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April 27, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-27

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Sixty-Sixth Year

n Opinions Are Free,
utb Will Prevai"

ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

DAY, APRIL 27, 1956


Democratic Farsightedness
Needed For 1960 Election

"Whose Idea Was It To Have 'A Short Campaign?'"
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AR-SIGHTEDNESS isn't a characteristic of
political decisions, but it seems that the
nocrats could make ground in the long-run
in effect, conceding the November election
'his would result from a North-South split
the Democratic party instigated by the lib-
I Dems of the North in an effort to tie
Negro vote in 1956 and in future years to
Democratic party by instituting a liberal
i rights plank at the convention.
'resently, the chances of a Northern Demo-
tic party edging out Eisenhower are nil.
mces of a united North-South (but inter-
ly split) Dem party are only slightly better
George Gallop and many Dems will con-
EE DEMS should jump their sights to 1960
when Ike will be at Gettysburg and the
sidential race will be competitive.
'hen and in succeeding years the Negro
e will be increasingly potent. With ex-
iding, rights to education in the South, the
;ro franchise will also broaden. In states
Mississippi (45% of the population is Ne-
) and other no*-segregated strongholds, the
gro vote will certainly be pivotal in, future
,rs, perhaps-with organization-the ma-
ity vote in some Southern states. Politi-
ns had best be accepting this fact.
1ven this November, because of concentration

in large cities, the Negro vote has a weighty
say in Northern elections.
New Deal memories haven't left the Negro
mind and he has been generally Democratic
since 1936. This year, however, when civil
rights are foremost in their minds, they can't
vote for the Democratic party and, in effect,
seat a Senator Eastland in power. The NAACP
has all but formally endorsed the GOP this
A LIBERAL Democrat-Dixiecrat cleavage
would by no means alienate every Southern
white voter from the "new" Democratic party.
With the increasing industrialization of the
South, the Democratically leaning AFL-CIO
will organize more and more of the South's
laborers. Other whites will choose that which
to them is the lesser of two evils-the Demo-
cratic party--rather than have a meek political
voice through an all-white Dixiecrat party.
The Dems should realize the increasing in-
fluence of the Negro vote and how their party
is not internally fit to' win it. In light of this,
they should draft a non-'moderate', non-South-
courting'civil rights plank.
This move would make the long-run politi-
cally expedient and the morally ideal go hand
in hand. But what politician can see past
November, 1956?

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Missile Expert Investigated

Overcoming Adult Apathy

'HE SECOND in the series Town Talks on
Foreign Policy, held Tuesday night in the
ew high school, was witness to a community
ady arid eager to serve its nation.
The sincerity and intelligence with which the
tizens of Ann Arbor have accepted this new-
t means of becoming informed on United
tates Foreign Policy is a welcome change in
1 age of adult apathy.
Following the presentation of background.
aterial by a local authority, in this case Prof.
)hn Dawson of the Law School, small groups
ere formed to discuss the evening's problem,
Should the United States Send Arms to Is-
The conclusions Tuesday are not as import-
nt as the means by which they were drawn.
be University could be well proud of inspiring
ich earnest enthusiasm. From professors and
ousewives, from professionals and novices
%me comments and observations irarely based
1 lean preparation or party considerations.
obody waved flags; nobody threw mud.
'OWN TALKS simply represents a large
group of enlightened citizens honestly seek-

ing fresh insight into their country's problems.
Following the discussion period, the sponsor-
ing Ann Arbor Citizens Committee on Foreign
Affairs extended an invitation to anyone who
might care to speak to do so. As sometimes
happens, those present whose own lands are
involved tended to be excessively vehement.
But the audience listened politely, applauded
approvingly, and thoughtfully received the
lessons advanced by both Arab and Israelite.
Then several local people expressed their
own views, the speaker presented a summary,
and everybody went home.
Everybody went home, but they left with a
new burden, the burden of greater awareness,
and its twin, greater responsibility. It is true
that active democracy such as this is more
likely to be found in a University environment
than elsewhere, but that fact does not dJute
the significance of these meetings.
The contributing professors, the Ann Arbor
Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the citizens
of this community deserve congratulations and
support for their efforts to serve the nation.

