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November 01, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-01

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Sixty-Sixth Year

Say, What Ever Happened To That Crusade, Anyhow?"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
What's Good for General Motors,
NrotfGood for 'U' Band
UNFORTUNATELY the University's march- is no doubt the band provides excellent adver-
ing band slipped another notch Saturday tising-just like a good ball club helps its
on the ladder of universal admiration. Its broadcast sponsor. But this sort of thing gets
show praising President Eisenhower was con- into a type of commercialism which shouldn't
troversial and its motivation caused questions. be representative of an independent, educa-
But disgust over Saturday's Flint show per- tional institution.
meated throughout the stadium.
In the past the band has given General Mo- POSSIBLY the solution is to have the Univer-
tors a little free advertising during its half- sity pay the band's expenses. If the Uni-
time shows in deserved appreciation for spon- versity can't pay then maybe the football team
soring the musicians' road trips with the foot- should. travel alone. The University is proud
ball team. Nobody objected when the band's to have its band march on foreign fields but
rocket took off down the field on one or two if it means reciprocal agreements then it
occasions during the season. It was in fact would be better if they be between the Univer-
amusing and all in good fun. sity and the band.
But a whole show built around the sponsor Even if the show had been for Michigan
seems to overstep the bounds. The University -football fans only criticism would be in order.
admittedly has one of the finest marching But what made it more embarrassing was that
bands in the country. Many will say the finest. it happened to be the show between halfs of
Prof. Revelli, of course deserves great credit the one Michigan game being televised across
for producing this representative of the Uni- the country which all meant even more ad-
versity. vertising for the band's sponsor and even more
But now the students are beginning to won- people to conclude a close relationship between
der if it's really their band. Its performance certain big business interests and the Uni-
Saturday makes 'it look like an advertising versity of Michigan.
medium-and not for the University. -DAVE BAAD,
Maybe the band is getting too good. There Daily Managing Editor

to the
To the Editor:
some bearing on a subject re-
cently discussed in your columns.
It is a fragment recently unearth-
ed at a tin can site of the ancient
crome plate culture. Scholars set
the date at approximately 500 A.E.
and believe that it was part of
their liturgy since forgotten or un-
recognizeably transformed:
"Purge of the Heretic"
Leader: Don your Bermudas and
darkest rep ties;
Come hear of the Devil in hu-
man guise.
Before this altar, he sinned mal-
iciously; -
He looked at our father most
People: This was blasphemy, none
will deny it;
We today, must solemnly de-
cry it.
Leader: In the first century of our
father's reign.
Lived this heretic, Tom Kelly by
He sinned but once, but his sin
was great;
He spoke lightly of the head of
the State.
People: This was blasphemy, none
will deny it;
We today, must solemnly de-
cry it.
Leader: He spoke of his death in
very bad taste;
Said that his body would not go
to waste.
In this he was right, but he was
When he said that we would set
it spinning.
People: This was blasphemy, none
will deny it;
We today, must solemnly de-
cry it.
Leader: His life was short, end-
ing in tragedy;
Our father still stands in up-
right majesty.
The remainder of the text is
represented by almost undeciph-
erable fragments but evidence
would indicate that the heretic
met with an untimely end. The
words "burning" and "stake" re-
curr several times.
Hoping that this document may
be of some help in your discussion,
I remain yours in E.
-Charles A. McAlear, '57
'Rank Commercialism'
To The Editor:
UPON GAZING from the window
of a Mason Hall classroom
Friday afternoon, I saw a crowd
of students congregated in the
middle of the Diag gawking at a
new Continental-for the uninit-
iated, a $10,000 car now being pro-
duced for the "luxury" market.
The same Ann Arbor automobile
dealer for three days has had
parked in the middle of the Diag
another 1956 car under the thin
disguise of advertising the Home-
coming Dance. Now the Contin-
ental was parked next to it with-
out even a Homecoming Dance
sign on the sides.
R a n k commercialism, that's
what it is!
To top it off, as the car was
driven away down the Diag, the
driver disturbed .nearby classes by
constantly honking his horn.
--Joe Berger, Grad.


