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May 13, 1956 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-13

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Contractor Finds Union Addition InterestingJob
Building the addition to the Un
ion has been an interesting job
in several respects according t
Larry Laux, superintendent for one
of the contractors on the job.
The old building. was built inY
- 1916-17. At that time workers took fu
the gravel out of the excavationf
for the basement, washed it, and
used it again for the foundations .
and walls, Laux pointed out. ;
"Another interesting thing from
the construction man's point of
view is that the Union was one of s
the first buildings to be built out 1L;
of'reinforced concrete. It contains
spans up to 35 feet in length, which ,
was sheer daring in those days,"
he said.

Began in 1954
The work of remodeling the- old
building and attaching the new
addition began in October 1954.
Construction was hampered by an
8 week strike by the manual la-
borers during the summer.
By far the :greatest difficulties
were encountered in remodeling
the old buliding, the superintend-
ent noted. When the old walls
were cut into it was found that
the supports were inadequate.
"It was a nerve-racking moment
when the old walls started to peel
off," Laux said.
In remodeling the building there
was some trouble with cracking
walls but defective corners were
reinforced by steel beams.
"Don't get the idea that the old
building is going to fall down,"
Laux said reassuringly.
Started To Peel
"It's just that when we broke
into it the end of the beam sup-
ports started to peel away from
behind. Now that we've reinforced
them they should last indefinitely."
On the whole, however, the job
of building the 60-foot Union wing
went along 'rather smoothly.
Over a Million
"There is over, a million dollars
of work in the old building that
you can't see," he said. "Other-
wise we would have been done by
last fall."
An all-new heating system has
been put in the basement, new
fans, and an extension put on the
faculty dining room. After con-
struction started they added two
more floors to the original one
story. Then the plans called for
finishing them into student offices
and conference rooms, Laux noted.
"I guess I won't be here tomgr-
rw. I've got to go see my doctor,"
the construction boss said.

DIGGING FOUNDATIONS-Workmen begin removing layers of the old Union building preparatory
to adding on the new wing.
ar r o A lumni
Questtonnalt s Trce Un Eon mE

Union Comi
Variety of P
(Continued from Pagek1)
man. of the PERSONNEL commit-
tee. Last semester, Kirke Lewis,
'57, headed the committee.
Personnel Committee holds try-
out programs, which introduce stu-
dent candidates to the responsi-
bilities of holding a Union posi-
This committee is in charge of
enlistment of personnel and keep-
ing personnel records and trans-
cripts, in addition to holding
varied parties and tournaments in
connection with Union personnel.
Don Young, '58, heads the new
chaired last semester by Fred
Trost, '57E, now Union Executive
This committee sponsors frater-
nity and dormitory talks, Union
Executive Councils coffee hours,
Daily publicity, and organization
relations with major campus
groups, including the League, In-
ter-Fraternity Council and Inter-
House Council.
A new project of the committee
is to sponsor a Public Relations
Booklet, to be distributed to all
incoming freshmen. This booklet
will give detailed description of all
Union activities, and replaces the
"M Handbook," distributed last
The committee also provides ser-
vices such as the Union-League
calendar, formerly published by
the Publicity Committee, and the
new wallet calendars, in addition
to sponsoring Union open house
programs and maintaining cor-
respondence with other student
When student staffers of the
Union are elected to prominent
positons, the Public Relations com-
mittee sends publicity to the stu-
dent's hometown newspaper.
PUBLICITY activities cover ,the
job of publicizing all Union func-
tions and projects. Under the di-
rection of Russ MCKennon, the
committee members send out pub-
licity flyers announcing dates and
other vital information concerning
coming events.
Lobby displays, hospital talent
shows, Daily and poster publicity,
advertising, and committee pub-
licity supervision also are included
among the duties of this commit-
Russ McKennen, '57E, was for-
merly chairman of the Publicity
This committee also publshes a
staff newspaper and "Around the
Town," a newsletter distributed to
all local hotel rooms and describ-
ing events currently being held in
Ann Arbor.

nittees Have
rojects, Jobs
Joseph Sherman, '58. is chair-,
man of the new SOCIAL commit-
tee, which replaces the former
Dance Committee.
The Dance Committee, chaired
last semester by George Henrich,
sponsored Sunday Night Dances,
M e mb er ship Dances, Special-
ty Dances, Little Club Dances, Mix-
ers, Afternoon Dances, Homecom-
ing Dance.
An entirely new committee this
semester is the SPECIAL EVENTS
committee, chaired by Arthur
Gaudi, '58.
Special Events Committee has
been delegated four major proj-
ects: Union parley, Union jazz
concert, Union week, and the Un-
ion's part in Gulantics.
Duane LaMoreaux, '58, is chair-
This committee is in charge of
art contests, speech contests,
bridge tournaments, weekend hous-
ing, talent file, parliamentary pro-
cedure courses, travel talks and
leadership training.
The Student Services committee,
which makes arrangements for
theatre trips and travel services,
also maintains a ticket resale ser-
vice during football season.
Final Movies
This committee shows movies
during finals and sponsors a pho-
tography contest. It helps keep
up student-to-student relations
and is responsible for many of the
behind-the-scenes services of the
Union. ,
Fred Wilten chairs the newly
instituted UNION AFFAIRS com-
mittee, which replaces the former
Campus Affairs committee, headed
last semester by Herb Karzen, now
Union Administrative Vice-Presi-
This committee carries out the
responsibilities of heading a lead-
ership training program, summer
contacts, University Day, Michigan
Day and early registration passes.
The campus affairs committee
also handles problems of orienta-
tion and maintains a speakers
bureau. to provide information on
the University for Michigan high
Art Contest
Entries for the Union-sponsored
Art Contest may be turned in at
the desk or student offices on Wed-
nesday through Friday of this
Entries will be judged in five
categories of media: oil painting,
watercolor, drawing, prints, andi

