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October 11, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-11

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THE MICHIGAN"" DAILY TTT aUr~'Qn ]a V7 uuflwG li 1865

1iEfriiyinu fa
Sixty-Sixth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Too Much Individuality

"Say, Maybe We Haven't Got It So Bad"
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WE HAVE "been accustomed to take Gallic
irresponsibility as a charming trait of
the Frenchmen. The French know how to live
-their wine is good, their women are beauti-
ful, and they appreciate the interest that chaos
lends to politics. '
The world watches the ups and downs of
the French National Assembly unconcernedly
-even with a little smile. In fact, there is a
fascination in the vagaries of French politics
that a strong two-party system doesn't provide.
It doesn't seem to disturb the French
people very much that Faure is the 21st post-
war premier, and it provides us with good front
page copy.
ACTUALLY, the French government is more
stable than appears on the surface. The
premiership may change hands often, but the
deputies, stay on in one function or another.
Cabinet men usually remain in key spots, and
never does a new government mean a total
shifting of responsibility.
When the premier falls, he doesn't take
many people with him-and often the premier
himself comes back to help his country along.
But stability at the lower levels and con-
stant uncertainty at the top still do not make
good government. It is charming and delight-
ful that the French can turn its top political
jobs into games of chance, and that they do
not let their position as a world power force
them into stuffy, matter-of-fact regimes.
FRENCH individuality is also a thing that has
been of much interest to newspaper read-
ers. A Frenchman will never sacrifice his dig-
nity to expediency, and he finds it difficult to
modify his own views to agree with another's.
Furthermore, the strong Teligious, regional
and political convictions of each party make it
difficult for two of them to agree on many
issues. A cabinet may hold together while
foreign affairs occupy the agenda, but may
shatter completely as soon as religion, for ex-
ample, enters the question.
INDIVIDUALITY and a certain carefree atti-
tude cannot be totally condemned, even
when it sometimes interferes with the govern-
ment. If France can maintain her dignity and
position as a world power and still have a skir-
mish every now and then to prove that they
are still Frenchmen-well and good. But it is
a difficult line on which to balance.
The events of the last week show that

France has not only lost her balance, but she
has stirred up uncomfortable situations both
at home and in the United Nations in the pro-
cess. The country which has been called the
key to Europe seems to have forgotten that she
is still an important member of the United
First of all, the French government has
failed to face its responsibility in North Africa.
It has appeased both nationalists and conser-
vatives by alternate policies of concessions and
repressions so that the end result has been a
In Morocco, for example, Premier Faure
has tried to win the favor of those who ap-
proved a more realistic policy toward nation-
alism by adopting a plan for the Sultan's un-
conditional departure-but then to appease
the conservative he. fired the man who framed
the plan, General Gilbert Grandval.
THE ONLY man who tried to come to grips
with colonial ferment was Pierre Mendes-
France-and then the government would not
let him go through with what was the only
concrete plan proposed by a post-war premier.
When Mendes-France embarked on a policy
of vigorous concessions to the nationalists, his
government fell.
When France walked out of the United
Nations, it was refusing to face issues once
again. Even "some of the most loyal allies the
French have in the United Nations," said the
New York Times, "believe that . . . it would
have been smarter politics to stay and fight
out the General Assembly's claim to jurisdic-
tion over Algeria."
But irresponsibility and individuality car-
ried the day-and France's obligations to main-
tain world peace were submerged in another
run of test votes in the National Assembly.
Daily Magazine Editor
Top of the Heap
Nice -Both Ways
IT'S GOOD to see that the University of
Michigan is now Number One in the nation's
football ratings.
It took a great deal of effort, spirit and
determination to do it.
Next order of business: How about Number
One in the academic ratings?
-M. F.

