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February 16, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-16

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Latest Deadline in the State

:43 a t I]q





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-Daily-Vern Soden
-SECOND PERIOD ACTION in last night's Detroit Red Wing-Michigan game gets a little rough as
Wolverine Neil MacDonald and an -unidentified Red Wing are falling on Detroit's 17-year-old goalie,
Carl Wetzel. Looking on during the 9-7 Red Wing win are Michigan's Dick Dunnigan (6), and
Wing defenseman Bob Goldham (2).

Knutson Reports
On Bias Clauses
Possibilities are "good" for removal of national fraternity bias
clauses in most of the seven remaining University chapters with
discriminatory, restrictions, Interfraternity Council Executive Vice-
President Bob Knutson, '56, told Student Government Council members
last night.
He said that three campus chapters have already accomplished
"integration beyond constitutional

K~alper Hails

Expressing the view that the
IFC program of "assistance and
counselling rather than coercion"
would see "continued progress,"
Knutson said that officers of three
local fraternities have reported
possible rescindment of restrictive
clauses at their national conven-
tions this summer.

Red Wing
il' Sextet
Before a screaming, overflow
crowd at the Coliseum last night,
the Detroit Red Wings skated to
a surprisingly difficult 9-7 exhi-
bition triumph over a hustling
Michigan hockey squad.
Four players joined in the scor-
ing for the game Wolverine team,
which leaves Willow Run at 2 this
afternoon for its crucial weekend
series with Minnesota.
Dick Dunnigan Ied the Wolver-
ines in a losing cause; scoring
three goals, for the coveted 'hat
trick.' Jerry Karpinka, playing
as if inspired, drove home two
tallies for Michigan, doubling his
entire output for the season thus
Gordie Howe and Captain Ted
Lindsay, the one-two punch of the
defending champion Wings, each
smashed two goals past Michigan
goalie, Lorne Howes.
Playing brilliantly, Howes turned
away 45 Detroit shots, some of
them on sensational saves, and
gained many cheers from the
somewhat surprised spectators.
Michigan scored first on Wing
goalie Glenn Hall on a beautiful
set-up shot by Bernie Hanna, at
9:24 of the first period, and a
See HOWES, Page 3

Court Bans Louisiana'
Segregation Statutes
NEW ORLEANS ()-A three-judge federal court yesterday
threw out the segregation laws that Louisiana had devised to side-step
the U.S. Supreme Court ban on separate white and Negro public
After yesterday's decision, U.S. District Judge J. Skelly Wright
ordered New Orleans to desegregate its public schools "with all
deliberate speed." He emphasized this did not mean, mixing of
classes would come "overnight or
even in a year or more.-
Board Will AppealM
Dr. Clarence Scheps, president
of the New Orleans School Board,
said "the board's next step willEeabpat cs .
be to appeal the decision. E t r R c
"The board has committed it-
self to keep segregation, if pos-
sibl-For G."oVer r
In 1954, after the Supreme Court
decision, the Louisiana Legislature Decision To Comie
passed a series of laws that segre-
gated schools under the state 'In Near Future
police powers.
Deny Race is Issue LANSING (AP)-Rep. George W.
One act ordered separate schools Sallade, Ann Arbor Republican
in order "to promote and protect and former president of the Ann
public health, morals, better edu- Arbor City Council, said today he
cation and the peace and good may become a candidate for gov-
order in the state." The act spe- ernor.
cifically declares segregation is The 33-year-old legislator said
"not because of race." his decision would be made "in the
But the three-judge federal near future," and would depend on
court yesterday ruled that the the course of the Republican race.
police power provision does not Sallade's name cropped up only
save the laws from being declared a few hours after the announce-
invalid. The court ruled that the ment of Detroit Mayor Albert E.
laws were unconstitutional. Cobo that he is not a candidate
Judge Wright granted a tempo- for the Rebublican nomination.
rary injunction against continued "I would become a candidate if
segregation in New Orleans pub- I thought the other contenders
lic schools. would not carry through an Eisen-
hower program in Michigan," Sal-
lade said.
sdEnergetic and outspoken, Sallade
is the unofficial spokesman for
the House 'Republican "Young
fTurks," who last year took a
strong stand on mental health and
highway issues.
InSlugfest He has been a frequent critic
of conservative Republican lead-
ers and has attacked the party for
PARIS (A)-Poujadist and Left- failure to court the labor vote.
ist deputies broke up a session of Sallade said an "Eisenhower pro-
te dFreshNaioknalp Asesbln gram for Michigan" is essential if
the French National Assembly Michigan Democrats are to be
last night with a hard-slugginMg beaten in November.
floor 'attle for possession of the beateninNovember.
speaker's rostrum.
Officials said later six deputiesJu ye
were treated at the Assembly's
first aid station for minor injuries. o Indictm ent
Opposing assemblymen hurledNo I d c m n
voting urns and stools in a gen-
eral free-for-all accented with LANSING (R) - A 23-member
shouted insults, and the noise of grand jury which investigated sus-
desks being slammed and pounded. pected cheating in state bar ex-
Assembly President Andre Letro- aminations last Setember reported
quer vainly called for order, then today it found no basis for indict-
cleared the galleries and suspend- ment.
edThe jury made its report to
At the eioexcitement, Judge Marvin J. Salmon in Ing-
a spectator in the public gallery ham County Circuit Court after a
fired four blank shots from a ref- month-long injuiry in which 69
eree's pistol. Guards quickly seized witnesses were summoned.
him, a 32-year-old follower of Pi- nah. wGehandled the iveva-
erre Poujade, leader of the French tion jointly with County Prosecu-
antitaxation movement. tor Charles E. Chambei 'ain, said
A Poujadist, Jean Damasic of that while the case was not tech-
the Seine Department County, nically closed he did not expect "at;
precipitated the floor fight as a the present time" to summon a
Communist deputy, Robert Man- second grand jury at Ann Arbor,
ceau, was heading for the speak- where the September exams were
er's stand from the other side, given, or anywhere else.

