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November 29, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-29

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Sixty-Sixth Year

An Apple For The Teacher

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
ad represen't the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, NOVEMBER 29, 1955.


More Than Just Principle
In Williams' W ords

VHEN Governor Mennen Williams was adopt-
ed as a blood brother of the Iroquois Indian
ation at the New York State Fair this past
mier, he was presented by a squaw with a
oven mat of designs.
In response to the interpretation of one of
.e symbols that he would someday go to
ashington, the newly admitted tribe Iember
,id with an air'of certainty that it might not
too long before he did see a little more of
e nation's capitol.
Though the Indian squaw has vanished from
.e political scene, she cannot help but be
leered by the events of the past week. For
overnor Williams attack on "the spirit of
hicago," personified by Adlai Stevenson, is not
erely a statement of principle but also some
ry clever political card-playing.
In aligning himself with Senator Kefauver
id New York's Governor Harriman, the bow-
d Michigan governor both criticized Steven-
n's plea for "moderation" in considering
itional issues, and at the same time strength-
led the hunches of many that the 1956 Demo-
atic ticket would be a Harriman-Williams
Though the amiable senator from Tennessee
aintains the general philosophy that the Re-
blicans should be strongly chastised wherever
>propriate, he would be not as vocal as Averill
arriman in any attacks upon the opposition.
Realizing that Harriman is the most likely
Loice of the "anti-moderation" clan at the
nvention, Governor Williams performed a
.rewd piece of strategy in hitting at "the
nid, the temporizers, the compromisers."
"HOUGH Governor Harriman has said that
he would not "work" for the nomination,
at he is not an "active" candidate, it seems
at this should be qualified with "at least, not
esently." He apparently has more purpose
his current speaking tour than a mere desire
aid the Democratic Party in general. He is
tting himself up as the beneficiary of any
ture ill winds blown toward Stevenson.
Nothing need be said about Governor Wil-
ams desire to accept whatever may come his
ay. Most tangible position for him at present
the vice-presidency.
The current Harriman-Williams "anti-mod-
ation" campaign seems to be designed pri-
arily to take advantage of any setbacks
3nded to Stevenson before the convention
ext summer. These setbacks could come as
,rly as the first Democratic primary.

It is conceivable that Harriman and Williams
offered their criticisms with the sole intent of
convincing the only announced candidate to
get out of the middle of the road before he
gets hit. It is also conceivable that they believe
Stevenson the best candidate if he is willing
to wage an all-out offensive against the GOP.
But it seems more possible that Harriman-
Williams and company are more than just
looking with longing eyes on acquiring their
party's nomination.
THEIR political courtship of Harry Truman
has reaped more than a few benefits with
such statements as "There is no such word as
'moderation' or 'middle-of-the-road' in the
Democratic vocabulary." Truman has not with-
drawn from the political scene and the gover-
nors of the Empire and Wolverine states are,
well aware of this.
The "give-'em-hell" practices of the man
from Missouri are more evident in the Harri-
man-Williams philosophy than the announced
tactics of the present titular head of the
Democratic Party.
In his Saturday night speech before the
Colorado Young Democrats, Governor Williams
said, "I am made heartsick by those in my
own party who do not militantly resist the
spurious doctrine that, so long as our aged
have some security-so long as our unemploy-
ment is below the critical level part of the time
-our job is done, we can rest. I would rather
be hanged as a rebel in the ranks of those
fighting for a fuller life for all of our people
than to hold a commission in the Army of
general apathy and general despair."
His whole speech was reminiscent of the
reasons for his election successes in Michigan.
Many are dubious of "Soapy's" capabilities
as an administrator and spokesman for his
state. Few debate his prowess as a politician
and a popular public figure.
Following his visit to the New York fair, it
was heavily rumored that the main reason for
his visit to New York was not to become a
membe rof the Iroquois tribe, but more to talk
with one Averell Harriman on the possibilities
o fteamwork in the coming national conven-
By joining the New York governor in turning
thumbs down on any "national coffee break,"
Mennen Williams placed himself firmly in the
running for any political favors that may be
thrown his way.