AN IMPORTANT detail was
omitted from the story the
Justice Department leaked out
about Trevor Gardner, the guided-
missiles expert who has been such
a severe critic of the Eisenhower
Administration for bogging down
on guided missiles.
Attorney General Brownell's
boys tipped off INS reporter Ruth
Montgomery that the Senate In-
vestigating Committee had for-
warded its Gardner file to the
Justice Department. Implication
was that the senators wanted the
Justice Department to check the
file for possible law violations.
But what Brownell's boys ne-
glected to mention was that the
Justice Department specifically re-
quested the file. Deputy Attorney
General Bill Rogers sent the com-
mittee a formal letter asking for
all its records on Gardner. In
other words, it is the Justice De-
partment, not the Senate, which is
trying to revive the case.
This is in direct contrast to
what the Justice Department has
done in other cases. The Senate
Committee heard conflicting tes-
timony during its investigation of
ICC Commissioner Hugh W. Cross
indicating that someone commit-
ted perjury. Yet the Justice De-
partment showed not the slightest
interest in reviewing this case.
* * *
THE JUSTICE Department also
has done nothing about other con-
flict-of-interest cases, including
former Air Force Secretary Har-
old Talbott, Public Buildings Com-
missioner Peter Strobel and Carl
0. Hanson, the Farm Home Ad-

ministrator in Montana. Under
the circumstances, Brownell's sud-
den interest in Gardner seems
As a result Senators suspect that
Brownell is retaliating against
Gardner for opposing the Adminis-
tration's guided-missiles program.
A stanch Republican, Gardner re-
signed as Assistant Air .Force Sec-
retary with a blast at the Ad-
ministration for putting economy
ahead of defense in the guided-
missiles field.
nerlined in the current issue of
Look Magazine. Unhappily for
the Administration, this coincides
with Communist Party Boss Nikita
Khrushchev's open boast that Rus-
sia will develop a hydrogen-head-
ed, intercontinental missile ahead
of the United States.
One reasonSenators believe the
Justice Department's move against
Gardner is politically motivated is
that the Senate Investigating Com-
mitteedafter thorough investiga-
tion, dropped the case. The com-
mittee found some evidence that
Gardner had conducted personal
business on official Air, Force
trips, but it was not considered
serious enough to pursue. In fact,
he was not even asked to testify.
was sitting at the head table at
the American Society of News-
paper Editors' dinner. The ball-
room of the Statler was a beehive
of activity, as waiters scurried to
clear the tables before the

Suddenly there was a terrific
A waiter had dropped a tray
Furthermore, he dropped it not
far from the President. People
around the President jumped.
Head waiters scowled. To drop a
tray at a big official dinner in the
presence of the President is like
a soldier being out of step as a
crack guard of honor is reviewed
by the President..
The waiter, red-faced, stooped
and began to gather in his scat-
tered dishes.
Suddenly the President turned
and beckoned to him. The waiter
approached. Ike handed him three
crisp new one-dollar bills. Beam-
ing, the waiter retreated with his
* * *
THE INCOME-TAX investiga-
tion of Senator Barkley( ("the
Veep") plus the trial of Truman's
former secretary Matt Connelly
on May 6 plus the income-tax
probe of eight Democratic Con-
gressmen seems to indicate a gen-
eral pattern of crackdown timed
for this political year.
Shortly after Attorney General
Brownell took office he cracked
down on several Democrats but
they backfired. Among them was
an indictment of Herbert Bergson,
former Assistant Attorney General
under Truman for a conflict of in-
terest not as clear-cut as that
which forced the resignationhof
Harold Talbott as Secretary of the
Air Force or Peter Strobel as Gov-
ernment Buildings Administrator.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