-Daily-Sam Ching
DINERS LINE UP for food during the first week of the Union's
new South Cafeteria. Three meals a day are now being served.
Relmolxdeled Union Cafeteria
Provokes Stuent Comment
With the pound of hammers and the grind of saws in the back-
ground, diners and coke-daters sit on the old blue and maize chairs
and talking and eating around the old circular tables, two of the few
links with the past in the newly-remodeled Union South Cafeteria,.
The cafeteria will be followed by the renovated North Cafeteria
and the new Snack Bar, which will open in four to six weeks.
From its aluminum glass door to its new, stainless-steel serving
tables, the cafeteria has been completed, except for the walls.
Those not covered by an inlay of ancient carved tables will be
finished with white, plastic-cover-

Of Religion
Religious freedom as recognized
and practiced in our national life
may well be described as Ameri-
ca's most distinctive contribution
to the cause of human liberty,
Professor Paul G. Kauper of the
Law School said yesterday.
Prof. Kauper's speech titled
"God and Carsar," the third in
the Thomas M. Cooley lecture ser-
ies, traced the evolution of the
division between church and state
in America.
He noted that the First and
Fourteenth Amendments to the
Constitution "are now interpreted
to read that neither Congress nor
the states shall make any law re-
specting the establishment of a
religion or prohibiting the free ex-
ercise thereof."
Originally, the First Amendment
had been interpreted to affect the
' ctions of the national govern-
ment only he said.
It is the Supreme Court's task
"to identify and appraise the coni-
peting interests at issue before it,
to recognize the permissible public
interests that may be served by
the exercise of legislative power,
and to strike a balance that rep-
resents a wise accomodation of the
various values and interests in the
case before it," he said.
Will Host
Ways, Means
The House Ways and Means
Committee of the State Legislature
will be guests of the University
today according to Vice-President
and Dean of Faculties Marvin L.
Vice-President Niehuss indicated
informal discussion of the budget
would take place. It is likely the
University's capital outlay pro-
gram will receive particular at-
Several members of the Senate
capital outlay subcommittee may
accompany the Ways and Means
Comifittee, Niehuss said.
Holmnes Filmn
To Be Shown
"Pclir +-man +Rsr-lri f -;h nnnna