to the
Too Much Tension...
To the Editor:
I DON'T think our football play-
ers are guilty of any unsports-
manlike conduct ...
We worked ourselves into a ter-
rific Rose Bowl tension, we were
dealt a brutal blow, and the dis-
appointment was great. If we can't
accept this sort of thing it might
serve more purpose to examine our
whole attitude toward this "game
of glory" and its prper status on
the college level rather than take
out our feelings on guys already
at the bottom of the heap.
-Robert Wasserman, Grad.
Everyone's Right ...
To the Editor:
VOTED the other day. I voted
for my representatives to
"SCL" or "PDQ" or some club of
like nature.
I was thoroughly prepared to
cast my ballot. I had sufficient
opportunity to gaze upon pictures
and determine whose face most
appealed to my pslitical senses.
I had ample time to compare sta-.
tistics and organize in my, mind
such relevant points as beauty,
"affiliation," "blotter philanth-
ropy" and finger nail file distri-
I earnestly pressed forward
through the chaos surrounding
my precinct. I proudly accepted
ballot and pencil while I carefully
eluded bumping into some gentle-
man clothed in 17th Century at-
tire, who was telling everyone who
was voting that they should be
I secretly made my way to a
lonely portion of the table. I care-
fully considered all of the candi-
dates. I scratched my head in
conscientious deliberation; only
it wasn't my head. It belonged to
the fellow standing behind me.
He smiled knowlingly and placed
a number somewhere upon my
ballot. I struck out at him blindly.
How dare he infringe on my voting
rights !
How important was my decision!
How well I realized my responsi-
bilities! How cautiously I flipped
my dime! Time and again it re-
turned to my hand to spell out the
fate of some deserving dandi-
date .. .
I folded my ballot, I handed it
to a disinterested party who was
concerned only with the efficiency
I had displayed in folding it. She
examined my attempts quite care-
fully, opening and refolding sev-
eral times. Finally, having decided
that I had done a noteworthy job,
she placed my ballot in a sturdy,
card-board box bound tightly with
chains and string and scotch tape.
As I moved proudly away from
the table some fellowclasped my
hand warmly and uttered words
of thanks. I was ot able to ascer-
tain for what reasn this was done.
I finally broke free of the mob
. . I had voted!
-Barry Saltzman
There will be a short meet-
ing for all reviewers and car-
toonists at 7 p.m. Wednesday
in The Daily Conference room.
It is important that all at-
tend. Anyone else interested

in trying out for these posi -
tions are also welcome at the


'0sflr'* J..'ta) POST


Hassle Over Schools Credit

. Shortage of Education: I

THE White House Conference on
Education, widely advertised
as the greatest educational event
since Plato founded the academy
2,000 years ago, is convening in
Washington this week. A
However, unlike Plato's Greeks
who founded democracy, it first
proposed to keep some of its mem-
bers gagged. The Congressmen
who have to introduce the legisla-
tion to carry out any aid-to-edu-
cation program found themselves
unable to debate as delegates, and
raised such a storm of protest that
Conference officials went into a
quick reverse.
"I am affronted by this invita-
tion and will not attend," said
Congressman Frank Thompson of
New Jersey, Democrat. He de-
scribed the gag rule as "approach-
ing an insult."
* . *
"UNLESS I have the status of a
delegat and can participate in
the discussions of the Confer-
ence," wrote Congressman Cleve-
land Bailey of West Virginia with
irate brevity, "I would prefer to
remain in a position where I can
continue to support the legislation
approved by the House Commit-
tee on Education a few days prior
to the adjournment of Congress."
Congressman Jimmy Roosevelt
of California said he was "indig-
nant," while Mrs. Edith Green of
Oregon decided to remain in Port-
As a result, the White House
gave them full delegate status.
* * *
BEHIND the White House Con-

ference on Education and the ef-
fort to silence Congressmen is
some interesting history. It in-
volves a vigorous hassle over who
can take the credit for aiding edu-
Last winter at the urging of Mrs.
Ageies Meyer, a personal friend of
the President and a strong booster
for better schools, Ike included a
brief reference to schools in his
State of the Union message. How-
ever, Democratic leaders branded
this totally inadequate and pro-
ceeded to introduce their own
School Aid Bill.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Hobby, then
Secretary of Health, Education,
and Welfare, had hung back. She
did not want legislation in 1955,
but only after she could hold a
big White House Conference on
Education such as scheduled to
open today. She had even taken
the extreme step, earlier, of for-
bidding her Commissioner of Edu-
cation, Sam Brownell, from testi-
fying at a Congressional hearing.
* * *
MEANWHILE, Sen. Lister Hill
of Alabama told Mrs. Hobby that
the educational world already had
held seven conferences, that every-
one knew what the school needs
were, and there was no use wait-
ing for more conferences.
Finally, to head off the Demo-
crats, President Eisenhower sent
a special message to Congress
recommending a meager school bill
for 1955. It did not go nearly as
far as his multibillion-dollar high-
way program however, and later,
after the Supreme Court segrega-

