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May 17, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-05-17

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Sixty-Sixth Year

Vhen Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevsl"r

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the- individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Were .Agreed,Then TheSupreme Court
Is Unconsitutional
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Gieseking Displays
Mastery of Piano
THE APPROACH that Walter Gieseking has to the piano is a highly
distinct, personal one. It is neither monumental, nor lyrical. But
no one manages a more transparent, glowing and light pianissimo
tone; and few pianists today approach the piano with quite the con-
centration on the miniature, evocative possibilities of the music as he


Y. MAY 17. 1956


Academc Freedom:
Michigan Far From Perfect

AS THE THEME for the coming Academic
Freedom Week suggests, the box score of
the Michigan community on academic freedom
matters is far from perfect. The Student Gov-
ernment Council-sponsored Week has been tit-
led "Academic Freedom: A Potential Force at
There is no pro-con discussion about academic
freedom per se. The debate centers on the
degree of freedom that a person in the academic,
community should be allowed. The University's
administration would very strongly deny that
its faculty employees lack amademic freedom.
Yet the furor over the handling of the Nicker-
son-Davis cases two years ago indicates that
the faculty, at least the more vocal segment,
has a different opinion on what academic free-
doi is.
Even through the firing of Nickerson and
Davis may have set some kind of precedent for
the administration, its policies regarding a
teacher's classroom freedom, his organizational
affiliations and his rights in such areas as
severance pay have not been definitely spelled
out. The faculty on the other hand, while not
entirely united, has presented a clearer picture
of how it regards academic freedom.
AND UNLESS the administration has changed
its mind about the Nickerson-Davis incident,
Disregard for S
IN A RECENT Faculty, Student, Administra-
tion Conference students and faculty alike ex-
pressed almost 100% dissatisfaction with the
new. University calendar adopted for the next
two years..
The calendar was the product of several fac-
tors; the faculty's inability to cover the subject
matter of courses in less than 16 weeks, the ath-
letic schedule, and the problem of summer and
holiday student employment, resulted in a
shortened Christmas vacation, almost no dead
period before exams, early returning for the fall
semester, and late recess in the spring.
Why was this calendar which pleases neither
the faculty nor the students adopted? Dean
Walter B. Rea seemed to believe that the fault
lay in the lack of student interest in the calen-
dar. He said that sev al student-administration
conferences had been fheld in which only one or
two of the five student members of the commit-
tee were interested enough to attend the meet-
SUPERFICIALLY, the fault may be laid at
the feet of the student. Yet is it completely
the students fault?
Student opinion has been sought in the past,
as when a referendum on this calendar was held

unless it is still part of a professor's obligation
to testify before an investigating committee, the
faculty has taken a more intelligent stand,
Academic freedom is necessary o the growth
of thinking individuals. By limiting it, the
individual grows in some areas but not in
others. By prohibiting it, he becomes completely
Since Michigan is a state-university, it is
often pointed out that the administration
cannot antagonize its source of support. The
State will not finance advocates of a doctrine
contrary to the democratic ideal.
HOWEVER, it is a denial of that same demo-
cratic ideal to limit an individual's freedom
to express his views and to take advantage
of his Constitutional privileges.
The administration is not blameless in the
matter of going to bat for the rights of its
faculty. It has done little to educate the State
Legislature on what academic freedom means
to an institution. As a representative of a lead-
ing university, it is its duty to exercise edupg-
tional leadership.
The emphasis on academic freedom during
the coming week makes it an appropriate time
for the administration to clarify, if not formu-
late, its policy.
tudent Opinion
two years ago. Is this student opinion taken
into consideration when actual policy decisions
are made? In the case of the calendar, it was
Another example of almost'total disregard
for student opinion is found in the Literary
College Steering Committee. This committee
meets and discusses problems of faculty and
student interest. For years, the student mem-
bers of the committee have advocated a modifi-
cation of the science requirement in the literary
college into a more generalized basic science
course whch they feel would be of much more
value to the non-science major. For years this
opinion has been disregarded.
THESE ARE two examples of total lack of
interest in student opinion shown by faculty
and administration . Student action is often
turned 'into a debate in which no positive
action is taken. Perbaps the students are at
fault for this lack of interest in the matter of
the University calendar but perhaps the larger
responsibility for student apathy must be taken
,by the faculty and administration of the Uni-



