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May 02, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-05-02

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Segregation Cause
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'56 May Festival
Begins Thursday

May Festival starts tomorrow.
Eugene Ormandy, conductor of

the Philadelphia Orchestra, will
open the concert with Handel's
"Concerto for Orchestra," in A
Inge Borkh, renowned German
soprano, will sing arias from
Strauss, Beethoven and Mozart
The Festival is the 63rd of its
kind, having originated in 1894.
It is sponsored annually by the
University Musical Society.
Under the direction of Charles
A. Sink, the Society's president,
top-notch performers in the con-
cert world are scheduled to per-
form at the Festival.
This year, Sink has 'scheduled
concerts with soloists Byron Janis,
Inge Borkh, Jane Hobson, Rudolf
Petrak, Lois Marshall, Hilde Gued-
en, Zino Francescatti, Lawrence
Winters, and Vronsky and Babin.
Sink has also scheduled Erika
von Wagner Stiedry as narratgr
for Sunday's Matinee performance
7 of Arnold Schoenberg's "Gurre-
Philadelphia Orchestra is slated
to perform tomorrow night, Sat-
urday afternoon and evening, and
Sunday night.
Prof. Marguerite Hood, of the
music school, will conduct the
noted Festival Youth Chorus in a
concert Saturday night.
Thor Johnson, eminent condic-
tor of the Cincinnati Symphony
Orchestra, will be guest' conductor
of the University Choral Union in
performances on Friday night and
Sunday afternoon.
Tomorrow night, Ormandy will
conduct the Philadelphia Orches-
tra throughout the concert. Miss
Borkh will solo on Cleopatra's aria
from Handel's "Julius Caesar,"
Beethoven's "Abscheulicher wo
eilst du hin?" from "Fideloh" arnd
the monologue from Richard
Strauss's "Elektra." .
Slated for perfoimance in its
entirety tomorrow is Sibelius's
"Symphony No. 7." Also on the
program is Blacher's symphonic
variations entitled "Paganiniana."
Succeeding concerts will include
To Present
Policy Talks
At the request. of the Foreign
Policy Association and the Pub-
lic Affairs Committee of the Mich-
igan Adult Education Association,
University station WUOM will pre-
sent a series of five discussions
during the next month on "Great
Decisions-Your Stake in World
Affairs "
The weekly talks which will be
broadcast Tuesday evenings at 8
p.m. have been designed to stim-
ulate public interest and discussion
concerning the foreign policy of
the United States.
In the first of the series, on May
1 ,the topic "Is There an American
Way in Foreign Policy?" will be
discussed by the chairman of the
political science. department, Prof.
James K. Pollock, and Prof. Henry
L. Bretton, assistant professor of
political science. Pollock is also the
president of the International Po-
litical Science Association and a
former member of the Hoover
On May 8 the subject of discus-
sion will be "Do United States'
Security, Prosperity and Freedom
Depend on the Rest of the World?"
Discussants for' the topic will be
Prof. Edward Weidner, chairman
of the department of political
science at Michigan State Univer-
sity and former advisor to the Viet
Nam government; Dr. Harvey G.
Brainerd of the. Michigan State
University department of econom-

ics; and Dar. Richard Robinson,{
member of the American Univer-
sity's field staff . and expert on
T1' Professors
Win Guggen heims
Four professors from the Uni-
versity were awarded Guggenheim
Fellowship .Awards.
These awards, totaling more