tion decision, Southern Democrats
also got cold feet and proceeded
to stymie school construction.
Northern Democrats still pushed
it. But, caught between unen-
thusiastic Republicans and unen-
thusiastic Southern Democrats, the
School Bill was never passed.
So, with Mrs. Hobby now out of
government, the White House Con-
ference which she so wanted con-
venes today.
* * *
den, North Carolina Democrat, a
great booster of aid to schools be-
fore the Supreme Court Segrega-
tion decision, moved adroitly to get
Northern school-minded Congress-
men out of town before today's ses-
sion. He scheduled a tempting
junket to Puerto Rico for his Edu-
cation and Labor Committee to
study minimum wage needs there.
Barden once got more criticism
from Cardinal Spellman and Cath-
olic leaders than any other public
figure except Mrs. Roosevelt, by
pushing Federal Aid to Education.
But since the Supreme Court de-
cision he has been just the opposite.
The Catholic College of Bishops
recently meeting in Washington
issued a strong statement that
parochial schools should be includ-
ed in any federal aid. As a re-
sult, the separation - of - church -
and-state issue is certain to enter
the educatiol debate when Con-
gress reconvenes, and since many
Northern Democrats come from
Catholic areas, it may influence
their position too.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell syndicate, Inc.)

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication, Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Tues., Dec. 13.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Dec. 5.
Late Permission for women students
who attended the Shaw Chorale Concert
on Tues., Nov. 22 will be no later than
11 p.m.
TIAA - College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association retire-
ment program who wish to change their
contributions to the College Retirement
Equities Fund or to apply for or discon-
tinue participation in the Equities
Fund, will be able to make such changes
before Dec. 15, 1955.
Staff members who have one-fourth
or one-third of the contributions to
TIAA allocated to CREF may wish to
change to a one-half basis, or go from
the latter to a one-fourth or one-third
The Air Force Officer Qualification
Test (Stanine) required for admission
to the advanced corps of AFROTO
Cadets, will be given Thurs. and Fri.,
Dec. 1 and 2 in Kellogg Auditorium.
Testing periods extend from 7:0 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Attendance at both ses-
sions is mandatory.
Tryouts for the fiftieth Annual French
Tryouts for the fiftieth Annual
French Play will be held on Tues., Nov.
29 and Wed., Nov. 30 from 3:00 to 5:15
p.m. in Room 408, Romance Language
Building. All students with some know-
ledge of French eligible.
Student Government Council: Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting held
Nov. 22.
Approved: Minutes of meeting of Nov.
Elected: Officers as follows: Presi-
dent, Hank Berliner, Vice-President,
Joel Tauber, Treasurer, Bill Adams.
Appointed: To Student Activities
Scholarship Board: George Davidson (2
years), Barbara McGrath (2 years),
Henry Aughey (1 year), Merrill Kauf-
man (1 year) temporary chairman, John
Wrona, alternate.
Accepted recommendations of Struc-
ture Study Committee relating to in-
ternal committee structure, establishing
the following committee areas:
Responsible to the Vice President:
Educational and Social Welfare, Na-
tional and International Affairs, Co-
ordination and Counseling Committee,
Student Representation Committee.
Responsible to the Treasurer: Publi
Relations, Campus Affairs, Finance,
Administrative Wing.
Authorized Election Committee to
continue as a study committee.
Approved: Philippine-Michigan Club
dance, Dec. 9,,League Ballroom.
Disciplinary Action in cases of student
misconduct: At meetings held on Oct.
25, Nov. 1, 10 and 15, cases involving
three students and two organizations
were heard by the Joint Judiciary
Council. In all cases the action was
approved by the University Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline.
Violation of state laws and city
ordinances relatingto the purchase,
sale and use of Intoxicants:
a. Conduct unbecoming a student-
consumed intoxicants as a minor on
University property and appeared in-
toxicated in a public place. One student
fined $10 and warned.
b. Presence of women and intoxicants
in a fraternity house-fined $150 and
c. Presence of women and intoxicants
in a fraternity house-fined $650, placed
on probation for remainder of semester
-prohibited from holding any social
affairs until the end of the semester
but this probation not to interfere with
d. Conduct unbecoming a student in
that attempted to purchase intoxicants
with a falsified I.D. card-since parti-
ally supporting student fined $20 with
$10 suspended-warned.
a. Conduct unbecoming a student in
that he aided two alumni members of
fraternity in taking a trophy from an-
otherefraternity house-fined $15 and
a. In three cases referred to the
Joint Judiciary Council, the Council
voted to take no action.

Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Feb. 18, 1956
administration of the Law School Ad-
mission Test are now available at 110
Rackham Building. Application blanks
are due in Princeton, N. J. no later
than Feb. 8, ,1956.
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Nov.
29, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H.
Prof. Heinz Hopf, of the Swiss Federal
'Institute of Technology, will speakron
"The Problem of Closed Surfaces with
Constant Mean Curvature." Coffee and
tea at 3:45 in 3212 A.H.
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,
Nov. 29 at 4:10 p.m., Room 2308 Chem-
istry Building. Dr. Edith Muller will
speak on "The Spectrum of the Sun."
Sociology Colloquium. "Stability and
Change in Postwar Germany," Morris
Janowitz, Wed., Nov. 30. East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham, 4:10 p.m.
Botanical Seminar. Dr. John F. David-
son. Department of Botany, University
of Nebraska, will speak on "A Taxono-
mist's Excursion into Plant Serology,"
Wed., Nov. 30 at 4:15 p.m. In Room 1139
Natural Science. Refreshments at 4:00
Doctoral Examination for Ralph Ed-
win Billett, Education; thesis: "A Sur-
vey of Health and Physical Education
Programs in the Public Elementary
Schools tof Ohio by Means of the La-
Porte Score Card," Wed., Nov. 30, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker.


THIS WEEK some, 2,000 educators and lay-
men, drawn from all the states, will be in
Washington to attend the White House con-
ference on education. They have already taken
part in a series of local and state conferences,
and this is, so to speak, a meeting at the
summit. They have been called together by
President Eisenhower who has had from
Congress approval of the conference and an
appropriation to pay for it.
The reason for the conference is that educa-
tion in this country is in serious trouble and
big measures will be required to cure the
trouble. It is the business, indeed it is the duty,
of the White House conference to report to the
President "making ,recmmendations insofar
as possible" for the "solution.. . of significant
and pressing problems in the field of educa-
THE AGENDA of the conference covers al-
most every aspect of education from cur-
riculum to finance. This raises a general and.
over-riding question. It is whether the confer-
ence will try to say a little something about
everything or whether it will resolutely face up
to the hard but essential task of making recom-
mendations on the biggest problems about
which the Federal government can do some-
The leaders of this conference will have
missed the bus-the bus provided for them by
the President and Congress-if they scatter
their energy over the whole enormous field of
education. They will have made the old mistake
of talking about so many things that few will
remember that they have talked about any-
thing. They will have missed the bus, too, if
instead of coming to a decision on the practical
problemswhich concern the Federal govern-
ment most immediately, they are content to
use the White House as the sounding board
for giving more publicity to problems which
have already had immense publicity.
It is nearly two years since President Eisen-
hower asked Congress to approve this confer-
ence. The time has now come to form a policy
and take a decision. What policy? A policy
which shapes the relation of the Federal gov-
ernment to the support of the schools.
THERE is a strange notion afloat in the land

lands had been surveyed "there shall be re-
served the lot number sixteen of every town-
ship for the maintenance of public schools
within said township."
The list of Federal statutes providing aid for
education is a long one. It includes the land
grant colleges, vocational training, veterans
education, and aid to support schools in areas
affected by Federal activities, such as defense
There is no new principle involved. The ques-
tion is whether Federal aid is necessary and,
if it'is, how Federal aid is to be given to the
schools while avoiding Federal control and
Federal domination of the schools.
THERE is a grave shortage in American edu-
cation of which th eoutward signs are over-
crowded school rooms, part-time schooling and
overworked teachers. The basic fact is that our
population is growing very rapidly, that more
and more young people are going to school and
college, that the schools and colleges are ex-
pected to do more and more for them. In a
word, the demand for education has been
growing. There are not enough school rooms
and there are not enough teachers to meet this
demand. This is the educational shortage which
the White House conference is called upon to
deal with.
The shortage of classrooms is quite evidently
a problem of money. The classrooms can be
built if the money is provided. The question is
whether each state separately can raise the
money that it needs, or whether Federal money
should be appropriated. This is the most -im-
portant question before the White House con-
ference, and the country has a right to expect
a clear answer.
The shortage of teachers is, on the other
hand, only in part a question of money. *It has
been demonstrated, as we shall see in my next
article, that it is not even theoretically possible
to find enough teachers to meet the demand,
and that a reorganization of the teaching sys-
tem will have to be undertaken. But the short-
age of teachers cannot in any case be met un-
less there is a marked improvement in teachers'
There is no reason why Federal money for
school buildings should mean Federal control
of education, control of what is taught, of how


