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September 30, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-30

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Help! Ambulance! Lawyers! We've Been Run Down!"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

Still A Long Way 10 Go
In 'U' Housing
THE ENTIRE University community wel- ' E HAVE YET to see the justice in charging
comes the news, belated though it may be, present residence hall dwellers for units
that another residence hall is being planned. that others will occupy. Certainly some finan-
cial arrangements can be worked out so the
Providing the Regents approve, the new csofutrcntutinanbpo-te
building should be ready in less than two years cost of future consruction can be pro-rated
and will house around 600 women. over the useful life of the building and paid
for, along with interest charges, by the resi-
Weeks of abute housing shortage and hun- dents as they use the facilities.
dreds of students in overcrowded living facili- Perhaps if enough legislators hear from the
ties have been uncomfortable evidernce of the folks back home on how poor living conditions
seriousness of the housing situation. One of are in Ann Arbor, they can be persuaded to
its most tragic aspects was its sheer predict- loan the residence halls the needed money, or
ability, and we have yet to hear from any federal sources might be tapped.
University official who was surprised by the At any rate, now is the time to plan not only
cruelties of supply and demand in Ann Arbor. for 1957 but for 1967 as well. Foresight, while
a rare human attribute, is not too much to
BUT THIS.is history, and with two qualifi- expect from the officials of a great university.
cations the heartiest applause is in order-PETE ECKSTEIN
for the new University action. There's A Moral
First, there is the question of "giving back"
Tyler, Prescott and Chicago Houses to the Here Somewhere
men, as is planned on completion of the new
women's housing. From all appearances and The police in Clark, New Jersey conceived a
the attitudes of most-of the students in them, new idea to cut down on the city's traffic
co-educational quads seem to be a success. accidents.
Not only is there mature association, but dress, They placed, on the side of a city road, a
language and behavior patterns reportedly wrecked car as "horrible example" of what can
have been elevated by the situation. happen if drivers are careless.
Secondly, there arises the eternal question of On exhibit. The driver in back also looked at the
who will get the bill. Presumably most of the exhibit not noticing the car in front had
$50 increase in residence hall fees this year will slowed. The two cars crashed.
go toward the costs of construction and paying Which is only a horrible example of what
off current debt so the residencehalls may "horrible examples" can do.
be re-mortgaged as a souce of funds. --M. F.
Ike's Qik Return Needed

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'Hunter' Dramatic,
Stark Terror Tale
"NIGHT of the Hunter" is a complex exercise in grotesque terror
and human pity. Structurally, it has elements of both a mother
goose tale and a passion play; pictorially, it is a bizzarely photo-
graphed backdrop for a simple story of depression-days, backwoods


Soiet Still Wants U.S. Food

rP E REPORTS from Denver about the Pres-
ident's condition have been so encouraging
that no decision needs to be, or in fact can be,
taken at this time about the delegation of his
powers. The question was first raised, quite
properly and responsibly, by Mr. Haggerty on
Sunday after the President was stricken.
When he raised the question in a message to
the Attorney General, Mr. Hagerty was pre-
paring for the possibility that the President
would need a long convalescence. Since Sun-
day the doctors have done much to allay the
fear that the President will be wholly inca-
pacitated for some months to come.
But the outlook in Denver is regarded as so
favorable and because this happens to be a
time when there is a lull in public affairs, it
is possible to mark time. It is possible even to
suppose that before the lull in affairs ends the
President will have recovered sufficiently to
carry on. But if it is too early to take de-
cisions, it is not in the least too early to delib-
erate about what it may be necessary and wise
to do if for a considerable time the President
cannot do much work.
THE TAKING of decisions about this must
wait until the extent of the President's dis-
ability can be determined by his doctors. That
determination cannot, we are told, be expected
for about two weeks. But while decisions are
being deferred, it is no service to the President
or to the country to let the American public
think that everything is so well organized at
the White House, that everything is so clearly
and finally determined by the Cabinet and the
National Security Council, that the govern-
ment can carry on indefinitely without the
President's active participation.
THE PRESIDENCY is an enormous office
which imposes on one man the functions
of Chief of State, Chief of the Administration,
Commander-in-Chief, Chief of his Party, rep-
resentative of the nation, and its moral and
political leader. Certain of these functions can
be suspended for a time and certain of them
can be carried on by others. But the fact of
the matter is that the burdens of which the
President can be relfeved are those which are
the least important and the least taxing to,
his health.
The hard part is also the part which can
least easily be carried on for him by others.
This is, first of all, the mlaking of those high
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert .............................. City Editor
Murry Frymer......................Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag.........Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ........................Feature Editor
Jane Howard ........................ Associate Editor
Louise Tyor.........................Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ............................ Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ................ Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor .
Mary Hellthaler .............Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds...........Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ................. Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ............. ..... Business Manager
Rn .Ttr t ~ ".a.. .a - - .__s --. ___