..,conductor at May Festival

... Musical Society president
such major works as the overture
to Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro,"
Weber's overture to "Oberon," Bi-
zet's "Symphony No. 1" in C ma-
jor, and Brahms' "Symphony No.
4" in E minor.
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea last
night complimented the Inter-Fra-
ternity President Council "on the
fine manner in which you are con-
ducting your meetings."
He commended the fraternity
presidents for the cooperative ges-
ture which they were making on
the behalf of their constituents
-referring to the visitation of Ann
Arbor Police Lieutenant Olsen. The
association received a reminder
from Lieutenant Olsen that a city
truck would patrol the campus on
May 11. loading unlicensed bi-
cycles for impoundment. It also
discussed with the officer means
by which relations between the
fraternities and the department
mightbe kept at their present
Meeting Opened
President Tim Leedy opened the
meeting with announcements, in-
cluding notice of the Fraternity
Advisor's Dinner May 3, District
Meetings May 8 and the Alumni
IFC Dinner May 9.
Officers reports followed.
Greek Week Chairman Frank
Vick then presented the schedule
for Greek Week; which will take
place May 14-17. Jesse Owen, the
world famous runner, will speak
at the Olympiad at Ferry Field
May 14. On the same day, the
IFC bridge tournament will be
held in the League. Tuesday eve-
ning, the Fraternity President's
Banquet will be held, followed on
Wednesday by the Fraternity-Sor-
ority Presidents' retreat, exchange
dinners, and a jazz concert in the
SAE Mud-bowl. Thursday brings
the IFC Sing, Friday, the IFC
Ball, and Saturday, a Coed splash
party at the Women's pool.
Changes Introduced
Junior Interfraternity Council
President Bert Getz introduced
newly' adopted changes in the
JIFC constitution, which were ac-
cepted by the assembly later in1
the meeting.
Besides approving the changes
in the Junior IFC Council Consti-
tution, the council:
Granted status to the Michigan
colony of Pi Epsilon Phi as an
active chapter on the University
of Michigan campus;
Determined that Greek Week for
the Spring of 1957 be held April
22-26, and moved:
"That the Interfraternity Coun-
cil participate along with the
Inter-house Council, Assembly,
Pan-H e 11 e n i c, Intercooperative
Council, and Student Religious As-
sociation in Freshman Rendezvous
as a 'cooperating student organi-

Clears New
Farm Bill
Democratic-backed farm bill was
cleared yesterday for House con-
sideration today.
The House Rules Committee
gave the bill clearance in an
atmosphere of surface amity con-
trasting sharply with the disputes
of the past two weeks.
The House is scheduled to begin
debate late today and bring the
bill to a final vote tomorrow.
Cooley Sponsors
The bill, sponsored by Chairman
Cooley (D-NC) of the House Agri-
culture Committee, would give
President Eisenhower the $1,200,-
000,000 soil bank he wants as the
feature of the administration's
farm program.
It omits, however, his proposal
for advance payments to farmers
this year on contracts to with-
draw a percentage of their crop-
lands from sprplus production next
At a White House conference
earlier, Eisenhower and GOP Con-
gressional leaders agreed to press
the fight for the prepayment pro-
vision in the face of strong Demo-
cratic opposition and charges it is
an election-year "vote buying"
Soil Bank Substituted
The Rules Committee set up a
procedure which will permit the
Republicans to offer as a sub-
stitute a straight soil bank bill
with advance payment authority.
Republican strategy for the new
farm test was worked out at a
meeting of the GOP leaders and
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft
Benson with Eisenhower Tuesday.
Rep. C. R. Halleck (R-Ind),
House floor leader for the Republi-
cans, reported that the President
still wanted legislative authority
to compensate farmers this year
for land they agree to withdraw
from production and place in the
soil bank next year.
Measure Approved
A Democratic-sponsored meas-
ure approved by the House Agri-
culture Committee Monday con-
tains a soil .bank plan but makes
no provision for prepayments.
It was agreed at the White
House conference to press for the
prepayment amendment and sev-
eral other changes.
The House bill, drafted by Rep.
Cooley, chairman of the Agricul-
ture Committee, is to some degree
a compromise measure.
SGC To Hear
Two Reports
SGC members will hear reports
tonight concerning the Student-
Faculty-Administration Confer-
ence and the progress made toward
solving the bicycle problem.
Council treasurer, Joe Collins,
'58, will also report on the progress
of the recently instituted Campus
Chest Board, which will consoli-
date all fund raising drives on
A letter from the Japanese Stu-
dents Association will be discussed
at tonight's meeting. The Associ-
ation is requesting a delegation of
University students to go to Japan
this summer. The air charter con-
cerning the SGC sponsored flight
to Europe will also be taken up by
the Council.
Tonight's meeting will be held
at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.


