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December 03, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-03

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DAC Offers Top-Notch
Dancing, Comedy
See Page 2


Latest Deadline in the State





Allies. Take
Firm Stand
In Germany
Say Determined
To Stay In Berlin
B E R L I N (P)-The Western
Powers served notice on the Rus-
sians yesterday they will hold
their bridgehead in divided Ber-
lin until all Germany is unified.
United States Ambassador James
B. Conant came from Bonn to
reiterate this pledge before a
crowded news conference in which
he also spoke for the British and
French, saying:
"The position of our govern-
ments in regard to the status of
Berlin is unchanged. We insist
that the quadripartite status of
Berlin remains unaltered."
Confers With Staff
Conant conferred with the
United States Berlin staff and with
German city officials during his
one-day visit to explore the inci-
dent which stirred the latest East-
West conflict here-the detention
of two United States congressmen
and two other Americans by Com-
munist police and Russian guards
in East Berlin last Sunday.
The ambassador said he was,
like the United States Comman-
dant in Berlin, Maj. Gen Charles
L. Dasher, amazed at the stand
Soviet commander P. A. Dibrova
took toward the incident. Dibrova
said the radio-equipped Army car
used by the congressmen and their
escort violated the laws of the
East German Communist repub-
He emphasized that the Rus-
sians regard their occupation of
East Berlin as ended.
Earlier yesterday, the Commun-
ist newspaper Neues Deutschland
declared the four-power status of
Berlin is "nonexistent."
To the Russian and the German
Communist statements, Conant re-
"I should never have imagined
that the Soviet authorities would
s allow their agents, the Volkspolizei
people's police, to take such a
discourteous and arbitrary action
against a member of the United
States command here in Berlin
and his guests."
Safe Driving
Day Results
By The Associated Press
Despite all the advance cam-
paigning Safe-Driving Day from
the, viewpoint of deadlines was
just another date on the calendar.
Sixty-nine persons died in street
and highway crashes during the
24 hours of Thursday, the target
day chosen by safety campaigners
to point up the benefits of cau-
tion. -
This was the identical number
of persons killed on Thursday, Nov.
17. The Associated Press selected
that date at random to gther
statistics for comparison with S-D
,Thursday's toll was far above
the 51 reported on the nation's
first observance of S-D Day. That
was Dec. 15, 1954.

S-D Day was one of special con-
centration on the highway traffic
death problem. President Dwight
D. Eisenhower urged caution and
his plea was echoed in special
campaigns of newspapers, radio
stations, civic groups, advertisers
and others.
In many cities police wore arm-
bands and used banners urging
safety. Many cities ' conducted
special community - wide cam-
H. B. Miller, director of the
President's Committee for Traffic
Safety, termed the toll "disappoint-
ing" but ?said he hoped it would
be a lesson for the future.
The Messiah'
At Hill Today
Handel's famous Christmas ora-



GM Leader Hi
By Auto Dealei
Industry Accused of Higb Press
In Testimony to Subcommittee
WASHINGTON (M)-President Harlow Curtice of General U
Corp., raked over the coals in public by some GM retail dealers,
fied yesterday that the-giant auto firm plays fair with everyboc
No management organization he knows of, Curtice told the S
Antitrust and Monoply sub'committee, has "a more general rega
the equities of the various groups with which we have contact-t
mers, employers, suppliers, dealers and shareholders."
Sen. Joseph C. O'Mahoney (D-Wyo.), chairman of the sui
mittee, let Curtice take the stand four hours after he showe
First the senator called for testimony in which three dealers ac
GM of treating them like "pawns and vassals," putting themi
"alhost diabolical" sales pressure \and forcing them to buy equip
they did not need.
Hears Testimony
Senator O'Mahoney said Curtice and other GM officials s

Editors Join
To Continue
rS News Flow
ure Newspaper Guild
To Publish Paper
DETROIT-A four hour meeting
between representatives of the AFL
Motors stereotypers' union and the Detroit
testi- Newspapers Publishers' Association
dy. last night failed to settle the
enate strike which shut down the city's
rd for three daily newspapers.
Gusto- Dissent apparently punctuated
the session, midway through the
bcom- meeting federal and state media-
d up. tors present told reporters the only
,d up. agreement they anticipated was
cused "maybe one to meet again Sunday
under or later." Thirty minutes later a
pment decision to reconvene at 2 p.m.
today was announced.
hould Newscasts Increase
d Meanwhile, efforts to feed news
testi-to the nation's fifth largest city
m to continued. At the Fort Shelby
Hotel newspaper editors from the
erence Times, News, and Free Press, kept
id say their news-gathering headquarters
taxes humming for the second straight!
year. day, as extra newscasts took up1
th 72 some slack.
The Detroit News management
Cur- has still made no announcement
have concerning layoffs and reporters
over continue to turn out stories, de-
educt- spite dim prospects of seeing them
alaries in print. The Associated Press has
been greatly aided by the News
ess staff,. however, in its nationwide
four ( service, it is the only one of the
suc- three papers not belonging to the$
of the newspaper guild. The Times and
rapid Free Press issued layoff notices
ustry, to their staffs yesterday.
e and New Paper Out

z r. 7 -







Red Leader
Hits WesterE
Levels Charges
In Burma Visit
By The Associated Press
Top American officials viewe
Nikita S. Khrushchev's remarks '

