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November 22, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-22

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Sixty-Sixth Year

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Say - What Have We Got In This Next Race?"

)AY, NOVEMBER 22, 1955


Football Is Game of Glory
-And You Have To Win

FOOTBALL is a game built on glory.
There is the glory of the student who can
see the name of his school riding proudly on
top of the weekly ratings. There is the glory
of the players who give their all for old Siwash
amidst the thunderous ovation of thousands.
There is the glory of the alumni, of the local
sportswriters, even of the faculty and adminis-
But all this has one catch. You have to
win., There's no glory for the losers, just
groans, regrets, and a wide smattering of
Somewhere in the middle of all this comes
sportsmanship. This is the hardest to define.
It's the losing coach who shakes hands with
the winner, the losing team which accepts de-
feat gracefully. It's sort of a mystical symbol
which football can't dispense with, but which
football coaches don't spend halftime locker-
room talks emphasizing.
FOOTBALL has matured over many years
with these elements. At first the latter,
sportsmanship along with team play, was the
key basis for, the game. But times changed.
Football came off the sport pages and earned
big, black headlines on page one.
Football stadiums grew bigger and bigger,
until the student body- could be neatly fitted
into some corner of the huge structures. Alumni
clubs asserted a powerful force in maintaining
the institution football team, often to the dis-
may of educators and administrators who
found their own positions shaken by this new
Still bigger and bigger the game grew.
Sportswriters started picking All-American
teams-even before the season began. ,Colleges
developed scouting systems to keep an eye
on future opponents.
, New advances in science were quickly em-
ployed-movies to scout the teams' strengths
and weaknesses, walkie-talkies to communicate
between; various coaches and scouts.
Then came a new and bigger development--
a prize for championship teams. So promot-
ers quickly rented southern stadiums for "bowl"
games, and colored them with parades and
queens, financial winnings to the schools, and
bigger and better publicity.
Traditional*rivalries grew hottep and more
bitter. The question of school prestige and
rating, even academically, could be battled
out on the football field. Everything was at
SOMEHOW, everyone forgot about the people
involved, mainly the football players. Boys
blessed with the proper physical attributes be-

came the object of tortuous hero worship--
worship based on their week-to-week deeds, not
anything about them individually.
Alumni feted them at parties, gave them any-
thing they asked, or what they = didn't even
think to ask. Sportswriters praised them with
adjectives ranging from blessed virtues to in-
human immortality.
Then they were placed on football fields
surrounded by thousands (with television, often
millions), and with tumultuous cheering in the,
background, they were told to WIN.
Last Saturday, this was the background story
at thousands of educational institutions
throughout the country. Only this was even
bigger. This was the week that the bowl games
were finally to be settled, when teams were
fighting to maintain undefeated records, a fact
which would add much glory to the school, and
when traditional rivals were meeting.
Especially in the Midwest was it the BIG
game, and the players and students, built to a
peak. of expectancy and desire were let loose.
What happened was not what the founders of
the game, or even the present day idealists,
In Bloomington, Indiana, a snowball and
fist-fight broke out as the game ended, with
many students and players hurt. In Champaign
more fisticuffs brought the game to a close.
The University of Detroit found its students in
brawls, and here at the University of Michi-
gan both students and players, delirious with
emotional frenzy, took part in action much
better forgotten now.
BUT that's just the irony of it. The students
and players will be blamed, as indeed they
were, and the incident will be forgotten. And
next year, it will begin all over again.
Strangely it is the sportswriter, whose head-
lines filled the overburdened egos of the insti-
tutions and players, who have thrown around
the blame. And strangely, some of the students
have blamed the players.
Maybe this blame is apropos-it just hap-
pens to seem ironic. A huge, almost monstrous
system has been devised, and suddenly a few
players fell victim to it.
And what about the system? Will this take
any blame? We can hear the dim chant of
"Rose 'Bowl, Rose Bowl" sounding out already
for next season. The band is readying their
marching songs, and the cheerleaders their
tumbling act.
Somewhere in the middle is sportsmanship
and team play, but football is a game built on
glory--and you have to win.
Editorial Director

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OSU Game Draws Gripes, Groans

