C e ,
aske tball
ยข. Daily Sports Editor
THE FRESHLY-PAINTED grey door with the golden "Michigan"
lettered neatly across it swung open.
Out of it jostled a seemingly unending line of blue-clad figures,
clattering their way on ice skates down the scarred linoleum runway.
At the end of it came an eskimo-like figure with an unlit cigar
clenched between his teeth. This man, and the group of athletes
which preceded him, will be the subject of much conversation from
now to March.
Wherever college hockey is talked, in Grand Forks, in Minneapolis,
in Colorado Springs and Denver, in Houghton and East Lansing, and
of course here in Ann Arbor-the subject is M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N, in
capital letters.
In just two short days, tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m., to be exact,
Michigan hockey goes into the national spotlight-and it won't be
turned off for quite a while.
Vic Heyliger's defending national champions, who take on McGill
University of Montreal this weekend in a two-game exhibition series
down at the Hill Street Coliseum-are certainly deserving of all the
pre-season praise that has been lavished on them.
This is the rags-to-riches team that last season, consisting mostly
of sophomores, put together a string of 10 straight wins to capture
the NCAA crown at Colorado Springs' swank Broadmoor rink.
They are all back-every last one of them except Bill Lucier, a
spare goalie. Added to them are some of the most highly touted
sophomores in over a decade.
Largest Team Since 1945...
THE SQUAD, last year shorthanded to the point of absurdity, is
now at its largest since 1945. Fifteen men will suit up for the
McGill battles. Four more wait in the wings if needed.
Many observers are sure that this is potentially the greatest
Michigan hockey juggernaught of all time. With three of the slickest
skating lines in Wolverine history, a deep corps of five defensemen,
the best goalie in the business, the top coach in the college game
today, and by all odds the greatest tradition in the collegiate hockey
world behind them-is it any wonder that title talk is rampant?
We went down to the Coliseum yesterday evening to get the
opening game picture-and we came away impressed to say the least.
Not only is all of this true-but most of last year's scrappers have
improved manifold according to Heyliger, and the soph talent is
, more than impressive.
t The veteran coach, who has steered Michigan to five national
titles in the last eight years, is still not the most optimistic soul in the
world, however.
"Look atfootball" Heyliger warned. "They said that Michigan
would be in the Rose Bowl-that it was of national title timber-all
of this long before a single game was played." You never know in the
sports world," Heyliger added. Rolling his cigar in his mouth he
emphasized-"you just never know."
The black-haired ex-Michigan captain, and one time Chicago
Blackhawk star, began peeling his practice outfit (he actually gets
out there and mixes it up with the boys) and went on t evaluate the
league race for us.
"Sure we are good-I won't deny that. We've got our best team in
years. But don't think the rest of our league isn't good-they are
all going to be gunning for us, too."
Denver and Colorado College are loaded-and Michigan Tech
and Minnesota are plenty dangerous too North Dakota has a real
strong nucleus back-and Michigan State always plays their heart
out against us," the genial coach commented.-
Tough Ones Come Early...
T ALSO is fairly obvious that once again Michigan is in for some
early season pressure. The Wolverines play four "two-point" games
within the span of six days.
Before Michigan goes home for Christmas, the Heyligermen may
be so far out in front that no one will see them-or they may be in for
some serious trouble.
Two of the strongest hinderances to Michigan's title drive block
the way. The Wolverines f-ly to Grand Forks to take on North Dakota
in the opening league series next weekend. Then on Tuesday and
Wednesday night the following week, mighty Denver comes into Ann
Arbor for a crucial two game series. This will make-or maybe break
the Wolverines.
Pessimism or optimism, roadblocks or set-ups, the picture is still
a good one. Michigan is so potentially strong that it may conceivably
go unbeaten. "Good" teams however, often have bad moments, but
we still believe that these will be far and few between.
Michigan fandom will have a chance to see for themselves, begin-
ning tomorrow night. Of one thing we can be sure, however. Win or
lose, Michigan ice hockey is well worth the 60 cent admission fee.
Just try it and see.
P. 0
Prom~s1 Newc111rs
Former Star
Gi Te .JYeA.JWagner Ill
Give Cagers Added Detath ,
Z7 I
speed afoot he can be compared
to Don Eaddy of last year's team.
Six sophomores, two of possible
starting caliber, promise ney : but he is faster with his hands.
depth for Michigan's perennial
last division basketball squad.
Pete Tillotson, 6'6", and Bill
Wright, 5'11", are the two sopho-
mores to whom coach Bill Perigo
Wright will probably start at
1 guard along with Captain Tom
Good Defensive Player
"Wright is one of the best team
men I've seen, and is very good
... captain on "new" line
Icers To Play
Heyliger Reshuffles
Offense For McGill
By Lynne Towle
A veteran hockey team with sev-
eral sophomore additions returns
to the ice here tomorrow against
McGill University.
This season Coach Vic Heyliger
plans on using three offensive
lines rather than the two under-
handed lines he had last year.
Moving into'the first line com-
bination is Wally Maxwell, whom
Heyliger claims to be the bestI
sophomore prospect on the squad.
He will be installed at right wing
'along with Bill MacFarland. senior
captain, and junior Dick Dunni-
Sophomores Ed Switzer and Neil
McDonald, along with junior Tom
Rendall, will complete the second!
line. Switzer and McDonald, who
both come from Preston, Ontario.
played together in high school.
"They are a good passing com-
bination and both have good
shots," says Heyliger. "McDonald
has found it a little difficult to
play in the early practice sessions
due to lack of stamina, but he is
slowly building it up," he added.,
Rendall was moved back from
the first line to give the second,
line more balance.
