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October 14, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-14

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Jean Anou ii's

Performances Thursday through Sunday
Matinee Sunday, Nov. 6
Members FREE :General Public $1.65 :Students: 99c
I DRAMATIC ARTS CENTER Season Membership $10.00
I Box 179 STUDENT RATE $5.00I
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Please enroll me as a season member.
1 AddressI
_ _._ --.._ ---_.- - ._.. . - - - - _ -
6 0bero kircie,
1bi1e s ~ir

Dubbed Laughter Aggravates British* b L5F
By JAMES F. KING Kendall McDonald, London Eve- Britons have greeted commer- FOR RENT FOR SALE WANTED TO BUY
LONDON (IP) - An invasion of ning News critic, commented: cial television with enthusiasm 20 x 25 CINDER BLOCK two bedroom MOUTON FUR coat excellent condi- WANTED TO BUY-Boy's used light-
American TV is enlivening Brit- "A gentleman from the audience generally-but those advertising house 80 percent finished on 1 acre tion. NO 3-3267. )18B weight bike. Call 29682 between 6 &
ain's battle between sponsored and mounted the platform in full plugs are another American in- beautiful hillside site on paved new 8 P.M. )1K
noncommercial television - but knowledge that someone might vention creating some headaches. U.S. 12, 15 miles west of Ann Arbor, STUDENT ROOM
really, when should one laugh and either cover him with whitewash The problem is where to insert $6200. Terms to suit. At $45 a month. RUG SPECLBUSINESS SERVICES
when should one just titter? or set fire to his trousers. the commercials. The independent on sale now at $29.95 RE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes
Some Englishmen, while appre- "What they did was to pour over network, only three weeks old, re- LOST AND FOUND SMITH'S CARPET STORE rewoven. Let us save your clothes.
dlating the slickness of the Yankee him a sort of Irish stew . . . to ceived complaints for breaking 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade.
shows, don't appreciate raucous the accompaniment of squeals of midway in a half-hour program. FngDman loeather uprse contain- )5B )4
laughter dubbed in-they think- joy ... in the audience. This did There's some talk of confining ad- 3-0521 Ext. 342. )29A ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.8; Sox, BUS. AD. STUDENTS - Improe your
in the wrong places. not seem to me proof in any way vertising to beginning and end. LOST-Alpha, Delta Pi pin. Call Jean 39c; Shorts, 69c; military supplies. speaking ability. Individual and class
American comedy films are pre- the contention that people are There's a general feeling, how- Antrobius, NO 2-2539. )28A Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )4B training. hone NO 3-1531, Ext. 296.
sented here with the original sound funny but just that they are rath- ever, that commercial TV is in LOST-Maroon Shaeffer snorkel pen PLAY GOLF. Scenic Municipal dol
effects, including laughs, intact. er sad. Or perhaps, that we laugh Britain to stay. Certain diehards between E. Eng., and South Quad. ChrE afor heparty eget togetheai Course Now Open. Special rates for
Laughs Not Wanted at vastly different things. who hate the idea concede it has Call NO 3-0521, ext. 332. )A27 Washington Fish Market, 208 E. Wash- U. of M. students. 18 Scenic holes,
Ramsden Greig, Evening Stan- Liberace has created a wide dif- brightened the BBC, which form- $5 REWARD for safe return of glasses lngton, NO 2-2589. Free delivery. )3B snackbar, complete pro-shop. Bar-