Golfers Win
Over U of D
In Dual Meet
Blessed for a change with some
good Ann Arbor weather, Michi-
gan's golf team downed the Uni-
versity of Detroit by a decisive
161%-41/2 margin yesterday.
Led by Fred Miclow, who shot
a brilliant par 72 round to tie for
medalist honors with Detroit's Tom
Watrous, the team once again
showed overall depth as no one
went over 80.
Micklow, out in 37, fired the
day's best nine when he came up
with a one under par 35 to pick
up 2% points on his opponent,
Bill Teifke, who shot a very
creditable 75.
MacMichael Garners Points
Steady Skip MacMichael picked
up three more points for the Wol-
verines as he shot a respectable 77
to completely outclass his rival,
Reno Niva, who soared to an 87.
Stan Kwasiborski and John Shu-
beck both added 3 points to Michi-
gan's total as they fired identical
rounds of 78.
Kwasiborski's performance was
especially gratifying-to Coach Bert
Katzenmeyer who remarked afte
the match was over that he was
"very happy" with the promising
sophomore's showing.
Uzelac in Close One
Steve Uzelac barely edged out
his opponent, 79 strokes to 80, to
pick up two more points.
Captain Bob McMaster's show-
ing was disappointing, as his 78
failed to garner a single point for
the Maize and Blue, while Detroit's
Watrous with whom he was paired
shot a spectacular par 72 round.
Also disappointing was the per-
formance of Henry Loeb who led
the linksmen early in the season.
Yesterday he recorded the team's
highest score as he sailed to ant80.
A contributing factor to the
generally good scores was the con-
See GOLFERS, Page 3
SGC To Aid
IIn Licensing'
Student Bikes
Every bicycle must have a light
and a license, according to Ann
Arbor ordinance regulations.
In line with this ruling, the
general subcommittee of Student
Government Council's Campus Af-
fairs Committee is sponsoring an
education program for students
with unlighted, unlicensed bikes.
The committee reports than an
Ann Arbor Police Department of-
ficial will be in the lobby of the
Administration Building tomorrow
and Friday to issue licenses. Stu-
dents may obtain these licenses for
a minor fee between 9 a.m. and 3
On May 11, a city' truck will be-
gin a canvass of the campus area,
impounding all bicycles which do
not bear licenses. Owners will then
be required to redeem their bikes
at the police station by proving
ownership and complying with the
The SGC committee recommends
licensing bicycles as a means of
This week, Ann Arbor Police
will increase efforts to impound
and fine all unlicensed bikes. This
holds true forthose bicycles rid-
den at night without lights.
Posters will be put up around
campus urging students to license
their bikes.

