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October 13, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-13

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4r fSireigan Baig
Sixty-Sixth Year

Editorials fninted in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Senators Have Little Chance
For Presidential Nomination
WIDE open races for both the Democratic and CANDIDATES, eptoimizing the necessary in-
Republican presidential nomination have dependence, generally have been military
started drums beating for a variety of national men, governors or vice-presidents. Independ-
leaders including Senators Knowland, Kefauv- ence of military men needs no explanation.
er, Russell, and Dirksen. Their support will Governor's records are usually based on state
be robust but their campaigns will certainly end internal improvement which the nation seldom
in failure. sees as partisan problems. Vice-Presidents are
Senators sometimes receive a vice-presi- out of politics, as far as the public is concerned
dential nomination but rarely are presidential for four years. They generally shadow the
candidates. President who may or may not be popular. The
Each Senator mentioned above is a well- vice-president's chances will generally paral-
recognized Congressional leader. Each has ca- lel this popularity.
pabilities desired for the Presidential office. But Sen. Warren G. Harding was the last Sena-
as Senators it isn't likely they will receive top or to reach the nation's top office. He was
consideration from party conventions next sum- not of the stature of some of the unsuccessful
er.Th aspirants of the past. Other Senator-Presi-
The last senator to seek the nomination dents like Franklin Pierce and Andrew Jack-
almost made it but like many before him Sena- son became famous after reaching the White
for Robert Taft was by-passed in favor of a House. Such Senators as Henry Clay, Daniel
less "controversial candidate" when the final Webster, John C. Calhoun, Stephen Douglas,
ballots were taken in the summer of 1952. James G. Blaine, Henry Cabot Lodge and Ar-
Great Senators, for the very reason they thur Vandenberg always fell short of their
are great, become controversial. Sen. Taft, highest ambition. Each had ardent support
obviously possessing necessary experience and from supporters but long Senate fights left
background to become chief executive, unfor- Congressional records-and many enemies.
tunately had risen to fame as the epitomy of
"Republicanism." Through long years in the SO in 1956 the governors will be favored to
Senate he had become tied to a certain type take the presidential nomination. It might
program and the nation recognized him as that be Stevenson, Williams, Lausche, or Harriman
program's representative. for the Democrats or Herter, Knight, Stratton,
America's political parties strive to appeal Craig (or vice-President Nixon) for the Re-
to the independent voter. For this reason they publicans. The theory may not be infallible
want a candidate who can attract the fringe but the good money will not be on Senators
ballots at presidential election time. When getting the nomination in 1956. Governors
candidates double-talk to the nation they from the populous, politically border-line states
musta't have an actual record behind them will be in the spotlight.
which might contradict their campaign ora- Ever wonder why G. Mennen Williams
tions. Top-notch Senators always have a well- never has run for Senator?
known Congressional record, the principles of -DAVE BAAD
which can't be denied. Daily Managing Editor
Chance For Double Opportunity
STUDEN,' Government Council offers a two- side of this two-fold opportunity concerns the
fold reason for drawing students into its student himself, and what benefits he can gain
membership, from his associations with this group.
Looking at it from the view of benefit to An activity such as this will help the stu-
the University, it is a chance to help a new dent prepare for leadership responsibilities
organization grow to become a definite force when he leaves the University environment.
in the University community. Actual experience in planning and consulta-
SGC needs student support to realize its tive representation can be gained through work
aims; without this support it will die. on the Council.
The student will become a part of an or-
ganization that sponsors many services to the MEMBERSHIP in the group affords the stu-
student body such as the Student Book Ex- dent the opportunity to have his views
change and Cinema Guild. expressed and become an integral part of stu-
He will have a chance to represent the dent government. Members can help shape
student body on faculty and administration their educational community through their
committees and to offer his point of view on own ideas along with those of their constitu
issues directly affecting the campus. Student ents.
influence has been welcomed in the workings Also, better understanding of the position
of such organizations as the Development Coun- of the faculty and the administration is gained
cil and the Literary College Steering Commit- through close association with these persons
tee, and the Council. The student gains the ability
of "give and take" that he will face in his
AN understanding of problems facing the Uni- profession or job of future years.
versity community brought to the students Petitioning for the Council is the first step
through the Council is a benefit to the Uni- toward becoming a member of the body.
versity faculty, administration and student New ideas and interests can help this group
body. recognize the position of power it can have on
But the benefit of becoming a member of the campus.
SGC is not only to the University. The other -GAIL GOLDSTEIN
Iran Joining Defense Pact

