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October 11, 1955 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1955-10-11

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in Poll,

'M Drops

Army to


---9-h 64....
Daily Sports Editor

Trade SpOtS
(Continued from page 1)

OpenSEvenings 'ti 9 P.M.
Campus Bike & Hobby

MIGHTY MICHIGAN once again is football king of the nation.
Bennie Oosterbaan's high powered outfit roared to the top of[
the press association polls late yesterday for the first time since 1949
-and all eyes-from Maine to California and Florida to Washington
turn toward Ann Arbor.
These same eyes lifted in wonderment as the Wolverines butch-
ered Army Saturday, 26-2, the blast that propelled Michigan right
up to the top of the heap-and established them as even more of a
favorite to win the 1955 Big Ten Championship.
But down at Ferry Field yesterday afternoon, all eyes were on
Oosterbaan, and the veteran coach was far from happy. When told
by newsmen that his team was rated better than anyone else, he
shrugged his tired shoulders as he said, "It's not anything to get
excited over. You can go down awful fast."
But the newsmen weren't through with him yet. "Bennie, Bennie,"
they clamored-"compare this team to your other great ones for
us . . ." Oosterbaan immediately turned and calmly said, "I never
compare teams-until the end of a season."
Oosterbaan believes that a team only deserves the rating ofJ
"great" or "tops" after an entire season of play . . . not after three
But it was hard to be pessimistic in the face of what happenedl
in the Michigan Stadium last Saturday aftrnoon. Nearly 100,000t
rabid fans were treated to one of the most shocking and convincingj
victories of Michigan football history. They came to see a tight, even
battle. What they saw instead was a rout.
Opening up with everything at their command, Michigan crushed
the Army for the first time in its history-showing vicious line play,
and exciting, broken field running. By the time the game was over, fans
were muttering to themselves in disbelief- and the hordes of newsmenI
crammed into the Michigan pressbox had to dig deep for adjectives
to describe what they had seen.
"Every Bit a Champ ...:
TYPICAL OF THEIR remarks was that which poured from the
typewriter of the usually conservative Allison Danzig, famed foot-
ball writer of the New York Times. Said Mr. Danzig, "In one of the
most shocking routs of this or any other season, Bennie Oosterbaan's
Wolverines completely manhandled the West Point Cadets . .
He went on to say, "The showing of Army could only be attrib-
uted to the virulence of football played by the Wolverines. The Wol-
verines indeed, were every bit the team they rated as second best in
the country."
Wilfred Smith, the veteran football expert of the Chicago Tribune
called Michigan "The best Wolverine team since 1947" . . . It was
just another in a series of tributes that today are being splashed
across every major sport page in the nation.
Despite all the drum-beating, the adjectives and the glory, Ferry
Field was still not a paradise yesterday. It was like a grade B movie-
in which the hero supposedly reaches his peak of success-and then
in the background come the first hinting strains of approaching doom.
It was like that yesterday. More newsmen than Ferry Field had
seen in a long time were running all over-exhulting and speculating.
Suddenly-a note of doom sounded-as the team raced out onto the
practice field. Gone was Ron Kramer-the great All-American-who
is at present laying in a hospital bed still under observation with a
bruised chest. Lou Baldacci was not there-still taking ft easy on his
sore leg. Jim Bates was hurt-and rumors were flying that he may
not start next week. There was talk of Ed Shannon, and a broken
wrist . . . Would he play?
"Otte at a Time ..."
BUT STILL THE newsmen grinned . . . still the questions flew.
"What's the prospect for the rest of the season?" This question
must have been asked 100 times. Ben just grinned . .. and said,
"We play them one at a time. We do our best each Saturday. We're
interested in Northwestern right now" .. . and with that he slowly
walked out toward his players.
"Northwestern"-the words rang clear in the warm October
air-and suddenly they were magnified as somewhere the practicing
band struck up "Go, You Northwestern" . . . Northwestern-a team
of misfits they called them. A team so poor it was smashed by tiny
Miami of Ohio-of the Mid-America Conference.
But they weren't "so poor" to Bennie Oosterbaan yesterday
afternoon. This was the perfect set-up for another one of those story-
book upsets that football pulls so often.
Any team with 11 players and a football is potentially a threat-
and can come alive suddenly with a vengeance. Northwestern has
done this before-and can do it again. In 1946, one of the greatest
teams Michigan ever had was tied by the Wildcats, 14-14. Again in
'49-the great team of Chuck Ortmann and company was beaten by
Northwestern, 21-20. The cry of "upset" is in the air-and Ooster-
baan, his great team hampered by injuries, must build them all over
again for this one.
Oosterbaan strode confidently out into the center of the sun-lit
field to meet this challenge. The challenge of a team that has nothing
-and yet causes concern in the camp of football's very best.
Are his Wolverines "champions of the west?" The words "you
can go down awful fast" came back to us as we left the pitted practice
field. "Champions of the West"? Not by a long shot-YET.
'N YG;:;,:. .a :t <w rS's Ya;Ynf ".t,,g 35'G ' 'R ..