to the
'Highly Exaggerated'...
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I usually prefer to
keep out of arguments in the
Daily's_ Letters To The Editor
column and let others make fools
of themselves, I feel that the fol-
lowing is very pertinent to the
Panty Raid discussion.
A shocked 1955 graduate sent
me the following clipping which
appeared in one of the Boston
"College Raiders Wreck Ann
"Ann Arbor, Mich. (AP)-Univer-
sity of Michigan students overran
three girls' dormitories in a panty
raid last night.
"The raiders, estimated at more
than 1000, broke from a campus
pep rally on the eve of the Michi-
gan-Michigan State football
"They spread havoc along a
campus business district. Theater
marquees were torn down and
cars pushed up onto sidewalks.
Police said no arrests were made.
"Walter B. Rea, dean of men,
commented, "We'll have to organ-
ize better pep rallies."
It can be noted that there are
many exaggerations in the article,
but, AP carried this story all
across the country!
Mr. 'Not-too-proud-but-happy
Participant' says "The University's
reputation is not based on the
panty raids of its freshmen."
This, perhaps, would bedso if
only the truth about the raid were
sent around the world, but, with
AP sending such highly exagger-
ated reports, the reputation of the
University cant help but suffer!
-Stanley Cool, '56E.
To the Editor:
ITHINK most people will find
Jane Howard's shoulder-shrug-
ging editorial on sorority rushing
(Oct. 6) a little silly in view of
the realities involved.
The intimation that the Pan-
hel has tried to do anything but
induce the maximum numbers of
freshmen to rush is misleading.
This year freshmen were signed
up for rushing before they had
any idea of what the campus
looked like, to say nothing of
what the sorority situation here
was. It seems that Panhel's de-
sign in doing this was not to ease
the disappointments, but to make
the sororities as sought-after (in
ignorance) as possible, and con-
sequently, to make the number of
disappointments as great as pos-
sible as a result of the limited
number of bide'.
That this university should per-
mit such a system that leads so
many naive girls deliberately into
heartbreaks is a disgrace.
-Jacky Asbury
Greeting from Afar ...
To the Editor:
HAVE found many servicemen
stationed here in Hawaii who
are rooting for Michigan. Some
are alumni-others are students
who expect to return to the 'U'
as soon as possible.
We get the games over radio
and TV re-telecasts. We all ex-
pect to see the team at the Rose-

Hint Margaret-Peter Hitch

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Blue Cross Group Hospitalization,
Medical and Surgical Service Programs
for staff members will be open from
Oct. 10 to Oct. 21 for new applications
and changes in contracts now in ef-
fect, Staff members who wish to en-
roll, or change their coverage to in-
clude surgical and medical services,
should make such changes at the Per-
sonnel office, Room 3012, Administration
Building. New applications and changes
will be effective Dec. 5, with the first
payroll deduction on Nov. 30.
University Lecture in Journalism.
James W. Markham, School of Journal-
Ism, Pennsylvania State University,
will deliver the annual Kappa Tau
Alpha Research Award Lecture at 4
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
"Bovard of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch."
Open to the public.
Fellowships are being offered by the
Bell Telephone Laboratories for pre-
doctoral study. The field of study
should have a direct beariig on elec-
trical communications and may include
such fields as electrical engineering,
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, En-
gineering Mechanics, and Mechanical
Engineering. Awards are for one year's
study and the stipend will be $2,000.00.
Fellowships may choose any academic
institution within the United States at
which to pursue their studies. Applica-
tions may be obtained in the offices of
the Graduate School, and must be re-
turned to that office by Dec. 5, 1955.
Late Permission: Because of the I-Ho,
all women students will have a 1:30
late permission on Sat., Oct. 15. Wo-
men's residences will be open until
1:25 a.m.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Oct.
11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 3011 A.H.
Prof. C. J. Titus, "A Projection Operator
Associated .with Systems of Partial Dif-
ference equations." (No meeting of
the Math Club, Oct. 11.)
Beginning Classes in Fencing. Tues-
days and Wednesdays in the Boxing
Room of the Intramural Building at
4:30 p.m. for all interested men. First
meetings Tues., Oct. 11 and Wed., Oct.
12. Weapons and protective equipment
will be supplied.
Experienced fencers are invited to
try out and drill from Mon. through
Thurs. at 5:30 p.m. for fencing in the
Amateur Fencers League of America
competitions. First team competition
in Detroit Sun., Oct. 16.
Assembly for all engineering freshmen
Oct. 12 at 2 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall,
and at 4 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. Louis P. Shannon of E. I.
du Pont de Nemours & Company will
Make-up Examinations in History-.
Sat., Oct. 15, 9:00-12:00 a.m., 229 Angell
Hall, See your instructor for permission
and then sign list in History office.
M. A. Language Examination in His-
tory Fri., Oct. 21, 4:00-5:00 p.m., 407
Mason Hall. Sign list in History Office,
Dictionaries may be used.
Events Today
Zinka Milanov, Metropolitan Opera
star, with Bozkdar Kunc at the piano
will give the first program in the
current Choral Union Series tonight at
8:30 p.m. In Hill Auditorium.
Meeting of all undergraduate women
living off-campus tonight at 6:45 in the
League. Check the bulletin board i
the League for the room.
Placement Notices

Notice of Closing Date for the Ae-
ceptance of Applications for Jr. Pro-
fessional Assistant:
The United States Civil Service Com-
mission, seventh region, Chicago, Ill.,
hereby announces that applications for
the position of Junior Professional
Assistant, GS-5, will not be accepted
after Oct. 17, 1955. Applications received
after Oct. 17, 1955 will not be accepted
unless they are received by mail and
bear a postmark on or before that date.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.