Reports on Studyy
Donna. Netzer, '56, submitted the
Structure Study Committee report
at last night's regular Council
meeting in the League Cave Room.
Stating that the report was
not to be considered "as an end
* in itself," Miss Netzer explained
t such recommendations as consid-
erations of increasing elected
membership of the Council, im-
plementation* of an all-campus
forum and alternative methods of
SGC elections.
The Structure Study Committee
was set up by SGC last fall to
recommend improvements in the
Council's organizational s e t u p
which would make for more ef-
fective operati on.
Calendar Discussed
During the discussion period, the
Council talked about the proposed
10-year University calendar which
will go into effect next year on a
trial basis.
Basic changes from the present
time schedule would be a 10-day
Christmas vacation, beginning of
classes two days earlier than us-
ual, beginning of final exams on
Fridays with a Thursday "dead
day" and beginning of fall orien-
tation on a Friday instead of a
Council President Hank Berlin-
er, '56, noted that student interest
was lacking on the committee
which proposed the new calendar,
but added that, "There is no pres-
ent University calendaring com-
mittee on which students are
represented to which appeals or
suggestions can be made."
He expressed the belief that the
administration would be in favor
of a permanent committee of such
a nature. Discussion of the calen-
dar will be a part of next week's
Pass Handling 'Successful'
Mary Starman, '58, reported that
the Council's handling of the reg-
istration passes was "successful
but in need of improvements" af-
ter its initial trial last week. Star-
man's committee issued 555 early
registration passes in comparison
with an approximate 2000 passes
issued last fall.
The executive committee is con-
sidering applicants for an interim
appointment to fill the member
vacancy created by Andy Knight,
'57, who resigned due to scholastic
Also nrnoved at last night's

Ike's Health
To Be Issue,
Demis Say
WASHINGTON (P) -- Leading
Democrats said yesterday Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower's
health will become a prime cam-
paign issue if he decides to seek
a second term.
President Eisenhower, vacation-
ing in Georgia, is expected to an-
nounce shortly after his return
next week whether he will run
again. Most Republicans and
many Democrats believe that be-
cause of Tuesday's reassuring re-
port on his recovery from a Sept.
24 heart attack his answer will
be yes."
Sen. John Sparkman (D-Ala.),
the 1952 Democratic vice presi-
dentia'l nominee, said that if Presi-
dent Eisenhower does become a
candidate again "I don't see how
his health can help but become
an issue."
"T h e President's health is
bound to be an issue because of
all that hebhimself has said about
it," Sen. Sparkman said in an
interview. "People will be talking
about his chance of surviving four
more years in the White House.
It's what people talk about that
makes issues."
Sen. Sparkman said he doesn't
believe the Democrats will embark
on any planned campaign of
questioning President Eisenhow-
er's ability to withstand four more
years of strain in his job.
Sen. W. G. Magnuson (D-Wash.)
said President Eisenhower will be
64nr nma n - n rifiniw nnnn ia

ed vinyl cloth.
Six of the nine tables used were
originally from the old "Joe's" of
"Back to Joe's and the Orient"'
fame. Two were carved by service-
men during World War II, a thirdj
during the obening of the present
during the opening of the present
Student reaction to the new
cafeteria varied from praise of the
"lightness of the room," due to
light-colored floors and walls and
flourescent illumination, to the re-'
action of an art student who called
it simply "ugly, ugly, ugly."
"Everything that was nice about
the old place has been changed,"
she added, looking at the acousti-
cal ceiling and modernistic light
"It looks like the business ad-
ministration school," complained
a student in that institution.
"There's nothing individual about
A Midwestern fraternity man
predicted that the remodelled cafe-
teria would mostly upset "'the
pseudo-Easterners. It's losing all
resemblance to the ivy-covered
colleges of yore."
Union general manager Frank
Kuenzel reported that business is
"very good."
The cafeteria is open weekdays
from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. and on Sun-
days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Regents Ask
For Medical
School Bids
Plans for the first unit of the
Medical Science and School of
Nursing -Building are being sub-
mitted for construction bids.
The action was authorized by
the Regents on Feb. 10.
Bids will be due on March 13.
Although original estimates of the
building's cost were $7,000,000,
rising construction costs nave
boosted the estimate to $8,500,000.
Money Not Yet Appropriated
Money for the building has not
yet been appropriated by the State
Legislature. Planning money of
$280,000 was appropriated last
year and a request of $2,000,000 to
start construction is before the
Legislature now.
The Regents took action in au-
thorizing bids in advance of hav-
ing actual funds because of a
provision included by the Legisla-
ture in its 1955 appropriations bill.
The provision states that it is not
the intention of the Legislature to
make specific appropriations for
new construction until firm bids
are secured.
Planned to replace West Medical
Building and the Pharmacology
Building, the new unit will house
the Departments of Pharmacology,
Pathology and Biological Chemis-
try and the Administrations of the
Medical School and the School of
First of Two Units
The unit is the first of two con-
templated medical units. The
second, which will replace East
Medical Building, will accomodate
the Departments of Anatomy, Bac-
teriology and Physiology accord-
ing to present plans.
In addition to housing teaching
facilities for medical students, the
building will also be used to leach
basic medical sciences to nurses,
dental students, medical techni-
cians and pharmacy students.
Exterior of the building will be
face brick and limestone to har-
monize with Outpatient Clinic and

