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April 27, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-27

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Latest Deadline in the State




VOL. LXVI, No. 140



Nxon Decides


U.S. Eases
Trade Bans
With Reds
Lifts Restrictions
On 'Peace Items
ernment yesterday eased restric
tions on shipments of many item
-all described as peaceful -t
Russia and the Soviet satellite
in Europe.
The list made public by Secre
tary of Commerce Sinclair Week
includes around 700 nonstrategic
items in 57 commodity groups.
The action means U.S. export
ers can ship these goods to the
European Soviet bloc under gen
eral license. It cuts red tape fo:
American businessmen by elimi
nating the requirement that they
obtain individual licenses to ship
these specific types of goods.
Policy Change
Weeks' announcement said "al
of the goods included on the newu
roster are of the type that woul
" be approved for export under ex-
isting licensing policy." It em-
phasized that the "procedure in
no way reflects a change in th
policy of banning strategic goods
to the Soviet bloc."
Weeks stressid that the ban on
strategic exports that might be
used in a war economy still is in
effect and that "the total embargo
against all shipments to Commu-
nist China and North Korea re-
mains unchanged."
Individual Licenses
Similarly he said, "all ship-
ments to the Communist-con-
trolled areas of Viet Nam and
Laos, as well as maritime pro-
vinces far Eastern seaports of the
U.S.S.R., continue to require in-
dividual export licenses."
Weeks said the "simplification
in licensing procedures" in yester-
day's action is "designed to carry
out the government's objective
irst announced by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower at Geneva
last July-' to create conditions
which will encourage nations tP
increase the exchange of peace-
ful goods throughout the world. '
:Kappa Sigs
W in Awad
'For Grades
Kappa Sigma celebrated a $1,-
000 award last night at the Union
for the greatest improvement of
any of the 128 Kappa Sigma
chapters for the academic year
1954-55 as compared to 1953-54.
President Harlan H. Hatcher
was the main speaker as Richard
Brehm, chapter president accepted
the award from George H. Rey-
mond national fraternity president
who came all the way from Baton
Rouge, La., to make the presenta-
President , Hatcher's audience,
which included Vice - President
James A. Lewis and Assistant Dean
of Men William S. Zerman, com-
mented that his talk was "one of
the finest the President has ever
"Michigan's reputation as high
scholarship institution s t a r t e d
with President Tappan over 100
years ago," President Hatcher said.

our record is reflected in our
fine alumni throughout the world,
he added.
President Hatcher closed his
speech by giving a few study
guides, both humorous and serious,
and congratulated Kappa Sigma
for helping raise the University
scholarship standards.
The second speaker on the pro-
gram, George Robinson, national
scholarship commissioner, told how
one Kappa Sigma chapter from a
mid-western school wrote a com-
plaint to him that they couldn't
get above the all-campus men's
average because the professors
were "too tough."
This was, of course, the Michi-
gan chapter which climbed from
eighteenth place among Michigan
fraternities to fifth in scholastic
standing last year.
Student Directory
Petitions Available
ilaii~inn fnr niihliafr Qr

Nixon Decdes
He 'Il Run Again


President Expresses 'Delighted'
Approval for 'Ike and Dick' Ticket
WASHINGTON ()-Vice-President Richard M. Nixon announced
for renomination yesterday with President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
"delighted" approval.
His announcement, at the White House after conferring with the
President, sewed up the Republican ticket for 1956, as of now. It
will be "Ike and Dick" again, just as it was in 1952.
President Eisenhower said last March 7 he had told Vice-Presi-
dent Nixoni to "chart out his own course and tell me what he would
like to do."
Apparently, Vice-President Nixon didn't tell him until yesterday
because only Wednesday President, Eisenhower told his news con-

OSU Placed
On One-Year
Athletic Trial
Team Ineligible
For Rose Bowl
CHICAGO ()-B1ig Ten Com-
missioner K. L. "Tug" Wilson
today put Ohio State University on
probation for one year for giving
financial assistance to football
Terms of the probation include:
1. Ohio State cannot under any
circumstances represent the Big
Ten in the Rose Bowl football
game until probation is lifted.
2. The university must super-
vise the work program of athletes
3. Coach Woody Hayes must
comply with all rules of the Big
Ten regarding financial assistance
to athletes.
Wilson also ruled that no ath-
letes who benefited from "irregu-
larities in Ohio State's part-time
work program can be eligible for
participation in intercollegiate
sports until I have approved satis-
factory evidence that they have
actually repaid fully in services the
wages received."
This means that two teams will
be ineligible for, the next Rose
Bowl journey, since Michigan State
played in the most recent Pasadena
In Columbus, Coach Hayes said,
"Commissioner Wilsons' decision
comes as a terrible shock to all of
us . . . I do not believe we should
appeal the decision (but) this does
not infer that I agree with the
severity of the penalty."