Murry Frymer -
Reserve Act Needs Change--Soon

YOU CAN look for an official an-
nouncement from Queen Eliza-
beth fairly soon that her sister,
Princess Margaret, will marry Pet-
er Townsend, the dashing 40-year-
old divorced flier. Prime Minis-
ter Anthony Eden worked out de-
tails for the announcement while
visiting the Queen at Balmoral
Castle. Princess Margaret, like
her uncle, the Prince of Wales,
will renounce all right to the
throne-here's hoping she's hap-
pier with Captain Townsend than
the Duke is with Wally Simpson
More dictators are in for trouble
in Latin America. D i c t a t o r
Stroessner of Paraguay, who gave
refuge to Dictator Peron, may be
looking for refuge soon himself.
Colombian Ambassador Zuleta, one
of the ablest envoys in Washing-
ton, is going back to Colombia be-
cause he's unhappy with his own
authoritarian government. I t s
crackdown on Colombia's leading
newspaper, El Tiempo, smacks too
much of Peronism.
The new Premier of Greece,
Constantine Karamanlis, is not
only able but a good friend of
the U.S.A. Washington bigwigs
were impressed with him when
they met him on the George Vour-
nas farm in Maryland some time
been asking their government
just who tipped off the two Brit-
ish spies, Donald MacLean and
Guy Burgess, thereby letting them
get away. Here's the answer: The
FBI got suspicious of the two dip-
lomats while assigned to the Brit-
ish Embassy in Washington. An

FBI report on their activities was
then turned over to the British,
but British security was so lax
the FBI report ended up right in
MacLean's hands. That was why
he and Burgess ducked behind the
Iron Curtain.
* * * -
Molotov has flatly rejected Secre-
tary Dulles' plea to stop Czecho-
slovak arms to Egypt. British For-
eign Minister MacMillan also pro-
tested to Molotov even more vig-
orously than Dulles. But the stony-
faced old Bolshevik wouldn't
budge. He claimed Czechoslo-
vakia is an independent country,
has the right to trade where it
wishes, kept referring to the arms
shipment as "commercial exports."
* * *
Assistant Secretary of Commerce
Lothair Teetor, president - on -
leave of the Perfect Circle Com-
pany in Northern Indiana where
eight men were shot during a
strike last week. As a member
of the Indiana State Legislature
from 1945 to 1951 Teetor voted
against Workmen's Compensation
amendments, against the State
Labor Relations Act, against the
Wage-Hour Law, against equal pay
for equal work, against the State
Public Housing Act, against the
Fair Employment Practices Act,
but voted for picketing and for
The amazing thing is that a
man of his b%ckground would get
a key post in the Eisenhower ad-
ministration. H i s appointment
highlights the long-raging battle
between Seecretary of Labor Mit-
chell and Anti-Labor Secretary of
Commerce Sinclair Weeks.

New York Republican State
Chairman, has been going through
upstate New York proposing the
"unit rule" for the New York
delegation at the next GOP Con-
vention. He recalls that four N.
Y. delegates held out for Taft
against Dewey in 1952. With
Moorehouse such a strong Dewey
man, politicos interpret this as a
sign Tom wants to run again, and
wants air-tight control over the
N.Y. delegation.
Taftites are waiting for Con-
gressman Carroll Reece of Ten-
nessee to get home from Europe
to organize the anti-Dewey bloc.
Carrill is considered the best anti-
Dewey organizer in the right wing
of the GOP.
Dick Nixon is really having
rough going with-his fellow Cali-
fornian, Govenor Goody Knight.
Nixon may not know it yet. but
Knight intends to dog Nixon's
footsteps on a speaking tour, speak
in every city Nixon speaks in be-
fore the convention.
* *. *
Chief Justice Warren asked for
the privilege of swearing in his
old friend, Walter Gordon, as
Governor of the Virgin Islands.
Gordon is one of the first Ne-
groes appointed to high office,
having been Warren's chairman
of the California Adult Authori-
ty (ParoleBoard). He is an ex-
cellent choice for the Virgin Is-
The Farmers Union, hitherto_
not strong in the corn belt, has
bee nadding new members like
a prairie fire. The Farmers Un-
ion is grateful to Brother Benson.
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


