Til ts
The Jacket You'll Live In0. .
Alpha Delts, Sigma Chi Win
A s Rain Soaks Ferry Field
... back in the majors
Cards Sign
As Manager,
Ex-Tiger Boss Given
Two Year Contract
ST. LOUIS (P)-Fred Hutchin-
son and Frank Lane joined forces
yesterday as field and office bosses
of the St. Louis Cardinals and set
their sights on an "ultimate" pen-
nant for the club.
Hutchinson's appointment to a
two-year contract as manager of
the Redbirds was announced by
Lane, general manager of only five
days, at a news conference which
merely confirmed reports of sev-
eral days standing.
His salary was reported to be
about $30,000 a year.
Hutch takes over the reins from
Harry 'The Hat" Walker, whose
team finished seventh after he
replaced fiery, Eddie Stanky last
May. The 36-year-old Hutchinson
is a former Detroit manager in the
American League and guided Se-
attle to the Pacific Coast League
title this year.
Lane said Walker has been of-
fered a manager's job in the Car-
dinals' minor league farm system
and "will let us know in a day or
"Harry was a victim of unfor-
tunate circumstances, especially
a new general manager," Lane
said. "I know he's conscientious
and a hard-worker and undoubt-
edly highly able but, as I've said
before, my eggs are in one basket
-the manager's-and I wanted a
man I know, one in whom I had
great personal ponfidence. I didn't
3 know Walker.'
Despite a muddy field, drenched
by an all morning rain, a ten
game total of 208 points was
racked up in yesterday afternoon's
fraternity intramural football
Highlighting the afternoon's
activity were victories by Sigma
Alpha Mu and Sigma Alpha Epsi-
SAM continued in the ranks of
the unbeaten as Warren Werthei-
mer threw three touchdown passes,
to lead his team in a 19-0 shutout
of Sigma Nu. On the receiving end
of his aerials were Larry Pearl-
man, Joel Tauber, and George
SAE Unbeaten
Meanwhile SAE won its second
straight by once again recording
a 25-0 triumph - this time at
the expense of Zeta Psi. SAE has
now tallied 50 points in its two
games, while giving up none.
Bill Bernard passed for two
touchdowns, one to Dick Weiss
and the other to Larry Wise. Wally
Roeser ran 40 yards with an in-
tercepted pass for another score,
while Ron Norene gathered in
Mike Marich's pass for the final
An intercepted pass was the,
difference in the Alpha Delta Phi-
Phi Sigma Kappa contest, as Pat
McEvoy stole a pass on the first
play from scrimmage and ran it
back 40 yards for the only score
of the game. The extra point was
good, and the Alpha Delts won,
Sigma Chi Romps
In one of the day's highest scor-
ing contests, Sigma Chi won its
second game by whipping Tau.
Kappa Epsilon, 28-7. Ken Tippery
threw three, touchdown passes to
lead the Sigma Chis - one to John
Madigan in the first two minutes
of play, one to Carl Nordberg, and
the last one to Winn Trumbull.
Trumbull scored a second tally on
a 20-yard return of an intercepted
pass. TKE's lone score came on a
Bob Dinsmore to Dave Zelisse
In the day's closest struggle,
Theta Chi nipped Sigma Phi by
the margin of a safety, 14-12. Bob
MacKenzie scored two touchdowns
for Theta Chi, while end Duane
Willse scored the vital safety for
the winners, breaking through to
nail a .Sigma Phi back in his own
end zone.
Newton Stars
Buzz Newton tossed two touch-
down passes for the losers, the
first to Don Johnson to open the
game's scoring and the second to
Hank Aughey.
In other games Pi Lambda Phi,
led by Leon Greenblatt, defeated
Delta Sigma Phi, 28-7, while Psi
Upsilon outscored Triangle, 19-14.
Martin Anderson scored two touch-
downs for the losers, while Bill
Hoffhines scored two touchdowns
and passed for a third for Psi U.
In professional Fraternity games,
Alpha Chi Sigma, led by Jack
(Scruggs who passed for three
scores, toppled Tau Epsilon Rho,
19-0, while Phi Alpha Delta
downed Phi Delta Chi on John
Brittain's scoring efforts, plus a
safety by its alert line.
Spirits High
As Gridders
Prep For NU
If rainy Wednesdays are any
criteria of judgment, Michigan's
football squad should have no
trouble this Saturday.
For the fourth consecutive mid-
dIe-of-the-week practice session
the gridders had to contend with
a rain-soaked Ferry Field in prep-
aration for what all Michigan fans
hope will be the Wolverines' fourth
consecutive win.
Despite the weather, spirit was
running high at yesterday's prac-
Bouquet for Ben
Michigan football coachBen-
nie Oosterbaan was named
Coach of the Week by the
United Press yesterday. The
honor came as a result of the
Wolverine's 26-2 rout of Army
last week.#
tice. Jim Pace added his name to
the list of prospective punters as
he got off several booming 60
yard kicks during the warmup
Practice Defense
Practicing def ense against
Northwestern plays was the big
order of the day. Ends Charlie
Brooks and Mike Rotunno alter-
nated at left end and Tom Maentz
held down right end as the varsity
:efense was hit with all the North-
western plays that the Michigan
scouts could muster.
