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May 08, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-08

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Greek Week To Have Full Agenda
By ROSE PERLBERG |;<:gEM MEEM _ ; .:@E~lEEEG T ,259E!;igg!!!!!!!!!i ,.

A full agenda ranging from par-
ties to serious discussions awaits
fraternity and sorority members
as the annual Greek Week rolls
Commencing Monday and con-
tinuing through Saturday, May 19,
the Week's activities will include
t.F an Olympiad Night, IFC and Pan-
hel work shops, a jazz concert
and the annual IFC Sing.
Monday, Olympiad night, the
University's Greek letter clans will
gather at Ferry Field for an eve-
ning of entertainment, "a la an-
cient Greece."
Torch Lighting Ceremony
Following a picnic supper, they
will participate in a torch-light-
ing ceremony, and watch a mara-
thon race whose participants will
be the best runner from each fra-
ternity. A trophy will be awarded
the winner.
Carrying out the theme further,
former Olympic track star, Jesse
Owens will address the group. The
evening will end on a competitive
note as bridge enthusiasts vie for
a trophy.
Tuesday's activities will be more
on the serious side, with a Panhel
workshop and IFC President's con-
ference scheduled for Tuesday af-
ternoon at the Fresh Air camp.
Consider Problems
Coeds will consider pertinent
campus problems, slanted sorority-
wise, such as meeting future en-
rollment needs, fostering better
relationships between sororities
and fraternities and inter-sorority
Following their conference, fra-
ternity presidents will congregate
at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house
for dinner and further discussion.
A jazz concert, open to every-
one on campus, highlights plans
for Wednesday. After exchange
dinners, sorority and fraternity
members will troop to the Sigma
Alpha Epsilon Mudbowl for an
evening of music with a swing.

Engineers To Sponsor
Picnic, Dance,_Lecture
Besides the traditional Slide Rule dm
Ball which the engineering school held at the same time on North
Bpresen t h eveyyeran Engis - Campus where softball and volley-
neers Weeken" has been inon- ball games will be played.
vted The "Engineers Weekend" is be-
vate . ing sponsored by the engineering
The weekend will begin with a council. Bill Diamond is president,
Rackha at ditorium.Th dtalk Shelly Levin is vice-president, and
secretary-treasurer is Fred Baum-
will feature David B. Steinman, gartner.
consulting architect for the Mack-
inaw Bridge Construction Project,
who will address the engineeringTSi m Phi
students. T ea gm
The Slide Rule Ball Committee
and the Engineering Council will W ill Dinner
present the annual dance Friday
from 9 p.m. to midnight in the Members of Theta Sigma Phi,
League Ballroom. national honorary and professional
Kenny To Play fraternity for women in journal-
Don Kenny and his Orchestra ism, will hold its annual Matrix
will provide the dance music and Table dinner at 6:15 p.m. Wed-
two vocalists, featured with the nesday, May 16, in the Union.
band, will entertain. nsaMy1,mteUin
Ad will rtin. Guest speaker Elizabeth Holm-
A door prize will be given, con- berg, women's editor of the Bat-
sistig of a traditional sliderule, tle Creek News and Enquirer, will
the ever-present measuring device tell some of her experiences in
used by engineering students. connection with journalism after
At intermission, refreshments dinner
will be served and entertainment All interested campus women
will be provided. may attend. Tickets may be ob-
Senior Faculty Picnic tamed in the journalism depart-
Saturday afternoon, a senior ment office at Mason Hall.
faculty picnic will be held at a etIadionothmebrT -
farmtwo ilesfromtown AtIn addition to the meixbers, The-
"mtwomes f"tromp ton~Atta Sigma Phi alumnae from Ann
this time an inter-departmental Arbor and Detroit, as well as co-
students game will be played with eds who have shown an interest
students from each of the differ- in journalism, will also be attend-
ent departments of engineeringinthdner
school taking part. mg the dinner.
sc lidesgthparoftbm, General chairman of the event
Besides the softball game a.
"weinie roast" is scheduled to add is Margaret Patterson. Commit-
tee members are Sally Ayling, in-
to the festivities of the afternoon. vitations; Wendy Warbasse, pub-
Also, a freshman picnic will be licity; Joan Slater, door prizes;
Marian Ellias, decorations; Ruby
Montgomery, tickets and Sue
I Smith,programs.
Marion McDonald is advisor for
the group.

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' -

-Daily-Peter Song
GREEK WEEK-Mark Sabin and Ann Landwirth adjust part of
a Mason Hall Display announcing Greek Week, which will be
held from Monday until Saturday, May 19.