McIntosh Improved
On the third line will be sopho-
more center Don McIntosh with
senior Jay Goold and junior Jerry
Karpinka. Heyliger terms McIn-
tosh his most improved player.
Heading the defense is junior
Another For Hoppy
Howard "Hopalong" Cassady,
Ohio State's All-America half-
back, yesterday was selected to
receive the Robert W. Maxwell
Club award as the number one
college football player of the
goalie Lorne Howes who proved
himself spectacular last season.
Neil Buchanan will shift back
and forth from offense to defense;
this season, as the team's key
utility man.
Bob Schiller and Bob Pitts will
alternate on defense with Mike
Buchanan and Bernie Hanna.
Sophomore Roger Romses will act
as reserve goal tender.
plans to give starting assignments defensively," says Perigo. "He isn't
barring no injury between today hitting the basket as well as he
and game time this Saturday night should lately, but this ought to
pick up."
in Pittsburgh. With star Jim Barron's knee still
Tillotson at Foiward keeping him from full action, two
Perigo is planning to use Tillot- more sophomores who should play
a good deal are Randy Tarrier and
son at forward with Ron Kramer Bob Sullvian. Tarrier, a 6'5" for-
and Jerry Stern. He will work at ,ward is the fastest big man that
the center slot when Kramer is not Perigo has. Perigo plans on work-
playing. ing Terrier and Milt Lingle in the
".Tillotson works very well on forward slot when Stern or Kram-
the boards and is a good shot," er are out.
says Perigo. "He was a little slow Sullivan will play substitute
when he came out of high school, guard along with junior Jim
but he has worked so hard and has Shearon. Sullivan, who is 6'0" and
so much desire to play well that stocky, is a little slow but handles
this deficiency has been about the ball well and is a good shot.
licked." The other two sophomores who
Billy Wright is far from slow. In will add to Perigo's squad when
-- - - -- -they have accumulated a little
more experience are forward Don
A vt n r Carl, 6'3", and guard Gene Honey-
man, 6'0". Both are "coming along
very fast" according to Perigo.
To Com pete Honeyman broke all the scoring
records at his high school in Ot-
I n iA IM eet tawa, Illinois, and , should round
into shape soon.
G;reat Ex-Shortstop
In Serious Condition
By The Associated Press
Honus Wagner. 81. considered
by many to be the greatest short-
stop ever to wear a Major League
uniform, is seriously ill at his
home in Pittsburgh, Pa.
"The Flying Dutchman," as he
was nicknamed, accidentally fell
in his home two months ago, and
has been confined to his bed ever
Wagner spent 21 years in the
Major Leagues, and hit over .300
in 17 of them. He led the Na-
tional League in batting eight
times reaching a peak of .380 in
1900. The Pittsburgh star, who
was elected by the nation's sports
writers to the Hall of Fame in 1936,
compiled a lifetime batting aver-
age of .329.
Despite his rather bow-legged
appearance, Wagner moved with
Detroit 3, Toronto 3
New York 6, Chicago 1
tremendous agility in the field and
he possessed a terrifically power-
ful arm. He led the League in
stolen bases twice, stealing 61 in
It is interesting to note that
his aging years apparently did not
slow him down too much, for he
won the League batting title in
1911 when he was 37 years old.
Kramer, MIaenitz Get Honors,
By The Associated Prs
blasted his way from the brink of
Michigan ends Ron Kramer and defeat last night.
Tom Maentz were named to the He s t o p p e d lethal-punching
1955 All-Midwestern football team Tony DeMarco of Boston in 1:54
by the Associated Press yesterday, of the 12th round of another vic-
The rest of the team is as fol- ious title battle.
lows: tackles, Cal Jones (Iowa),
and Jim Parke' (Ohio State); Hurt repeatedly in the fiery
guards, Bo Bolinger (Oklahoma), scrap and reeling from the 23-
and Pat Bisceglia (Notre Dame) ; year - old Bostonian's p o w e r
center,.Jim Mense (Notre Dame); punches in the seventh round, the
a (Michigan 28-year-old Marine from Canas-
State), Howard Cassady (Ohio tota, N.Y., chopped down his op-
State), Tommy McDonald (Okla- ponent twice in the 12th to send
Sta),anTommyMchoalder(okrea- referee Mel Manning to the local
homa), and Don Schaefer (Notre pride's rescue.
Dame). t-1 tet
Kramer*also was recently named Basilio was trailing on the three
to Frank Leahy's All-American officials' cards for the first 11
squad. rounds.
...swim team co-captain
Swimming fans will have their
first chance to see the Wolverine
Tigers in Trade
swimmers in action this Saturday, The Detroit Tigers brought
when the 21st Annual Gala Michi- pitcher Virgil Trucks "backhome"
gan AAU Swimming Champion, yesterday, as they obtained him
ships are held. from the Chicago White Sox, in
The meet, which will consist of exchange for John (Bubba) Phil-
both men's and women's compe- lips.
tition, as well as a special high Trucks, a 36 year old veteran,
school event, will commence at was in the Detroit system from
2:30 Saturday afternoon at the 1938 until 1952, when he was trad-
Varsity Pool. The finals will be ed to the St. Louis Browns. Last
held that evening at 8:30. season, he compiled a 13-8 record,
Back again, and getting their and had an ERA of 3.96. Phillips,
first taste of competition this sea- a young utility outfielder, was in
son, are 10 lettermen, led by the 95 games last year, and had a .234
famed Wardrop twins, Jack and batting average.
Bert. Captaining the squad this
year will be freestyler John * * *
O'Reilly and Mike Delaney. Basilio Fights Back
This year will maik the second BOSTON-In almost a duplicate
season under coach Gus Stager of his title winning effort, welter-
and diving coach Bruce Harlan. [weight champion Carmen Basilio
Night Editor
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