Marine Sergeant To Be

Gas Lobby,
WASHINGTON () - The Sen-
ate's big lobby investigation got
off to a negative start yesterday
with testimony of an industry
spokesman that he knew of no
improper lobbying over the de-
funct natural gas bill.
A special eight-man bipartisan
committee assighed to track down
any evidence of improper or il-
legal attempts to influence mem-
bers' of Congress failed to get any
leads from Maston Nixon, Corpus
Christi, Tex., president of an in-
dependent oil and gas company.
Nixon Testifies
Nixon-no kin to the vice-presi-
dent-testified as chairman of a
now "hibernating" Generl Gas
Committee that sought passage of
the bill to exempt natural gas
producers from direct federal regu-
lation. He swore he knew of no
illegal lobbying on either side of
the fight over the measure."
He said he was appearing with
completely "clean hands," that the
gas committee did no lobbying,
made no political contributions,
and operated on "the highest ethi-
cal and moral plane."
Said Sen. C. D. Anderson (D-
N.M.): "The President vetoed the
bill on account of the arrogant
lobbying. Was he wholly mistak-
"He wasn't a member of our
group,"Nixon said.
The "he" referred to apparently
was John M. Neff of Lexington,
Neb., a lawyer-lobbying for Su-
perior Oil Co. of California.
Neff Donation
Neff attempted to donate $2,500
to the re-election campaign of
Sen. Francis Case (R-S.D.) dur-
ing the height of the gas bill
battle. That touched off a Sen-
ate uproar, President Eisenhower's
veto, and the present lobbying in-
quiry. The money was traced to
President Howard Keck of Su-
Anderson Tuesday spotted a Su-
perior Oil Co. contribution to the
General Gas Committee on a list
of persons and firms from whom
the committee collected money.
He asked Nixon about that.
Nixon said he thought it was
$200, that it was made in the last
quarter of 1954 during the com-
mittee's first appeal for funds and
"they made no further contribu-
tion" after that.
A A Attorney
Seeks Office
Ann Arbor attorney Loren
Campbell, former minister of the
Dixboro Methodist Church, will
announce his candidacy today for
the office of Washteaw County
Probate Judge.
He aspires to the office vacated
by the death of Judge Jay Payne.

-Daily-Bill van Oosterhout
Meise Denounces

In Drowning of Six Recruits;
'Was Intoxicated During March


"Soviet policy looks so diaboli-
cally clever only because ours is so
pitiful," Professor James Meisel
of the political science department.
told the Young Democrats last
"However," he added, "this in-
cludes our policy under Acheson."
He said that he did not think
it was a good idea to continually
tell the press that Russian friend-
ship approaches are a pack of lies,
in the "we are honest, they aren't"
Prof.. Speaks
On Economics
Many of the techniques of the
physical sciences can be used to
advantage in the field of economics
Prof. M. G. Kendall of London
University said here yesterday.
Kendall, a professor of statistics,
discussed the question of whether
economics can become an exact
science, putting particular empha-
sis on the possibility of using elec-
trical closed-loop systems to an-
alyze the effect of economic per-
The main reason for diagram-
ming economic systems is that it
enables us to draw on the know-
ledge of electrical engineers he
"The mere expression in dia-
grams has a purely expository
value which is difficult to extract
from pages of verbal presentation,"
he noted.

"We need a good old fashioned
diplomat, a horse trader, who
knows how to make a good bar-
gain," Meisel explained.
Topic for discussion at, the
League was "The De-Stalinization'
--What Does it Mean?" However;
Meisel felt that De-Stalinization
might be a misleading term. While
the Communist leaders have been
working to get rid of the "bad;
taste" of Stalin's name, their basic
structure remains the same.
He declared that the discredit-
ing campaign would have little,
dangerous effect on the Commun-
ists in Russia, but that there might
be trouble in countries where the
connections with the USSR are
somewhat more tenuous.
Italian Elections
Event in these situations there
appears to be little danger, be-
cause public spirit seems to be with
the move, "I am interested to see
how the Italian elections come
out," he added. '
"I have never understood why
there has been such fear about a1
third World War," the political
science professor said. "Russia is
by no means over the economic7
"They have a long way to go in
the farming area. Undoubtedly,i
they would like to place themselves
in a strong economic position, and
for this they need peace."
"Of course, there is always the
chance that a wounded beast may
strike," he continued.
Marxist Doctrine
He reminded the group that no;
Marxist doctrine called for a dic-
tatorship. Now the power is con-
siderably more distributed.
There is doubt, he feels, as to
how much power Khrushchev has
right now. "He talks too much.
He'll say anything," Meisel said in
reference to the Birmingham fist-
shaking incident. "After he got
back to Russia, he probably real-
ized that he made a mistake blow-
ing off steam like that.
"U' .Pledges
Fdined in Iowa
The four University students
fined Sunday in Iowa City for
disturbing the peace, removal of
traffic signs and driving violations,
are pledges of Alpha Epsilon Pi
fraternity, it was learned yester-
The students are Jerome Salle,
'59, Allen Rosenbluth, '59, Steven
Winn, '59, and Jerome Katz, '59.
Iowa City Police Judge J. New-
man Toomey fined each student
$50 plus court costs. Salle was
fined an additional five dollars for
a stop sign violation.