Fraternity System: Evil Force on Campus?

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are
exerpts from an article which ap-
peared in the Sept. 10 issue of Satur-
day Review of Literature. Dr. Carlson,
'30, is now President of the State
University of New York. He is a for-
mer president of the University of
Vermont and the University of Dela-
ware. In a letter to The Djaily, Dr.
Carlson claimed "I can assure you
that all of the statements are support-
able and verifiable.")
The Letter was one of dozens
stocked on my desk. "Have you
scrawl, "for the ideals of all
no regard," read its bold, angry
American co-eds? . ."
I tried the next letter: "Only
under a dictatorship would such
an action be authorized."
The letters-ungrammatical, il-
legible, abusive, and based upon
false information and faulty reas-
oning-obviously were inspired by
the professional executives who
run this nation's seventy-odd col-
lege social fraternities and sorori-
What aroused the storm? Merely
this: Disturbed by the irresponsible
actions of many of the fraternity
national officers in the fall of 1953,
I recommended to the Trustees of

teria in employment or admissions
practices generally. In a sense,
then, New York's State University
was only insuring that its students
act in accord with the law.
What aroused the 4fraternities'
hatred - and fear?
The answer is simple. Many of
the fraternities do not fear the
college that tells them to break
up discriminatory practices because
they're bigger than the law. Na-
tional headquarters of these fra-
ternities tells them, in effect:
"We'll show you an acceptable
constitution - but you go ahead
and. blackball any Negro, or Jew,
or Catholic, or anyone else that'
you want to keep out, and who'll
ever know the reason? You active
members arien't goingto let the
subversive element run our fra-
ternity . . . are you?"
'~* *
OBVIOUSLY the national of-
ficers recognize their vulnerability.
Little wonder, then, that they fear
the move of State University of
New York in breaking their power.
Natural enough, too, for the
National Interfraternity Confer-
ence to sue, seeking to restrain
State University of New York on

me or the State University's trus-
tees. They never had a chance.
* * *
THE FRATERNITY is a social
adjunct tolerated (although, in
rare cases, encouraged) by -the
college. I know of only a few
instances in which a realistic
president or .trustee views the fra-
ternity as an indispensable part of
the educational apparatus.
More important, the NIC's pro-
fessed submission to the "college
law" is not supported by the facts.
I reject it entirely and so, I believe,
will any candid president who has
ever dealt with a national fra-
ternity's organization.
In 1952 membership of one
sorority at Cortland Teachers Col-
lege, erupted in a mass resignation
of some 37 girls who protested
discriminatory practices enforced
on the local chapter by the
national organization.
The national handed down these
ultimatums: The girls at Cortland
were "distinctly local-minded and
didn't realize what it meant to be
national;" they were slack in some
things that "national" required of
them; they must sign a loyalty
statement in order , to "remain

. Customarily, though, the fra-
ternities try to put any outside
critic on the defensive by casting
aspersions at his motives.
* * *
ALL THE many eternal "prob-
lems" with which the fraternities
shadow-box should be under the
control of the college or university.
No item in the social life of any
college-recognized group should be
hidden from the dean of students.
Similarly, no fraternity or frater-
nity-member should be account-
able to an off-campus hierarchy
for standards or conduct.
For too long America's colleges
have paid a heavy price for the
benefits which the fraternities and
sororities claim for themselves.
Permitting off-campus organiza-
tions to boss the college's students
is dangerous, in a discriminatory
membership policy or wherever
else the interests of "the national"
and the college may not harmon-
THROUGH refusal of colleges
and universities to recognize na-
tional social fraternities and
sororities the power of the frater-


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