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Senators protected Chotiner

T HE SENATE Investigating Com-
mittee was amazingly gentle
when it delved into the law prac-
tice of Nixon's right-hand man,
Murray Chotnier. Here is the
mild-mannered cross-examination
by Senators when the name of
Marco leginelli, notorious czar of
the South Jersey numbers racket
and a Chotiner client, came before
the committee.
"If he (Chatiner) was Reginelli's
attorney at any time, I do not
think we should force him to an-
swer," said Sen. Joe McCarthy,
who has hounded, scolded, bawled
out scores of other witnesses when
they shied away from answering.
"Am I right, Mr. Chairman?"
he asked Sen. McClellan of Ar-
"Only to the extent that he was
employed by him and the scope
of his employment. No details,"
ruled the Chairman, who in other
cases has been fierce and unre-'
lenting in his cross-examination.
* * *
BO B KENNEDY, committee
counsel, was not so mild. He tried
to pin yChotiner down regarding
any connection between Reginelli
and the government uniform con-
tracts which involved Chotiner's
other clients, Kravitz and Abrams.
But once again, Chairman McClel-
lan came to Chotiner's defense.
"The chair will not require you
to go further if you say that the
Government was involved and had
an interest in the litigation or the
subject matter of your being re-
tained," he reassured Chotiner.
In other words, McClellan and
his committee, for some strange

reason, were interested only in the
uniform contracts and not in oth-
er government matters handled
by Chotiner.
Yet Chotiner admitted that he
had handled a deportation case
for racketeer Reginelli, which cer-
tainly involved the Government,
and may well have involved in-
fluence-peddling. When commit-
tee counsel tried to develop how
Chotiner had visited Government
off icials to persuade or pressure
them into not deporting Reginelli,
Sen. McCarthy objected.
fishing expedition," he told Ken-
However, this column can re-
port the facts which Kennedy was
not permitted to bring out.
Racketeer Reginelli had been
listed for deportation by Truman's
Attorney General James Mc-
Granery, when Attorney General
Brownell took over the Justice
Department in 1953, Reginelli was
still on the deportation list, and
his attorneys were getting wor-
When the Democrats were in
power, Reginelli had retained as
his attorney a Democrat, the late
Lemuel Schoefleld, former com-
missioner of Immigration under
Roosevelt. However, when the
Justice Department, which has
charge of immigration, shifted to
the Republicans, Schofield went
out to Los Angeles on behalf of
Regenilli and had a visit with
Chotiner. Obviously h+ felt that
he needed a Republican with in-
fluence to handle the case of the

New Jersey mobster. So he re-
tained the close friend of Vice
President Nixon.
under both the Democrats and
Republicans had wanted to deport
Reginelli. To them it was a rou-
tine matter and politics should
not be involved. As a matter of
routine, the case went before the
Board of Immigration Appeals and
was heard Feb. 11, 1954.
It was shortly after this that
Chotiner got in his licks at the
Justice Department. Just what
he did remains a mystery because
Senators McClellan and McCar-
thy would not permit cross-exami-
nation. However, Counsel Ken-
nedy drew out one fact-before he
was stopped-that Chotiner had
called at the Justice Department.
on behalf of Reginelli.
Whatever he said and whoever
he saw, Chotiner was successful.
For, after an amazingly long de-
lay, from Feb. 11 to Dec. 14, 1954,
the Board of Immigration appeals
handed down a decision,'in favor
of the South Jersey racketeer.
IT RULED that a conviction
for violation of the Mann Act in
1952 was not moral turpitude. In
so finding, the Board went into a
tortuous examination of the facts
by which Reginelli had transport-
ed Mrs. Louise Abate from New
Jersey to Florida. Although he
had previously received a six-
month sentence and $1,500 fine,
the board ruled that this was not
moral turpitude.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The core of Gieseking's atenti:
of the music, where the extende
uttered, melt into each other. It
is only against this still center of
these cantabile. sections that the
louder portions seem like fortis-
simos and can sometimes become
frighteningly tense.
Coupled with this care on the
melodic line is Gieseking's de-
tached, self-effacing under-play-
ing, and his predisposition for dry
but clean tones on the piano.
* * *
G I E S E K I N G'S attention is
placed so completely on the music
that a listener forgets the huge,
burly man on the stage, He be-
comes aware only of the carefully
articulated, finely chiselled sounds
in the spaces of his mind. This ap-
proach is thus diametrically op-
posed to that of a man like Rub-
instein at whose concerts, what-
ever is attempted merely glorifies
the performer.
The progran last night began
with a tentative reading of a Mo-
zart sonata (K. 576) and a solid
peritormance of Beethoven's So-
nata Op. 110. In neither cases were
the readings smooth, but there was
much to admire in the intent, far
from glib readings that Giese-
king delivered. Both compositions
are reflective and contain lovely
slow movements.
In the Beethoven sonata, I don't
ever remember hearing such a fine
articulation of the quasi-recitative
passages, or such tensely mount-
ing forte to fortissimo chords -in
the middle of the fuge.
Sa *
THE BRAHMS Intermezzi were
performed with proper adjust-
ments of sentiment and rhetoric:
and Mendelssohn's "Rondo Capric-
cioso" was given one of the most
de-trivializing performances ever
Gieseking's special gift for ex-
posing the emotional correlate of
the music, especially where the
emotions evoked are subtle, im-
pressionistic ones, insured that
the Debussey and Ravel numbers
wouldcrown the concert with
pianistic miniatures seldom sur-
The mood of the late afternoon
and twilight world of Fragon-
ard was quietly evoked to perfec-
tion in the Suite Bergamasque, in-
cluding the slowest performance
of the "Clair de lune" and the
Gieseking is still a master at
the piano.
-A. Tsugawa
Still Tight
r4IGHT Little Island" has been
with us for seven years now,
and has even shown up lately on
television. The curret showing of,
it at Cinema Guild is likely to be
cherished most, therefore, by those
who haven't seen it yet, preposter-
ous as that may be, or for those
who caught it on its first 'or sec-
ond time around back in the
early fifties.
It is the kind of comedy that
can stand a couple of viewings,
both because of its humor, and
because there are aspects= of the
film which might be missed the
first few uproarious times. When
it has become familiar enough
to elicit only a protracted chuckle
it is possible to appreciate the
more subtle shadings and char-