Molotov-Man in Shadows

e AnDreWs .ROsigatio

AP Foreign News Analyst
V M. MOLOTOV'S tantalizing remark to an
Associated Press correspondent the other
night opens up a broad new field of specula-
tion on the very eve of the all-important con-
ference of the four-power foreign ministers at
Molotov was asked whether his involved and
obscure confession of an error in ideology re-
cently meant he was going to resign. He re-
plied he would "give the answer to that ques-
tion in Geneva and from Geneva." That was
all the Soviet foreign minister, wearing an un-
accustomed affable smile, had to say.
But, coming from any man in the Kremlin,
such a statement was a mouthful. It left the
rest of the world on tenterhooks.
This question must now be uppermost in the
minds of the men who must meet Molotov face
to face this week: is the Soviet foreign minister
coming to Geneva a discredited man? If this
is so, it is entirely possible that the way al-
ready is prepared for the Soviet Union to
to backtrack from any agreement, expressed

or implied, that might be reached at that all
important "acid test" conference.
MOLOTOV appears to stand in the position
now of a pawn on a chessboard, to be
sacrificed if the sacrifice is necessary to further
the long-term strategy, or to be saved if the
developing game permits it. That is, if it
should be necessary in the future, it is quite
conceivable that the Soviet Union could re-
pudiate anything Molotov said or did at Geneva.
If that should not turn out to be necessary
from the Kremlin's tactical standpoint, then
Molotov could be allowed to continue in his
limbo for a long time to come. Either way
you loop" at it, this would appear to be a
dandy little arrangement for the Soviet Union.
In any event, the fact hat Molotov arrives
in Geneva a man in the shadows, his future
,questionable, can hardly lead to any maturing
of a feeling of mutual confidence for which
the Kremlin has been so passionately appeal-
ing these past six months.
One way or the other, it seems obvious enough
that the Kremlin is attempting to confuse the
West on this issue, among others. }

THERE may be more than meets
the eye behind the resignation
of T. Coleman Andrews as Com-
missioner of Internal Revenue to
become chairman of the American
Fidelity and Casualty Co. in his
home town, Richmond, Va.
Not only does it involve another
possible conflict of interest, but
Mr. Andrews seems a long way
from telling the truth when on
October 10 he wrote his boss, Sec-
retary of the Treasury Humphrey
that other than checking with the
chief conusel of the Internal Rev-
enue Service "I have not gotten
into the case at all."
For the truth is tfiat Commis-
sioner Andrews actually summoned
Kenneth McElroy, special agent in
charge of the case, from Richmond
to confer with him on the case.
He also conferred with George
Bowles, alert Insurance Commis-
sioner for the State of Virginia,
about the case. He also held
conferences in the Internal Reve-
nue Bureau regarding the case.
Finally he demanded a report from
the Enforcement Division of In-
ternal Revenue as to why the case
had not been prosecuted.
* * *
missioner Andrews' interest in the
case was very much in favor of
prosecuting the company which he
is about to head, that he almost
put the company out of business.
As a result of this tax case, the
Markel family, which controlled
American Fidelity and Casualty,
has been partially shunted to the
side and new blue-chip directors
now have a majority vote on the
board even though they control
little or no stock.
Someone meanwhile tipped off
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion in Washington, regarding the
firm's financial affairs, with the
result that it was almost barred
fro mwriting insurance for truck-
ing and bus lines. American Fidel-
ity and Casualty is the largest
insurer of bus and truck lines in
the nation.
COMMISSIONER Andrews' neg-
ative activity regarding the firm

which he will now head was so
vigorous that some observers won-
dered whether he was not carving
out a future niche for himself.
My own news-checks convince me
that this was not the case. The
new directors of the firm ap-
proached him to take the job; he
did not approach them.
Finally, the retiring tax com-
missioner may have trouble with
the law which provides a criminal
penalty if a former government
employee represents persons with
"claims against the government"
within two years after leaving the
government, if he handled the
matter while in government.
The American Fidelity and Cas-
ualty case is one of the more
important ones now before the
tax court involving fraud. A jeop-
ardy assessment-which is imposed
only in case of fraud-has been
placed against the company and
Associated Markel interests and
this, plus interest and back taxes,
totals $5,782,698.38. The tax years
involved are from 1944 through
* * *
THE CASE began when tax
agents found that a hospital ex-
pense of around $10,000 for the
son of Lewis Markel, stricken with
polio, had been charged off as a
business expense against Markel
Service, agent for American Fidel-
ity. At that time, the late Sam
Markel, grandfather of the boy,
was head of the company and also
head of its agent, Markel Serv-
The case, then considered rela-
tively minor, was listed for tax
court adjudication. However, the
more tax-bird-dog McElroy began
looking into the case, the more
interesting it became. For he
found that the company had not
given him its full records. This
discovery occurred when the Mar-
kels handed him some files by
mistake and he was unable to
reconcile them with his previous
figures taken from another set of
books previously given him.
It further developed that the
Markels had overpaid their taxes.
The files withheld from McElroy