Block Study
East-West Trade
WASHINGTON W)-- Senators ;
investigating East-West trade were
told yesterday Great Britain and
other allies, with United States
permission, are selling Russia the
means to build "the most modern
weapons" of war.
Ralph R. Baldenhofer, a Mid-
western industrialist and some-
time government consultant, con-
tended it would be "far better"
to furnish the Soviets guided
missiles or planes.
Strategic production tools can
be used over and over again to
make deadly implements of war,
he-said, while a missile "can come
back at us only once."
Baldenhofer Testifies
Baldenhofer testified before the
Senate Investigations subcommit-
tee at the start of hearings called
to check into the sale of poten-
tial war materials to the Soviet
Sen. McClellan (D-Ark) the sub.
committee chairman, charged at
the outset that Eisenhower admin-
istration officials have put "ob-
structions" in the path of the In-
Evidence 'Disturbing'
McClellan said evidence at hand
indicates a "very disturbing" vol-
ume of free world shipments to
Russia that are "indispensable in
constructing or maintaining a war
Baldenhofer testified he had op-
posed allowing the shipment of
many presently cleared items to
Baldenhofer is executive vice
president of a Springfield, Ohio,
machine company. He said he is
now a consultant to the Navy
and served in the Commerce De-
partment last year as a machine
tools specialist.
Flash Flood
Hits Resort
In Arkansas
flash flood that ran about five
feet deep swirled through this
resort city in the early hours yes-
terday, sweeping one woman to
her death and swamping down-
town business houses.
Floating lumber clogged a key
storm sewer and the surging water
smashed cars against each other
and pushed through windows and
doors, flooding shops in the city's
main street.
Most of the business establish-
ments, although left with a rug of
mud when the water subsided,
were open for business by after-
About the same time, tornadic
winds pounded an area of north
central Arkansas, about 60 miles
north of here killing one person
and injuring six others.
The torrent at Hot Springs, re-
sult of heavy rains that began
shortly after midnight, came at
the start of the tourist season in
this west Arkansas city of about
38,000 permanent residents. Hotels
and motels were jammed with visi-

New Rushees
Hear Maentz
Tom Maentz, '57, football captain
elect, was the main speaker at
InterFraternity,. Council's mass
rushing meeting last night in the
Union ballroom.
The All-American ppd spoke to
almost 300 rushees, one of the
largest spring rushing groups in
recent years, about some of the

Daily Tryout Meetings Set For Today

Today's Daily tryout meetings
for the Business, Editorial, Sports
and Women's staffs will have his-
toric significance.
This is the sixty-sixth year of
Daily publication, and of the news-
paper's tradition of editorial free-
dom and business independence.
Potential tryouts who attend to-
day's meetings (4:15 b.m. for the
Business Staff, 7:15 p.m. for Ed-
itorial, Sports and Women's) will
follow the footsteps of many prom-
inent Daily alumni.
Former habitues of the Student
Publications Bldg., at 420 May-
nard St., where the meetings will
be -held, include ex-Governor of
New York Thomas E. Dewey, dram-
atist nnda thor Arthur Miller

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