Bring Little

Hiss Speaks
On Geneva
d At Princeton
PRINCETON, N. J. ()-Alger
a Hiss came to the heavily guarded
e Princeton University campus. yes-
s terday and delivered his first pub-
lic speech since his release from
a prison as a convicted perjurer.
There were no incidents and he
was received courteously and with
Dwarm applause several times.
At the Yalta Conference, Hiss
- told a student debating society,
"we got what we asked for in terms
of concessions."
At the end of his talk Hiss smil-
ingly thanked the students.
There were no embarrassing
questions asked about his trial and
conviction as a man who lied when
he denied giving government sec-
rets to a Communist spy ring.
Hiss' invitation to speak before
Princeton's Whig-Cliosophic Soci-
ety stirred angry protests from
The talk by Hiss, titled "The
Meaning of Geneva," has been at-
tacked by congressmen and others.
About 400 students grouped out-
side the hall where Hiss spoke
Hiss' speech and his answers
during the question period consti-
tuted a quiet, almost colorless dis-
cussion of foreign policy. He dis-
cussed last summer's four-power
conference at Geneva
Reference to the Yalta Confer-
ence-where he was present as a
State Departmentdofficial-came
in answer to a direct question
about the conference.
A student questioner referred
to it as "the unfortunate settle-
ment at Yalta."
Hiss was convicted of lying un-
der oath in 1950 where he said he
did not pass government docu-
ments to unauthorized persons. He
served nearly four years in a fed-
eral prison.
A one-time high State Depart-
ment aide, he was an advisor to
former President Franklin D.
Roosevelt at the crucial Yalta Con-
ference in 1945 with the late Soviet
Premier Josef Stalin and former
British Prime Minister Sir Winston
'Daily' Gets
A CP Rating
The Michigan Daily has been
awarded the All American classif i-
cation in the 54th Honor Rating of
the Associated Collegiate Press,
national college paper news serv-
All American is the highes cate-
gory in the student paper competi-
tion. This rating, the ACP explains,
"indicates distinctly superior
The Daily was judged against
25 other student dailies throughout
the nation. Judging the contest
was Gareth D. Hebert, former city
editor of the St. Paul Pioneer
Hiebert commented, "Your stu-
dent life coverage is outstanding."
The University's student news-
Paper received "Excellent" and
"Superior" ratings in 19 out of the
23 categories by which the papers
were judged. The other four cate-
gories were listed as "Good" and
"Very Good."
In making the evaluations of the
categories, Hiebert remarked that
The Daily's news sources were
"superior, as always" In referring
to The Daily's style, he said, "The
drill in fundamentals and the at-

tention to good writing are appar-
ent here!

'ference the vice-president had not
given him a "final and definitive
President Eisenhower's press sec-
retary, James C. Hagerty, called
in reporters shortly before 4 p.m.
Vice-President Nixon was standing
by Hagerty's desk. Vice President
Nixon went through some pre-
liminaries before getting down to
Finally, picking his words with
care and backing up from time $o
time to correct himself, Vice-
President Nixon unloaded the
"Ininformed the President that
in the event that the President
and the delegates to the conven-
tion reached the decision that it
was their desire for me to serve
as the nominee of the Republican
party for vice-president that I
would be honored to accept the
nomination again as I was and as
I did in 1952."

Racial Inferiority Has
No, Biological Basis
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of six articles on segre-
gation in the United States as viewed from the standpoints of education,
law, anthropology, social-psychology and political science.)
Racial prejudice, the basis, for discrimination and segregation,
is based on many factors.
"The idea that races are biologically inferior is the real founda-
tion of many racial prejudices," Prof. Frederick P. Thieme of the
anthropology department reports.
"There is no anthropological evidence or geneticefindings which
indicate that any race is inferior, the professor noted. "Race dif-