--Daily-Sam Ching
TRYOUT TRAINING-Former Union President Todd Lief ad-
dresses an early training session of the Union's tryout program.
Seated to the left of Lief is former Social Committee chairman
and present student director Fred Williams. To the right is
former Personnel Chairman Kirke Lewis.
Tryout Training Program
Aims at Well-Rounded' Man


(Continued from Page 1)

What ever happens to old Union
Questionnaires were sent out last
year to those who were once major
Only those who had been Union
president or executive secretary
were quizzed, however, and this
year's Union staff plans to extend
to all former officers the question-
In doing so, the Union is estab-
lishing an alumni file, which it is
hoped will become as extensive
and complete as possible.
Of those forms sent out last
year, 30 have been returned tothe
Union offices. The completed
questionnaires show a majority of
men have entered business and
professional fields, while only a
couple are at present in the armed
Doctor, Lawyer
One former Union president,
Burnett H. Crawford, is now a
United States Attorney for the
Northern District of Oklahoma
and has offices in Tulsa, Okla.
Also represented is the medicalf

profession, through Robert F. Tay-
lor, a physician at the Medical
Clinic of Rockford in Illinois. Tay-
lor was a Union vice-president in
At the National Bank of Com-
merce of Houston, Texas Banker
C. Richard Ford, another ex-presi-
dent of the Union, has offices.
Lawyers, too,' are rel resented
among the 30 who returned ques-
tionnaires. Fernand C. Bell, a
1919 Union vice-president, is an
attorney with a Pennsylvania firm.
At the other end of the country,
Frank P. Helsell, Union president
of 1906, has law offices in Seattle,
Roy D. Boucher, 1945 president,
is an attorney on the legal staff
of a light and power company in
Dayton, Ohio.
City Hall, Wall Street
A former executive secretary,
David F. Striffler, is Director of
the Division of Dental Health in
the New Mexico Department of
Public Health.
Top political job of the former
Union officers who returned in-
formation blanks is that of Secre-

tary to the Mayor in Detroit, Mich.
This position is held by Norman
H. Hill, a Union vice-president in
Two of the questioned ex-offi-
cers list Wall Street business ad-
Edward F. Moore, 1922 Union
president, and Albert F. Donohue,
who once held the same position,
list theirnpresent occupations as
investment banking.
Donald H. Treadwell, 1939 Union
president, is a realtor for a Michi-
gan real estate company.
Richard G. Roeder, Union pres-
ident of 1947 vintage, is a consult-
ing actuary in the National Bank
Bldg. in nearby Detroit.
In addition to listing their oc-
cupations and business addresses,
the former officers quizzed were
invited to discuss the advantages
of their personal e.xperiences with.
the Union.
This semester's Union officers
are planning to send similar ques-
tionnaires to all persons who were
major Union officers, in order to
establish a complete, permanent
Alumni File.

"A typical tryout would have
such projects as working on the
Student Book Exchange, working
at tryout meetings or handling
all-staff meetings," he said.
"The main purpose of the try-
out program is to give them a
knowledge of the campus, to give
them a knowledge of the Student
Offices and to give them a
knowledge of the people around
"Tryout training is very import-
ant. We insist that the bcy know
all of -these things. The main ob-
jective of the Tryout program is
to lay a foundation for advance-
"Without this basic knowledge
he cannot help other organizatio'is
on campus."
Lewy remarked that the Union,
for example, is connected close-
ly with Student Government Coun-
The tryout is given a strong
sense of responsibility by being on
his own, Lewy stated. I'd say we
have a most conscientious staff.
"Any freshman who wants to go
out for the Union should come to
the student offices," Lewy con-
cluded. but checking himself, he

added, "We take all ages-sopho-
mores, seniors, freshmen, juniors."
Unprejudiced Choosers
Concerning the role fraternity
affiliation plays in the Union staff,
Kirke Lewis explained it does not
enter into the assigning of posi-
Lewis stressed the point that in
the Union, fraternity men and in-
dependents work side by side, as
contrasted with organizations such
as the IFC.
"The thing is, it's unbiased and
impartial. You can see that by
the selections. If it were preju-
diced, I wouldn't like it at all."
He also said many of the present
policies are not traditional. For
example, formerly those who
showed no interest in the organi-
zation were not dropped.
Students remained on the staff
although they hadn't attended a
meeting "for two or three years,"
he explained.
"The number of people that drop
voluntarily and the number who
are dropped is sufficient to in-
sure that the people who stick
with it are those who are really
The system of evaluation by the
four criteria of petitions, objective
tests, attendance records and re-
commendations, Lewis indicated,
has been highly successful.


:w i


...... . ................. ........

IE ARE PROUD to have had

a share in the erection

of The Michigan Union Addition. The students, alumni, ad-
ministration, and Regents are to be congratulated on their
concept of design embodied in this structure, which has been
so skillfully blended with the physical requirements of the
It was a pleasure to be again associated with the general
contractor, Steinle-Wolfe, Inc., the architect, Mr. Eberle M.
Smith, and the fine people connected with the University.

Swere proud to have made the or-
iginal installation and are again proud
to have participated in the ex pansion of
the Michigan Union.
Manuf acturers of built in cooling rooms
and reach-in refrigerators for every pur-
Cr1ysler" &oppen Co.




Millwork Manufacturing

1340 South Shelby Street






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