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November 01, 1955 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-01

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Panhel Tells
New Office
Committee Members
Begin Interviewing
For '56 Greek Week
At its weekly meeting Thursday,
Panhellenic Association unani-
mously approved the appoint-
ments of three new officers.
Peggy Hubbard, Alpha Chi
Omega, was named second vice-
president and Sally Wilkinson, Pi
Beta Phi, will take over the duties
of secretary. Carol Ford, Chi Ome-
ga, is now in charge of public re-
It was announced that Greek
Week will be held in May. Peti-
tioning for the general chairman-
ship extends until today and in-
terviewing will take place today
and tomorrow.
Panhel, IFC Interviews
The two general chairmen se-
lected to represent Panhel and
Interfraternity Council will hold
interviews on Wednesday, Nov. 16,
to select the holders of the other
Greek Week positions.
Molly Dwan, president of Jun-
for Panhellenic Association, an-
nounced that all sorority pledges
will take part in a door to door
campaign from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.,
Monday, Nov. 21, for the Muscu-
lar Dystrophy drive.
Junior Panhel's plans for the
coming year also include the or-
ganization of a secretariat, Christ-
mas caroling with Junior Inter-
fraternity Council and exchange
parties for sorority and fraternity
More Info-investigators
In addition to the info-investi-
gators listed previously in The
Daily, Sandy Fox; Linda Hepburn,
Mary June Foster, Judy Camp-
bell and Tzora Corpman will meet
with the Pan-Helpers group at 4
p.m. tomorrow.
The Creative Corner Committee
will meet tomorrow at 4 p.m. at
the League. Those on the commit-
tee include Ellan Orenstein, Mari-
lyn Schirmer, Martha Chappell,
Dorothy Mallett and Sara Baker.
Also on the committee are Bar-
bara Gerber, Ann Weybecht, Bet-
ty Ann Hill, Carol Yanko and
Jane Abeshouse.
There will be a meeting of the
Panhel Secretariat committee at
4 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 9, at
the League.
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Daily Classifieds

Hat chers Will Hold Open House

WAA Clubs To Meet

A BIT OF INFORMALITY ... Students chat with President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher at one of
the Open Houses held last year. The first of this semester is scheduled for 4 to 6 p.m. tomorrow at
the Hatcher home. Entertainment will be provided by the Scotties, a singing group that appeared at
Varsity Night. Several residence halls, fraternities and sororities have been especially invited but
everyone on campus is welcome. Guests will have the opportunity to meet the president and his wife
on an informal basis and get a tour of the. house, oldest on campus. Often called "The Little White
House," the Hatcher home is noted for its lovely rooms. It was originally designed by an Eastern
architect to resemble those popular in the East in the 1840's.
Skulls, Bones, Slides Provide Atmosphere
For Fraternity Members Studying Hours

Opportunities for fun and relax-
ation are available to interested
coeds as two more WAA Clubs
get under way with a full schedule
of meetings and events.
Speed Swimming .. .
Organizational meeting of the
Speed Swimming Club will be held
at 8:15 p.m. today at the Women's
Pool. Cynthia Camp, manager of
the club stressed that the club is
open to anyone interested in swim-
ming "for speed's sake."
"You don't have to be a whiz,"
she remarked, "you just have to
enjoy swimming and learning
skills to enhance and improve your
The program of this club has
been extended this season to set
up a schedule of competitive dual
meets with other schools, colleges
and organizations so that the
facilities offered here may be used
to full advantage.
Arouse Interest
Miss Camp explained further
that they "hoped to arouse en-
thusiasm in the sport for the
enjoyment of all concerned."
This is a relatively new club
since in previous years there was
a lack of pool facilities for women.
Camp Counselors ...
Pioneer drumsticks, walking sal-
ads, cocoa and bread twists will be
on the menu for students inter-
ested in attending the meeting of
the Camp Counselors club at 5:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Women's
Athletic Building.
Manager of the Club, Joan Say-
les, stressed that the club was for
"not only experienced counselors,
but also for those who are inter-
ested in being counselors and
would like a little training along
this line."
The club teaches basic camp
crafts such as planning and carry-
ing out cook-outs, handicrafts,
games, songs and overnights.
Members also learn the methods
of teaching these various camp
activities to campers and how to
work out successful camp pro-
Job Training
"Taking part in club activities
is also very practical job training,"
Miss Sayles remarked.
In case of rainy or extremely
cold weather, the food will be
cooked inside for the cook-out
For Thanksgiving, the club has
planned to give a party for orphans
in Ann Arbor. Refreshments, sing-
ing and games, such as "Rhythm
The winner of the Mud Bowl
beauty queen contest was John
Hauch of Sigma Chi, who was
sponsored by Kappa Delta sor-