Legis lators
TryTo Oust
UN Red
Two Senators Accuse
Soviets of Kidnapping
WASHINGTON (P)-Two sena-
tors demanded expulsion of Rus-
sia's chief United Nations dele-
gate yesterday for what they called
the kidnapping of five Soviet sea-
men from their sanctuary in this
Senators William E Jenner
(R-Ind.) and Herman Welker
(R-Ida.) said expelling two of
Chief Delegate Arkady Sobolev's
aides, as the State Department
did Wednesday, is not enough.
"What about the people who
organized this kidnapping?" Sen.
Jenner asked in a statement.
"What about Chief Delegate Sobo-
lev and First Secretary Constan-
tine Ekimov who organized this
Sen. Welker, in a similar state-
ment, declared Sobolev and "all
of them involved in this thing
ought to be sent home."
The State Department, in oust-
ing two of Sobolev's aides Wednes-
day, criticized him for taking a
hand in the April 7 departure of
the five seamen. But it did not
demand his recall. It simply said
the Soviet government should see
to it that he and his staff stick
strictly to their UN business and
stay out of any activities which
should be handled by Soviet con-
sular or embassy officials.
The two men declared undesir-
able were Aleksandr K. Guryanov,
attache, and Nikolai Turkin, third
Edward Arnold
Dies at 66
HOLLYWOOD (P)-Edward Ar-
nold, whose booming laugh and
acting talent made him a familiar
film figure for 25 years, died yes-
terday at his home in nearby' En-
He was 66. Death came from
a cerebral hemorrhage, said his
son-in-law, Dr. William Orlando.
The actor's wife Cleo was at his
side when he succumbed.
Arnold was active up until the
very end of his 49 ;years in the
acting profession. Recently he
made a movie in Paris, "The Am-
bassador's Daughter." Two weeks
ago he did a television show and
had made plans for other appear-
Long identified with civic and
philanthropic affairs, Arnold was
a co-founder of "I Am An Ameri-
can" day, president of the Screen
Actors Guild, and executive vice-
president of the Permanent Chari-
ties Committee. He was long a
star of the "Mr. President" series
on radio.

-Daily-Dick Gaskili
Michigan T ennis Team
Wins over .Detroit, 9-0
Michigan's Big Ten championship tennis team had an opportunity
to practice all kinds of shots yesterday as they blasted a hapless
University of Detroit squad, 9-0.
The win ran the Wolverines' victory string to 22 and gave them a
tune-up before they play their first Big Ten opposition against Wis-
consin and Indiana next weekend. The netmen will play Wayne
University at Detroit today.
Oddly enough, only the number one singles star, Barry MacKay
had any difficulty. MacKay, who holds national rankings in singles

AA Resident

Faces Trial


Harold A. Johnson, now serving,
a life sentence for the murder of
his one-year-old daughter, Mar-
jory, on Jan. 9, faces trial today
for the murder of another daugh-
ter, three-year-old Barbara.
The 38-year-old former televis-
ion 'repairman and University
graduate was returned yesterday
from Southern Michigan Prison
at Jackson to a double-locked cell
at the County Jail in Ann Arbor.
Johnson was given the life sen-
tence March 2,gby Circuit Judge
James R., Breakey, Jr. Johnson
shot his wife and older daughter
in their home at 1435 Westfield
If Johnson does not enter guilty
pleas, Prosecutor Edmond F. De-
Vine said he will ask for a trial
on the murder of Barbara, the
older daughter.

4ferences," he commented," are the
results of different evolutionary
processes; each race is adapted
to its evolutionary background."
"Who is to say that one is better
than another?" he asked.
"Actually," he continued, "all
human beings are related to each
other and all have common an-
cestors just like brothers and sis-
ters." Prof. Thieme listed several
indications that illustrate the
unity of mankind.
Commenting on certain wide-
held "myths" about Negroes, Prof.
Thieme said that the higher fre-
quency of disease in Negroes is
"purely a socio-economic factor,"
not a racial difference.
Another myth is that many
people think Negroes are more
primitive physically. "Again, there
is no evidence for it," the amiable
professor said. "For example, the
long, linear build and tightly curl-
ed hair is certainly no evidence of
"Nor is skin color an indication,"
he continued, "for both white and
dark skin appear on the Great

and doubles, barely was able to
defeat Earl Clarke, 7-5, 9-7.
ful service.
Clarke twice had set point on
MacKay but passed up both chan-
ces as Barry came through with
some excellent serving to pull the,
set out of the fire, 7-5.
MacKay won the second set, de-
feating Clark 9-7.
Playing number two singles,
Mark Jaffe had less difficulty in
defeating Sandy Kaplan, 6-2, 6-1.
Jaffe appeared the sharpest of the
Wolverine players yesterday as he
continuously broke through his
opponent's weak serve and had
him repeatedly running from cor-
ner to corner.
Dick Potter, playing the number
three position, used all kinds of
trick shots and played deftly at
the net to down Al Sheehan, 6-2,
6-2, while sophomore John Harris
made a good showing in beating
Dick Wing, 6-3, 6-1.
Dale Jensen racked Ken Barols,
6-3, 6-1 and Larry Brown clob-
bered Jerry Walke, 6-1, 6-1 to
climax the Wolverines singles play.
The Titans fared little better in
the doubles. MacKay and Patter,
number one Big Ten doubles
champs, effectively combined their
deadly serves and volleys to lam-
bast Clarke and Saheehan, 6-1,
6-4, while Jaffe and Harris were
racking Kaplan and Barols, 6-1,
6-1. Jensen and Brown overwhelm-
ed Wing and Walke, 6-0, 6-2.

