Sixty-Sixth Year
en Opinions Are Free,
[ruth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
ESDAY, APRIL 24, 1956
The Need For 'Generation'
lications - is reportedly considering either
merging the campus literary magazine with
Gargoyle or the Daily Magazine Supplement,
or discontinuing it altogether.
Either course of action would be regrettable.
In the interests of the University Generatior4
must continue as an independent effort.
The main problem is financial. For many
years the magazine has lost several hundred
dollars a .year-it has, in effect, been subsidized
by the more prosperous publications. Reader-
ship is low so advertising is low. The magazine
is costly to produce, the format is expensive.
The Board feels that perhaps continued subsidy
is tinjustified.Y
MERGING -of the magazine with either Gar-
goyle or The Daily Magazine Supplement
is not the answer. Both would commercialize
Generation. It is not enough to have one or
two serious literary efforts appear in what is
basically a non-literary publication. Merged
with either, Generation would lose its identity.
It would be difficult to get contributors of
high quality. The artistic format of the maga-
zine, so vital a part of the effort itself, would be
secrificed. kGeneration is not primarily con-
cerned with dissemination of news or with
humor. It is more an art medium than either
The Daily or Gargoyle, and such is should
Discontinuing Generation would be most un-
fortunate. It is a serious effort aimed at pro-
moting the arts. As such it serves a worthy
purpose. Neither its low readership nor its
administrative difficulties are reasons for dis-
continuing publication. One is to be expected,
the other can be corrected.
Few projects dedicated to the arts can support
themselves. The Metropolitan Opera, the Boston
Symphony, art galleries, all need subsidy to
continue. The combination of expensive pro-
duction and limited appeal is a bad one-fiman-
A UNIVERSITY should have a publication
devoted to serious presentation of literary
efforts of a high quality. It has a responsibility
to those students, few though they may be, to
provide a medium of expression like Generation.
The Board must, in its overall policies, be
guided by financial considerations. But perhaps
economy can be effected without so serious a
loss as discontinuance of Generation would
pose. The magazine is worthwhile and should
be continued if at all possible.
"We're Letting The United Nations Stay,
But We're Warning Them"
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Cutting Accident Rates
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Science Par
SOMEDAY, a few loyal fans still
hope, Hollywood will produce
a science fiction movie on a par
with the better literature of that
But until that day, still shining
on the distant horizon, the hope-
ful fans are subjected to either
gobbledegook in the form of the
creature from whereveritis or
reasonably scientific documentaries
seemingly designed by our armed
forces to entice eligible young
men into the khaki-clad ranks.
Space" is a representative example
of the latter. Guy Madison,
switching roles from cowboy to
flyboy, is an Air Force doctor who
went to jump school so he could
get first hand information on how
it feels to do parachute and ejec-
tion-seat work. His specialty is
space medicine, a growing field
that the Air Force is carefully ex-
ploring with an eye toward the
day when man takes off for the
He and Dean Jagger have a plan
to send a balloon, carrying a gon-
dola stocked with instruments and
a two man crew, to 100,000 feet,
higher than <man has ever gone.
Madison has been selected for the
job because his experience in jump
school and as a doctor make him
both competent and equipped to
judge his own reactions.
But his fiancee, Virginia Leith,
who seems to have a job making
dummies for the rocket sled, is
upset at the thought of him tak-
ing on so dangerous a mission.
However, she seems to be of the
June Allyson type, bravely endur-
ing her earthbound tortures and
marrying him' anyway.
The trouble really starts when
the old major, who approved of
the plan, is killed in an automo-
bile crash, and John Hodiak takes
over. Hodiak is that standard
movie type, The Misunderstood
Man Who Has A Job To Do And
Is Doing It As Best He Can. He
thwarts Madison at every turn,
denying him jumping privileges
and refusing to let him do the
100,000 feet experiment. However,
one slight twist of fate, and ev-
erything turns out for the expected
The worst aspect of the film is
its weak characterization. Hodiak's
type has been mentioned, but all
the other characters are equally
unimaginative. Madison is a brave,
intelligent hero, Miss Leith is a
long-suffering wife who bears her
travail with Spartan courage; Jag-
ger is a "scientist charmed and
mystified by the thought o space
travel. All do as good an acting
job as is possible within the high-
ly limited confines of their roles.
