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May 02, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-02

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014r mligati E~l
Sixty-Sixth Year

"Mind You, We're Against All That Socialistic Stuff--'

When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail^

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'-'. p.-


Rebirth of Art Staff
Magazine's Best Point
PERHAPS THE GARG is not always free of the adolescent and the
imitative but the Spring issue has sufficient virtue to overbalance
the effect of the few stolen items, inanities, and imitations. In short,
this Garg is the best of the year.
The most striking thing about it is the rebirth of the art staff.
The work in this Garg is the wildest and most satisfying since' Larry
Scott's precision and Stu Ross's imagination were harnessed two years
ago. Dave Rohn and Dan Deaver have suddenly gained the assistance
of James Anthony who produced the free wheeling cover. Jim Maitland

Dearborn's Hubbard
Shams Segregation Cause

HIRTY-FIVE miles east of campus reigns
Machiavelli's legacy to twentieth century
politics, Dearborn's Mayor Orville L. Hubbard.
Hubbard is a confessed "one million percent"
segregationist and bosses a one-million percent
white Dearborn. Hubbard is habitually at odds
with the Ford Motor Car Co.-Dearborn's
largest tax payer. Hubbard has threatened
more than one opponent with a punch in the
nose. And Hubbard parries the accusals of the
incorruptible Judge G. T. Martin every election.
Friday, Hubbard received fire from the Cath-
olic Interracial Council for his open declaration
of intent to "keep Negroes out of Dearborn."
The- CIC probably won't be more successful
than the Dearborn YWCA. A short time ago,
Hubbard advised them that "If you don't like
it here, move two miles west" (referring, to a
)Negro populated Inkster).
WITH INTENTIONAL effrontery to the CIC,
Hubbard last week bought full page ads in
two Dearborn newspapers, reprinting a maga-
zine- article which examined the Negro migra-
tion from the South to Chicago. Said the in-
troduction: "As a public service from Mayor
Hubbard. Read this and keep your eyes
W-I-D-E open."
It seems that such a bigoted man who makes
an effort to anger individuals and groups
should seek a vocation other than politics (at
least in the North). Hubbard has proved the
He has been Mayor for 15 years.
Why 1 Hubbard denounced by everyone ex-
cept the voters of Dearborn? Because he ap-
plies something of Machiavelli: The people

will allow a politician to go morally astray if
their material wants are fed.
A UNIVERSITY student from Dearborn fur-
nishes the explanation:
"Many in town feel that he's a crook and a
liar, but he gets things done. The cleanliness
of our city is second to none. You get immedi-
ate action from the city's Works Department
after snowstorms, sewer stoppages, or holes in
roads. They'll pick up as much of your gar-
bage as you like, anytime ,you like.
"He built the city a recreational Camp Dear-
born. In the summer, he furnishes free bus
transportation there and the city's children
can swim and boat while the city, personalized
by the Mayor, picks up the tab.
"Hubbard has a particular talent in catering
to our city's foreign element (There is no dis-
crimination other than against Negroes). He
knows how much they appreciate the right to
vote and he goes out of his way to create the
impression that he's 'on their side.'
"HUBBARD now has plans to build a little
Dearborn in Florida. The city would send
its retiring old folks there. It's things like these
that have made him Mayor for 15 years.
"In regard to segregation against the Negro,
there is hone in regard to shopping, working,
eating, and toilet facilities. -Hubbard merely
follows the dictates of the majority of the
community in banning Negro housing in Dear-
Pots like Dearborn and their Mayor Hubbard
sham the North's calling the Southern segre-
gationist's kettle black.

; ' t.
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Shrewd Charting by Nixon