were not for cheating on taxes,
but because the conpany had
suffered heavy insurance losses,
and it was feared these losses, if
known, would affect its future
status in insuring truck and bus
* * *
THESE LOSSES have now been
recouped and the company is in
sound financial condition.
However, it was this tax situa-
tion which put the company in a
hazardous position with the Vir-
ginia Insurance Commissioner,
with the Illinois Insurance Com-
mission, and with the Interstate
Commerce Commission in Wash-
Since the company had probably
overpaid its taxes, however, the
Enforcement Division of Internal
Revenue felt justified in not re-
commending penal action. This
was the negative position of Rich-
ard Schwartz, counsel of the En-
forcement Division and one of the
toughest prosecutors in Internal
Revenue, when Andrews asked why
there had been no prosecution.
However, the company may face
trouble with the Securities and
Exchange Commission for failure
to show all its records. For, in
floating stocks or bonds under the
Truth-in-Securities Act. a com-
pony must tell the truth, which
the Markels did not do when they
registered an issue with the SEC
two years ago.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Nov. 2, from 4:00 to d:00 p.m.
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Nov. 1. Com-
munIcations for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands by Nov. 10.
First Laboratory Playbil will be pre-
sented by the Department of Speech
at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Nov. 3
and 4, In the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. All seats are reserved at 35c each.
Tickets are on sale at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre box office 10 a.m. un-
til 5 p.m.
Fellowships to the University of Ceylon
are being offered by the Fulbright Pro-
gram. There are two fellowships cover-
ing tuition, board and double room for
the academic year beginning June, 1956.
Unmarried graduate students under 35
years of age are eligible. If a married
candidate were accepted it would be on
the condition that he go without de-
pendents. Fields of study suggested are
Sociology, Economics, Geography and
History of Ceylon; the language of Poll,
History, Art, Architecture, Indian Phi-
osophy and History, and Indo Aryan
Linguistics. The deadline is Dec. 15.
Application forms and further infor-
mation may be obtained from the Insti-
tute of International Education, 1 East
67th Street, New York 21, N. Y.
Two Teaching Assistantships to the
University of Caldas in Columbia are
being offered to American graduate
students for the academic year Jan. 3
to Oct. 5, 1956. Both men and women
are eligible. Grantees are required to
assist the Department of Languages of
the University in the $eachng of Eng-
lish for not more than 15 hours a week.
Assistantships are intended for future
teachers of Spanish and preference will
be given to candidates with this career
in mind. Eligibility includes United
States Citizenship, Bachelor's degree by
date of departure, and Proficiency in
the Spanish language. Applications
from the U.S. Student Department,
Institute of International Education, 1
East 67th Street, New York 21, N. Y.
Deadline is December 1, 1955.
The National Science Foundation is
offering fellowships for the 1956-57
year in the mathematical, physical,
medical, biological, engineering, and
other sciences, including anthropology,
psychology, geography, certain inter-
disciplinary fields, and fields of con-
vergence between the natural and social
sciences. First year fellowships are
available to college seniors who apply
now and will hold the award for the
first year of their graduate study. Ap-
plications must be received by the
Foundation by Jan. 3. 1956. Preliminary
application cards, and further informa-
tion may be obtained in the Office of
theGraduate School, or by writing to
the Fellowship Office, National Research
Council, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington 25, D. C.
Society of the Sigma Xi and Museum
of Paleontology. The Ermine Cowes
Case Memorial Lecture by Dr. Alfred.S.
Romer, Director, Museum of Compara-
tive Zoology, Harvar4 University. "Red
Beds, Fossils, and Vertebrate Evolution."
8:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 2, Rackhami
Wed., Nov. 2, 8:00 p.m., East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Building. Car
Johnson, Washtenaw County Adminis-
trator, will conduct the first of this
season's series of social seminars of
the American Society for Public Ad-
ministration. Topic: "The Present and
Future Policies and Problems of a
Country Administrator."