"It Seems Like Only Ten Years Ago"
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Cyprus Fumbling Aids Soviet

HERE are a couple of quick looks
at history which affects the
lives of millions of Americans.
Look No. 1-When Sir Anthony
Eden, then Foreign Minister of
England, was recuperating from
his .illness two years ago, he went
to Greece where the late Marshal
Papagos, stanch friend of the USA
and Great Britain, tried to talk
to him about Cyprus, the British
base which the Greeks want turn-
ed over to them.
"The question of Cyprus," re-
plied Eden, "is a purely internal
matter concerning only the Brit-
ish Empire. I shall not discuss
LOOK NO. 2-Just after the
breakup of the Napoleonic Em-
pire, Czar Alexander I of Russia
put through a deal whereby Rus-
sia got a large section of the
Greek islands extending down to-
ward Cyprus.
Russian strength along the Med-
iterranean would have jeopardized
the British Empire in the East and
the French Empire in North Af-
rica. So one day when Czar Alex-
ander was looking the other way,
Metternich sneaked the Russian-
Greek islands out from Russian
hands. Since then and until 1947,
they have been under the watch-
ful eye of England.,
Look No.' 3-A hundred years
and more passed. In 1947, the
British were trying to balance their
budget, wanted to cut down

Jazz Age

on military expenses. Winston
Churchill put up to Harry Tru-
man the idea of taking over Brit-
ish commitments in Greece.
* * * *
Russians were trying to commun-
ize Greece via Red Yugoslavia, that
it would be fatal for Russia to
get a toehold in Greece.
Harry Truman grabbed the idea
and thence came the Truman Doc-
In the end, Yugoslavia quit its
attempt to communize Greece and
aven talked favorably of joining
Greece and Turkey in NATO.
* * *
LOOK NO. 4-In 1953, John
Foster Dulles yanked the U.S.
Ambassador, Jack Peurifoy, out
of Greece. Peurifoy was the man
who materially cemented Greek-
American friendship.
Meanwhile, the Cyprus agita-
tion which Marshal Papagos un-
corked after Eden snubbed him
had reached a white heat..Simul-
taneously, Dulles made a deal with
Eden that we would side with him
on Cyprus in the United Nations
if Eden would support us in ban-
ning Red China from the United
* * *
IT WAS A dubious deal. When
the Cyprus vote came up in the
United Nations and the USA vot-
ed no, bitter anti-American re-
sentment flared in Greece.
Meanwhile, relations between

t w o supposedly stanch allies,
Greece and Turkey, worsened. The
Turkish police looked on while
Turks desecrated Greek churches,
broke into Greek shops, beat up
Greek nationals.
Following this, John Foster
Dulles sent identical notes to both
Greece and Turkey telling them
to behave. He expressed no sym-
pathy for the Greeks, treated both
sides just the same, though there,
had been no rioting in Greece
against the Turks. Anti-Ameri-
can bitterness flared again.
S * * *
TODAY'S LOOK - Greece has
pulled her troops out of the NATO
maneuvers. The mayor of earth-
quake-torn Volos has just been
royally received in Moscow. There
is talk of pulling, out of NATO.
and joining neutralist Yugoslavia.
Red Yugoslavia is mentioned as
Greece's best friend. New pro-
American Premier Constantine
Karamanlis is referred to as a
"Quisling" because he is friendly
to the USA.
Meanwhile, Turkey feels the
USA let her down on economic
aid. Egypt is getting Communist
arms. King Saud of Saudi Ara-
bia is being invited to Moscow.
In other words, Russia is grad-
ually getting what the Czars fail-
ed to get after Napoleon, and
boneheaded British-French-Amer-
ican diplomacy is helping her get
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