dard critic says: ference of opinion, just as he has erly had a monopoly, lost at football game Saturday. D. gains in golf equipment. 1519 Fuller
"TisisOfe agrvain at homeM arh,61SuhDvso afr 1951 HENRY J. Excellent. Heater, turn- Rd. uear North Campus. )12J
"This is often aggravating -... e McCarthy, 621 South Division after ing signals, new tires, seat covers,
these American bellylaughs over a Liberace "Villainous" 5. )A12 battery. $170. Call Sam NO 3-5156. SERVICE SHOP, 1217 S.A. Studio. 1317
gag that would bring to a Briton Daily Sketch critic Leslie Wat- Org anization LOST-Black rim glasses. Maroon case, )37N S. Univ. )1J
only a titter. It's just a difference kins summed up his review giving green pen. If found call NO 2-5996.
in sense of humor." both sides: )20A $60-1946 Nash-good motor, tires and PRE SCHOOL CHILDREN
tceradio . Call NO 3-2581. )24N
Both the government-subsidized "We met him (Liberace) in LOST-K&E slide rule-Friday Michi- State License. Will pick up and de-
British Broadcasting Corp. and the many moods . . . He paused, gan Theater. Call NO 3-3373. Fred 1950 CHEVROLET-Power glide, radio, liver. 5 day, full day, week. Call
independent TV network, which choked with emotion. 'Isn't that Acolytes: Speaker, Prof. Arne Naess Smith. )19A heater. Excellent condition. For sale NO 5-3713 or NO 2-8062. )11J
lives on advertising, are making beautiful?' he asked. Not beauti- of Oslo University, today, 8:00 p.m., by original owner. Phone NO 2-
- East Conference Room, Rackham Build- PARKER 51 PEN. Lost Tuesday near 7773. )36N WASHINGS-Also ironings privately.
their biggest bids for audiences ful, Mr. Liberace. It was murder ing Angell Hall. 123 Chicago, W.Q. )16A Specializing in cotton dresses. Free
through American programs. -musical murder. But I have to * * USED CARS pick up and delivery, Phone NO 2-
English versions of American record a verdict of justifiable ho- Chess Club: Today, 7:30 p.m., Michi- I DREAMT I went to the Northwestern 9020. )9J
shows like People are Funny have micide-justified by the spell- gan Union. game in my "GO DERBY." )16F 49 MERCURY 4 door R&H. One owner
brought sharp criticism. binding skill of his villany." * * * LOST-Collegiate Sorosis pin in vicin- -very clean car, $395.00. University HI-FI Components and ServiceAudio-
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sup- ity of State Street. Reward. Call NO Oldsmobile. 907 N, Main St. NO 3- phile, net prices. Telefunken Hi-Fl,
Hike to Island Park, today 5:15 2-3189. )15A 0507. )N AM-FM shortwave radios. Service on
p.m. and 5:45 p.m., two groups going 53 OLDS Holiday Hardto.p W-SW R&H all makes of radios and phonographs.
A"s sout. Guild House, 524 Thompson. LOST wallet with personal papers on Ann Arbor Radio and TV, 1217 8.
As a RussianlSl * * Forest Avenue. NO 5-1121. uvety Onene owner, 9w mil g University. Phone NO 8-7942, 1%
Hillel: 7:15, Friday evening services Uiest lsoie 0 .Mi blocks east of East Eng. )1J
9 followed by Oneg Shabat. LOST-Gold Alpha Xi Delta and Delta St. NO 3-0507. )N
- heres the first * * * Sigma Phi pins connected by gold 9 CHEV. 2 door, black. R&H. Sharp. RICHARD MADDY-VIOLINMAKER
Hillel: Community Sabbath Services, chain in S. Division - Administration $295.00. University Oldsmobile,' 907 N. Fine, old certified instruments Es
g * * Oct. 15, 9:00 a.m. Bldg. area. Reward. Call NO 2-8167 Main St. NO 3-0507. )N bows. 310 S. State. NO 2-5962. )2J