FEW FILMS have had so many1
supporting actors and so few leads.
The plethora of islanders, each
with his characteristicrtwitch,
stare, or grin, is what makes the
comedy effective on the first view-
ing, and what in the end gives the
picture its truth and importance.
Only one actor, Basil Radford,
has any extended time on the
screen, but as a character he is
developed through the same cun-
ning quirks which illuminate his
fellows; consequently he is the
only onewho fails to wear well as
time passes. In a film whose tech-
nique is mainly composed of quick
glances, his is the single perform-
ance which grows shallow through
* * *
situation comedy, or rather an
extended gimmick. A thirsty is-
landful of elemental Scots is
awarded a wrecked freighterful
of whiskey, and the attendant
problems fill out the plot. Rad-
ford, as a self-important petty
government official, plays antag-

(Continued from Page )
will discuss his previously presented
paper on "A Formalization of the Con-
cept of Balance," Thurs., May 17, 1:30-
3:30 p.m., Conference Room, Children's
Psychiatric Hospital.
Lecture, auspices of the Dept. ot
Anthropology. "Human Evolution and
the Piltdown Hoax." Dr. Kenneth Oak-
ley, British Museum. 4:15 p.m., Thur.,
May 17, Aud. C, Angell Hall.
University Lecture: Prof. Burton Dr-
ben of the Department of Philosophy,
University of Chicago, will lecture on
"Another Look at the Frege-Russell Re.
duction of Mathematics" on Friday.
May 18 at 4:15 p.m. in Angell Hall.
Aud. C. Open to the public. Auspices
of the Department of Phllosophy.
James Johnson Sweeney, art eritie,
will speak at the Architecture Audi-
torium on Fri., May 18 at 413 pm.
Sponsored by the Department of Art.
Open to students, faculty, and the gen-
eral public. Topic: "Today is Yesterday
Astronomy Department VIsItors'Night.
Fri., May 18, 8 p.m., Room 2003 Angell
Hall. Fred T. Haddock will talk o
"Radio waves from the Sun and
Space." After the talk the Student
Observatory on the fifth floor of Angell'
Hall will be open for inspection and for
telescopic observation of the Moon,
Jupiter and Saturn. Children welcomef,
but must be accompanied by adults.
Student Recital: Joyce Elaine Wright,
saxophonist, recital in lieu of a thesis
for the Master of Music degree, at 8:30
p.m. Thurs., May 17, Rackham Assembly
Hall. A pupil of Laurence Teal, Miss
Wright will perform works by Hfandel,
Heiden, Ravel, Moussorgsky, Ibert, Glas-
ounov, and Pierne. Open to the general
Carillon Recital: 1:15 tonight, by
Percival Price, University Carillonneur,
and Beverly Brehm, graduate student In
the, School of Music. The first group
of compositions including works by
Bach, Mozart, Price, and a folk song,
will be performed by Miss Brehm. Prof.
Price will play the second half of the
Scenes from Opera, presented by
School of Music opera class 8:30 p.m.
Fri., May 18, in Aud. A, Angell Hal.
Scenes from wagner's Die Meistersinger
von Nuernberg, Smetana's .Bartered
Bride, Gounod's Faust, Richard Strauss'
Der Rosenkavalier, withstudent soloists.
Open to the general public, without
Academic Notices
Freshmen and Sophomores, College ot
LS&A. Those students who will have
fewer than S5 hours at the end of this
semester and who have not yet had their
elections approved for the Fal Semestet
should make an appointment at the
Faculty Counselors Office for Freshmen
and Sophomores, 1210 Angell Hall. If
you do not have your fall elections
approved before the final examination
period, it will be necessary for you to
do this the half day before you are
scheduled to register next fall. Be-
cause registration will begin. on. Mon-
day, September 17, the "alf day be-
fore" Monday morning win be Saturday