THE TWENTIES, by Frederic J.
Hoffman (Viking Press)
IN his fourth volume of liter-
ary criticism Prof. Hoffman has
loosed his analytic powers on an
investigation of the fabulous de-
cade of the 1920's. What he has
produced is a work bound to in-
terest American literary historians
and capture the respectful atten-
tion of all students of this, the
gaudier period in our country's
comparatively brief literary experi-
The author has an express pur-
pose in doing this lengthy post
mortem, and what that purpose
was he makes eminently clear in
his preface.
* * *
"The TWENTIES," he says, "is,
at least in part, a corrective of
the most extreme forms of dis-
tortion. When I began writing
it I was convinced that a period
of years responsible for so many
distinguished products in the arts,
one capable of holding the inter-
est of subsequent generations so
fully, must have been more sub-
stantial than it is usually repre-
Actually, the author comes clos-
er than he perhaps realizes to
writing a true literary histry if
the Twenties. The only essential
feature lacking is a more orderly
and complete chronology of the
literary and related political and
social events of the decade.
This particular technique that
he uses in achieving the impres-
sion he wants to give (of the sub-
stantiality of the literary output
of the Twenties) is as simple as
it is effective.
He opens each chapter by en-
tering into a broad discussion of
the general topic.
In doing so he makes liberal
use of quotations from pertinent
writings of the period-to show
the complicated nature of the ma-
terial. He then closes the chap-
ter with a reprinted segment of a
literary work of the times, which
he offers as a representative text
or "anecdote"-to show the ma-
terial's complexity.
* * *
THE AUTHOR'S analyses seem
for the most part very competent.
In the majority of cases he re-
flects the critical attitudes. to-
ward the writers of the Twenties
which are the generally accepted
ones. And he has especially pene-
trating sections on Ezra Pound,
Sinclair Lewis and T. S. Eliot.
This reviewer felt, however, that
the treatments of Fitzgerald and
Hemingway were not entirely con-
Hoffman has tended to over-
simplify Fitzgerald's motivations
as a writer and consequently has
distorted some of the meaning of
the latter's work.
A disturbing point about Prof.
Hoffman's section on Hemingway
is that the author, categorized by
Hoffman as a war fiction writer,
is rather generously granted a re-
markable stroke of insight into
the events and mood of his times
-a truly masterful insight which
(while not detracting a bit from
the author's status) it is difficult
to imagine Hemingway really pos-
sessed in 1926.
TAKEN IN the whole, however,
The Twenties has many positive
critical values; and the value of
the book itself is enhanced by the
appendix which includes an ex-
tensive bibliography, a chronolo-
gy of the years 1915-32 and a list-
ing of 134 short biographies of the
major and minor figures who con-
tributed to the creative thought

of the period.
The latter inclusion points up
one of the chief virtues of Prof.
Hoffman's book: in it he has given
mention for the first time to a
great number of the obscure as
well as the celebrated documents
whichsthrow illumination on the
controversial era.
-Donald A. Yates