whose fine Steinbergish hand is
whose well-made nude Playmates
will amuse the discerning. Rohn's
cartoons are not of a universally
.high quality but the successful
ones attain a level of sophistica-
tion not customarily found in col-
lege magazines. It would seem that
last issue's centaur-series was no
one-shot venture into the subtle.
* * *
FOR THOSE persons unfamil-
iar with the ways of Gargoyle
artists I feel I must remind you
that "goodies" are almost always
hidden in the illustrations and the
advertisements. Pay close atten-
tion to Maitland's Michgras sup-
plement. If you are puzzled by the
persistent nakedness in the illus-
trations I can only excuse it by
quoting the editor, 'These are all
new artists and they haven't
gotten to the lessons on clothes
On the literary side of the laun-
dry list "parody" seems to have
been the order from the editor.
The editor took it upon himself
to re-arrange some old stories in-
to Fairy Tails. Those inclined to
childish reminiscences will be
shocked by what has happened to
"The Princess and the Pea," "Jack
and the Bean Stalk," "Sleeping
Beauty," and "Bluebeard." To my
way of thinking the sleeping beauty
story is the best. It manages a
successful ending; the others not
Generation comes in for some
useful ribbing in a series of letters
on life and love. For those who do
not get all the jokes read the last
Generation. Dick Braun has lots
of them.
" a .
THERE IS a quick manhandling
of "The Man Who Never Was" in
"Now It Can Be Told, Again." It
should have been printed a month
or so ago when it might have pro-
vided perspective for some of those
persons who thought "The Man
Who Never Was" was a good
There are some collegiate quips
by Lord Byron, some of which were
done by Kessel and some of which
were stolen from Stanford. He
promises it will never happen
again. In any case, it's worth read-
ing through.
"The Man in the Grey Flannel
Raincoat" by Ernest Theodossin
has some fine moments but suf-
fers from the lack of an ending.
It is the storyof a student who
has been through the mad, gay,
college social and intellictual whirl
and has adjusted his life accord-
ingly. They don't all end up in
Portuguese fishing villages, though.
Ted Friedman's joshing of
"Bridey Murphy" is delightful.
The Morey Bernstein illogic is
best captured in the "Appendix"
where Mr. Friedman states the
The jokes were stolen. They are
mostly smutty.
-Richard Laing

Residence Halls Scholarships

AT A RECENT meeting of the Board of Gov-
ernors a little step was taken toward meet-
ing a big problem. Prof. Lionel H. Laing, of the
political science department, suggested that the
Board think of possible action to counteract the
raises in Residence Hall rates, which have
probably not hit a ceiling. Prof. Laing ob-
served that the recent $20 hike is just a begin-
ning of what will continue to happen.
His motion, which has been passed by the
Board of Governors, reads: "That the Univer-
sity be approached to set in motion machinery
that will make possible the establishment of
a number of substantial Residence Halls schol-
arships adequate to cover a portion of the
costs of such residential living." This implies
that these scholarships, the number of which
has not yet been decided, will make it possible
for some persons to reside in residence halls
who would, without this financial aid, be un-
able to do so.
Students miss an integral part of University
life by not residing in a residence hall for at
least one year. They do not have the opportu-
nities to make as many contacts, to learn to
appreciate different opinions, to acquire the
ability to tolerate others, and to learn general
compatibility. Without these things, the stu-
dent is not receiving the full benefits of a col-
lege education.
THE AMOUNT of these scholarships has not
entered into the discussion at this time, but

it would undoubtedly cover at least part of the
current room and board cost. It is believed that
there are several possible sources of money for
such a project that have never been contacted.
The Alumni Fund is a potential giver to worthy
causes of this nature. A few alumni have al-
ready allocated money on an individual basis
for an objective similar to that of the scholar-
ship fund-to make it possible for students to
live in University residence halls. Another pos-
sibility that has not been exhausted is the
Development Fund Council, the function of
which is to find money needed for University
projects. It is also conceivable that the Uni-
versity might appropriate the money.
No matter where the money comes from, it
definitely should come. There should be a
provision made to allow students to reside in
the residence halls as long as they desire in
order to gain that experience which will con-
tribute toward making them more mature, bet-
ter adjusted college students.
Procedures concerning the setting up of this
fund and numerous details can be worked out
after the money is made available. Qualifica-
tions for receiving such a scholarship will be
discussed when other plans are completed. As
of now the motion has presented an idea, one
which has a great deal of potential. Though it
is a little step, it is a move in the right di-