afternoon, September 15.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Applied
Meteorology, Thurs., May 17, 4 p..,
Room 4041 Natural Science Bldg. Prof.
Edward R. Baylor will speak on "The
Response of Microcrustacea to Radia-
Department Colloquium, 70 p.m.,
Thurs., May 17, Room 1300 Chemistry
Building. K. Wyckoff will speak on
"Studies on the Yohimbyl Alcohol.
Physical. Analytical- Inorganic Chem-
istry Seminar, Thurs., May 17,;8:15 p.m.,
Room 1300 Chemistry Building. R. Z.
Machol will speak on "Order-Disorder
402 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the
Application of Mathematics to Social
Science will meet on Thurs., May 17.
Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30
p.m. F. Goode will speak on "'A Re-
view of 'Tendencies Toward Group
Comparability in Competitive Bargain-
dng' by Hoffman, et al.",
Seminar in Applied Mathematies
Thurs., May 17, at 4:00 p.m. In Room
"247West Engineering Bldg. Alfredo
Pinero-Perez, Teaching Fellow In the
Department of Mathematics, will speak
on "Legendre Integral Transforms."

Refreshments will be served promptly
at 3:30 p.m. In Room 274 W. Eng. Bldg.
Astronomical Colloquium. Thurs.,
May 17, 1:30 p.m., the Observatory, J. P.
Wild of Sydney, Australia, will speak on
"The Scintillation of Radio Stars."
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Carl
Rogers,. of the University of Chicago,
will discuss "The Necessary and Suffi-
cient Conditions for Therapeutic Per-
sonality Change," on Fri., May 18, at
4:15 p.m. Aud. B, Angeli Hall.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri. May
18, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. G.
Righini of the Arcetri Observatory, Italy,
will speak on "Solar Research at the
Arcetri Observatory."
Doctoral Examination for Peter Engel








lies in the slow, quiet portions
notes, aloofly and deliberately




No Solution in Algeria


IT IS a bold man who coming from the outside
presumes to talk about the French problem
in North Africa. For myself I cannot see far into
the problem for which there is not, so far as I
know, any example anywhere else of a success-
ful solution.
Yet it is plain enough that a crucial test is.
about to begin. In about four weeks the French
government in Paris will have deployed in Al-
geria the military forces-about 400,000 men-
that it judges to be necessary to -pacify the
country and to contain the active rebels in their
mountain fastnesses.
When that has been done as now planned,
Paris plans to hold elections. From them there
are to emerge Arab leaders willing and able to
negotiate a peace. The terms of that peace are
not published but they are based on the concept
of autonomy for the Algerian Arabs within the,
framework of the French state,
THERE ARE SOME, as good judges as any,
who believe that this official policy will
have been tested by the autumn. y
A visitor soon learns to realize that he must
not think of Algeria as another in that series of
countries to be evacuated-in the series which
Editorial Staff
DAVE BAAD. Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ............... Magazine Editor
DAVID KAPLAN ...... .....,.. Feature Editor
JANE HOWARD ............F... Associate Editor
LOUISE TYOR ...............Associate Editor
PHIL DOUGLIS ...................... Sports Editor
ALAN EISENBERG ....... . ... Associate Sports Vditor
JACK HOIWITZ .., ....... Associate Sports Editor
DIARY HELLTHALER............. .. Women's Editor
ELAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women's Editor
JOHN HIRTZEL................ Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM................. Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ ...... Associate Business Manager