and grave and ultimate decisions on which
hang the issues of war and peace. Last year
the situation in Indo-China and in the Formosa
Strait, the question of whether to hold the
summit meeting in Geneva, called for danger-
ous and difficult decision- of this kind. Only
the President could have made them.
We may soon be facing very grave questions
in our own military-policy resulting from the
talks about disarmament, and grave questions
about our system of alliances resulting from
the talks about Germany.
It is also virtually impossible for the Presi-
dent to escape the responsibility of party
leader, at least as it affects the choice of his
'WHEN THE bad news came over the week
end, it was natural enough to say, as Mr.
Dulles did, that there is a team and that the
principles and policies under which this team
operates are well known to all its members.
But that cannot be true for more than a short
The question is who, in President Eisen-
hower's absence, would keep the team a team
when old policies have to be altered to meet
new developments, when new policies have to
be formed. Under President Eisenhower the
Treasury ,the State Department, and the three
services in the Pentagon have been kept lined
up as a team. During his convalescense, who
is going to keep them lined up? That is the big
question to which there is no plain and evident
Part of the answer is, no doubt, that in so
far as the President cannot act, decisions will
be reached by groups of Cabinet officers, ad-
ministrative assistants and Congressional lead-
ers who are concerned with the particular
issues. There will be many in Washington who
will want, even if the President's disability is
considerable and rather prolonged, to muddle
through by improvising such arrangements and
WE MUST consider the disadvantages of
muddling though, and whether anything
can be done about them. The paramount
disadvantage of the muddling through method
is that there will be nobody who can accept
public responsibility, as did the President in
his press conferences and speeches, for the
administration as a whole. The powers of the
President will not be tied together and focused.
They will be parceled out among a heterogenous
and largely anonymous collection of office hold-
ers and party leaders.
Over any prolonged time this will be very
unsatisfactory. It will be particularly unsatis-
factory now because the President's illness has
almost certainly ruled him out for 1956.
Yet there are within his own official family
several men who are entitled to consider them-
selves in the running for his succession. In the
muddling through process they may be tempted
to think about how doing this or not doing
that will serve their own presidential pros-
pects. And even if they are not tempted, they
will in an atmosphere of undefined power be
suspected of being tempted. For Mr. Nixon the
situation could become so confused that he
would never know whether he was usurping his
powers or failing to exercise them.