Hint at Veto
Of *Satellites
Nationalist China yesterday assail-
ed a proposal to admit 18 nations
to United Nations membership in
a package deal as "unconditional
surrender" to the Soviet Union.
Ambassador T. F. Tsiang, Chi-
nese delegation leader, said a reso-
lution approving the package-
including 13 Western-sponsored
countries and five Soviet satellites
-represented a . turn-around in
the UN in the face of Soviet
"This is blackmail," he told the
Assembly Special Political Com-
mittee. "The United Nations, after
all these years of struggle, is asked
by the joint draft resolution to pay
the blackmail demanded by the
Soviet Union."
Canada Backs Resolution
The resolution before the com-
mittee was sponsored by Canada
and 27 other nations, including
the African-Asian ,loc, Latin-
American, and British Common-
wealth countries.
Canada's Paul Martin has said
he is certain at least 45 countries
in the committee will approve the
18-nation package deal.
Tsiang poised a veto threat over
Soviet-supported Outer Mongolia
in his statement to the committee
but did not state specifically that
his delegation would veto the Out-'
er Mongolia application when it
reached the Security Council stage.
Hints at Veto
Tsiang even hinted at vetoing
the four other Communist satel-
lites included in the package. He
said the countries-Albania, Hun-
gary, Bulgaria and Romania-were
enslaved by Moscow, adding: "My
delegation is not prepared to share
in the responsibility for admitting
these states to the United Nations
and thereby casting a halo of ap-
proval on them."
The 13 Western-sponsored coun-
tries are Finland, Portugal, Ire-
.land, Jordan, Austria, Ceylon,. Ne-
pal, Libya, Cambodia, Laos, Spain,
Italy and Japan.
Fgr Halts Flights
At 5 p.m. yesterday a thick fog
curtain caused Willow Run offi-
cials to cancel flights for. the eve-
ning. The Michigan - MacGill
hockey game was cancelled for this
reason, when a similar fog ground-
ed the MacGill team's plane in

"have the benefit" of this
iony and he directed the
listen to it.
Curtice made no direct ref
to the dealer criticism. He di
dealers' net profits before
are now 415 million dollars a
He said this compared wi
million dollars in 1940.
During the postwar period
tice continued, GM dealers
had profits before taxes of
five billion dollars, after d
ing one billion of owners' sa
and bonuses.
Four Reasons For Succ
Curtice said there were
principal reasons for'GM's
cess. The dynamic growthc
country, the even more
growth of the automobile ind
GM's management structur
GM's approach to problems
GM's approach to problems
tice said, "is really an attiti
mind. It assumes that every
and anything-whether it be
uct, process, method, procedi
social or human relations C
One of the recurring comp
the subc mmittee has heard
dealer witnesses is that the
sometimes arbitrarily depriv
their franchises to sell GM
IPubli~c Gir
Farm Ide
of Agriculture Ezra T. Benso
received nearly 2,400 letters
sponse to his recent request
the public write him its ide
the farm problem.
Reporting this yesterday
Agriculture Department sai
plies ranged from strong en
ment of the secretary an
policies to demands that her
They came from all sectic
the country, from city fol
well as farmers and women a
as men. A few came from
bers of Congress.


1 2t Y

ude of
ure or
an be
y are
ved of
n has
in re-
as on
, the
d re-
d his
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ks as
s well

The Detroit Reporter, published ' ti
by the newspaper guild of Detiroit, a
made its bow on Detroit news-

Surprises Detroit with Papers

stands early this morning, in a
new effort to provide local news
to a city choked off from what had
been a daily habit.
Out of town papers also increased
Detroit allotments, although the
extent was not known.
Overtime Sought
Working conditions, not wages,j
are the'cause of the strike. Stereo-
typers are asking that work norm-
ally done during slack periods well
in advance of the day of publica-,
tion, be done after their regular
shift, at time and a half for thej
overtime,. This is aimed notably
at Sunday issues, a bulk of which
is set up in advance to clear the
way for spot news Saturday night.
. .
* Ah*!
NEW YORK (A')-Santa Claus
has been blamed as a prime
causer of bad colds. H. J. Ban-
non, research director of Grove
Laboratories, Inc., said the
year's. big'gest. cold. epidemic
always starts up right after the
hectic Christmas shopping per-