* * * evenings. A,)10A
Hillel: Open House after football '50 HUDSON, 4 door, radio, heater, re-
Thei minute I stole the plans for the game, 4:00, Recreation room. LOST GLASSES. Finder of glasses cal cently overhauled. $200. Ph. NO 8- PERSONAL
* * * Normandy 3-1511, Ext. 350. )1A 8821, )39N HUR!Ol2dastlHDy.)8
nuclear pipper dinkler, I headed for Hillel Chorus: Rehearsal, Oct. 16, LOST-SAE pin. Sunday on Campus..) HURRY Only 2 days til H Day., )18
7:00 p.m., Main Chapel of the Hillel '47 DODGE $175. Radio and heater, oth-
the BEER DEPOT. (Testimonial of Foundation. New members still invited Call NO 3-1561, 3002 Stockwell. )7A er accessories. Phone NO 2-7252. Ask IS THERE A DR. in the house? If he's
Georgi Marx-Camp Pleasure-Siberia) to join, for Tom. )23N a post-grad student, tell him to
*** ROOM AND BOARD phone Student Periodical NO 2-
Homecoming Decorations Committee: 1949 PONTIAC-Radio and heater, hy- 3061 for special subscription rates to
Today, 4:00 p.m., Union, Room 3 L. MEN-Board in a Co-op House. 807 S. dramatic. 2 door green, very nice. many mags. )
JUST DRIVE THROUGh * * State or 1017 Oakland. About $8.50 The big lot across from the down-
There will be a meeting for al and 42 hours a week. Inquire NO 8- town carport. Huron Motor Sales, 222 SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY the different
No Parhiing Problems women interested in doing waitress 6872, or see ICC executive secretary, W. Washington. NO 2-4588. )35N
work at the League, full time, part 1017 Oakland. way. Send friendly greetings to
time, or substitution jobs, today, 4:00 . )3E 1947 FORD 2 door, radio, heater, good
HTp.m.,Leaguerubber. The big lot across from the friends by advertising in the MIC.
114 East Williams NO 8-7191 * * *Z DOUBLE-good meals. For upper- downtown carport. Huron Motor
Newmnaslb:iLtiamserian-7r9y, class man or grad. 1319 Hill. NO 2- Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. IGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED Section.
Newman Club: Latin American Party.,6422, Mr. Wentz. )2E )34N
_today, 8:00-12:00 p.m., Gabriel Richard HEPW N E
TODAY THRU FRI - 6:30 * * * FOR SALE 1950 CHEVROLET Belair Sport Coupe,
RUPAH E U SAT - SUN. 1:30 S.R.A. Coffee Hour honoring Interna- 2 tone gray, radio, heater. One own- BOY physically fit to do general work
SUNDAY65c tional Student-sponsored by Interna- FORD 1954 Customline V-8 Tudor se- er, very nice. The big lot across from around house and yard 2 or 3 hours
da, radio and heater, very clean, the downtown carport. Huron Motor starting about noon. 'Must have car.
YHEA R4N:I0NG . .p. I NC ESSANT AS THE POUNeDItNG SEAn In G idand in beautiful shape, just simon. Sales, 222 W. Washington, NO 2-4588. Phone NO 8-8732. )15H
They "Wed Thee Fate The Moment They Shared Their ovH:uized. 2005 Highland Drive, off Pack- )33N
,AMUEL2GOLD-WYN62.,)B1946 OLDSMOBILE. 4 door, radio, heat- WANTED-Carriers for the MICHIGAN
AM Ee GOLDWYN HEPPLEWHITE side table and drop er, hydramatic. Good transportation. DAILY, morning hours, excellent pay,
his tense and timele In Uleaf tables, dishes, and trays. Call The big lot across from the down- no collecting. Call NO 2-3241, Cir-
achievement in suspene aNO 3-2862. )44B town carport. Huron Motor Sales, culation department.
43 _222 W. Washington. NO 2-4588. )32N
D iy y s f d"PURCHASE FROM PURCHASE" STUDENT or student's wife to work at