* .* *
THE BEST ASPECT of the film
is documentary-like portrayal of
the technical and medical aspects
of high-altitude flying and wind
blast in an ejection seat. Except
for minor deficiencies like the ob-
vious juggling of time during
counting off for a rocket sled re-
lease, "Threshold" gives a reason-
ably faithful picture of what ad-
vances the Air Force is making in
the realm of space medicine.
But for the fan's sake, let's hope
that the day when Bradbury will
be writing scenarios is not too far
-Tammy Morrison
LAST WEEK, New York State's Governor W.
' Averill Harriman approved and signed a
compulsory automobile safety inspection bill.
This new New York State law should be in-
corporated in every state in the Union.
The law requires yearly inspections of all cars.
and trucks more than four years old. The
program will begin next year, and New York
State's Motor Vehicle Commissioner will set
a date for the start of inspections. In addi-
tion, all used cars when sold, regardless of age,
will have to be inspected before registration by
their new owners:, Used-car dealers will be
responsible for the check-ups.
According to the law, the commissioners of
motor vehicles must revoke the registration of
any car found to be unsafe for operation. This
is the key point.
The present era of the inexpensively-ac-
quired used car is one of constant increase in
automobile accidents and fatalities. Although
most of these are caused by speeding, a good
portion result from faulty mechanism and
equipment. Used cars are sold with tempor-
arily 'fixed' defective parts.
After a few short years on the road, even
newer automobiles develop serious defects.
Everyone who has ever driven an automobile
on our highways knows the danger of a stalled
car or a faulty steering mechanism, milked
windows on vehicles of older vintage and de-
fective windshield wipers on the newer models.
Many accidents caused by defective automo-
bile parts could be eliminated by mandatory
inspections on a regular basis. The newly
passed New York State law will undoubtedly
lower that state's accident and death rate. Many
more lives could be saved if a similar law were
passed by every state in the country.
Inhospitable Hosts
THE RECEPTION that Russia's traveling
leaders have received in England is unfor-
Especially at Oxford, did the British seem to
be abusive in their hospitality. Whatever the
reasons for Messrs. Krrushchev and Bulganin's
visit, tact and general good will by the British
would have a, better effect for world affairs in
We do not question the ability of the British
student's mind to think rationally.
Instead it would seem that the sophistication
and tact attributed to them is not always dis-
-M. F.
Readers Offer Viewpoint
Memo ...
To the Editor:
A MEMO to Alpha Phi Omega
service fraternity:
The University has conferred
upon you the right to tear down
any poster that isn't put up by
you and fine that group that puts
it up. I think, therefore, that when
posters are given to you, you ought
to put them up, don't you?
-Andrew Whinston, '57
Educational Chairman
Inter-Cooperative Council
'Good Change?' .. .
To the Editor:
SEVERAL days ago, in the wom-
en's residence, halls, we were
told that we must sign room can-
cellation or room renewal slips.
Since the girls were very obliging
in the face of an order, we com-
plied-much to the dismay, now,
of those who renewed, for room
rent increases were not even
rumored about at that time.
Yes, the upperclassmen passed
up Betsy Barbour and league hous-
ing without giving the matter
much thought. Now the question
arises, after we've signed the slips,
do we want our present housing
at higher rates?
The answer is a vehement NO!
What do we do about it. I don't
know about the rest of the girls-
but I'm upset. Since everyone asks
for alternatives to the raises, I'll
offer mine:
1. A possible out-of-state tui-
tion raise. As of now, Michigan's
out-of-state tuition rates are rea-
sonable, in fact, quite reasonable
in comparison with other similar
type state schools. This tuition
advance would affect more of the
entire University-one-third of all
students instead of one-quarer,
and the raise might not have to be
so great per person.
2. If the additional three days
of school imposed by the so-popu-
lar new school calendar (desired by
relatively few) costs another $6,
then how about dumping the
whole mess, and saving $6 of the
proposed $20.
