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October 14, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-14

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Latest Deadline in the State





Study of Rushing
To Be Requested
Council to Consider Seven-Member
Committee at Meeting Wednesday
_ Student Government Council will be asked Wednesday to appoint
a seven-member committee to study the present University rushing
Daily Managing Editor Dave Baad, '56, will make the motion
which also provides that the committee report back to the Council by
the first week in March with a definite proposal for handling future
The motion calls for a committee consisting of representatives
from the four housing groups (Interfraternity Council, Inter-House

Circle Plant
Go To Work
NEW CASTLE, Ind. (A)-The
Perfect Circle foundry, where eight
persons were shot in rioting Oct
5, reported yesterday it was step-
ping up production with nonstrik-
ers working under protection of
National Guard tanks and guns.
As new units moved in to re-
lieve guardsmen who had been on
duty for a week, George N. Craig
issued a statement in Indianapolis
hitting back at Congress of. In-
dustrial Organizations criticism of
his Monday declaration of martia
The governor called the CIO
criticism "completely unjustified.'
He further contended local lead-
ers of the striking CIO United
Auto Workers had been overruled
by their national headquarters on
matters of strike policy.
"Local Determination Usurped"
"I have some reason to believe,'
Craig said, "that had the local un-
ions been permitted to make a
decision on their own, qne of these
proposals or some similar propos-
al would have been accepted. This
right of local determination ap-
parently has beefl usurped by the
professional bureaucracy and hier-
archery in Detroit.
"I would like to make it clear
that at no time did I give any
consideration to the request that
the New Castle plant be kept clos-
ed indefinitely. To have given in to
this request would have been a
surrender to mob violence and in-
Some Production Restored
A Perfect Circle spokesman said
41 of 260 production workers
showed up yesterday compared
with 36 Wednesday, and predicted
* 50 per cent of normal production
of piston ring castings would be
reached early next week. The
strike began July 25, with the un-
ion asking higher wages and a
union shop.
Headquarters Backs Strike
Meanwhile, in Detroit, CIO-
UAW headquarters is backing up
its support of the Indiana strike
with two resources: money and in-
Just how much money has been
poured into the 12-week-old strike
is a' closely guarded secret. But
even with liberal strike benefits
to its members there, the drain on
the union's huge strike fund would
be almost negligible.
At its last convention, the union
voted to triple its $2.50 monthly
dues for four months, the extra
$5 a month to go into a special
strike fund. Swelled by those as-
sessments and in the absence of
any major recent strikes, the fund
now is near its 25 million dollar
Engine Council
Veep Resigns ,
The resignation of Jere Brophy,
Grad, as vice-president of the
Engineering Council was announ-
ced at the Council's meeting last
night in the Union.
Electoins to fill the post vacated
by Brophy will be held at the next
meeting, according to Bill Dia-
mond, '56E, Council president.
The Council also discussed the
dissolution of the separate class
boards, the establishment of more
permanent governing bodies for