to the
Mead Controversial?...
To the Editor:
May I suggest that your budding
journalists make some attempt to
curb their youthful enthusiasm for
making everything, of necessity,
I refer to the account of Mar-
garet Mead's speech at the Ad-
vertising Conference dinner. Since
I attended the dinner I feel quali-
fied to comment that the adver-
tising men were more amused than
angered at her remarks; by actual
count 7 out of the 250 men left
during the speech (the Conference
was running late and the men
came from all over th country .. .
planes, trains don't wait, you
Her good-natured speech hard-
ly deserved the label "discordant
note" any more than did the
speech of Reuel Denney, of the
U. of Chicago which was by far
more vituperative. But perhaps
the Daily didn't bother to cover
that one.
As for the "quotes" from ad-
men, "horrible stuff," etc., if the
writer was attending the dinner he
was seated at a table for 8-would
have heard comments from 7 of
the 250 men at the Conference.
Quite significant.
-Jane West,
U-on Extension, Detroit Class
Advice to Ike...
To the Editor:
PRESIDENT Eisenhower, in what
might be interpreted as a veil-
ed indictment of his Secretary of
State, suggested Saturday night
that a "rotating advisory board"
of experts be appointed as cons4lt-
ants on foreign affairs.
We note Adlai Stevenson's speech
on the same day and his imagi-
native suggestions on discontinu-
ance of further testing of the H-
bomb, distribution of foreign aid
through the United Nations and
an end to the policy of suppressing
the truth about international
problems from the American
May we politely submit that the
President's panel include Gov.
Stevenson, and Harry Truman,
Dean Acheson and George Ken-
nan as well, and that it become a
governing rather than a consulting
-David Marlin, president,
Students for Stevenson
Waste of Time? .. .
To the Editor:
"Krush and Bulge," Dick Hal-
loran expresses distaste for the
two travelling Soviet leaders and
for totalitarianism. He is to be
commended for his sound judg-
ment but there isreally no excuse
for wasting the reader's time -and
valuable editorial space with such
an appallingly unstimulating, un-
constructiverunanalytieal a n d
humorless article. Is there?
-Victor Bloom, '57M
'Natural Resources'? . *
To the Editor:
R ECENTLY the Board of Regents
approved a dorm rent raise of
twenty dollars. Do the Regents
consider the pocketbooks of the
U of M students as one of the
"natural resources" of the state of
"But we provide more services
in our residence halls that the
others," Pierpont added.

Mr. Pierpont makes it appear as
if the residence halls are abound-
ing with services. The only service
I am aware of is offered by the
Counseling Division of the Univer-
sity-to be used by students who
become frustrated worrying about
finances. Spero meliora.
--Stephen J. Mayor, '59E
Michithanks , .,'
To the Editor:
WE WANT to thank everyone
who has contributed to the
success of the 1956 Michigras. We
can't help feeling a bit proud of1
this thrilling weekend event and
we're sincerely grateful to all those
who helped make it possible.
It seems that the student body
in general caught what we con-
sider the Michigras spirit. Cer-
tainly nothing 'in our experience
has equalled the tremendous en-
thusiasm, effort and wholehearted
support of everyone concerned.
Thank you for making Michigras
all we hoped it would be.
-Barnett Helzberg, '56BAd
-Paula Strong, '56
General Co-Chairmen,
1956 Michigras
Service Fraternity . .
To the Editor:
AMEMO to Andrew Whinston:
Mr. Whinston, you will find that
the University has never given Al-
pha Phi Omega the right to remove
posters or fine any group for put-