NO ONE was particularly happy when the
new Military Reserve Bill was enacted into
law last summer.
The legislators weren't happy because the,
bill was overly compromised, cut, and modi-
fied. The Army wasn't happy because what it
wanted was universal military training, and this
was far from it.E
And the youth who were to be affected
weren't happy because the act was even more
confusing and more unfair than the previous
military system.
The startling new featqlre of the act was
to, build up the military reserve by allowing
172 to 18-year-olds to get their active duty,
out of the way in six months, then serve in
the reserves for seven and a half years.,
IF THESE youths choose to wait, they then
become subject to the draft at 18%V2, which
means two years of active service, followed by
four years in the active reserve.
To the army officials this looked like a
good way to build the reserves. Surely, the 18-
year-olds would flock to the recruiting offices
to take this opportunity while they could.
But it hasn't worked this way. The num-
ber of enlistees in the six-month program has
been a mere trickle. Army officials are baffled.
As Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker
said here recently, "it certainly is a much bet-
ter deal for the young men than the draft."
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert..........................City Editor
Murry Frymer ..................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag . . ... ,........ Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ......................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis........ .......Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg................Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................ Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaier. .....................women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds.............Associate women's Editor
John Hirtzel ...................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom .................... Business Manager

There are a combination of factors deter-
ring the 18-year-olds today. First, there is
the present world "peaceful coexistence" poli-
cy. The Russians have announced army cuts
(whether true or not, it sounds good), the
United States has cut its armed strength by
240,000 men, arid just the other day, the Brit-
ish announced cuts of 100,000 men in her de-
fenses over the next thirty months.
COMBINE this with one of the features of the
reserve act - its non-universility - you
might not 'have' to go, and the young man
suddenly has a problem. He just might get
away with no military service, if he waits.
But that's not all to deter the 18-year-old.
The Army has chosen to drop many' of the
benefits, especially educational benefits, that
previous veterans were given. The prospect of
a free college education accounted for a good
many enlistments before.
Also, if the young man waits to get his
college education in before going to the Army
(there's little chance now of having college
training interrupted by the draft) he could
land a better job in the Army afterward, or
could join a ROTC unit in school.
Nevertheless, the 18-year-old is in a bit of
a dilemma. He's faced with a choice, how to
fulfill his army obligation in the most com-
fortable way, and there's no guarantee any
IF HE studies the bill he'll get tangled in a
wide variety of deferments for some stu-
dents, two-years service for others, escapes
for other men through such side-steps as the
national guard, and so on.
What he wishes for most, especially at 18,
Is a definite and clear-cut answer. Despite the
fight being put up on many fronts, much of
today's youth would welcome universal military
training if he could be sure-sure of his term
of service, sure of when he would have to go,
sure that he wasn't missing some 'angle' to
escape the military, and sure that everyone was
fulfilling a similar obligation.
Today, he is sure of nothing. He may go
for six months, plus active reserve training,
while a friend serves not at all. Or he may
find himself waiting, taking a chance, then


-Pvt. Raymond Tanis

'Think' Plays Trend On Broadway

Boob Exchange,...
To the Editor:
On Page 1 of The Daily for
Sept. 21 you mention "Student
Boob Exchange." I'm in favor of
it. If you can trade 1000 of the
boobs who staged the panty-raid
for 100 students, it would be a,
bargain. Remember that news of
folly spreads farther and faster
than news about Phoenix Pro-
--Norman Anning


Associated Press Writer
BROADWAY'S got a new slogan
B-Think,'Think, Think.
The trend in new shows has
done it.
Seven serious dramas - some-
times a whole seasoh's quota -
have already arrived in the first
anutumnal month of theatrical
bustle. And not a single caper or
rollicking farce among them.
SUCH ITEMS, the traditional
escapist fare aimed at the tradi-
tional tired businessman, haven't
been completely forgotten of
course; many such wares are
pledged for presentation later.
There hasn't, however, been such
a serious cycle in quite a spell.
What's more important, the trend
hasn't shown any signs of scaring
the ticket-buying public.
What has caused the trend is
hard to say, but one man who is
having a lot to do with Broadway's
new look has some ideas about it.
HE IS Kermit Bloomgarden, a

"Diary of Anne Frank." Several
of the reviewers reached for the
superlatives on "Tiger." . . . Less
fortunate were "The Young and
Beautiful," a Sally Benson play
based on F. Scott Fitzgerald stories,
and "Island of Goats," by the late
Ugo Betti .
This week marked another not-
azle milestone in the epic run of
Victor Borge - the third birthday
of his one man show at the John
Golden Theater, with the amazing
Dane pouring champagne for the
entire audience at the anniversary
performance and slicing up a
birthday cake
There will be a meeting for
all Daily reviewers and car-
toonists at 7 p.m. Wednesday
in the Ensian office, Student
Publications building.
The following persons are re-
quested to attend:
Tom Bernaky, Culver Eisen-
beis, Bruce Jacobson, Mike

- -
- '


, . . 'think' dramatist

Bloomgarden, matter of fact, has
had his mind on producing comedy
ever since he entered the- impre-
sario ransk 10 years ago. In all
that time he has produced three
light shows-which turned out to
be less than triumphant-but has
won renown with such brain stim-
ulators as "Deep Are The Roots,"
"Delath of a Salesmnan" andrlnine


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