the clsss and~ a, rlan to, so,-qoiAft

-O Council, Panhellenic and Assembly
Association, and three SGC mem-
bers to be named by SGC's exe-
cutive committee.
No faculty or administrativ
members are included on the pro-
posed committee, but they could
be used for source material.
The motion also calls for exist-
ing study groups to participate ir
the handling of relative data and
e Expects Juriadictional Dispute
't The motion will be mimeograph-
ed and sent to all SGC members
by Monday, Baad said. He ex-
pects most of the controversy tc
f involve the question of whether
the Council has the jurisdiction t
- handle this problem. This fact
was also mentioned by Dick Good,
'56, SGC treasurer at the last
s meeting.
"This is an all-University prob-
f lem, so it falls under the jurisdic-
1 tion of the Council," Baad said,
He added the proposal deals
with people who arent yet affili-
ates, and under the present rush-
ing setup many never become
members of the dorm system by
pledging in the first semester.
Therefore this problem deals
with a fringe area of the student
body and definitely falls within
the scope of SOC.
Referring to the absence of ad-
ministration or faculty members
on the committee Baad said he
feels since this problem is within
the realm of student government,
students should make the deci-
sions. This, he added, doesn't pre-
clude use of faculty or administra-
tion personnel for source material.
Calls For Deferred Rush
At the Oct. 5 meeting of SGC,
Baad announced that the motion
twould be made at the Oct. 19 meet-
ing. At that time he called spe-
cifically for only second-semester
pledging of both freshmen men
and women.
He gave the two-week notice
so that interested parties could
gather data to submit to the com-
mittee if it is formed.
Controversy on the present
rushing system has led to many
studies at the University, but a
satisfactory system is still to be
discovered according to many af-
Present rushing system has
pledging during the first weeks
of the fall semester for both fra-
ternities and sororities. Fraterni-
ties rush and pledge again in the
spring, while sororities use the bid
day method.
Deferred rushing was last at-
tempted at the University in the
1930's, but failed mainly because
of the effects of the depression,
according to Baad.
Knight Says
Nixon Is out
LOS ANGELES ('-Republican
Gov. Goodwin Knight of Califor-
nia was quoted as saying yesterday
he opposed Vice President Richard
M. Nixon as a possible presidential
candidate because, "I just don't
think Dick can win."
Knight, in an interview with
the Mirror-News correspondent
said also that he doesn't believe
that Sen. William F. Knowland
(R-Cal.) can win either. Know-
land has been mentioned along
with Nixon as a GOP presidential
prospect in case President Dwight
D. Eisenhower doesn't run for re-
election next year.
"I was in five losing battles for
Republican tickets during the
Roosevelt-Truman administrations
and I don't want to be in an-
other," the governor was quoted.
. Knight, interviewed by the pap-
er's political editor, Richard C.

Bergholz said that there was no
animosity in his nttitie and add.

Sometimes even the squelch-
ers on campus. get (squelched.
At an exchange dinner in
South Quad last night, two
couples were sitting in the
lounge after the meal. A third
girl stormed over and announc-
ed: "It was horrible. My date
was such a dog. I couldn't wait
to get away."
One of the group decided he'd
embarrass the excited girl, so
he asked calmly, "Oh yes, you
were with my rommate, weren't
The girl, a complete stranger,
eyed him carefully for a min-
ute and replied, "I DON'T doubt
AL's Action
A ttackied
By Truman
Former President Harry S. Tru-
man blamed "America Firsters"
last night for the American Le-
gion's vote against UNESCO Wed-
nesday in its Miami, Fla., con-
He said "UNESCO's all right."
A legionnaire himself, he told
inquiring UN correspondents the
legion is "a bunch of eager beaver
young fellows, and some of the
'America Firsters' just got control
over there and made a debacle out
of the situation. It's gonna cost
the legion before they're through,"
he added.
Truman linked the issue with
the isolationist ideas of the pre-
MIAMI, Fla. (M)-The Ameri.
can Legion yesterday beat
down a move calling for the
United States to withdraw com-
pletely from the United Na-

war America First organization in
his comment yesterday on the
convention's plea that Congress
repeal the 1956 law that drafted
the United States Commission for
He and his wife and daughter,
Margaret, came here late yester-
day for a 45-minute visit with
secretary General Dag Hammasrk-
Dr. Luther Evans, director gen-
eral of UNESCO, denied the le-
gion's charges that his agency was
out for world government.
He said UNESCO's only aim is
to "bring together the peoples of
the world in the fields of educa-
tion, science and culture" for bet-I
ter mutual understanding.
Sec. Benson
Over Prices
WASHINGTON (R) - Adminis-
tration leaders were reported to-
day to have given Secretary of Ag-
riculture Ezra Taft Benson free
rein to draft proposed additions
to GOP farm policies designed to
speed recovery of farm income.
The emphasis was on the term
"addition" - because Benson has
declared there will no retreat from
present Republican policies which
feature flexible farm price sup-
ports as contrasted with high,
rigid price floors of the Truman
These reports came on the heels
,of a conference Benson held with
Vice President Richard M. Nixon
yesterday. They also followed talk
in farm circles that top adminis-
tration officials were split on
whether the government was do-
ing enough to help farmers.
Sources close to Benson, who
asked that they not be named",
said the secretary was "quite hap-
py" with recent developments, in-
cluding his meeting with Nixon.
Benson declared after his ses-
sion with Nixon that "there is no
split" within the administration
over farm policies. "The Cabinet
is solidly behind the administra-
tion," he said.
Nixon did not comment. He said
in advance that Benson "will speak;
for me."