For All On
N EW YORK-For the first time
in many years new plays are
having delayed'productions in New
York because there are too many
hit plays already on view.
One of the finer productions now
on Broadway is Christopher Fry's
version of Giradoux's "Tiger at
the Gates." In this provocative,
intelligent, and humorous drama,
one hears some views concerning
mankind that are certainly not
flattering; Giradoux's notions of
war are far from optimistic and
almost fearful.
Originally titled "The Trojan
War Will Not Take Place," the
play tells of Hector's attempts to
close the gates of war forever but
many Greeks and Trojans really
want a new war. That it really
isn't over Helen's kidnapping seems
to bother no one. When it al-
most seems that Hector has suc-
ceeded in staving off the ominous
war (killing, his loudest Trojan
opponent) he still loses when the
dying Trojan accuses a Greek as
his murderer.
THE VIEWPOINT of the drama
is that wars are made by one group
and fought by another. The sol-
dier can have no say, though he
continually fights for peace. The
masses at home (from the worker
to the poet) who cry for an end
to the fighting while it is in prog-
ress, still insist that only via war
can courage and bravery and hon-
or be realized. Hence, the tiger
at the gate stirs.
Probably the best new American
play to be seen is "The Diary of
Anne Frank," taken from the book
of the same name. All the poig-
nancy and beauty of this essay of
adolescent maturation, written by
a 13-15 year-old girl during two
years of hiding from the Nazis, is
caught on the stage.
The play depicts the pent-up
life endured by Anne Frank and
seven others in cramped quarters
above a warehouse, and the hope
that seldom leaves the doomed girl.
Though cornered in a few rooms
and silenced by her elders, Anne
nonetheless retains her sense of
humor and the idealism to appre-
ciate good and beauty in the small
world about her.
An integral part of the success
of this play belongs to Susan Stras-
berg, the 16-year-old who so vivid-
ly brings Anne to life. She catches
all the complicated aspects of the
maturing girl as Anne grows in
full view of the audience: there
is a kind of indefinable magic in
Susan Strasberg's portrayal.
w * e
A VERY witty and intelligent
comedy is Enid Bagnold's "The
Chalk Garden." But, somehow,
the play has almost an excess of
dry wit; the story line is weak
and action limited. As a play of
words it is near perfect.
Arthur Miller's "A View From
the Bridge," which contains two
one-act works is exciting theatre
during the second and serious one-
acter. The story of a dock-worker,
following the ancient Greek drama
lines, is hurt by the fact that the
hero is not very heroic; though
one may feel somewhat sorry for
him at his eventual demise. The
Miller cry'for individuality is pierc-
ing, although the Greek-tragedy
symbolism does not fit too well.
A play of neither power nor
brilliance is "The Young and Beau-

tiful" taken by Sally Benson from
some short stories by F. Scott
Fitzgerald. It is, however, a very
interesting play, extremely well
presented with an engaging per-
formance by Lois Smith in the
title role of a girl 'who has every-
All in all, this is a fruitful season
for the theater-goer. "Cat on
a Hot Tin Roof," "Bus Stop," "The
Teahouse of the August Moon" and
"Witness for the Prosecution" all
remain from last season and all are
worth seeing.
New York's theatre-world has
something for everyone.
-Harry Strauss

y The ChangRnf Answers

(Continued from Page 3)

(EDITOR'S NOTE:' The following article
appeared in Sunday's Daily incorrectly at-
tributed to Walter Lippmann. Mr. Lippmann
has not recently been on campus; nor is
Walter;Lippmann a pseudonym for the above-
named writer.)
W HETHER or not any solutions were evolved
at the Literary College conference Thurs-
day, the necessary questions were asked. Is
there intellectual curiosity? Is it being
thwarted by either students or faculty, or just
size? Is there a blame, and how do we approach'
For each problem, there was an opinion, a
pro and con which attempted somehow to
reach alogical solution to a rather indefinable
This "crisis" could only be expressed in this
broad, indefinable way, It involved the student
who felt stifled sand overlooked in the mass
lecture halls, the professor who felt overlooked
sitting alone in his office waiting for the per-
sonal contact both he and the students crave,
and the question of marks-are they necessary,
are they accurate? It involved to a large de-
gree the question of size, its effect and how, if
thwarting, it could be overcome.
However, students, and often some faculty
people as well, tend at times to be critical of
such attempt at solution.
"They've been talking about it for years,"
one student said in an informal discussion after
the conference. "But that's all they do-talk.
We all realize the problem, and there were a
lot of good solutions givenwhy doesn't some-
body do something?"
YET, it's not that easy. If there's realization
of the problem, it isn't clear, and if the
solutions seem applicable, there is always an-
other opinion to challenge them.
What we need is smaller classes was one
solution. Yet Dean Odegaard, at the meeting,
pointed out that the University compared very
favorably in its class size with even many of
the Ivy League colleges and someone else men-
tioned that his students preferred lectures to
gmn dimecinn