WORD has reached the Agri-'
culture Department that Rus-
sia is still anxious to make a deal
for surplus U.S. rood. The offer
came from Communist chief Nik-
ita Khrushchev himself during a
private audience in Moscow with
five U.S. Senators.
The question was brought up
by farm-minded Sen. Milt Young,
North Dakota Republican, who
asked whether it would be pos-
sible for America to trade sur-
plus American crops to Russia.
"It not only would be possible
but desirable," replied Khrushchev
through an interpreter.
Sen. Estes Kefauver, Tennessee
Democrat, then launched into a
technical discussion of the two
nations'farm problems. At one
point, Khrushchev remarked mis-
chievously: "You have helped us
to be self-sufficient by refusing
to sell us surplus food."
* * *
HE REFERRED to the Soviet
program to bring new farm land
under cultivation. The American
agricultural attache later confirm-
ed to the Senators that Russia has

opened 75,000,000 acres to farm-
This was forced, in part, by the
Administration's refusal to sell
surplus food behind the Iron Cur-
tain. The Russians can thank
Sen. Joe McCarthy, who raised
such a clamor against trade with
the Soviet bloc that the Admin-
istration lost its nerve and dropped
plans for a sale. Secretary of Ag-
riculture Benson had repeatedly
recommended disposing of our sur-
plus crops behind the curtain, but
Secretary of Commerce Weeks
fought against it. Finally the Ad-
ministration, worried about the
political repercussions of McCar-
thy's clamor, sided with Weeks.
* * *
MORE THAN 40 Senators and
Congressmen went to Russia this
summer. And only one was re-
fused a visa. He is Congressman
W. R. Poage of Texas, who was
promised a visa but didn't get it
at the last minute.
Poage and Congressman Har-
old Cooley of North Carolina,
Democrats, went together to the
Russian Embassy before leaving

Washington where they were as-
sured they could pick up their
visas in Helsinki at the Interpar-
liamentary Union.
On the same day the visas were
supposed to be ready, however,
Poage made an anti-Communist
speech at Helsinki. Speaking on
disarmament, he declared that the
Reds should agree to Ike's inspec-
tion plan, warned that past ex-
perience of the U.S. made us re-
luctant to place our trust in
words alone.
Result: That afternoon Harold
Cooley and the others got their
visas, but there was none for
Poage. He went to the Soviet Em-
bassy to inquire. Everyone played
dumb. He then went to the Sov-
iet delegation to the Interparlia-
mentary Union. Nn results. Fin-
ally he had U.S. Ambassador Jack
M c F a 11 telephone Ambassador
Chip Bohlen in Moscow. Bohlen
went to the Kremlin to inquire.
Again everyone played dumb.
Poage finally gave up, turned
over to Cooley the Helsinki-Mos-
cow-Warsaw reservation he had
prudently secured beforehand.
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The preacher (Robert Mitch
rght hand knuckles, HATE on his
left. To tell his favorite story,
he locks his hands together and
shows how each force tries to
overcome the other. When he is
preachingin a*frenzied revivalist
meeting, the right hand wins. But
on the lonely country roads, riding
in black on a white horse, his left
hand has full possession of his
mind and body.
He marries a widow (Shelley
Winters) to get the $10,000 bank
loot her ex-husband has hidden.
The treasure's location is known
only to the widow's children (Bil-
ly Chapin and Sally Jane Bruce),
who are sworn not to reveal its
The preacher kills the widow
and the children flee down the
river, on the bottom of which
their mother lies, sitting in the
family car, her long, blond hair
streaming among the water vege-
The good woman (Lillian Gish)
takes them in and offers them
food and shelter. But through the
dark night, they hear the song of
their hunter and wait for him.
IT IS EVIDENT that although
"Hunter" is a chilling exercise in
terror, and its suspense mounts
to screaming proportions, it is for
the most part a treatise on hu-
man behavior. Its major themes
are the fight between good and
evil, the indestructability of child-
ren and their ability to face dan-
ger, and the force of human
kindness. These motifs are con-
vincingly expressed by the per-
formers, each of whom seems
ideally cast for his role.
Director Laughton has put a
great deal of integrity and care
into his film, and it is the kind
of cinematic adventure which
lends itself to thorough analysis.
Its stark photography is clustered
with symbols, like a fruit-laden
tree. Many of the symbols are
conventional morality images (e.
g., black-suited preacher on white
* f R
ton may have a point in his ex-
pressed worry that viewers may
tend to embue the picture with
more than is %ally there. He
insists that the river voyage ani-
mals serve no other function than
to set a dream mood.
"Night of the Hunter" is like-
ly to be discussed avidly for the
next few months. Its major ef-
fect, nonetheless, still lies in its
engrossing blend of terror and
warmth and not in its symbolism.
-Ernest Theodossin
to the
Support SBX...
To the Editor:
OF COURSE text books cost a
fortune - what else besides
"mark up" will pay for rent and
extra help? The book stores are
not in business for student benefit
but for a profit!
We all complain about the book
stores' high prices on used texts;
meanwhile, the student book ex-
change must call for books "ur-
gently needed." Why pay for big
ads and fancy displays? If every
one of us would co-operate, the
exchange can work for mutual
good: we could sell last year's
books and buy used texts for new
courses at a. fair price.
Let's support our Student Book
Exchange and thus help each
other get a break when buying
used books.
-Bernie Rozran, '58