America Not Discovered
By Columbus - Corteseo
"America was not discovered by Columbus!" Dr. Armando Cor-
teseo, of the University of Coimbra in Portugual. conmmented yester-
day in a University Lecture at Clements Library.
Dr. Corteseo, who isiamong the foremost authorities of the world
in the field of history of Portugese maps and Portugese navigations of
the 15th and 16th centuries, spoke on the topic "America in Maps
before Columbus."
Much of the lecture, which was co-sponsored by the Departments
of Geography and History, was based on an Italian map printed in
/ ,1 A r 'IA m . rn.. h .ns'cr.L Ato 6 A

Special to the Daily{
DETROIT -- The man smiled,4
amused, at the paper the coed
was selling, and hurried through
the revolving doors of the Fisher
Building to his day of office toil.
Suddenly he was back, saying,
"I think I'll take one of those."
He handed over a nickel for a
paper the girl, a staff member of
The Daily, was advertising as "the
only morning newspaper in De-
troit today, with details on the
newspaper strike."
Evidently having steeled them-
selves to proceeding through the
day without a local newspaper for
the first time in their lives, De-
troiters were taken by surprise by
the appearance of The Daily on
the streets.
Some bought out of curiosity;
another said, "Have to have some-
thing to read." Many wondered
what it was and listened to ex-
planations of the student news-
Seeks ew
Farm Pltan
E. Capehart (R-Ind.) proposed
yesterday that hungry people of
the world be fed with the food
stacked up in America's storage
He said he knows of no better
way to,use the surpluses that have
accumulated, to the benefit of the
needy at home and abroad as well
as the American farmer.
Capehart coupled with the char-
ity program a proposal that pro-
duction quotas be imposed on
American farms until the surplus
is cut down to a reasonable bal-
ance with consumption needs. '
The Indiana Republican, who
owns a 2,400-acre farm himself,
told a news conference that Sec-
retary of Agriculture B e n s o n
"should have been more bold" in
attacking the problem of falling
farm prices.
"He should have asked for more
action on the part of congress,"
Capehart added. At the same time
he said he was not singling Benson
out for criticism.
Capehart said he knows some-
thing personally of the farm situa-
tion. He said that last Monday he
sold some hogs for $11.25 a hun-
dred pounds, the lowest level in

paper by reporters-turned-news-
boys. Others said, "I'm John
Smith, '38" or "Used to be on The
Daily," or "Is that The Daily? Do
you know so and so?"
The Daily had left its press run-
ning a few minutes longer yester-
day morning and took 2,400 extra
copies into. Detroit for sale 'at the
Fisher Building and in the down-
town area.
Reaction was varied. Some
snorted. Others thought it a good
idea. "Opportunist," someone
sneered. The chief of police bought
a copy. Local newscasts told De-
troiters The Daily had been there
with a "comprehensive coverage
of national and international
Ikse Confers
With Top Aids,
GETTYSBURG, Pa. (P)-Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower talked
over the nation's defenses for 75'
minutes yesterday with his two
top nilitary advisers, who had.
narrowly escaped injury on the
slippery, 80-mile drive from Wash-
The conference, with Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson and
Adm. Arthur W. Radford, took
place in the President's newly bul-
let-proofed office here.
Today President Eisenhower will
have separate meetings wtih Re-
"ublican leaders of Senate and
House. His 11 a.m. date with Sen.
William F. Knowland of California
takes top place in speculation in
view of the Republican Senate
leader's repeated efforts to get the
President to give an early "yes or
no" on whether he will seek re-.

news," and that it wouldbe back
again today Q with 3,000 more
But, because other papers, es-
pecially the suddenly formed De-
troit Reporter, will be published
today to fill the void left by the
strike of Detroit's three dailies,
The Daily is staying home today,
while staff members catch up on
their sleep.
:labor Unions
Vote Merer
NEW YORK (gP)-CIO conven-
tion delegates, singing "Solidarity'
Forever," yesterday ended a 20-
year 'split in union labor by ap-
proving a long-awaited merger
with the AFL.
CIO delegates voted 660-3 for
the merger, which the AFL had
approved unanimously a day ear-
lier. Separate AFL and CIO con-
ventions came to an end and both
groups prepared to meet Monday
in a week-long joint session.
The historic merger action, weld-
ing 140 unions into a 16-million-
member federation, climaxed two
years of active negotiations. The
basic merger agreement was reach-
ed last February in Miami Beach,
Fla., and it took until now to
complete it.
The new organization is called
the American Federation of Labor
and Congress of Industrial Organ-
The CIO was formed into a rival
labor group over two decades ago
by AFL unions which seceded be-
cause they wanted to' organize
workers in whole industries. The
AFL unions are organized along
craft lines.