5 s l

. out for Northwestern
Four Readers
Tie for F irst
In 'Grid. Picks'
Four readers narrowly missed a
perfect record and managed to
tie for top honors in the second
weekly Daily "Grid Picks" con-
The winners, who each picked
all but one of last week's games
correctly, are: Joe Flora, 223
Winchell, West Quad; Tom Ghy-
sels, G319 Kelsey, South Quad;
Roger Greenberg, 6307 Scott,
South Quad; and Bill Hare, 632
Free Tickets
Each winner will receive two
free tickets for ".To Hell and
Back," the coming attraction at
the State, or "To Catch a Thief,"
which will begin at the Michigan
later this week.
Entries for this week's contest
must reach The Daily by 5 p.m.k
Thursday. They can be delivered'
Top Award
Ed Gangier, star Michigan
sophomore gymnast, was
awardedthe Viscount Alexan-
der trophy last night by the
Amateur Athletic Union of
Canada for being the outstand-
ing junior athlete under 18 in
Canada. He is holder of the
Canadian All-Around gymnas-j
tic's title.j
in person to the main desk on the
second floor of the Student Pub-
lications Building, or mailed to
"Grid Picks," Michigan Daily,
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor.
This week's games:
1. Northwestern at Michigan
2. Auburn at Georgia Tech
3. Baylor at Washington
4. Cornell at Yale
5. Duke at Ohio State
6. Louisiana State at Florida
7. Minnesota at Illinois
8. Navy at Penn State
9. Notre Dame at Michigan State
10. Purdue at Iowa
11. Rice at Southern Methodist
12. UCLA at Stanford
13. Utah at Denver
14. Villanova at Indiana
15. Wisconsin at Southern Cal.

The top ten teams with won-lost
records and first place votes in
parentheses points on 10-9-8-7-6-
5-4-3-2-1 basis:
1. MICHIGAN (3-0) (80) 1662
2. Maryland (4-0) (45) 1457
3. Oklahoma (3-0) (21) 1350
4. Notre Dame (3-0) (7) 1286
5. Georgia Tech (4-0) (3) 881
6. Wisconsin (3-0) (11) 707
7. Texas Christian (4-0) (4) 645
8. Navy (3-0) 641
9. UCLA (3-1) (1) 556
10. West Virginia (3-0) (11) 331
The Second Ten
11. Duke (3-0) (4) 316
12. Washington (4-0) (4) 307
13. Michigan State (2-1) 92
14. Ohio State (2-1) 41
15. Rice (2-0-1) 38
16. Southern Cal. (3-1) 29
17. Auburn (2-1-1) 24
18. Army (2-1) 21
19. Texas A. and M. (3-1) 14
20. Colorado (3-1) 12
Tie Kentucky (2-1-1) 12.
Injured List
Still Factor
In high spirits over its 26-2 rout
of Army last Saturday, the Wol-
verines opened football drills yes-
terday in preparation for this
week's game with Northwestern.
Conspicuously missing from the

514-16 E. William

Call NO 2-0035

BaltimoreBeats Green .Bay;
Gains Western Division Lead

Box Office Open 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.

... wearing cast
practice field was star end Ron
Kramer, injured as he led block-
ing for Terry Barr's dramatic 82-
yard punt return against the
Cadets. Kramer has bruised ribs
and is still in University Hospital.
He is expected to miss this week's
encounter at least.
The Detroit Free Press was more
pessimistic, however, in stating
that Kramer might be out any-
where up to a month. Only time
will tell.
Also hampered with an injury
as a result of the game was full-
back Ed Shannon. Shannon, wear-
ing a cast on his arm, apparently
cracked a bone in his wrist. There
is a chancehowever, he will play
this Saturday:
One bright spot concerning the
injury list is end Tom Maentz.
The Holland junior is now wearing
a protective pad on his back, and
appears to be available for the
remainder of the season.

The initial shock is over in the
National Football League and cer-
tain facts must now be accepted
by followers of the pro circuit.
The biggest surprise in either
livision, and one that doesn't have
to be choked down by fans in the
Chesapeake Bay aita, is the un-
defeated status and Western Di-
vision first place position of the
previously lowly Baltimore Colts.
The Colts earned the right to
remain on top by stopping the
other "cinderella" club of the
western division, the Green Bay
Packers, 24-20.
Stronger Than Expected
Two weeks ago, just after the
Colts had beaten the Detroit Lions,
Detroit's head coach, Buddy Par-
er, said that Baltimore was a much
stronger team than expected. He
pointed out two reasons why; the
play of quarterback George Shaw,
a phenomenal passer from Oregon,
and Alan "the Horse" Ameche, the
crushing All-American fullback
from Wisconsin.
The number two shocking fact
in the league is a lot harder to
take for some fans that were given
high hopes in the pre-season fore-
casts. The Detroit Lions and the
New York Giants just don't have
it, or at least have showed no
Freshinen Basketball
All men interested in fresh-
men basketball are urged to re-
port. to the I-M Building to-
morrow at 7:30 p.m.
-Bill Perigo
signs of championship play. They
both have yet to win a game, and
they were both supposed to win
most of them.
Both Lose Again
The Lions lost last weekend to
the high flying, undefeated Los
Angeles Rams, 17-0, and the
Giants dropped their third in a

row to the Pittsburgh Steelers, 30-
Age, lack of desire, and no real-
ly hard-hitting runner are prob-
lems that the Lions find holding
them back.
Neither Bobby Layne nor Bob
Hoernshemeyer, key players of the
"old guard," are as effective as
they were in past, more fruitfull,
years. As to the lack of desire,
club President Edwin J. Anderson
says, "We are downhearted, but we
aren't through."
Browns Win

North American



I-M Football
Taylor 15, Hayden 6
Strauss 13, Adams 2
Wenley 15, Scott 0
Cooley 6, Michigan 0
Williams 20, Greene 0
Kelsey 13, Winchell 0
Hinsdale 14, Allen Ramsey 13
Lloyd 26, Van Tyne 0



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