n) has LOVE tattooed on his

The Daiy Orriclal Bulnetn is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
University Directory. All additions
and corrections for listings already
sent in must be reported by Friday,
Oct. 7. For further information, call
Florence Boyd. 1523 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 2152.
Activities sponsored by student or-
ganizations: All activities and projects
sponsored or produced by student or-
ganizations must receive the approval
of the Student Government Council.
Petitions for consideration by the
Council should be submitted to the
Administrative Secretary of the Coun-
cil in the Office of Student Affairs at
least two weeks before the event is to
take place. Petition forms may be
secured in the Office of Student Af.
fairs, 1020 Administration Building.
Petitions from officially recognized, reg-
istered student organizations only will
be considered, and activities and pro.
jects under the sponsorshipof an in-
dividual student or group of students
not constituting a recognized organiza-
tion are not permitted. (See CLOSED
Closed Social Events for members and
invited guests only sponsored by stu-
dent organizations at which both men
and women are to be present must be
registered in the Office of Student
Affairs, 1020 Administration, and are
subject to approval by the Dean of
Men. Application forms may be se-
cured in the Office of Student Affairs,
1020 Administration Building. Requests
for approval must be submitted to
that office NO LATER THAN NOON
IS SCHEDULED. A list of approved
social events will be published in the
Daily Official Bulletin on Thurs. of
each week.
In planning social programs for the
semester, social chairmen will want to
keep in mind the seven day period prior
to a final examination period, social
events may not be scheduled. Final
examinations for the present semester
begin on Jan. 23.
Applications for grants in support of
research projects: Faculty members who
wish to apply for grants from the Re-
search Funds to support research pro.
jects should file their applications in
the Office of the Graduate School not
later than Fri., Oct. 7. Application
dorms will be mailed on request, or can
be obtained in Room 1006 Reckham
Building, Ext. 372. Applicants are urged
to file their requests before the final
due date to expedite handling.
Applications for summer faculty re-
search fellowships. Faculty members
who wish to apply for Summer Faculty
Research Fellowships for the Summer
Session of 1955, may secure application
forms from the Office of the Graduate
School, Room 1006 Rackham Building,
or the forms will be mailed on request.
These applications should be filed in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Fri., Oct. 7.
Applications for Phoenix Project Re-
search Grants. Faculty members who
wish to apply for grants from the
Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project
Research Funds to support research in
peacetime applications and Implica-
tions of nuclear energy should file
applications in the Phoenix Research
Office, 118 Rackham Building, by Fri.,
Oct. 7, 1955. Application forms will be
mailed on request. Telephone 2560.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken at the meeting
of September 28, 1955:
Approved: Minutes of meeting of
May 25, 1955.
Summerinterim action: Sailing Club
to Wisconsin, July 22-24.
Appointment of alternate William
Tenbrook to Joint Judiciary Council
to fillvacancy.
Schedule of meetings: Board In
Review, Oct. 4; withrepresentatives
from Faculty Senate, October 18; with
Regents, October 27.
Appointment of two highest ranking
male members of the Council to serve
on the Lecture Committee.
Activities: November 12, Men's Glee
Club, combined concert, Hill Aud.,
November 18, Interfraternity Council
and Panhellenic Association to spon-
sor Jazz concert, Hill Auditorium.
Action taken by delegation to NSA
naming Stanley Martin as an alter-
nate delegate at the Congress.
Study Committee of six to consider