ments. This way, he felt, only the really in-
tellectually curious would remain.
Yet another speaker asked less work, fewer
courses with more class credit, so the student
had more time to devote himself to his subject
matter and explore it when his curiosity was
FROM all this, the only clear conclusion is
that the conclusion is not clear. "These are
all pseudo solutions," one speaker said. They
don't work any better for everyone than does
the present system.
The problem seems to be that of a new era.
Education is entering a new environment, just
as politics and much of our social life is. The
students that the Universities are dealing with
are not the same students of 50, even 15
years ago. They come with different goals,
for different reasons than their predecessors.
The solutions that such groups as the Liter-
ary College faculty must find, then, cannot be
based on the logic of a previous age. There ac-
tually can be no assumptions.
How do we know that today's students really
are intellectually curious? One speaker said
that if they weren't they shouldn't be in col-
lege. That isn't really the answer. If they are
in college they show every sign of achieving
marks as high as the student of old, or at least
high enough to remain.
Maybe today's student is happier in the mob.
He may not want to discuss, he may just want
to "get through," or as our society has so
nobly entitled it-"succeed."
Maybe today's student isn't the individual
that some think he is, or even that he thinks
he is. Maybe he's been referred to so long as
a statistic, that he's lost consciousness of being
anything else.
IF THIS is the modern student, then the mod-
ern colleges seem to be treating him ap-
propriately. But what of the one out of 10,
or 20, or 100 who is the "student" we would
like to envision - who wants to dis-
cuss, be treated as an individual, react with
intellectual cuirioity.

Comment from MSU. .
To the Editor:
WE OF MSU are pleased to note
that you are taking the dis-
comfiture of your highly over rated
football team so well. It is gratify-
ing to note that both your student
body and the team itself acquited
themselves in such a mature and
erudite manner when it became
apparent in Saturday's game that
the Wolverines were highly out-
classed. It made it quite evident to
the students of this humble school,
as well as to the nation, that, as
"The Future Leaders of America"
so aptly stated in their thank you
note, "Our pride in our school
stems, not from our trips to the
Rose Bowl, but from the knowledge
we have gained while students at
this great university."
If it was not made clear in the
Illinois fiasco, it was most forcibly
put forth in Saturday's game that
no amount of preseason backslap-
ping and publicity spreading can
make an outstanding team. (Inci-
dentally, in case you hadn't heard,
Illinois put up a great fight Sat-
urday to hold mighty Northwestern
to a 7-7 tie.)
It is most noble of you to "read-
ily admit" your losses; but what
Ielse could you do? There Just is
no excuse you can make, you were
simply outclassed and outplayed!
Let us close, however, on a
cheery note. Next year the Spar-
tans will be ineligible to go to the
Rose Bowl, and, if all your players
aren't suspended for personal fouls
by the end of the season, perhaps
the rest of the Conference will be
in such bad shape as to allow you
to spend New Years 1957 in Pasa-
--Thomas F. Fox
Michigan State University
plus 26 other MSU Students
Unforgettable.. ..
To the Editor:
RE:.The football game:
One is allowed to forget neither
the fickleness of the crowd nor the
merits of true sportsmanship.
-Arthur White, Grad.
To the Editor:
IN MY five years of attendance
at Michigan it has been my
privilege to witness many fine
sporting events between our great
teams and other Big Ten schools.
Win or lose I have always been
proud to associate myself with
such a great university where fair
play and good sportmanship have
Along with some 97,000 other
people I witnessed fifty-seven miri-
utes of grueling football played
hard, fast, and clean-Michigan
style football. But what happened
during, those last three minutes
of play? Along with many of my
friends, I sat stunned as penalty
after penalty was assessed against
our team for unsportsmanlike con-