General Pate
Admits Lax
Orders Shakeup
At Fatal Camp
Corps accused S. Sgt Matthew C.
McKeon of manslaughter yester-
day charging that-under the in-
fluence of vodka-he led six re-
cruits to death by drowning with
the threat that every man in the
platoon would drown or be eaten
by sharks.
At the same time the Marine
commandant, Gen. Randolph M.
Pate, acknowledged the corps has
been lax In supervising drill in-
structors. Pate ordered a drastie
shakeup of the supervisory sys-
tem including transfer to another
post of Maj. Gen. Joseph C. Bur-
ger, commander of the Parris Is-
land, S. C., depot where the
drawnings occurred.
Pate Discloses
Pate disclosed the actions to the
House Armed Services Commit-
tee which then decided informal-
ly to hold off any investigation of
its own until the general reports
back, before this session of Con-
gress ends, on progress made to-
ward ending "mistreatment" of
Leatherneck recruits..
Chairman C. Vinson (D-Ga) ad-
vised this course, praising Pate
for meeting a bad situation in a
"forthright and courageous" man-
Specifically, the Marines recom-
mended to 'Secretary of the Navy
Charles S. Thomas' that the 31-
year-old McKeon be court-mar-
tialed on four counts and that two
other sergeants, Elwyn B. Scar-
borough and Richard J. King, be
disciplined by their commanding
officer. They were alleged to have.
been drinking in McKeon's bar-
racks on the day of the death
march, April 8.
Charges Read
B e s i d es manslaughter, the
charges against McKeon are pos-
session of alcoholic beverages
and drinking in the presence of a
recruit; and "oppression of re-
cruits" by leading them without
authorization on a night march
through treacherous Ribbon Creek
as punishment for alleged breaches
of discipline during a smoking
A Marine court of inquiry said
all three sergeants had been
drinking vodka before the tragic
episode-that McKeon "had been
drinking off and on since late
morning and the medical officer
who examined him about two
hours after the accident testified
he was in possession of his facul
tels but had a suggestive odor of
alcohol on his breath."
River Dispute
Flares Again
JERUSALEM (P) -- The old
Arab-Israeli dispute over waters of
the Jordan River arose again yes-
terday to plague Dag Hammarsk-
jold's search for peace.
The United Nations secretary
general cancelled plans to fly to
Rome today and will return to
Damascus. for another round of
talks with Syrian officials.
Informed sources said -he .will

make one more try for an uncon-
ditional cease-fire agreement be-
tween Israel and Syria, Jordan and
Lebanon. Egypt and Israel already
have agreed to a cease-fire along
their frontier.
But informed sources said Syria
has demanded that any new ac-
cord include an Israeli pledge not
to resume work on plans for di-
verting the Jordan waters for
power and irrigation projects.
The sources said Israel refused



! .. ,.m ......

50th Annual French Play Scheduled for Tonight

A half-century of French plays at the University will be climaxed
tonight when the French club presents "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme."
The play, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, is the same production that was presented on May 3, 1907.
Prof. Charles Koella, of the French department, will direct the
play for the last time as he starts his retirement in June. He was
associate director of the French plays from 1926 until 1941 and
since then has been director.
"Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" (The Would-be Gentleman) is a
comedy-ballet in five acts by Moliere and is the story of a rich bour-
geoise who is suddenly seized with a desire to learn beautiful things,
associate with culture, and rise in society.
His efforts to accomplish this lead to singing, dancing, fencing
and an elaborate and colorful Turkish ceremony according to Prof.
The same music that was in the 1907 production will be used in-
cluding two songs written for the occasion by the late Albert E.
Stanley, director of the School of Music and Charles P. Wagner,
nrnfessor emeritus of Spanish. Prof. Robert J. Courte of the Stanley

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