Stanley Quartet, 8:30 this evening,
Rackham Lecture.Hall; compositions by
Mozart, Finney and Debussy. Open to
the general public without charge.
Academic Notices
Architecture and Design students may
not drop courses without record after
5:00 p.m., Fri., Nov. 4.
Architecture and Design students who
have incompletes incurred last semester
must'remove them by Fri., Nov. 4.
U.S. History 49 midterm, Thurs., Nov.
3, 9:00 a.m. Mr. Laurie's sections (2, 3,
4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15) Natural Science Aud.
Mr. Solvick's sections (9, 14, 16) 25
Angell Hall. Mr. Eggert's sections (1
and 6) 2054 Natural Science Bldg. Mr.
Eggert's sections (7, 11, 12, 17) 231 An-
gell Hall.
The Names of Those Who Passed the
language examination for the M.A. in
history are posted in the office of the
Department of History, Room 3601,
Haven Hall.
Graduate Record Examination: Ap-
plication blanks for the Nov. 19 admin-
istration of the Graduate Record Ex-
amination are availableat 110 Rackham
Building. This examination will be
administered at the University of De-
troit. Application blanks are due in
Princeton, N. J. not later than Nov. 4,.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Nov.
1, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 A.H. Prof.
J. G. Wendel will speak on "Abstract
Applications of Measure Convolutions."
Tea and coffee served at 3:45 in 3212
Sociology Student-Faculty Coffee Hour
for students and faculty in Sociology
and Social Psychology Wed., Nov. 2 at
4:00 p.m.
Botanical Seminar. Murray F. Buell,


<:> : etting Used To A Reality


T HERE wasn't a murmur in Rackham Audi-
torium yesterday as President Hatcher told
the congregated faculty members about the
growing size of the University.
Expansion and growth are truly the "state of
the University" and everyone realizes as Presi-
dent. Hatcher said, "This is it; this is not a
crisis operation, we are not going to return to
anything; this is the way the University will
There was further silence when President
Hatcher said, "there's no virtue in mere size."
And you could have heard a pin drop when
the President added: "the quality of work at
the University now is as good as ever in its
This is not to imply that the faculty was

expected to break into applause at these re-
marks. But there was something ominous
about the silence. The men and women who
have devoted their lives to a belief, to an
idealistic dream perhaps (whatever a teacher
thinks of education), were getting accustomed
to something.'
IF THEIR classes held fifty today, it would
hold 100 tomorrow. If they lectured to 200
students in expansive lecture halls now, they
would soon see new, larger lecture halls built.
But, if you believe in education it takes time
to get used to facts like these. You have to get
used to seeing faces in a mass instead of stick-
ing out individually, inquiring, debating, ac-
cepting and refusing.
President Hatcher perhaps sensed this as he
explained the need of education for all, that
double enrollment meant double opportunity.
But does it mean education, real education
where the professor can understand his stu-
dent, meet him on neutral grounds in a desire
to have one mind shape the other.
"The quality of work is now as good as ever."
Will it be twice as good when there are twice
as many? But that's not important now. This
is the Way it would be, and there was nothing
to say. No wonder there wasn't a murmer.
IT'S STRANGE how one year you can brag
to the home folks about the University's
best band anywhere, and then the next year
not say a word.
Perhaps its good business sense on the part
of the Michigan band to "plug" its big business
Business and the commercial world are nice,
practical things, but what happened to the


by Dick Bibier

Editorial Stafff
Dave Baad .......................;. Managing Editor
Jim Dygert.............................. City Editor
Murry Frymer ......... Editorial Director
Debra Durchsia g ............ Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ................. Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor
Louise Tyor....... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis........... .. ............... . Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ................Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ...........,..Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helithaler ..................... Women's Editor
Elaine Edmcnds.............Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel .................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ....................... Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz.............Associate Business Manager
Ken Rogat .............. ........Advertising Manager
Marty Weisbard. .............................. Finance


Associated Press Writer
TENNESSEE Williams, who once
wrote purely from hunger, has
become one of .the golden boys of
the American writing scene.
He has been so successful that
his friends have given him a new
nickname: "Tennessee Millions."
At 41 the prolific author has
turned out nine full-length plays,
a volume of verse, two volumes of
short stories, and a collection of
a dozen shorter plays called
"Twenty-Seven Wagons Full of
He has completed for Paramount
Pictures a film script of "The Rose
Tattoo," starring Burt Lancaster
and Anna Magnani-it is the third
of his dramas he has adapted for
the movies-and his "Cat on a Hot
Tin Roof" is a top Broadway hit.
* * *
credit their rise to hard work.
Williams feelsrthat his own fame
came, in large measure, from the
revolt stirred in him by his dis-
covery of poverty and what it did
to people.
Born in the Episcopal Rectory of
his grandfather in Columbus, Miss.
he moved at the age of 12 to St.
Louis, where his father worked as
A. clacmnan fnr n ernp firm 'rhp

Crumbs to Millions
For Tennessee

.; . bitter education

' IF I had been born to this
situation I might not have resented
it deeply. But it was forced upon
my consciousness at the most sen-
sitive age of childhood."
The shock resulted in a rebellion
and a social consciousness which
Williams feels still marks most of
his writing. But the shock paid
off well.

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