can accept defeat in the spirit of
a true sportsman. But no one
appreciates a poor loser.
You played your hearts out Blue
Team but unfortunately it was not
enough. There is not a team in
our conference that I would rath-
er defeat than Ohio State.. But
they won this one and in my mind
it was all fair and square.
-Al Ranger, '56E
Poor Conduct . ..
To the Editor:
THE Future Leaders of
After reading your eloquent let-
ter printed in our university daily,
we are only praying that the grad-
uates of your illustrious university
are not our "Future Leaders of
It seemed quite evident that
your conduct on the gridiron does
not even constitute the average
intelligence of a high school stu-
dent, much less college.
We feel that our university has
conducted themselves in a man-
ner fitting and proper. To say
the least, we are proud of our
ROSE BOWL trip and also are
proud of our scholastic abilities.
To quote your postscript, "We
hope you won't be ashamed to pub-
lish the truth."
-Suzanne Ravin
Michigan State Univer-
sity, plus four other
MSU students
Reply to FLA's ...
To The Editor:
IN REPLY to a letter from a
group of University of Michigan
students which was printed in the
Michigan State News last week I
would like to submit the follow-
To "The Future Leaders of
I was pleased to hear that your
school's fame is not founded on
the reputation of its football
teams, because I am certain that
you would dislike having all of
your "superior scholars" associat-
ed with such unsportsmanlike con-
duct as was displayed by members
of your overrated grid squad in
last Saturday's game. I can't help
losing my respect for such foot-
ball "greats" as your Mr. Kramer
when they cannot stand up and
face the fact that they have been
outplayed by a better team; one
that doesn't collapse when the
chips are down.
Apparently you are so proud of
your "fine scholastic standing"
that you find it unnecessary to
live up to favorable sportsmanship
standards. I couldn't help smiling
to myself as I listened to the sob
by sob account of America's future
leaders crying and blustering in a
futile attempt to gain some of the
football recognition with which
their school is not supposed to be
The mark of a really "great"
competitor is not his physical abil-
ity, but his ability -to realize his
-711 +.n n c. HM^v o T

under the pressure. But for over
half a century the University of
Michigan has been a national
leader in promoting football "spec-
tacles" as the major publicized
activity of an institution of higher
The "dishonorable" spectacle in
the last quarter of Saturday's
game exposes our folly. No doubt
the "shame" is as phantasmal as
the former "glory." But the pub-
licity is no phantom, and it should
not be met with counter-publicity.
In my opinion the blame does
not lie primarily with the Director
of Athletics or the Supervisor of
Physical Education or - tempted
though I am to say so - with the
alumni (of which I am one). There
is some justice in blaming the
"Michigan tradition."
The responsibility for recogniz-
ing the hollowness in that tradi-
tion does rest with the Regents
and with the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics. I hope
that they will have the candor to
suspend intercollegiate football for
a season and thereafter to restore
it to the status of an amateur
sport. Meanwhile, the stadium
could enjoy a good airing.
-Prof. Arthur J. Carr
New Books
At the Library
Blond, Georges - The Great
Story of Whales. New York, Han-
over House, 1955.
Coleman, Lonnie-Ship's Com-
pany. Boston, Little, Brown & Co.,,
Earl, Herbert Cressy - Daugh-
ters of Changing Japan. New York,
Farrar, Straus & Cudahy, 1955.
Dane, Clemence - The Flower
Girls. New York, W. D. Norton,
Goin, Olive-World Outside My
Door. New York, Macmillan Co.,
Kinross, Lord-Within the Tau-
rus. New York, Wm. Morrow, 1955.
Klein, Alexander-Grand Decep-
tion. New York, J. B. Lippincott,