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1956
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: May 24, 25 and 26.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands by May 16.
Petitioning for the Joint Judiciary
Council will open Mon., April 30 and
close Fri., May It. Petitions may be
picke up in 1020 Administration.
The 50th Annual French Play. For
this jubilee Le Cercle Francais presents
"Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" a comedy-
ballet in 5 acts by Moliere Wed., May 2
at 7:30 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Bov Office Tues., May 1, from
2-7 p.m., and Wed., May 2, 10 a.m. to
7:30 p.m. Members of the Cercle Fran-
cais will be admitted free o charge
by returning their membership cards.
Marshallrscholarships at British Uni..
versities are being offered again this
year to American graduates, men and
women uder the age of 28. The
scholarships are tenable for two years,
and each has an annual value of 550
pounds, with an extra 200 pounds for
married men. Deadline for the applica-
tions is October 15. Information at
the Offices of the Graduate School.
Student Government Council: Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
April 25, 1956.
Minutes of meeting of April 18.
Establishment of Election Committee
as a permanent committee.
Appointments: Ex-officio members of
Council to SGC Committee areas; Ad-
ministrative Wing Coordinator, Janet
Winkelhaus; Student Speakers Bureau,
Tom Sawyer; Religious Emphasis Week
Study Committee, Janet Neary; Lecture
Committee, Bill Adams, Joe Collins;
Student Loan Committee, Joe Collins,
Activities: May 1, Deutscher Verein,
movie "HMerrliche Zeiten" Architecture;
May 4, Michigan Christian Fellowship,
conference, Detroit Recreation Camp;
May 11, Arab Club, dance, Rackham
Caendared: Academic Freedom week
with the theme "Academic Freedom, a
Potential Force at Michigan" May 21-
Elections report for spring 19 ele-
Ten students for consideration to
serve the Honors Convocation Com-
mittee, two to be selected.
Students for Stevenson, Fine Arts
Affiliation of Themis with Zeta Tau
Alpha, to reactivate Alpha Gamma
The following social events are ap-
proved for the coming weekend.
April 27: Inter-Cooperative Council.
April 28: Cooley House, Delta Sigma
Delta, Greene House, Huber House, Phi
Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Tau Beta P1,
williams House.
April 29: Couzens Hall, Henderson,
Martha Cook Bldg.
University Lecture Postponed. Lecture
by Prof. Dreben, Dept. of Philosophy,
University of Chicago, originally sched
uled for today, April 27, has been post-
poned till Fri., May 18 at 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. C, Angell Hall. Topic: "Another
Look at the Frege-Russell Reduction of
Mathematic." Auspices of Dept. of
Philosophy. Open to the public.
University Lecture: Prof. M. G. Ken-
dall, Department of Mathematics, Lon.
don School of Economics, "an Eco-
nomics Become an Exact Sciene?"
Tues., May 1, 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Sponsored Jointly by the
Departments of Economics and Mathe-
matics and the Institute for Social
Student Recital: Ronald De Bouver,.
violinist, recital in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree at 8:30 this evening, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Gilbert
Ross, De Bouver will play works by
Telemann, Mozart, Franck, Bloch, and
Ross Lee Finney. Open to the general
public without charge.
Student Rectial: Phyllis Legband,
cellist, recital at 4:15 p.m. Sun., April
29, in partial fulfillment of the require.
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Mrs. Legband is a pupil of Oliver
Edel, and her program will be open to
the public. She will be assisted by
Helen Mendelson in Vivaldi's Sonata ia
E minor fro Cello and Piano, and
Brahms' Sonata in F major for Cello
and Piano.
Student Recital. William Cole, tenor,
at 8:30 p.m. Sun., April 29, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, recital in lieu of a thesis
for the Master of Music degree. A
pupil of Chase Baromeo, Cole will per-
form compositions by Mozart, Beethov-
en, Schubert, Brahms, Wolf, Faure,
Rachmaninoff, Tschaikowsky, Moussor-
gsky and Prokofieff. Open to -the gen-
eral public without charge.
Academic Notices
Electrical Engineering Colloquium.
Prof. W. G. Dow will speak on "Recent
Developments in Color TV Tubes," Fri.,
April 27. 4:00 p:m. coffee, Room 2500
E.E., 4:30 p.m. talk, Room 2084 E.E.
Psychology Colloquium: Dr. Fred E.
Fiedler, University of Illinois will dis-
cuss "The Influence of the Leader's
Interpersonal Relations pn Group Ef-
fectiveness." Fri., April 27, 4:15 p.m.,










Nothing to Lose


thumbs. down on a proposal -to invite the
two top Communist leaders to America as they
have been invited to Britain. EBut the question
stands, what have we to lose by asking them
to come?
The chance is slight, pitifully slight, that
such a visit by Bulganin and Khrushchev to
the United States could result in a major turn
for the better in the cold war. Little happened
during their visit to England last week to in-
dicate such a possibility.
But as long as the slightest chance exists,
it's foolish not to embrace it. No one stops to
doubt anymore that the next war may mark
the end of civilization. A thousand tedious
conferences with the Russians under the most
inauspicious of atmospheres are better than the
mildest war.
President Eisenhower explained that such a
visit by the Russian rulers could serve "no.
useful purpose" since all current issues were
thrashed out at Geneva last year.
But the President might be reminded that
there has been an enormous change in the
Soviet Union within the last month or so.
Stalin is being dragged through the mud and
the Peace Offensive has been turned on harder
than ever before. The bosses are in trouble
Editorial Staff
DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine Editor
DAVID KAPLAN ....................... Feature Editor
JANE HOWARD ..............Associate Editor
LOUISE TYOR ... ....Associate Editor
PHIL DOUGLIS ......................... Spotts Editor
ALAN EISENBERG ......:..... Associate Sports Editor
JACK HORW ITZ............. Associate Sports Editor
MARY HELLTHALER...............omen's Editor
ELAINE EDMONDS..........Associate Women's Editor
JOHN HIRrZEL.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM ..................Business Manager
BOBn ILUEFI ... Associe Bus~i Tidness Ma~nager