THE DEMOCRATS will make a
mistake if they underestimate
Dick Nixon. They figure he has
about 75 per cent chance of be-
coming President, and they're glad
he's running. However, Dick does
not miss a trick; and he knows
most of the tricks in the political
When he went in to see Eisen-
hower the other day to tell him
he had "charted his course," he
had already done some shrewd
charting with most of the Repub-
lican state chairmen and commit-
teemen around the country. He
had telephoned them personally,
asking them in his most deferen-
tial manner whether he should run
When the Vice President of the
United States calls to seek your
personal advice, the natural ten-
dency-unless icewater flows in
your veins-is to tell him what he
wants to know. Most Republican
leaders did.'
s -* * *
NIXON KEPT a scorecard of
these calls, and the results were
discreetly made known to White
House advisers in advance of Dick's
conference with Ike last week.
That conference, previously un-
scheduled, was hastened by two
Ike's statement in press confer-
ence that he had not yet received
a reply from Nixon, which made
it appear that Nixon was still out
on a limb.
A Senate committee's sudden

discovery that Nixon's attorney
and most trusted adviser, Murray
Chotiner, was involved in a black-
listed uniform manufacturer's ef-
fort to pull wires. What the Sen-
ate committee digs out might have
influenced the GOP decision re
Mr. Nixon's future, so Mr. Nixon
rushed in to chart and clinch his
future first.
Here is some interesting corre-
spondence which the senate com-
mittee, if it digs deeply enough,
can bring out.
has the job o protecting Nixon
from bodily harm; and also has
the job of protecting The Great
Seal and currency of the U.S.A.,
discovered that a company called
the National Research Company
was using a spread eagle insignia
and various misleading titles such
as U.S. Credit Control Bureau,
Claims Office, Disbursement Office,
etc., to give the impression it was
a governmentkagency in the col-
lection of back debts.
In some cases forms that looked
somewhat like government checks
were mailed out to lure informa-
tion from people.
The Secret Service investigated
this, but finally passed the matter
on to the Better Business Bureau
with this letter by S.S. Chief U.
E. Baughman, October 26, 1954:
"On several occasions, the Unit-
ed States Secret Service has re-
ceived inquiries or complaints from
citizens concerning a certain print-
ed form and questionnaire pur-

portedly issued by the Claims Of-
fice, 100 Barr Building, Washing-
ton, D.C., the upper portion of the
form has a design of ,a spread
eagle, is dated at Washington and
is numbered, and has led some per-
sons to believe that it is a gov-
ernment check.
"In fact, on June 25, 1954, a
man was arrested by police in
Phoenix, Arizona, for attempting
to negotiate one of tkese forms
which he represented to be a gov-
ernment check for disability pay-
ment. Another of the forms was
negotiated last February in a
Phoenix department store and was
cleared through the banks to the
Treasurer of the United States for
"... The claim form would not
appear to violate any of the stat-
utes enforced by this department.
However, in view of the deceptive
nature of the form, it is being
called to your attention for what-
ever action you may deem appro-
priate. The special agent in
charge of our field office in Los
Angeles, California, has been re-
quested to convey this same infor-
mation to the Better Business Bu-
reau*in that city."
er developed, knew all about Mr.
Chotiner, and Senators are won-
dering whether this is why Baugh-
man passed the case to the Better
Business Bureau despite one ar-
rest in the case.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