World News
By The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Mont-
gomery Negroes voted yesterday
to continue their five-month-old
boycott of buses despite the bus
company's order to end segrega-
Without a dissenting vote, they
shouted approval of a resolution
vowing to refrain from riding
buses as long as city and state of-
ficials enforce segregation laws.
BERLIN-The Communist East
German government yesterday or-
dered the release of 698 prisoners
convicted of war crimes by Soviet
military and German courts in
postwar years.
* * *
MIAMI, Fla.-Adlai Stevenson
said yesterday he was neither sur-
prised nor dismayed by Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon's de-
cision to seek Republican renomi-
"I do not greet this news with
any misery whatever," Stevenson
said at Miami where he cam-
paigned for Democratic presiden-
tial support.
"I am not surprised. President
Eisenhower has repeatedly stated
his admiration for Vice-President
Nixon. I just think this is an-
other point where he and I dis-
JERUSALEM -United Nations
Secretary General Dag Hammar-
skjold yesterday obtained a cease-
fire agreement from Jordan in his
quest for peace in the Middle East,
informed sources reported.
Barring last minute hitches, the
UN secretary general appeared
nearing success in obtaining
pledges for a general armistice ob-
servance between Israel and her
Arab neighbors.

No Mention Made
Of German Unity
LONDON ()-Britain and the
Soviet Union pledged yesterday to
help outlaw hydrogen-war, stop
the world's armament race and
work for peace in Palestine.
But a joint communique on con-
ferences of Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin and Communist Boss Nikita
Khrushchev with Prime Minister
Sir Anthony Eden showed that any
progress they made toward agre&
ments in basic fields was minute.
The communique was signed
after the two Russians returned to
London from a flying trip of Scot-
land. Winding up their 10-day
visit, they leave for Moscow today.
Beneficial Effect '
While virtually no progress was
made on East-West issues, the dis-
cussions' psychological effect on
world tensions seemed likely to be
moderately beneficial.
A top-level British diplomat said
Eden achieved all he had expected
-the benefit of personal contacts,
frank talk and slight edging for-
ward by the Russians in some
German reunification, a major
point at issue, was not even men-
tioned in the four-page, 2,800-word
communique. The British issued a
special statement of their own
vowing to strive for it.
German Reunification
"In view of Her Majesty's gov-
ernment," the British statement
said, "the achievement of German
reunification has an outstanding
place among the problems whose
solutions we must strive to pro-
mote. Indeed we are solemnly
pledged under the Paris agree-
ments of 1955 to pursue that end."
Even before the communique
was signed, the Russians disclosed
a shift in their disarmament stand.
Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromy1k, told the UN Disarma-
ment subcommittee meeting here
yesterday Russia is now prepared
to discuss abolition of nuclear
weapons. He said the Russians
may offer amendments to their
own proposals, which had mad
no provision for nuclear weapons.
Labor View
The management and labor
sides of automation were given
yesterday in the final discussion at
the secopd Michigan Railroad
Seminar Conference.
The Conference, sponsored by
the University's Transportation In-
stitute and the Michigan Rail-
roads Association, concluded yes-
terday in the Union,
"The country is growing and the
population is increasing," said
Frank Householder, representative
of Chesapeake and Ohio. "Increas-
ed automation can help solve the
difficulties of this growth by help-
ing keep pace with increased de-
Householder declared that in the
long run everybody will be better
and that the severity of adjust-
mert and employment created by
automation would be a temporary
"However," he said, "it is the
short run that worries us. Some-
thing must be done to ease the
effects suffered by older workers
who are losing their jobs."
Householder pointed out the
improvement of services and time
saving features of automation and
said the economic and social con-
sequences could be solved by in-
telligent planning and coopera-
tion between labor and manage-

Emil Blodke, public relations
Airpnfn o h ,n~rirT.M

Sl1osson Attacks.GO Falings
Keynoting the Washtenaw County Democratic convention yester-
day Prof. Preston Slosson, of the history department, described the
" bankruptcy" of the Republican party leadership and urged that the
Democrats repudiate Senator William Eastland (D-Miss.)
In the closing minutes of the meeting held in the Washtenaw
County Building, the delegates approved a resolution "deploring the
election of Senator Eastland as chairman of the Senate Judicial,

Committee." Local Composer
The resolution was offered as an addition to a previously passed C
resolution to take a "firm and unequivocal stand against racial segre- To Present Trio'
gation and other abuses of human rights."

Cites Republican Deficiencies
Prof. Slosson had been citing "deficiencies" in the Republican
party and warned the delegates that the Democrats "cannot rest
on their oars," because of some of their own faults. He continued

A trio by Prof. Ross Lee Finney,
composer in residence at the Uni-
versity, will be featured at a con-
cert by the Lyric Trio at 8:30 p.m.
today and tomorrow in the Ma-

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