Musicians from Chi Phi, Theta
Chi, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha
Epsilon and Sigma Phi Epsilon
Will perform in trios and combos.
The Contours and other singing
groups will also take part.
Friday features the annual IFC
Sing to be held at Hill Auditor-
ium. Vocalists will be competing'
for a traditional trophy.
IFC Ball
Following that, couples may at-
tend the semi-formal IFC Ball,
scheduled to round out the eve-
ning at the League.
Switching to informality, Uni-
versity Greeks will end their week
with a big splash-a pool party
to occupy Saturday afternoon at
the Women's Pool. The Michigan
Divers will be on hand to add to
the entertainment.

Jazz Concert To Feature
Professional Performers

'U" Sailing Club
Wins First Place
In 2 Area Races
Gliding to victory again this
past Saturday, members of the
"U" Sailing Club accumulated 64
points to win the Area "D" eli-
minations for the Midwestern In-
tercollegiate Sailing Champion-
ship at the Bayview Yacht Club on
the Detroit River.
Their victory was attained by
gaining nine first places, two sec-
onds, two thirds and two fourths.
The Sailing Club will take part
in the Midwestern Intercollegiate
Championship Regatta to be held
on Saturday, May 19 and Sunday,
May 20 at Shaefer Lake, Ind.
While the Club was winning,
Wayne University Club and Michi-
gan State University Club each
gained 54 points. Wayne, however,
won second place by winning more
races than Michigan State, thus
enabling them to also participate
in the Midwestern Championship
Members from the University
of Detroit took fourth place with
47 points.
Skippers for the Sailing Club
were Bruce Goldsmith, Ilma Palm-
Leis, Dexter Thede and Tom John-
On Sunday, with one more,
school competing, the University
Sailing Club battled the river cur-
rent to achieve a three way tie
with Wayne and Hillsdale College,
but by winning one more race than
either of the others, they were de-
clared the winners of the State of
Michigan Intercollegiate Cham-
Michigan State University took
fourth place again and the host
school, University of Detroit, in

JGP-There will be a JGP
tral committee meeting at
p.m. today in the League.


are due today in the League Un-
dergraduate Office from women in-

There are approximately 10,000
alumnae and 81 college and alum-
nae chapters of Theta Sigma Phi
throughout the country. Women
from the fields of newspapers, ra-
dio, film studios, publicity, adver-
tising, magazines and television
are found in the group.

terested in participating in the ;Anon the well-known honor-
ary Theta Sigma Phi's are Doro-
thy Thompson, Eleanor Roosevelt,
PANHEL RUSHING-The com- Edna Ferber, Cornelia Otis Skin-
mittee will meet at 5 p.m. Thurs- ner, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings,
day in the League instead of at Dorothy Canfield Fischer, Jan
4 p.m. today. Struther and Kathleen Norris.


For the first time in several
years the Union sponsored semi-
annual progressive jazz concert,
which is to be held at 8:30 p.m.
Friday in the Union Ballroom,
will feature professional perform-
The entertainers are the Dave
Wyant Octet and Nancy Clayton,
a vocalist.
Included in the Octet are Dave
Wyant, the pianist and arranger,
and Elmer Kyle playing the bass.
Harry Jones has the dual role
of playing both the drums and
vibes. Charlie Speits, who form-
erly played with Claude Thorn-
hill, is the trumpet player, and
sixteen year old Laure Kendall is
the french horn player.
Formerly with the Woody Her-
man, Charlie Barnett and Artie
Shaw bands is Bob Wilson on the
Gene Harris and Don Wilson
sing tenor and baritone respective-
ly. i Supervision and management
of the Octet are taken care of by
x Gary Wilson, who will also emcee
the show.
The program is scheduled to

take about two hours. After the
planned show, which will include
four numbers by Jones on the
vibes, it is expected that there
will be a jam session in the snack
bar of the Union.
The Octet, which began as a
group of five musicians, made its
debut at the Flint Junior College!
Jazz Showcase Concert in Febru-
ary of this year.
Tickets foi the concert are on
sale at the main desk at the Union
and may also be purchased at
show time.
Orientation Leaders
Marylen Segel, chairman of
women's fall orientation lead-
ers, has announced that there
will be a meeting of all wom-
en's orientation leaders at 7
p.m. Thursday in Auditorium
All students whose names ap-
peared in the tentative list, pub-
lished in The Daily Sunday, are
to attend.

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