MOREOVER, the Middle East has suddenly
turned into a Powder keg, with Commun-
ist sparks flying uncomfortably near.
This is not the same world as that which
the President discussed last summer in Geneva.
The danger of war is looming closer, and yet
at the same time the possibility of peace may
be more real.
It is most likely that the Russians would
use a visit to United States as a platform to
take off on another propaganda campaign. In
that case we don't have very much to lose.
Their propaganda effort in Britain has been
highly unsuccessful.
lut it's just possible that the two Red lead-
ers might come forth with a concrete proposal
to alleviate the Cold War.
The chance is slim. But no matter how
slight it may be, we have to leave the door
The President could hardly make a wiser
move than to invite them. After all, what
have we got to lose?
Ta Much Hot Air
AT 3 p.m. yesterday 82 people were peering
at the slide-covered walls of the study room
in Alumni Memorial Hall.
There was no ventilation whatsoever. Heat
poured from the skylight ceiling and settled
in the room, mingling with that generated by
the students.
An attendant, questioned about the situa-
tion, smiled apologetically, said, "there's noth-
ing we can do about it," and wiped her fore-
We wonder, though, if an economy size fan,
strategically placed, might not help. As might
an air-conditioning system. As might a num-
ber of other measures which surely must be.
known to the building's management.
As the temperature rises, studying for Fine
Arts courses isn't going to get any more pleas-
ant. If yesterday was any indication, it might
be unbearable-unless some ventilating steps
are taken.
Little annoyances, sometimes, are far more
irrifn.in i-. hnnr+I A. ir ,rnhIamr


You've Got A Life timeAhead?


Daily Associate Editor
Q UESTIONS of every nature
confront you if you're getting
a diploma June 16, but none is
more upsetting than the one asked
most often and most innocuously:
"Oh, you're graduating? And what
are you going to do with the rest
of your life?"
Fair enough question. But un-
less you're sure of being drafted,
or are a teacher, or carry a slide
rule, or have been accepted at
graduate school, you're likely to
stare dully at the questioner, stam-
mer for a three-minute interval,
and reply, with feigned cptimism,
"I'm not quite sure yet."
It's possible for you to list all
the vague semi-prospects: the trip
abroad you might take, the friend
of your father's whose secretary is
fatally ill, aimless jaunts around
the country, bread lines.
But it's more impressive, if not
more simple, to prepare a well-re-
hearsed resume, based on research.
To do this you must jobhunt.
NO sporadic, half-hearted inves-
tigation of potential employers
will suffice. The honest, bona fide
jobhunt is intensive, if it lasts
only a weekend. It demands that
vrn11 ehle very sou ~iire withn a

that you're female) you snatch
every pair of crisp white gloves
you can unearth, acquire a hat,
and have the run-down heels of
your shoes repaired. You sleep the
prescribed eight hours for the two
nights preceding, and pray for an
appearance of radiant, vibrant ca-
* * *
YOU march confidently into an
elevator, announce your floor,
and tell the receptionist you have
an appointment with Mr. Chunk,
the seventh vice-president.
Mr. Chunk, who shakes your
hand, is courteous indeed. He
smiles, recalls he once knew a
brother-in-law of your uncle's ex-
fiancee, and tells you has has seen
your campus. That, you smile en-
igmatically, is nice.
But-much as it pains him to
say so-Mr. Chunk pan't predict
exactly what "openings" (a fre-
quent term) there will be in June.
He would, however, love to have
you fill out this simple little appli-
cation form-an unabridged ver-
sion of the railroad ticket-so he
can contact you later.
You squirm, trying to remember
all your past employers and won-
dering whether the woman for
whose twins you baby-sat three

AT THIS POINT you have a little
notebook similar to the Pan-
hellenic Guide for Rushees, in
which you've jotted quick impres-
sions: "Ace Lumber Mills-nice
office, cute curtains, but insolent
secretary;" "Fillmore Shower Cap
Company-got stuck with a closet
case, but others looked okay;"
"O'Brien, Doe, Schultz and Alex-
ander, Inc.-well-stocked cafeteria,
but frightening pension plan."
After a while it gets to be
mechanical. You shuffle into offi-
ces like a robot. Your orice-white
gloves imply you've spent the day
trying to disguise your fingerprints
while picking up gum wrappers
from the pavement.
At one office your hand, which
extends mechanically to shake
that of your interviewer, doesn't
get shaken-and just stands there
in midair. You wonder whether
to withdraw it, with an apologetic
"I've got a twitch, you know"
smile, or to keep it there, come
what may, until it's shaken. Fin-
ally the nice man gets the clue, but
you're, so flustered you can only
parrot: "I'm graduating this June
from the University, and . .
* * *
PEOPLE on the streets seem sul-
len and vicious. You remind
yourself of the cute little apart-
ment you'd get, all alone, but re-





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