seen throughout, and Joan Peretz
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
A Special Selective Service 'College
Qualification Test will be given on cam-
pus Thurs., May 17, 1956. Students may
apply for the applications from 8 to
12 and 1 to 5, Mon. through Fri., at
Local Board No. 85, 210 West Washing-
ton Street, Ann Arbor. The deadline
for securing applications from Local
Board No. 85 is 5:00 p.m. Monday, May
7, 1956.
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qualification Test, an
(1) Must be a Selective Service reg-
istrant who intends to request occu-
pational deferment as a student;
(2) Must be satisfactorily pursuing a
full-time college course of Instruction,
undergraduate or graduate, leading to
a degree;
(3) Must not previously have taken
the test.
Graduating Seniors who wish to rent
caps and gowns should place orders
now at Moe's Sport Shop, 711 N. Uni-
Disciplinary action in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: At meetings held on
March 27, April 17 and April 24, cases'
Involving 10 students were heard by
the Joint Judiciary Council, In all cases
the action was approved by the Uni-
versity Sub-Committee on Discipline,
violation of state laws and city ordi-
nances relating to the purchase, sale
and use of intoxicants:
a. Drinking intoxicants In student
quarters. Two students fined $5.00
b. Accepting intoxicants, as minors, in
. student quarters. Two students fined
$10.00 each.
e. Furnishing an apartment in which
minors could drink, purchased In-
toxicants for minors and consumed
intoxicants at a party in student
quarters at which women were pre-
sent. One student fined $15.00.
d. Drinking intoxicants, as a minor, in
student quarters and appeared in the
street in a drunk and disorderly
condition. One student fined $25.00
with $15.00 suspended.
e. Attempting to purchase intoxicants
with false identification. Two stu-
dents fined $10.00 and $15.00.
f. Appearing in a public place in a
drunk and disorderly condition. One
student fined $10.00.
Driving after drinking and minor
in possession of intoxicants in a motor
vehicle. Driving anunregistered auto-
mobile, having unchaperoned women In
student quarters, supplying intoxicants
to minors and drinking in student quar-
ters. One student fined $40.00.
Medical College Admission Test: Can-
didates taking the Medical College Ad-
mission Test on May 5 are requested
to report to 130 Business Administra-
tion Building at 8:45 Saturday morn-
All Veterans who expect education
and allowance under Public Law 550
(Korea G.I. Bill) must get instructors'
signatures for the month of April and
turn Dean's Monthly Certification Into
the Dean's office before 5:00 p.m. May 3.
Free films. "The Face of Time"
(Geology in Canada) and "Indian Can-
oemen," May 1-7.Daily at 3:00 and
4:00 p.m., Including Sat, and Sun.,
with extra showing Wed. at 12:30. 4th
floor Exhibit Hall,'Museums Bldg.
The Women's Judiciary Workshop
will be held on Wednesday, May 2, 1956
in the Hussey Room of the Michigan
League. The topic under discussion will
be the evaluation of the late permission
WCBN-EQ: There will be an import-
ant meeting of the East Quad staff on

Wednesday, May 2 at 5:15 p.m. in the
council room. Election of officers will
take place at this meeting.
Rev. Father G. C. Anawati, Director
of the Dominican Institute of Oriental
Studies, Cairo, Egypt, will speak on
"Islam and Christianity," May 2, Aud.
B, Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., sponsored
by the Dept. of Near Eastern Studies.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Raymond Young,
graduate student in Wind Instruments,
recital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master of
Music at 8:30 p.m. Wed., May 2, Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. His major instru-
ment is the euphonium, which he
studies with Glenn Smith. Compositions
by Barat, Mozart, Beethoven, Cords,
Nux, Hindemith, and Rossini; open to
the general public without charge.









Alben W. Barkley, 1877-1956

VICE-PPESIDENTS may come and go, but
there'll never be another "Veep."
"Veep" was Alben Barkley's own special title,
one he kept when he left office. It was first
bestowed on him by a young grandson, and it
stuck, a symbol of a nation's respect and love.
Fifty-one years of public service, though many
of them were marked by bitterly-fought cam-
paigns and legislative battles, found Barkley
the most beloved figure in American politics.
. Though not an aggressive Vice-President,
Barkley was an extremely able one. His homey
wit and charm, never-failing courage and
high-level partisanship were such that many
said Alben Barkley was the only man or thing
all Democrats could agree on.
Editorial Staff

HIS LIFE was rich in many ways, but had its
disappointments too: his desire to be Presi-
dent was never quite fulfilled. Like many oth-
er Democrats, he long labored in the shadow
of F.D.R. In 1944, his party passed him by as
its Vice-Presidential candidate and heir-appar-
ent because, it was felt, he was too old. He
proved them wrong in 1948 when a vigorous
campaign led him to the Vice-Presidency.
But his Presidential ambitions were again
thwarted in 1952 when not even Harry Tru-
man's understood endorsement was enough to
convince Democratic labor leaders that he
should be the party's candidate. After a few
moments of uncharacteristic bitterness came
Alben Barkley's finest hour-a half-hour de-
monstration for the "Veep" as he appeared to
address the convention.
Public speaking was what Barkley enjoyed
doing most, and his death was a storybook
ending to a storybook life.
ALBEN BARKLEY'S last words were a Bibli-
cal quotation in his speech: "I would rather
be a servant in the house of the Lord than sit
in the seat of the mighty."
There are those who say "The Veep" did
New Books at the Library
Wilson, Sloane-The Man in the Gray Flan-
nel Suit; N.Y., Simon & Schuster, 1955.
Wint, Guy-Spotlight on Asia; Baltimore,
Penguin, 1956.
N.Y., Farrar Strauss, 1956.
Howarth, David-We Die Alone; N.Y., Mac-

Television: Undermining American Way of Life?

