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November 12, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-12

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Sink Draws Top Musical Talent To 'U'

All roads, may lead to Rome,
but the University Musical Soc-
iety manages to detour some of
the world's greatest artists.
The man responsible for bring-
ing this talent to campus is
Charles A. Sink, Society president.
He may be found pleasantly en-
sconced in a simply but adequately
furnished office on the ground
floor of Burton Tower.
Upon entering his office, at-
tention is immediately focused on
the sea of faces which blankets
the high walls. The more than 500
pictures are of musicians who
have appeared in the Choral
Union Series during the course
of Sink's presidency.
Starts in 1927
The collection is Sink's hobby
and was begun in 1927. He asks
each artist who appears here for
an autographed picture. Gazing
down from their small black
frames are many well known per-
Sink pointed them out as he
walked around the room. Enrico
Caruso, Galli-Curci, Yehudi Men-
, uhin, Chaliapin, Rachmaninoff,
Geraldine Ferrar, Mary Garden,
Kirsten Flagstad, Lily Pons, Fritz
Kreisler, John McCormick, Mar-
ion Anderson, and on and on and
on. When he came to a picture of
Paderewski, he admonished smil-
ingly, "Don't say Paderooski".
Brecht Play
Ends T Oday
The final performance of "The
Good Woman of Setzuan" by Bert-
olt Brecht will be presented at 8
p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater.
St in a Chinese town, the play
is a parable of good and evil forces
in society. In the play, Brecht
attempts to achieve an "alienation
effect" by allowing the actors to
talk with the audience.
The interruption of the specta-
tor's identification with the char-
acters, Brecht believes, permits the
viewer to see the didactic play ob-
Tickets for the performance may'
be obtained at Lydia Mendelssohn
box office until 8 p.m.

When asked if any troubles ever
arose in bringing artists to Ann
Arbor, he replied "very rarely".
Careful planning precedes each
engagement. It's comparable to
an architect building a house he
said. Just as a blue print is drawn
up complete in every detail be-
fore the building is begun, so the
fine points for every concert are
worked out from the first.
How To Get Artists
What does the job of securing
concert artists entail? To begin
with, it takes time, even as much
as three years in advance, to line
up a concert. It takes 'erserver-
ance and Sink has made several
trips to New York to secure one
It requires tact, although con-
trary to popular opinion, the
majority of "guests" are not tem-
peramental and difficult to get
along with. In fact, Sink prefers
to work with the big artists, "The
bigger the better; the small ones+
are apt to be impressed with
themselves", he says.
It takes a belief in the old ad-
age, "Nothing is impossible." En-
rico Caruso made four concerts
outside the Metropolitan Opera.+
This occured in 1917, and one of+
them took place in Ann Arbor.;
The London Philharmonia which
has never performed in the United
States before, appeared here re-
Supplement Work
It finally requires a love and,
appreciation of fine music and a,
sincere desire for others to enjoy
it. "We try to supplement the work
of the students in class room1
studies by hearing great artists
perform the best music. We never
knowingly stoop to mediocdity,"
Sink said.
He is assisted in his task by aa
board of directors who are ap-
pointed to their positions because
of their musical knowledge. They
arrange the program and secure
the artists.E
The success of these concerts1
and Sink's work can be measured,1
not only by the audiences that fillc

Hill Auditorium concert after con-
cert, but also by other more far
reaching effects. He receives in-
numerable letters from former
students who wish to begin a con-
cert program in their own home
From this Sink derives perhaps
his greatest satisfaction as he
feels that this is furthering music
education for the whole country.
Big Ten Tall
Starts Today
At Lansing
Finances and financing student
organizations will be topics of dis-
cussion at a President's Council
meeting of the Big Ten Student
Association today and tomorrow.
Meeting at Michigan State Uni-
versity, the council, made up of
members of student governments
of the Big Ten schools, will also
consider student participation in
athletic policy-making.
Members will consider the pos-
sibility of the council's taking part
in athletic policy-making on the
conference level.
Council plans to evaluate the
operation of the Central Head-
quarters, which is located at Mi-
chigan State University. The
group will receive recommenda-
tions from the Administrative
Board concerning changes in the
association's constitution.
Barbara Gibbs, chairman of the
President's Council, will preside
over the meetings. Also on the
agenda for discussion is govern-
ment sponsored student services.
Arrangements for the confer-
ence have been made by the Cen-
tral Headquarters under the direc-
tion of Roger Augustine, director
of the Administrative Board.

The Winner!
WINNIPEG ({P-Carl Ramjit,
a sophomore from Trinidad
studying engineering at the
University of Manitoba, drank
65 fellow students under the
table to win a 12-hour beer
drinking marathon.
He downed 64 glasses and got
an engraved beer mug. Upon
recovering he said: "I don't like
the stuff but it was a good
chance to win a stein."
Pl ans Student
"Does the Literary College
Thwart Undergraduate Intellectu-
al Curiosity?"
This is the topic of theyLiterary
College Steering Committee Con-
ference to be held at the League
at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. It is open
to the public.
"The particular value of the con-
ference lies in the light thrown
upon the problem area by the stu-
dents themselves," Dave Levy, '55,
chairman of the Steering Commit-
tee, commented.
"It is particularly important
that sophomores and freshmen
participate in the conference so
that a cross-section of student
opinion will be achieved," he con-
The conference will be conduct-
ed first as a panel discussion in
which two faculty members and
two students will participate. Af-
terwards an open forum will be
Engineers Plan
Industry Debate
Sigma Rho Tau, national hon-
orary engineering speaking society,
will hold an Intercollegiate debate
at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow in the Blue
Room of the League.