began with Lebanon and Syria, went on to In-
dochina and has recently come to include Tu-
nis and Morocco.
In a sense that these other countries never
were, the French think of Algeria as a national
interest. That is because at least one-seventh of
the people of Algeria are Frenchmen. Algeria
is not an economic asset. Indeed it is a liability.
It is to the large community of Frenchmen that
the French at home feel themselves bound.
There are signs of a mounting popular will to
stand by them and not to let them become a
helpless minority in a sovereign Arab state.
IN THE MONTHS to come there will be put to
the test two questions, Can the rebellion be
subdued by a dense concentration of troops in
the main populated areas? If they are subdued,
can the Arabs be induced to participate in elec-
tions and, shutting their ears to Cairo, to ne-
gotiate for something less than sovereign in-
The prospects of a negotiated settlement on
the French terms are, it may be said, not very
bright. At the least, assuming there is no over-
whelming and crushing defeat of the rebellion,
the Paris government would have to offer ex-
traordinary concessions at the expense of the
vested privileges of the French community in
One can doubt whether the Pais government
is strong enough to impose a military victory on
the Arabs and at the same time a political set-
tlement on the French community. It is this
weakness of the government, by the way, which
accounts for the growing amount of talk about
drastic constitutional reforms.
BUT, though the prospects are not bright,
it would be a mistake to suppose that the
unsuccess of the present policy would lead to
abandonment and evacuation. So at least it
seems to me here in Paris. The French interest
is real. The French army might fail to pacify
all of Algeria but it cannot be defeated. There
is now an organized army opposing It, as there
was in Indochina.
If the official policy does not succeed, the is-


Critic, Writer Draw Criticism

Pervading Genius .. .
To the Editor:
THE DAILY Critic, disregarding
almost completely all other as-
pects of the initial production of
the 1956 Drama Season, used a
great deal of space in this morn-
ing's Daily to present a synopsis
of the current play, Black Chiffon.
Mr. Marlin turned thumbs down
on the play, shed a few tears for
the struggling cast, and called it a
day. Said Mr. Marlin, "It's pain-
ful to see sue ha competent cast
struggle with such writing." I
would suggest that it is more
likely that Mr. Marlin's struggle
wa sa bit more painful. Whereas I
respect the opinion of Mr. Marlin,
I suggest that his critique could
have been written in the library
as well as at the Lydia Mendels-
Surely there was something else
at the Mendelssohn other than a
somewhat weak play. The fact is,
it appears to this spectator, that
Miss Anderson, who reached the
apex of her brilliant career in her
magnificent portrayal of Medea a
few years ago, has retained her
position as one of the very few
fhafrinnl .ar nof mnripar~n 4-lynn

tion. He did not mention the superb
acting of Murray Matheson who
proved himself a worthy partner to
Miss Anderson, nor did he mention
Bradford Dillman who appears to
be one of the more promising
young actors in the field. Nor did
The Daily Critic mention Mr. Mel-
lencamp's set, certainly deserving
of some praise.
I encourage The Daily Critic to
go bac kto the Lydia Mendelssohn
this week and take another look at
the production-in its totality-
without having to worry about a
Daily deadline, without having to
sit through the performance think-
ing constantly of the criticism that
will have to be concocted. Go back
an denjoy yourself--don't fibht
the pervading genius of Miss An-
derson. I promise you, sir, you will
not see a struggling cast-you are,
rather, in for a profound experi-
ence. This is the power of Judith
-Harold Scheub, '58
Philosophy of Life
To the Editor:
CANNOT help but disagree
strongly with Ted Friedman's
editorial, "Pedagogue to the Propa-

phy of life by the way schools do
things. Educators might very well
prefer that this were not so but
they find out (sometimes sadly)
that it is. The child who is so
pressured to pass a course he
cannot grasp that he resorts .to
cheating has solved one of life's
problems. If this is successful
for him, he may well be imagined
to adopt this way of solving prob-
lems at any time that the pres-
sure is on him.
The child who is called stupid,
or lazy, or any number of insult-
ing dames by a teacher or by fel-
low students will develop an atti-
tude toward people that will be an
important part of what I consider
his philosophy of life.
The countless ways in which
schools affect children's attitudes
are too numerous to mention. If
a person is sincerely interested in
this problem he will do well to
read the type of evidence present-
ed and the logic used in the de-
cision rendered by the Supreme
Court on desegregation in the
schools. It was, not ,found that
bigotry and prejudice were taught
in a specific class at a certain hour
of the day, it was found that bigo-
try and prejudice were taught
every hour-,'of euvry school day be


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