Apathetic to
FBA Plan
Won't Save Money
Housemothers Say
Fraternity Buying Association
suffered its first setback yesterday
when plan for including sororities
fell through, at least temporarily.
Sorority housemothers and fi-
nancial advisors were decidedly
lukewarm on the cooperate buying
program as outlined to them by
FBA Purchasing Agent Mike Bar-
ber, '57.
Most housemothers felt they had
nothing to gain by joining the
plan and were reluctant to severe
ties with merchants they had dealt
with for many years.
Sums Up Sentiment
Mrs. Dorothy Frost, Delta Delta
Delta housemother, summed up
prevailing sentiment by comment-
ing, "I don't believe savings would
be that large for us. House direc-
tors are experienced buyers, fra-
ternity stewards aren't. Fraterni-
ties needed the plan badly - we
A show-of-hands vote clearly
showed sorority house directors
were solidly behind Mrs. Frost.
Want to See Prices
House directors said they want-
ed to see FBA prices on specific
items. Most of them seemed to
feel they save more now than
they would by joining FBA.
Barber explained it is difficult
to compute accurate statistics on
savings because prices fluctuate.
The comparison figures house
mothers want are not yet avail-
able, Barber said, but will be com-
piled as soon as possible.
A major obstacle in inducing
sororities to join now is the dif-
ferences in foods used.
While fraternities use large
quantities of canned goods soror-
ities lean heavily on frozen and
fresh foods. FBA deals only in
canned goods now but hopes to
expand in other fields.
"The thing you're trying to sell
us is what we're least interested
in -canned goods," one house
director commented.
Loyalty to Merchants
One problem that plagued FBA
last spring when fraternities join-
ed cropped up again yesterday-
loyalty to merchants.
Mrs. Leighton Knapp, alumni
advisor to Alpha Xi Delta, claimed,
"Loyalty to the firms who have
taken care of us all these years is
worth something - also, they give
us discounts too."
Under FBA regulations, mem-
bers must buy from wholesalers
through FBA.
Despite lack of enthusiasm on
the part of housemothers, Barber
indicated efforts to induce soror-
ities to join the plan would not be
Panhellenic Associaation Presi-
dent Debbie Townsend, '56, told
the group, "We will find out the
prices you want and send you
information from time to time in
the hope that some of you will
come in on a trial basis."
Several sorority presidents and
stewards commented after the
meeting that sororities may not be
as disinterested as yesterday's
meeting seemed to indicate.
Reluctant to Change
C e president said, "Part of the
pro em is that house mothers are
reluctant to change."'

Barber conceded FBA would not
immediately effect the same sav-
ings for sororities it had for fra-
ternities but said he thought in
the long run both groups would
After the meeting several
housemothers approached Barber
and said they had not meant to
discourage him or belittle the plan.
Agreeing that FBA had done a
good job working with fraternities.
they said they just didn't feel it
would help their groups.
Pan American
Orders Jets I
In an announcement made yes-
terday, Pan American World Air-
ways agreed to contracts totaling
$269,000,000 purchase of jet trans-
While some other airlines have
stated their intentions of buying
jet transnorts. Pan American was