Daily Television Writer ,
VERY DAY more than 75 mil-
lion Americans =situate them-
selves in front of a scientific
phenomenon whose wires, tubes
and electronic devices make is pos-
sible to receive sound and pic-
tures that have been transmitted
through air waves. They become
completely disinterested in ,what
is happening at the time to thej
rest of the human race, even thosej
who are within the confines of the
same room, except of course, those
who may be blocking their line of
Just what is this thing . . . tele-
vision? And is it undermining
the "culture, happiness and way
of life of American society?"
* * *
IT ALL STARTED in 1884 when
a German scientist, Paul Nip-
kow, invented the scanning disc
which makes television possible.
For the next forty years scientists
and engineers experimented and
finally came up with the "thing"
that has found its place in nearly
every American home.
Today there are over 35 mil-
lion television receivers in use in
the United States, a figure that
overshadows the number of bath-
4 ,aire+l rm _ n~n hr ntnt<inl

Monday night so they too could
watch "Lucy."
When a contestant is going for
$64,000 or a "Peter Pan" is being
telecast there is a decided drop
in attendance at the movies, plays
and retail stores.
Many neighborhood shopping
centers now stay open on Friday
night instead of Saturday night
because there aren't as many big
TV shows on Friday night as Sat-
urday night.
Judges have granted divorces
on the grounds that television
has disrupted family harmony.
Doctors have stated that head-
aches and eyestrain can easily
be traced to an excess of tele-
Educators contend that the
reason for poor grades in many
cases is that students are spend-
ing too much time in front of the
TV set when they should be in-
volved in academic activities.
They don't limit their views on
this subject to students alone. They
feel that adults are reading less
and spend less time appreciating
the other arts because of televi-
And then there are the women's
organizations and Congressional
Committees who feel that televi-
sion is a contributor to juvenile

as George Washington and Abe
But even though through this
impact television has almost re-
placed radio and at one time was
a serious threat to the existence
of the motion picture industry, it
has not been detrimental to our
As the automobile replaced
the stagecoach, television replaced
radio and eventually color will re-
place black and white television,
and so on.
But the -arts cannot be re-
placed in this way. You can
only add to them.
Of course there are a few indi-
viduals who used to go to concerts
and operas and now sit home to
watch comedians and old movies.
But for every one of these there
are hundreds who neverheard-a
symphony orchestra or saw a bal-
let and probably never would had
it not been for television.
Certainly the Shakespearian ad-
vocates of this country cannot
complain that television has made
their art obscure. More people
saw "Richard III' on television
two weeks ago than the total audi-
ences of the world who had seen
this play since Willy wrote it.
And managers of ballets, operas
and orchestras have said that the

nations were previously limited to
a select few, but now millions can
see more than anyone at the Con-
vention by merely flicking a dial.
The Kefauver and McCarthy
hearings on television educated
millions on the methods of Sen-
ate investigation.
This year President Eisenhower
will campaign for the most part
by talking to Americans through
the TV cameras. He will speak to
more voters than any previous
candidate in history, without leav-
ing the White House.
After the initial cost of the re-
ceiver Mr. Televiewer can sit at
home and see the greatest names
in the entertainment world for
the price of his electric bill. His
only problem is whether he should
watch Come-o-Como or Gleason,
Silvers or Bele, Steve Allen or the
"Late-Late Show."
Television is not undermining
American culture, its way of
life or its happiness. It's rais-
ing them to their highest level
in history. It has brought every
conceivable form of culture
within arm's length of nearly
every one of us.
After watching television for
eight consecutive hours and your
mother, wife or friends tell you
that you're wasting your life away
,m a lf4t rn n nin ay 14



DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine
DAVID KAPLAN ....................... Feature
JANE HOWARD ...,.................. Associate
LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate
PHIL DOUGLIS .. ....................... Sports
ALAN EISENBERG ........... Associate Sports
JACK HORWITZ. ............ Associate Sports
MARY HELLTHALER........... ...Women's
ELAINE EDMONDS.......Associate Women's


JOHN HIRTZEL ..................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM .................... Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ ...... Associate Business Manager
KEN ROGAT.A......Advertising Manager
RN A~rv t~rTC3 n O 1 " " "ci; .., ,-,.. RX--.--


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