iUsed 8 mm Movie Camera A FORD CAR-Ideal low-cost trans- coffee shop. Morning hours, Monday
Purchase Camera Shop portation .Excellent mechanical con- thru Friday. 7:30-1:00 P.M. and
1116 S. University, Phone NO 8-6972 dition. For sale cheap. Bud Twin- Wednesday afternoons. Call between
)22B ing's Gas Station, Hill at Packard. 5:00-7:00 P.M. NO 8-9402 or NO 8-
,,._)22N 6087. )14H
-- ---FULL SIZF' coil spring and mattress,
good condition. Reasonable, NO 2- '51 STUDEBAKER Land Cruiser V-8 WANTED-cab drivers. Full or part
E T4954. )36B Hydramatic. All Deluxe equipment. time. Apply 113 . Ashley, Ann Arbor
_ ___Low mileage. Very clean. $395. Phone Yellow and Checker Cab Company,
A ING FRIDAY! FORD 1954 Customline V-8 Tudor se- NO 8-7264. )21N phone NO 8-9382. )6
SSTART INGFIDY dan, radio and heater, very clean, and -
in beautiful shape, just simonized. 1949 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 sedan, ra-
- 00 Highland Drive, off Pacarkd, NO dio, heater, hydramatic, $350; 1950 TRANSPQRTATION
Three of the Year's 2-6832. )42B Ford Convertible, new tires, new top, TO ALL PEOPLE from New Jersey. In.
Finest Screen I beautiful condition, priced right. tesedi chrrngapne o
;FT rn1954 FORD CONVERTIBLE, Goldenrod "Youbget a better deal" at Fitzgerald terested in chartering splane to
Performances! yellow, Fordomatic, radio, heater, Jordan, Inc., 607 Detroit Street. NO ewark on Dec. 16 should nofyob
B5NGYwhitewalls. Motor and top in perfect 8-8141. )2N By.
condition. Not a scratch on finish._)3G
Any reasonable offer considered. NO 1949 FORD Tudor, six-cylinder, good
- - - GRACE 3-4145. Ask for N-34. )40B condition, 90 W. Joy Rd. Call NO
2-2664. )25N
"MAGOO EXPRESS" CARTOON KELLY REMINGTON PORTABLE-Four bank cream convertible Saturday Nite
keyboard, $35. NO 2-9020. )37B49 OLDS, Super as, cemcnetbe
WILLIAM Red leather seats, hydramatic, ra-
HOLDEN FOOD FREEZER. Upright Frigidaire. dio, heater, new top, white wals.
Used three- months. Very reasonable. $350. Call after 6:30, NO 3-1279. )19N
-A-tinAPRLBERGSEATON KPhone NO 2-3267 or YPSI 4564-J.
t5THE)25B FORD '49 V-8 for $165. Phone NO 3-
atiees65c4534 )631
(Lita Sn y 0GLEE CLUB MEMBERS; one tail jack-
yI.sadSna et (38-40), white vest, white tie, 1950 PLYMOUTH COUPE. R. and H.
Brooks Brothers full dress shirt, three Tires and motor in good condition.
wing tip collars, all for $25. Call $275.00. Phone NO 2-7157, 928 S. For-
Jerry at NO 3-5341. )33B est. )30N
- ALSO I PONTIAC '46. V-8, 4-door, good condi- 1947 BUICK 2-door, clean, reliable 1808
A tion. $145 cash. Call owner, NO 3- transportation, priced right. Phone
They were three of 3109 after 2:00 P.M. , )38N NO 3-8282 after 6:30 P.M. )28N
:akind... ALL BAD!! - ---

SCOTAtY CAndre Kos telanetz
12" Long Playing Record
¢Y 0I 4 Value ONLY 93C
'The Spectacular TH E T R* 300 SouthTh er
Epic of History's
e dPhone NO 2-2500 or NO 8-7200 Just West of Hill Auditorium
Greatest Adventurer
Paramount presents
r ~~Paramount presents ,y
................................GRANT KELLY'r { A
.;HNCOO The blazing talents of two great stars
,, it" r- a . {in the danger affair of the year!
p{oScreenplay by JOHN MICHAEL HAYES
aased o n the novi by O vid Dodge
t+ ie




4Ne$ $ Dy4ta/soan th
TICKETS: $3.50 $3.00 - $2.50 - $2.00 $1.50
Season Tickets (5 concerts) - Obernkirchen, Oct. 17;
London Philharmonia, Nov. 9; Boston Pops, Jan. 8;
Myra Hess, Feb. 15; Teresa Stitch-Randall, Mar. 9;
$8.50, $7.00, $6.00, $5.00


/ ' I



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