Soviets Balk
At U.S. Move
On Poland
Charge Damage
To Geneva Pact
The Soviet Union declared yester-
day attempts by the United States
to keep Communist Poland from
winning a seat on the UN Security
Council are damaging the spirit
of Geneva and putting a stumb-
ling block in the path of interna-
tional cooperation.
But V. V. Kuznetsov, the -chief
Soviet delegate to the UN,. at a
news conference where he outlined
his country's position, dismissed
as "not pertinent" a question as
to whether the Soviet Union would
continue to cooperate with the
Council and other agencies in event
of a Polish defeat.
Poland, Philippines Battle
The 60-nation General Assembly
will elect three non-permanent
members to the 11-nation Council
today. The only contest is be-
tween Poland and the Philippines,
and both sides are claiming enough
support to win on the first-ballot.
A two-thirds majority is required
and balloting continues until a
nation receives the margin of vic-
Cuba and Australia are regarded
as virtually certain to win the
other two seats on the Council-
the high-level body charged by
the JN with the task of maintain
ing international peace and secur-
U.S. Backs Philippines
The United States is leading the
campaign to elect the Philippines
to the seat being vacated by Tur-
key. Cuba is the candidate for
the seat being vacated by Brazil
and Australia for New Zealand's.
Asked whether the Soviet Union
would consider the Geneva spirit
still in existence in event of
Poland's defeat, Kuznetsov said he
could better answer that question
after today's voting. He said it
was the duty of all the delegates
to vote for Poland.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., the chief
U.S. delegate, charged Wednes-
day that Poland had done little
to aid international peace which
would qualify her for a seat. I
Ask Hospital
For Mental Ill
LANSING ()-A Republican
legislative leader urged Gov. G.
Mennen Williams today to press
his demands for federal permis-
sion to use the Fort Custer station
hospital as a home for mentally
retarded children.
Rep. Allison Green (R-King-
ston), the Republican.House Floor
Leader, told Gov. Williams that
State use of the closed Army hos-
pital would eliminate about half
of the 1,221 list of children wait-
ing admission to State hospitals.
Green argued also that use of
the Army installation would sub-
stantially reduce the money need-
ed to pick up the waiting list.

-Courtesy-Howie Shapiro
DR. LIVINGSTON, I PRESUME?-From. the depths of darkest
Africa came these two campus visitors yesterday. Representing
characters from the mysterious continent, two members of a local
fraternity captivated curious and frightened onlookers on the
Diag. Previewing a "Meet Me in Africa Party," to be held to-
morrow night, the ferocious pair grimaced and grunted in true
African style.
Predicts NEPrC Laws
In Most" Northern StatesI




Speedy passage of fair employ-
ment practice laws in most north-
ern states was predicted last night
by John Roxborough, chairman of
the Michigan legal committee of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People.
In a talk before the Young Re-
publicans, he said passage of an
FEPC law in Michigan would help
acquaint neighboring states with
the practicability of such a pro-
Michigan's law, the thirteenth'
adopted by a state, goes into ef-
fect next week.
Roxborough Describes Plan
As Roxborough described the
group's planned procedure, on re-
ceipt of a complaint of employ-
ment discrimination, an FEPC in-
vestigator will "go out and talk
with the personnel director of the
firm or a union official. Empha-
sis is on conciliation and educa-
tion," he continued.
"There's no attempt to hurry
or force an employer" during the
early discussions.
If investigators find discrimi-
natory practices exist and are con-
tinuing, a hearing is held before
the FEPC board.
"If a finding is made against
an employer," Roxborough ex-
plained, "he is ordered to cease
discriminiation. If he doesn't, it's.
a matter for the circuit courts."
Board Cannot Prosecute
Emphasizing that the board it-
self has no power to prosecute of-
fenders, he told the YR's that the
court has to find that discrimi-
nation exists before it enjoins em-
ployers to change their employ-
ment practices.
"If the employer still refuses, he,

can be found guilty of contempt
of court."
"In ten years of operation in
New York," Roxborough added,
"there's been only one case that's
had to go to court."
However, he said experience with
FEPC has shown "it is difficult
for a law to work unless some-
where in the background you do
have a compulsory feature."
Ike To Talk.
DENVER (JP)- President Dwight
D. Eisenhower recovered suffic-
iently for the Denver White House
to announce he will confer here
Monday with Secretary of Defense
Charles E. Wilson and Adm. Ar-
thur W. Radford, chairman of the
Joint. Chiefs of Staff.
In a "happy mood" on the eve
f his 65th birthday, he was well
enough,:too, to sip a cup of coffee
and wave to fellow patients from
an eighth floor hospital sundeck.
And Mrs. Eisenhower left the
hospital for the first time. since
the President's heart attack, Sept.
24, spending an hour-and-a-half
visiting her mother, Mrs. John S.
Doud, and taking a drive in the
The decision to see Sec. Wilson
and Adm. Radford, for a talk on
defense and security, was an-
nounced by White House news
secretary James C. Hagerty after
a long distance telephone talk with
Sherman Adams, the President's
chief deputy, who was in Wash-
ington for today's Cabinet meet-