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
To: All students who are Selective
Service registrants: The Selective Serv-
ice College Qualification Test will be
given on campus Thurs., Nov. 17, 1955.
Students who are planning to take the
test may apply for the applications
between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
12:00 M, 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mon.
through Fri., at the Local Board No.
85, 210 West Washington Street, Ann *
Arbor. The deadline for mailing the
application to the Science Research
Associates is midnight Nov. 1t. t
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qualification Test, an
(1) Must be a Selective Service
registrant who intends to request occu-
pational deferment as a student;
(2) Must be satisfactorily pursuing
a full-time college course, undergrad-
uate or graduate, leading to a degree;
(3) Must not previously have taken
the test.
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Association has arranged to have
a Red Cross Mobile Unit at the Student
Health Service on Oct. 24, 1955, to take
care of staff members who wish to con-
tribute a pint of blood and thus be-
come members of the Blood Bank with
the privilege of drawing upon the bank
for themselves and their immediate
families in the event blood is needed.
The Unit will be at the Health Service
Basement from 10:00 a.m. until 12:00
noon, and from 1:00-4:00 p.m. Staff
members who are interested should
contact the Personnel Office, Ext. 2619,
Room 3026 Admin. Bldg.
Art Print Loan pictures will be avail-
able to students and staff Thurs., Oct.
13, and Fri. Oct. 14 at Room 510 Admin-
Istration Bldg. After this date to obtaii
pictures contact Mrs. Hopps, Office of
Student Affairs, Room 1020 Administra-
tion Bldg. or call ext. 346,
The following student sponsored social
events are approved for the coming
week end:
Oct'ober 14: Kelsey, Tau Delta Phi,
Wenley House, WQ.
October 15: Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Epsilon PI, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Theta P,
Chinese Students Club, Chi Phi, Delta
Sigma Pi, Delta Theta Phi, Delta. Up-
silon, Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Delta,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi
Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi Delta Zpi-
Ion, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Gamma Delta,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Psi Omega, Sigma Chi, Sigma
Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Ta Delta Phi,.,
Theta Xi Zeta Beta Tou, Zeta Psi,
Sigma Alpha Nu.
October 16: DeZta Phi Epsilon, Delta
Theta Phi, Huber SQ, Korean Student
Club, Phi Delta Phi, Reeves House.
Academic Notices
Faculty, College of Engineering: Meet.
ing of the faculty of this college Wed.,
Oct. 19, 1955, 4:15 p.m., Room 348, West
Engineering Building.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics wil
meet Thurs., Oct. 13, at 4:00 p.m. In
Room 247 West Engineering. Speaker:'
Prof. J. W. Carr III Topic: "New
Mathematical Problems Introduced by
Digital Computing Machines."
Astronomical Colloquim. Fri., Oct. 14,
4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Dean B.
McLaughlin will speak on "The Spec-
tra of Slow Novae."
Engineering Seminar: Dr. E. S. Bor
din, Chief of the Counseling Division,
Bureau of Psychological Services, will
speak on "Determining Your Aptitudes
and Iterests," and will 'explain the"
counseling services available to Michi-
gan students. Engineering students are

Events Today
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carilonneur,'7:15.tonight,
Selections from Mozart operas.
Lecture. "~The Political Ethics of
Gandhi," by Arne Naess, professor of
philosophy at University of Oslo, Nor-
way. Thurs., Oct. 13, 4:15 p.m., Angell
Hall, Auditorium C. Campus posters
giving the date as Fri., Oct. 13 are in-
Placement .Notices
Representatives from the following
will be at the" Engrg. School:
Tuesday, October iS:
The Electric Auto-Lite Co., Toiedo,
Ohio-B.S. & M.S. In Physics, Elect.,
Instrumentation, Mech. and Chem. E.
for Research, Devel., and Design.
The Harnischfeger Corp., Milwauktee,
Wis.-all levels in Aero., Civil, Con-
stuction, Elect., Ind'l, Mech., Metal.,
Naval & Marine E., Physics, Math., and
Science for Devel., Prod., and Sales.
Nat'l Aluminate Corp., Chicago, fli.-
P.M. only-B.S. & M.S. in Ind'i, Ma-
terials, Mech., Metal., Municipal, Sani-
tary, and Chem. E. for Research, Devel.,
and Sales.
Motorola Inc., Chicago, 111.--all levels
in Elect. and Mech. E. for Research,
Devel., Design and Tech. Sales.
American Can Co., Maywood, 111.-.
A.M. only-all levels in Civil, Elect.,
Ind'., Instrumentation, Material,
Mech., Metal, Nuclear, Sanitary,. Chem.
E., Math., Physics and Sciencefoe
Research and Tech. Service, Summer
and Regular.
Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington,
Dela.-all levels in Chem.E. and M.
in Analytical Chem. for Research, Devel.,.
Prod., and Sales.
Wednesday, October 19:

No Left-Wing Gain in Germany

Associated Press News Analyst
TWO years ago there were no diplomatic re-
lations between Britain and Iran because of
their long dispute over ownership of Iranian
oil, and Iran was hinting she might turn to
Russia for help in her economic dilemma.
That problem was solved, largely through
the good offices of the American State Depart-
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ............................. City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ........................ Feature Editor
Jane Howard........................ Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ..+................ Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ............................ Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg . ....... Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helithaler ,..........Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds........... Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff

ment, and now Iran is back in formal allign-
ment with the free nations in opposition to
Russian expansion.
Her announcement that she is joining the
Turkish-Iraq-Pakistan-British defense pact
has come far more quickly, following Turkey's
very recent invitation, than most observers had
anticipated. Tehran politicians had been slow
to move against latent public resentment of
Britain and against strong Russian objections.
Russia is still trying to break it up, with a
statement that she considers such an act un-
friendly to her, but the die seems to be finally
cast. Iran said three weeks ago that, in to-
day's world, neutrality could not be maintained.
THE pact is not primarily a military alliance,
although it provides for joint military plan-
ning. It is more of a recognition of the com-
mon interests of the members in a united front,
much after the fashion of the Yugoslav-Turk-
ish-Greek pact. It ties Iraq, Pakistan and
Iran, non-members of the North Atlantic Trea-
ty alliance, into the united front through
Turkey and Britain.
There is a possibility that the United States
will join, just to seal the bargain between NATO
and these other sectors of the world-wide de-
fense line begun when President Truman start-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Konig is1
this year's exchange student from the
Free University of Berlin. He is here
studying Political Science in the
Graduate School. First of a series.)
LAST Sunday the Social Demo-
cratic Party in Germany (SPD)
succeeded surprisingly well in the
municipal elections of Bremen.
Bremen is .a "Land" of the Ger-
man Federal Republic. So the
importance of this election is
about equal to the state elections
in the U.S. The SPD received 47.8
per cent of all votes; the govern-
mental parties together only 46.5
per cent.
The conclusion of the commen-
tators here went into two direc-
tions. Some. of them asked
whether a left wing tendency is
gaining power in Germany, and
others concluded that Adenauer's
policy must have lost some of its
But is that what is really going
on in Germany?
* * *
THE OPPOSITION party in the
Federal Republic, the SPD, being
based on the doctrines of Marx,
is without any doubt a left wing
party. But this left wing tendency
has been limited since the '30's.
This party is now far from being a
..n.. n ow ca.. - - - - m-m .i

mains of the Social Democrats.'
And it was especially in Berlin,
Hamburg and Bremen where some
highly qualified experts in the
field of administration, being
members of this party, came into
municipal and party power. But
their expertness was accompanied
by a loss of ideological strictness.
So it came that on one side people
voted for a highly qualified personj
without having a strong feeling of
voting at the same time for a
party which often might have been
contrary to their own political
opinion. But on the other hand,
the lack of ideological strictness
prevented those administrAtive
experts from spreading their in-
fluence over their whole party.
*. * *
THE FORMER major of Berlin,
Ernst Reuther and the present
president of the Bremen Senate,
Kaysen, are two of those people.
As regards this, it is no surprise
at all to find the SPD succeeding
in Bremen. But one cannot say
that this election is a success for
the SPD as a whole, but rather for,
a qualified man who could succeed
because municipal elections are
carried out on the basis of other
arguments than are federal elec-
In the Federal elections of 1957
the sues o nf the SPD will not

In view of all this, and regard-
ing especially Adenauer's visit to
Moscow where he used against the
Russian leaders a language, which
exactly pronounced the feeling of
the German population, one can
neither conclude that he is pres-
ently losing some of his popular,
ity nor that a left wing tendency
is gaining power among the popu-
lation of Western Germany.

by Dick Sibler



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