Staff Faces Obstacles
Printing Time Schedules

When a University student is
heard complaining. "How did I
end up in 4902 Natural Science for
an English I course," he may be
assured it didn't happen by chance.
It is all a part of the organized
efficiency emenating from a small
room on the basement floor of
Angell Hall known as the Literary
College Office Service. Mrs. Jose-
phine Hoffman, superintendent of
Office Service' is in charge of pre-
paring the time schedules which
are issued each semester by the
Literary College.
These little booklets, which lead
confused students through a maze
of subjects ranging from Anthro-
pology to Zoology are a product
of much work by Mrs. Hoffman
and her staff.
Schedule Classes
At the present time, work is be-
ing completed on the time sched-
ule for the coming spring semes-
ter. In scheduling classes, the var-
ious departments of the Literary
College rely on the former year's
schedule. Very often in classes
above the elementary level, the
courses are taught by the profes-
sors at the same time and in the
same room from year to year.
When a department adds classes
to the schedule with the number
of rooms which they need at each
hour and each day are submitted
to Mrs. Hoffman.
She assigns special rooms to

classes which require extra equip-
ment. History classes are assigned
to rooms with maps. Mathemat-
ics classes axe scheduled in rooms
equipped with -large blackboard
space. Speech classes are assigned
to rooms equipped with a stage.
Transfer Classes
Very often, departments such as
History, German, English and
Great Books exceed the number of
rooms assigned to them. When
this happens, Mrs. Hoffman trans-
fers the class to one of the other
nine campus buildings.
This is why a bewildered fresh-
man may find himself in Tappan
Hall for a History course or in
the Romance Language Building
for English I.
Mrs. Hoffman pointed out that
increased enrollment somewhat af-
fected the shortage of classrooms.
"Primarily it's a question of every-
one wanting to take morning
classes, except at eight o'clock,"
she said. In attempting to remedy
this situation, more late afternoon
classes and Saturday classes will
be scheduled in order to utilize
classroom space.
After the conflicts with special
room assignments and overcrowd-
ed classrooms are settled, the en-
tire schedule is sent to the Uni-
versity Press where the final pro-
duct is prepared for the perusal
of bewildered University students.


College Roundup


A ban on the sale of beer may
be introduced at the University
of Wisconsin.
The Madison City Council is
considering a bill to petition the
university's board of regents to
prohibit beer sales on campus be-
cause, according to Alderman
Lawrence McCormick, it is "be-
neath the dignity" of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin.
University students gathered in
the Wisconsin Union's "Rathskel-
ler" hooted at the resolution based
on the "rising wave of alcoholism."
Beer sales at the Union are out-

ranked by sales of coffee, milk,
and soft-drinks.
Riots at 'U' of Toronto
Five students were injured in
riots at a University of Toronto
football game, according to the
Toronto "Varsity."
Despite warnings from the uni-
versity's president and the Stu-
dent's Administrative Council.
"rowdyism returned to the inter-
collegiate football scene with near-
tragic results." One boy was tem-
porarily blinded when he came in
the path of a smoke bomb and a
girl was knocked unconscious by
a flying beer bottle.

Wonderful things happen when you wear itl





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Congregational-Disciples Guild: Open
House after football game, Guild House,
524 Thompson, today.
* * *
Engineering Council: Summary of
Nov. 10 meeting: Committee reports
were received; Levin will plan the first
Newsletter published by the Council.
Moriarty elected Vice-President, Baum-
gartner elected Secretary-Treasurer.
Motion to receive a one-man joint rep-
resentative from SAE was tabled. Next
meeting, Dec. 1, 7:15 p.m., Michigan
Union, Rm. 3N; Elections for spring
s s *
Graduate Outing Club: Nov. 13, 2:00
p.m., northwest entrance to the Rack-
ham Building. Wear old clothes.
* s *
Hillel Foundation: Basic Judaism
Class, Nov. 14, 8:00 p.m., Hillel.
Recorded Music Night, Nov. 15, 8:00
p.m., all are invited, Hillel.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Keith
Hunt, IVCF Staff, speaking on "The
Revelation of God to Man: The Holy
Spirit," Lane Hall, Nov. 13, 4:00 p.m.
s * *
Michigras: Mass Meeting for Com-
mittee Positions, Nov. 15, Michigan
Union Ballroom, 7:15 p.m.
* * *
SRA: Nov. 14, 7:30-10:00 p.m., Recre-
ation Room, Lane Hall.
Undergraduate Mathematics Club: "An
Intuitive Discussion of Point Sets," June
Stone, Rm. 3-S, Union, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m.
Unitarian Student Group: Dr. Her-
bert Smith, "Role Playing Techniques,"
Nov. 13, 6:30 p.m., Unitarian Church.
Transportation from Lane Hall and
Stockwell at 6:15 p.m.
Wesley Guild: Nov. 13, 9:30 a.m.
Seminar; 5:30 p.m.-Fellowship Sup-
per, 35c; 6:45 p.m.-Discussion program.

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