Free World
Fears Start
Of Arab War
Tensions Mount
In Middle East
expected to move quickly in get-
ting arms to Egypt, possibly at cut.
rate prices, and thereby hasten-
ing Middle East tensions toward a.
An explosion of the Palestine
truce into Arab-Israeli war was
seen as a definite possibility when-
ever Red Czechoslovakia startsde-
livery on its cannon-for-cotton
deal with Egypt.
American officials made no
bones yesterday about their fear
of the results of the Soviet's mili-
tary and trade excursions into the
area. Nor did they play down ap-
prehension over what Israel might
do as a counter to Arab pur-
chases of Red arms.
NSC Meets Yesterday
The National Security Council,
top policy-making body in the
United States government, took up
the question at its secret session
The United States, Britain and
France, it was learned, will press
Russia informally at the Oct. 27
foreign ministers meeting in Gen-
eva on the Middle East arms ques-
tion. This would follow up an ap-
proach to Soviet Foreign Minister
Vyacheslav M. Molotov at New
York twoweeks ago,
Ignorant ofdEgypt Deal
Molotov is understood to have
told his western colleagues then
he knew nothing about Egypt's
deal to swap cotton for Czech
artillery, tanks, naval vessels and
jet planes. He promised to look
into it.
Despite Molotov's professions of
ignorance, however, United States
officials look for swift Soviet
action to get the war goods into
Egyptian hands. There was specu-
lation, too, that Russia might ab-
andon its old rule of charging
premium prices for war goods, let-
ting Egypt and other Arab states
-indeed, Israel, too, if interested
-have the arms at a nominal
Israel Government Changes
Israeli leaders have said their
country will take all necessary
steps to protect itself. Israel gets
a new government Monday. Its
makeup includes men who are re-
ported to believe in more action
and less talk than heretofore. A
foreign policy and security debate
will get under way among these
leaders Monday.
The Russians have lost no time
in making arms overtures,to other
Arab states. Lebanon and Saudi
Arabia have said they are not op-
posed to accepting Communist
arms. Syria is reported already
dickering with Czech gun mer
chants at Damascus.
IU Students
Raid Football
Practice Field'
Special to The Daily.
thousand Indiana University stu-
dents descended on the Hoosiers'
football practice yesterday, in an-
swer to newspaper criticism derid-
ing their school spirit.

The pep rally at they football
practice came after men students
gained permission to e n t e r
women's dormitories to enlist "vol-
unteers" for the rally. Dormitories
and houses postponed their even-
ing meals an hour to accomodate
the demonstrators.
The rally was first phase of
"Operation V," the second phase
of which will be held tonight in
the form of a scheduled rally. The

SGC Approves Partial. Reorganization

Student Government Council
Wednesday approved a new struc-
tural organization for the admin-
istrative wing.
Proposed by Daily Managing
Editor Dave Baad, '56, a member
of the design committee, the new
setup calls for a hierarchy of mem-
Students will first attend a mass

Michigan's student government.
Following this period the tryout
is assigned to a committee.
Any person wishing to join the
Wing after the first session is
completed will be trained by the
orientation director personally.
Voting Rights
As committee members, students
will first have voting rights on

The wing coordinator, who sup-
ervises the entire organization, the
orientation director, committee
personnel chairman and the of-
fice manager are appointed by
the SGC Executive Committee
with the approval of the Council.
Officers Appoint Chairmen
Subcommittee chairmen are ap-
pointed by the four top officers
of the wing.

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