a policy for operation and structure
for the Administrative Wing. Authct.
ized' Administrative Wing Coordinatdt
to proceed with plans for mass meet-
November 15, 16 as the dates for the
campus elections this fall.
Unanimously endorsed: Program of
cooperation between the Judiciary
Councils of the University of Michigan
and Michigan State University whereby
a Joint Council will hear any discipline
cases involving students from either
school which may arise from incidents
related to the Michigan-Michigan State





University Theatre-' Distressing'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article appeared in the Autumn, 1955
issue of "Act," British drama maga-
zine, published in Leeds, England,
and is here reprinted in part.)
T HE "tributary theatre" is a
gatherum term covering almost.
anything not operating in Man-
hattan, and to many it has ap-
peared as the vital hope of the
living theatre.
Here in Ann Arbor the past
year has provided an excellent
opportunity to evaluate the work
of this branch of the theatre. Ann
Arbor is the home of the Uni-
versity of Michigan which has
20,000 students and teachers in
addition to the city population of
some 30,000.
The University, through its
speech department, provides a
varied theatre bill, this year com-
prising "Hamlet," Elmer Rice di-
recting his own "Dream Girl,"
"The Skin of Our Teeth" (Thorn-
ton Wilder), a new play by James
Harvey "The Clugstone Inheri-
tance," and a number of 'labora-
tory' productions of one-act plays.
THE PROGRAM is varied but
the productions, with few excep-
tions, are generally distressing.
The key word is usually "Experi-
mentation," and a rather trite ex-
perimentation at that. A student
season provides a surfeit of flam-
boyant costumes, grotesque make-
up and tricky sets, as well as far
too bad diction, even worse pro-
jections and an almost total in-
ability to deal with plays that call
for any kind of realism or subt-
1 PfI7.

productions and general hocum.
* * *
ALL OF THIS is certainly
gloomy, but Ann Arbor has this
year offered an opportunity to see
something better. This was the
Dramatic Arts Center, a new
group presenting arena produc-
These productions were inter-
esting, not only because of the
arena but because they revealed
an attempt to come to grips with
drama of some substance.
Elmer Rice, after leaving Ann
Arbor, wrote in the New York
Times that he was much impress-
ed with the amount of dramatic
activity here. A closer look shows
some unpleasant features.
* * *
MUCH OF the activity around
the University seems to come
from the speech department and
its crowd of would-be starlets and
leading men, whilst most of the
student body is almost totally un-
aware of the existence of the
theatre. Only the DAC seems to
be building a reputation for
It is not true, as far as Ann
Arbor is concerned, that it is in
the tributary theatre where the
only real vitality can -be found.
This will suffice, I think, for
about 95 per cent of American
Exhibit A: Animal spirits are
no substitute for real vitality;
lacking competent vocal and phy-
sical training and generally lack-
ing competent direction, the stu-
dent actors develop no style, no
flexibility, no understanding and

"She Stoops to Conquer," Campus'
"Caligula" became "Antigone," and
an original American play had
"No Exit" substituted.)
Exhibit C: everything remains
on an obstinately amateurish
level - acting, direction, sets,
There is activity; there is en-
thusiasm; but the "tributary the-
atre" is a misnomer, for this not
a theatre which does much to
contribute to the strength of the
theatre. Instead, to change meta-
phors, it is primarily a parasitic
theatre, at best a kind of bene-
ficial parasite.



by Dick Sibley

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