Kingdam. Awards will be made
in any field. The qualifications are as
follows: (1) That the Dean of the
graduate school make a recommenda-
tion (2) That the grantee be a resident
of Illinois (3) That the grantee be in a
graduate school of a representative
university in this country and that he
or she generally believes in the princi-
ples of the English Speaking Union.
Further. information and applications
from Thomas S. Tyler, First National
Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois. Mr.
Tyler should be contacted before Dec.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Francis Briggs, Mathematics; thesis:
"Semi-Topological Linear Algebras,"
Mon., Dec. 5, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Building, at 2:30 p.m. Chairman,
T. . Hildebrandt.
Events Today
Michigan Dames' Christmas Dance,
featuring Bob Olson and his Band,
Women's Athletic Building, Sat., Dec.
3 at 9:00 p.m.
Placement Notices
The following Detroit Area Schools
will have representatives at the Bureau
of Appointments for interviews:
Tues., Dec. 6:
Wyandotte, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Elementary; Chemistry-Asst. Football
(man); Girls' Physical Ed. (High
School); Speech Correction (elemen-
Associated Press News Analyst
rHE CRUDITY with which Messrs. Khruch-
chev and Bulganin turned their Indian
goodwill tour into an anti-Western campaign
is reported to have embarrassed Prime Minister
Nehru and other Indian officials.,
They laid out the red carpet for the visitors
from Moscow, only to see them walk all over
the lawn anyway.
India is trying hard to establish her neutral
position in the world. It's neutrality with leftist
1st leanings and sympathy for Russia because
Russia, too, professes to be against colonialism.
But India constantly offers herself as a media-
tor of disputes.
To have her premises used as the base of
attack by invective violates her position as a
ren's demonstrations has been questioned as
producing indoctrination during'an impression-
able period which may bode ill for the country
later. For one of the strange factors in the
Indian position iq the firm stand taken by the
government against domestic Communists while
playing footsie with them in the international
IT'S AS though Nehru is willing to take
chances abroad, for the sake of embarrassing
the West, with something he will not put up
with at home.
There is evidence, however, that the Khrush-
chev-Bulganin visit has worked in reverse both
for them and for Nehru. Right at this moment
relations with the Indian government, which is
firmly entrenched, would seem to be more im-
portant to Moscow than relations with the