Game," will be played by the club
members and children.
Other tentatively scheduled ac-
tivities for the club in the coming
weeks include a "Splash Party" in
the Women's Pool and a hayride.
Foot Clinic
Offers Help
To Women
One of the many services offer-
ed by the women's department of
physical education is a foot and
posture clinic.
Although it is not a class, the
clinic offers individual instruction
to any University woman who has
trouble with her posture, or finds
that her feet are not able to take
the strain of traveling "miles a
day" from class to class.
In the clinic coeds are taught
what good posture is and practice
exercises to aid their individual
"Often coeds are put on special
diets to supplement exercises" a
member of the staff remarked.
Ten to 15 students attend ses-
sions of the clinic each week. At-
tendance is not compulsory and
most women find that coming in
once or twice a week is sufficient.
A woman carries out the rec-
ommended exercises at home, and
may come in again at the end of
a specified period to see how she
has progressed.
Primarily freshmen and trans-
fer women attend the Monday
morning or Friday afternoon cor-
rective sessions, as they are often
advised of this opportunity during
Orientation Week physical exami-
While most functional disorders
can be aided or at least partially
corrected at the clinic, coeds are
sometimes referred to Health
Service for further advice.
As a member of the women's
physical education department
commented, "We can't reduce for
these women, nor can we change
their figures, but the exercises we
teach can be a means for "be-
coming more attractive."



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A house haunted the year 'round
with skeletons and pathological
slides is home to 55 members of
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I dcne~e Campru4


. JGP-There will be a JGP Cen-
tral Committee meeting at 7 p.m.
today in the League.
* * *
of the stunt committee and the
scenery committee for Soph Scan-
dals will be held at 7 p.m. tonight
at the League.
* * *.
RIDING CLUB-Those students
planning to attend the Riding
Club hayride will meet in front of
the WAB at 7 p.m. tonight. Mem-
bers are asked not to bring dates.
For further information contact
Peg Davis or Erwin Perelstein,
club managers.
BALLET CLUB - Members of
the co-recreational Ballet Club
will meet tonight at Barbour
Gymnasium. Beginners will have
a lesson at 7 p.m., advanced stu-
dents will meet at 8:10 and there
will be a business meeting at 7:50
-There will be a meeting of the
Buro-Cat art committee at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Blagdon Annex of
the League.
* * *
IFC BALL-Petitions for chair-
men of the 1956 IFC Ball are due
Tuesday, Nov. 8. Chairmanships
are publicity; decorations; pro-
grams and patrons; finance,
buildings and grounds; and tic-
kets. Men are asked to write out
petitions including ideas, campus
experience, grade point average
and fraternity.

Founded at Cornell University in
1904, the Omega chapter was start-
ed at Michigan in 1928.
It tries to provide a 24 hour
classroomatmospherefor hard
working medical students.
Different Pledging
"Pledging a medical fraternity
is different from pledging an un-
dergraduate organization," Larry
Wilk, pledge chairman, remarked.
"We allow no hazing, but a
prospective member must have a
desire to join the fraternity and
show aptitude in medical school."
Wilk also pointed out that un-
like ap undergraduate group a
Phi Delta Epsilon may live in the
house as soon as he pledges the
Several activities are held
throughout the year to supple-
ment #fraternity members' aca-
demic work.
Informal Classes
Among these Wilk mentioned
the lectureship series. Freshmen
entering the fraternity house have
the opportunity to meet instructors
of the freshman class, who are
invited periodically, on an informal

level and get help in clarifying
pertinent problems.
A Journal Club held for upper-
classmen has the same design.
In the middle of November a
trial practical is held for the
freshmen at wlirch the upperclass-
men put them through their paces
in preparation for mid-term
Engraved Cup
"Each year a Phi Delta Epsilon
Anatomy Cup is awarded to the
student who receives the highest
mark in Gross Anatomy," Wilk
remarked. "His name is engraved
on the cup and he receives a key
to keep in recognition of the hon-
He added that a graduate fra-
ternity is also useful after college.
For in the medical profession the
associates one comes in contact
with during medical school are the
men who will be helpful in later
In addition to its academic ad-
vantages, Phi Delta Epsilon has a
social side. Informal parties are
held throughout the year.

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