3. - What about this athletic pro-
gram of expansion? Hurray! Mich-
igan spends money to get a new
pressbox and 1,000 new seats.
Great! 1975 we'll be able to house
all 90,000 students in the stadium.
No, no, no. Housing first, and
other increased costs and needs,
then athletics.
4. Lastly, I propose a fund-rais-
ing benefit to be held in the new
dining room of the brand new
pressbox at the stadium. Enter-
tainment could be the $64,000
Question" program. Proceeds for
us; you and I! Good change?
--Irma Saulson, '57
Class attendance ..*.
To the Editor:
SOMETIMES it is very difficult
to understand the University's
policies on certain issues. It is
interesting to note the contrast-
ing positions taken concerning
class attendance on the day of the
Michigras parade and on Good Fri-
Does the University consider the
parade more important than Good
Friday services? Certainly it rea-
lizes that a great many classes
are cut and dismissed the day of
the parade. However, the admini-
stration seems to see no harm in
this being done. But, consider
Good Friday when classes are not
dismissed to allow students to at-
tend services between one and
It may be argued that the en-
tire campus is considered with
Michigras while Good Friday ser-
vices concern Christian students
only. However, interest in Michi-
gras is not as great as is made to
believe. There are few upper-
classmen who are overwhelmingly
interested in viewing floats.
The University may claim igno -
ance of classes being dismissed on
the afternoon of the parade, but
they certainly realized that "Lord
High" Michiclef was allowed to
do this at will.
One wonders whether it is just
as much the professors themslves
who want to attend the pa ade.
Yet it is many of these same pro-
fessors who schedule exams on the
afternoon of Good Friday to in-
sure attendance. Thus we have
students definitely being discour-
aged from attending services that
afternoon. One can not help but.
wonder if the University is work-
ing for or against the campus re-
ligious groups.
In the last few years, the Uni-
versity has gone out of its way
to check on the number of. cuts
on the day before spring vacation,
but makes no check on the day
of the Michigras parade.. Next
year I hope the University will
allow a student to iiss a class
in order to attend Good Friday
services without having to miss
an exam at the same time.
It may be all right for the Uni-
versity to support Michigras to the
fullest, but why don't they give
the students and the campus
churches a break and support this
day of worship also?
-Larry Kersten, '56
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for vhihe the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Film Showing. "Churchill-Man of the
Century,'" 12:30 p.m., Wed., April 25,
Audio-Visual Auditorium, Administra-
tion Bldg., 4th floor.
The Fifth Social Seminar for 1955-56
of the Michigan chapter of ASPA will
be presented on Wednesday, April 25, at
8:00 n~m. in the Ann Arbor Room of
the Michigan eague. The speaker will
be Dr. Otto Engelke of the City-County
Health Department. His talk will center
around problems of the urban fringe.
Questions and coffee will follow.
Academic Notices
Foreign Language Group: Professor
J. 1. Crump will speak on "A Sinologist
in Japan," Professor F. S. Escribano will
speak on "American Research in Spain,"
and Professor A. S. Atiya will speak on
"Research in Egypt: A New Experi-
ment," Tuesday, April 24, 8:00 p.m.
West Conference Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Refreshments.
Mathematics Colloquium: Joint meet-
ing with the Seminar in Engineering
Mechanics and the Seminar in Ap-
plied Mathematics, Tues., April ,24, in.
Room 2003 Angell Hall, at 4:10 p.m.
Professor A. E. Green, of the University
of Lurham, England, and Brown Uni-
versity, will give an illustrated lecture
on "A Summary of Work in Finite Elas-
ticity." Tea and coffee will be served
in Room 3212 Angell Hall at 3:45 p.m.
Semliar on the Resolution of Conflict
(seminra in the Integration of the
Social Sciences. Economics 353) will
meet Tuesday, April 24, in the Con-
ference Room, 3063, of the Children's
Psychiatric Hospital. Dr. Alfred Conard
will speak on "Conflict Resolution n
Legal Processes."