Jim Hunt, Michigan's veteran
trainer, had a broader smile than
usual yesterday. Limping Lou Bal-
dacci and Dave Hill are both just
about in top shape again Ed
Shannon was the only other oc-
cupant of the training room with
any serious trouble. He has a frac-
tured bone in his hand but the
doctor is supposed to look at it
Friday and will determine whether
or not Shannon plays Saturday.
Definitely out for the weekend
is hospitalized Ron Kramer, but
the exact seriousness of his injury
has not yet been revealed.
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-Courtesy Michigan Alumnus
NORTHWESTERN FULLBACK George McGurn loses his helmet,
but not his grip on Michigan's speedy Tom Harmon, in action
from the 1938 grid battle, which found the Wildcats and Wolver-
ines battling to a scoreless tie.
Upsets Dot M'-Northwestern Series
"Go U Northwestern, fight right
through that line.. ."
Looking at things from a realis-
tic standpoint, Northwestern's
Wildcats look like a pretty soft
touch this Saturday.
But that's what they said in
1925. That's what they said on
a dark, misty morning in Chicago
Statistics Reveal Many Facts
As Grid Picks Deadline Nears
As the deadline of the third week
of the Michigan Daily's annual
Grid Picks contest approaches,
here are some facts and figures
that may interest you statistical
minded fans:
During the first two weeks of
the contest there have been 285
entries. Of these, there were 268
submitted by the men of Michigan,
with but 17 from the fair sex.
Leading the dormitories in num-
ber of entries is South Quad, how-
It's a long step...
but not for the original
ever the men of East Quad have
had the best accuracy (or guesses
as thecase may be) with a .699
Women Leading Lawyers
The most surprising bit of data
that was gathered was the fact
that the women, long thought to
be inferior when it came to know-
ledge of football, compiled a better
average than did the men of the
University of Michigan Law Club.
The girls had a respectable .666
average, while the best the future
attorneys could do was .657.
By far, the most one-sided pick
of the contest thus far has been
the Michigan-MSU game in which
only a single student who entered
selected the Spartans.
Of the six winners thus far,
three have been freshmen, two
sophomores, and one senior. Three
of these winners (all of, whom are
men) represent South Quad; one
is from West Quad, and two live
out of the dorms.
Don't forget fans, if you want
to be a winner, you must have your
entries in by this evening at 5
on Saturday, November 7, 1925.
Mighty Michigan had just finished
rolling over five hapless opponents
that season without yielding a
single point.
It had been raining in Chicago
for six days prior to the contest,
and Soldier Field was a sea of
mud by game time.
"With our colors flying, we will
cheer you all the time .,."
What actually transpired was
what the Daily the next day term-
ed "a punting and fumbling duel,
the like of which has rarely been
seen on any collegiate gridiron,"
as Northwestern collaborated with
the elements to stop the Wolver-
ines cold, 3-2.
Jumping ahead to 1938, we find
another great football era spring-
ing up in Ann Arbor. Names like
Harmon, Evashevski, K r o m e r,
Kodros and Heikkinen were firm-
ly establishing themselves in Maize
and Blue uniforms.
"Go U Northwestern, fight for
victory . .
As over 80,000 disappointed fans
watched, the two futile elevens
struggled to a 0-0 deadlock, there-
by crushing each other's hopes for
a Big Ten Title.j
In 1946, one year away from
possibly the greatest Michigan
football squad in history, the Wol-
verines carried a 2-0 Conference
record into the clash with the
Wildcats. But the spirited 'Cats
led the Blue once again down thej
gloomy road to a tie, 14-14.'
"Spread far the fame of our
fair name. .."l
In 1949, a heavily-favored bunch
of Wolverines charged onto the1
turf of Dyche Stadium in Evan-
ston to do battle with Northwest-t
ern. The Wildcats were twice-de-l
feated, while Michigan had a 2-1
mark in non-conference competi-
However, the Purple quarter-
back, a passing specialist named
Don Burson, opened an aerial bar-
rage on the Maize and Blue which
it won't soon forget, as Northwest-
ern broke Michigan's heart with
a 21-20 upset.
"Go Northwestern win that
' game."
These are just a few of the rea-
sons why Coach Oosterbaan re-
fuses to go out on a limb, no mat-
ter what the competition.
You never can tell about the
Big Ten ...
Women's Athletic Association
Holds Football Clinic Tonight
Coats .. from $30.00
........from $8.95
Jovial Wally Weber will be in
the sportlight tonight when the
Women's Athletic Association pre-
sents its annual football clinic at
Waterman Gym at 7:15.
The carpet has been unrolled for
both coeds and males who want
to advance their knowledge on
football and the Michigan grid-
iron tradition.
Weber, who doubles as the
Freshman football coach and the
athletic department's goodwill am-
bassador, is expected to unlease his
fabulous vocabulary which extends
deep into the dictionary.
Also on the speaker's stand will
be football experts "Tim" Merritt
Green, 1952 football captain, and
Daily Sports Editor Phil Douglis.
Green, a star end in his playing
days, will talk from the player's
point of view.
"The Tradition That is Michi-
gan" will be the feature that
Douglis will emphasize.
The WAA will bring in cheer-
leaders and band, and some lucky
person will receive a football auto-
graphed by the Varsity team as a
door prize.
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