Burma yesterday as a shocking
blunder which would backfire
against Russia.
They said Khrushchev's bitter
remarks could wipe out much of
the good will he and Soviet Pre-
mier Nikolai Bulganin have built
up during their Asiatic tour.
.Khrushchev's earlier b 1 a s t
against the West while touring In-
dia, they believed, already had
embarrassed Prime Minister Nehru
in his efforts to keep his country
neutral in the East-West conflict.
Blasts Western Traditions
In Rangoon yesterday Khrush-
chev broke through a devout
silence among meditating Budd-
hists with an outburst. against
American, British and French
people and traditions.
The setting was the Shwe Dagon
Pagoda, 2,500 years old and the
foremost of Birmese shrines. Wor-
shippers traditionally preserve
silence there.
Khrushchev stormed against
what he called the stupidity;. .
the western nations as lie sat down
after his climb. At the end of his
outburst the Soviet Communist
party boss was gasping for wo*s.
Bulganin Silent k
Soviet Premier Nkolai Bulgan-
in, touring Burma and India with
Khrushchev, sat silently as the
party chief unleashed his barbs
during a conversation he started
with the Burmese ambassador to
Russia, Maung Ohn, and into
which he drew accompanying for
eign correspondents.
At one point Khrushchev's fade
was a strong pink. Pointing wildly
with a stubby finger he declaimed
on colonialism, a favorite subect
of his.
"We Russians are the only ones
that are always fighting for the
cause against colonialism."
Questions Red Leader
"What about Latvia and Es-
tonia?" asked a French news-
"You don't know what's going.
on inside East Germany," Khrush-
chev replied. "What the East Ger-
mans are doing you would not un-
derstand because you are a paid
slave writer of capitalism. If you
wanted to write something good
about Russia, you would starve
to death-because the capitalist
press would refuse to print it."
"Russia always tells the truth,"
he continued. "But when we tell
the truth, the colonizers don't like
it. They don't like the naked truth.
We will always be doing and say-
Ing the truth because we don't like
The Burmese ambassador broke
in to say, "we in Burma are able
to sift the truth from propaganda."
He did not pursue the point.
State Department Holds Fire
The State Department, while
carefully n o t i n g Khrushchev's
words, declined to comment on his
remark that there are "soige very
stupid people in America."
Likewise, th department held
its fire on his accusation that Am-
ericans tried to persuade a visiting
Soviet architect to defect to the
United States.
Galens' Drive
Below Quota
Yesterday's bad weather caused
the intake for the first Galens'
Society tag day to fall below its
quota. "
Dick Reilley, '56M, chairman of
the Galens' Drive, said the total
intake was $3,100.00. He said on

14m4. This map, brought to Ann
SE T TLE DIFFERENCES: Arbor from Minneapolis for the
lecture, showed what Corteseo be-
lieves to be the first cartographical
Gov.W illiamsStevenson representation of America ever
C s iopictured.
Corteseo pointed out two islands
/ on the map, one of which was An-
tilia, an ancient mythical "Island
of the Seven Cities" located by
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)-Adlai Stevenson and Gov. G.. Mennen Europeans in the unknown west
Williams said yesterday they are willing to talk over their differences and later identified with certain
of opinion as to the type of presidential campaign the Democrats islands discovered by Columbus.
should conduct in 1956. The University of Lisbon gradu-
d ate believed that the Portugese
Stevenson, 1952 Democratic nominee, is an announced candidate reached America when, by at-
for renomination next year while Williams is being boomed as a tempting to avoid the trade winds
possible nominee. blowing south along the coast of
Stevenson's statement at Chicago Nov. 19 calling for a program Africa, they were carried too far

World News Roundup
MOSCOW - The Supreme Soviet Parliament of the U.S.S.R.
was summoned yesterday to meet in special session Dec. 23.
Western diplomats believe it is intended to provide a forum for
Premier Nikolai Bulganin and party boss Nikita Khrushchev to re-
poit in a full blaze of publicity on their current jaunt to India, Burma
and Afghanistan.
PARIS - The French Cabinet yesterday set Jan. 2 as the date
for general elections to name a new National Assembly.
The announcement came after a day of intense political maneuv-
I ering over constitutional interpretations in an effort to avoid voting
on Christmas or New Year's Day.
The Council State apparently gave the Cabinet the l4titude


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