Amended: By-Law. Election of Offi-
cers, Section 3-c to read "After the
nominating and accepting speeches a
question period shall follow."
Agreed to absorb deficit remaining in
the account of the student Book Ex-
change at the conclusion of the Fall,
1955 operation.
Calendar additions: March 10, Paul
Bunyan Dance; Dec. 2, Travel program
Approved: World University Service
Fund Drive, Feb. 23, 24. Sophomore
Scandals, as calendared for Dec. 2, 3.
Wolverine Club, to sponsor bus service
to Willow Run for Thanksgiving Holi-
day. Post-election conclave, Jan. 8.
W. Beverly Carter, publisher of the
Pittsburgh Courier, second in the series
of University Lectures in Journalism
Tues., Nov. 22. "The Role of the Negro
Newspaper In a Changing Society" at
3:00 p.m. In Rackham Amphitheater,
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
(Fpr children and adults; individual
children must be accompanied by adults,
and in the case of groups of school
children, there must be at least one
adilt for every five children.) Fri., Nov.
25, 8:00 p.m., Room 2003 Angell Hall. Dr.
Lawrence H. Aller will talk on "Star
Systems," after which the Student Ob-
servatory on the fifth floor of Angeli
Hall wili be open for inspection and
for telescopic observations of the Moon.
The Robert Shaw Chorale and Orches-
tra, Robert Shaw, Conductor, fifth con-
cert in the Choral Union Series, Tues.,
Nov. 22, at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium,
auspices of the University Musical
Society. Information at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. The box office in
Hill Auditorium will be open at 7:00
p.m. Tues.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,
Nov. 22, 4:10 p.m., Room' 2308 Chem-
istry Building. Richard Anderson will
speak on "The Application of High
Speed Digital Computers to Some
Problems in Molecular Structure."
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Nov.
22. at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell
Hall. Prof. H. D. Kloosterman will speak
on "Places in Algebraic Function
Doctoral Examination for Edward John
Ernatt, Education; thesis: "Instruc-
tional Services Rendered by County
School Offices in Michigan and Related
Factors: Available Personnel, Number
of Teachers and Pupils Served, Expen-
ditures Per Pupil Served, and Available
Equipment and Materials," Tues., Nov.
22. 4015 University High School, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, H. R. Jones.
Placement Notices
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Tues., Nov. 29:
Vogt, Ivers, eaman & Associates,
Cincinnati, Ohio-all degree levels of
all branches of Civil Eng. for Design
Surveying & Supervision of Construe-
Fri., Dec. 2:
- The York Corporation, York, Penna.-
all degree levels in Mech., B.S. in Chem.,
Elec., and Ind. for Development, Design,
Construction and Service, Sales, and
Lear Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan-
all degree levels in Aero., Elec., Instru.,
Math., Mech., Eng., Mech., Physics,
and Science for Research, Develoment,
and Design.
Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Melpar,
Inc., Falls Church, Va.-al degree levels
in Elec., Instru., Mater., Math., Mech.,
Physics, and Science for Research, De-
velopment, Design and Production. U.S.
McGill Manufacturing Co., Inc., Bear-
ing & Electrical Div., valparaisoInd.
all degree levels in Aero., Elec., Ind,
Mech., Eng. Mech., Met. for Develop.
ment, Design, Prod., and Sales.
Sunstrand Machine Tool Co., Rock-
ford, Illinois-all degree levels in Mech.,
Ind., and Elec. for Research, Develop-
ment, and Design.
Mon., Dec. 5:
The B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio-
all degree levels in Aero., Chem., Civil.
Const., Elec., Id., Instru., Mater.

Mech., Eng. Mech., Met., Physics, and
Science for Development, Defsign, and
United States Steel Corporation, Na-
tional Tube Div., Lorain, Ohio-B.S. In
Chem., Elec., Ind., Math., and Mech.
Male only.
American Viscose Corporation, Phila-
delphia, Penna.-all degree levels In
Chem., Instru., Physics, and Science.
B.S. and M.S. in Ind. and Mech. for
Design, Research, and Development.
Only in AM.
Kaier Steel Corp., Fontana, Calif.-w
all degree levels in Chem., Civil, Elec.,
Ind., Mech., Eng. Mech., Met. for Prod.
and Maintenance. Male only.
International Nickel Co., Inc., New
York, N. Y.all degree levels in Met.,
or any engr. in science who is interested
in a career in the Met. field, for Prod.
and Research. U.S. citizen.
Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 5, 6 and 7:
The Proctor and Gamble Co., Cincin-
nati, Ohio-all degree levels in Mech.,
Civil, Elec., Chem. Eng., and Chem. for
Research, Development, Prod., and Fac-
tory Mgt.
For further information, about the
above interviews contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg. Bldg.,
Ext. 2182.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Nov. 29:
U.S. Marine Corps-women in any
field for Women's Officer Training.
f-nt.pntl .3 tt Cn- in..n





by Dick Bibler

It hlI



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