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May 13, 1956 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-13

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T, MAY 13,1959



Addition to Uniion, f
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(Continuedfrom Page 1)

trical distribution center are evi-'
dences of the changes made in the
heating and wiring systems of the
The ground floor, which previ-1
ously contained the popular cafe-
teria and tap room, has been com-
pletely remodelled. New North
and South Cafeterias have been
built in the old Union building,
and a new Snack Bar occupies
much of the ground floor in the,
The Snack Bar is expected to
be ready for use sometime next
The two cafeterias are equipped
with duplicate food serving coun-
ters, while the Snack Bar will feat-
ure a soda bar.
What diners won't see is a new
production kitchen, which will sup-
ply'food mainly to the cafeterias
but also to the dining rooms up-
A new centralized dishwashing
system is made possible by an
elaborate system of conveyor belts
and automatic dumbwaiters which
carry trays of dirty dishes from
the cafeterias and dining rooms.
. Elevators Moved
The public elevator shafts in the
building have been moved about 10
feet in order to make room on
every floor for wide corridors con-
necting the old building with the
new. The elevators, which used
to face south, will be entered from
the east by Union patrons wishing
to travel between the ground and
fourth floors.
At the end of the basement cor-
ridor is a large stairwell, also run-
ning up to the fourth floor.
The ground floor area formerly
occupied by the barber shop, the
*Day Crowds
Each spring. more than 1,500
high school students visit the Uni-
versity for campus tours, lectures.
and a general introduction to Uni-
versity life.
"University Day," sponsored by
the Union and backed by the Of-
fice of Admissions, was founded
with the idea of entertaining high
school students and providing
them with information about life
at the University.
Students from all over Michigan
and parts of Ohio, are invited by
the Union and then ushered off on
a planned schedule of events.

old business office and a small
men's washroom has been com-
pletely remodelled into a new bar-
ber shlop, a new checkroom, a larg-
er men's room and a new ladies':...
The business office area had not f
been utilized since the office moved:
upstairs several years ago.
On the main floor the most strik-
ing change to Union patrons will
be the new Anderson Room, lo-
cated in the northern end of the
addition. The multi-purpose room,
which includes a stage at the west
end, can be used as a large ban-
quet or ball room or easily be par-
titioned off into four small private
dining rooms.
In a new large lounge on the I
first floor seven paintings of cam-
pus scenes will eventually be dis-
played. Three have already been ONE THIRTY-THIRD-Union kitchen employees remove two
commissioned with Michigan ar- pies from the new rotary oven. Capacity of the whole oven, how-
'An extra check room for large ever, is sixty-six pies,
occasions and a new ladies' room
are also a part of the remodelled
Union. Off the wide corridor run-
ning from the manager's office to:.i, '
the new north exit, display cases, .
one of which was formerly in the
basement, will be found. NwBlei'or. i:
New Bulletin Board
The Union bulletin board listing "
the day's events and rooms will
be moved into the corridor when
temporary partitions by the first .:-
floor elevators are removed.
A convenience denied Union vis- -"-
itors during construction of the .
wing is the side entrance to the t
building, soon to be opened for
use. New regular and employees'
entrances open onto a covered y
patio. v ;
A turnaround driveway between
the Union anq the Administra-
tion Building will allow a mini-
mum of steps from building to
New parking facilities will be
provided north of the Union
building,- in the space now occu-
pied by construction sheds. The
area will also be the site of a
large foundation-the gift of the
class of 1956.
Back inside the Union, the old HOBBY SHOP TO-BE-Workmen continue the long job of
kitchen facilities on the first floor finishing off the Union addition in the new hobby shop, to be
were completely removed. Part of completed by next fall.
the old kitchen area has been
converted into the elegant Henry ,ing. Proudest of all the new a senior officers room, an execu-
M. Bates private dining room, off
the main Union dining area. equipment there is a mammoth tive council meeting room, a large
Sixty-Six Pies rotary oven which can simulta- general office area and a small
New cooking and baking facili- neously bake 66 pies.
ties occupy some of the old' kitch- The largest part of the addition The large room which shares.
en area and extend into the new on the second floor will be the new the north wall with the senior of-
and enlarged Student Offices, now fices will probably be devoted to
Daily Photos located on the first floor. To be a television viewing room. Other
By SAM CHING completed in time for occupancy rooms may be devoted to chess,
next Fall, the offices will include checker and card playing.

THE GANG'S ALL HERE-Union patrons eat and chat in the
North cafeterias on the ground floor of the building. The cafe-
terias were the first part of the Union remodelling to be opened.

LOCKER ROOMS--Union employee takes advantage of new
locker facilities to wash his hands. Employees are now using
the new lockers and showers in the basement of the addition.

"RIGHT AROUND HERE"-Union Executive Vice-President Fred NEW SNACK BAR-Union President Roy Lade and Administra-
- Trost points to the spot in a new music listening room where a tive Vice-President Herb Karzen confer in new Snack Bar.
phonograph will soon be placed. Completion of the Snack Bar is hopefully predicted for this week.

Near completion on the second small meeting rooms are near
floor are a small meeting room completion.
and a ladies' room. Another large room occupying
The third floor features five the northwest corner of the addi-
double insulated, glass walled mu- tion will be used for meetings,
sic listening rooms, soon to be parties and dinners. Student Book
equipped with phonographs. A Exchange occupied the room this
large room on the north side of semester and may again next.
the addition will be finished as a Changes on the rourth floor of
lounge or music room, while three I the Union are not as great, as

most of the addition does not ex-
tend that high. Two guest rooms
were lost due to alterations, how-
ever, and one was gained.
More storage space is provided
now, and elevator motors have
been moved from the basement to
the top of the shafts.
A small fifth floor penthouse
contains large exhaust fans as

well as one elevator motor.
From the ducts in the base-
ment to the exhaust fans in the
penthouse, Union officials are con-
fident that the expensive and
elaborate Union modernization
program will yield high dividends
over the years in expanded serv-
ices and facilities and more effi-
cient operations.

_____ _. _ ._ ______ u _______ i


We have been proud to have




had a part in the expansion

of the University of Michigan














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