Events Today
The Misanthrope, by Moliere, will be
presented by the Department of Speech
at 8 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
Placement Notices
There will be a meeting of the Sum-
mer Placement Service in Room 3G,
Michigan Union, Wed., April 25, from
1 to 4:45 p.m. Types of jobs range from
technical and non-technical to camp
and resorts.
Representatives from the flolowing
will be here to interview for summer
jobs, Room 30, Mighigan Union, 1 to
4:45 p.m.
Wednesday, April 25:
Miss Diane Richardson, Camp Narrin
Ortonville, Mich., Souther Oakland Girl
Bouts, will interview for Counselors.
Sam Marcus, Jewish Commuity Cen-
ter Day Camp, Detroit, will interview
for men Counselors.
Mr. Skolnick, Fresh Air Society, De-
troit, wil linterview for men Counselors.
Martin Gold Head Counselor, Camp
Farvand, will interview male Counselors
for Scoutcrafts and male and female
Counselors for Arts and Crafts.
Arnet Cole, Ann Arbor YMCA, will
interview for Counselors.
Mrs. H. Cross, Ann Arbor YWCA, will
interview for Counselors.
Rush Cattell, Camp Cherokee, Steu-
ben, Mich., will interview for male
Mrs. Barbara Lide, Field Director,
Camp Cedar Lake, Waterloo Recreation
Area, Chelsea, Mich., will interview for
women Counselors.
Miss Perl Berlin, CIO Children's Camp,
will interview for Counselors.
Thursday, April 26:
Petoskey Playhouse, Petoskey, Mich;,
will interview for Technical and Acting
Personnel for positions in Equity Sum-
mer Stock, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please call
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., Ext. 371.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tuesday, April 24:
General Motors Corp.,Detroit, Mich.
Women in Math., Statistics, or =Elec-
tronics. Also stenographers, typists, and
Canada Life Assurance Co., Jackson,
Mich. branch-men for "Sales.
Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., De-
troit, Mich.-men for Sales.
The National Bank of Jackson, Jack-
son, Mich.-men for Executive Training
Program. Prefer graduates in the area
of Bus. Ad. or some allied field.
Wednesday, April 25:
General Motors Corp.-men in LS&A
and BusAd for Public Relations and
Advertising Section. Employment for
this particular assignment would begin
Aug. 27 an dend Dec. 10, 1956. There
is a possibility of further opportunity
with Fisher Body or Gen. Motors. There
are also openings for men in BusAd.,
.'ub. Rel., Advert., Econ., English, Engrg.,
Journalism, and Speech as Lecturer-
'Trainees for th8 GM Parade of Progress.
Must, qualify for Michigan Driver's
The Wurzburg Co., Grand Rapids,
Mich,men and women interested in
Pers., Merchandsling, Advert., Control
and Operating, and other phases of re-
tail store work for Junior Executive
Thurs., April 26:
Moore Business Forms, Inc., Detroit
Mich.-men for Sales.
Ross Laboratories, for positions
throughout U.S.-men for Sales Train-
U.S. Gropes For Initiative
'Associated Press News Analyst
Dulles are feeling their way toward a new
expression of free world initiative in the cold
war, but so far it hasn't jelled.
Perhaps purposely, they have spoken in
generalities to Russia and to America's Western
allies about a means of creating better world
Both chose audiences from the press. The
President spoke to the American Society of
Newspaper Editors, the secretary to the annual '
-luncheon of the Associated Press, within, a
period of 48 hours.
If Russia wants to impress the world, the
President said, she must proceed from denun-
ciation of Stalin's conduct at home tfo correct
the errors he made abroad-the curtailment,
and continued attempted curtailment, of the
right of free determination for other peoples.
Dulles, on his part, seems to be proposing a
crusade by Western civilization, in which the
members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
zation, and their associates in interlocking
defense organizations throughout the world,
should join to spread more independence, ac-
companied by economic development, against a
background of human brotherhood.
THIS IS ALL but an open bid for the Euro-
pean allies to join the long-term economic
Editorial Staff
aid program for underdeveloped and uncom-
mitted countries for which the Washington ad-
ministration is now working in Congress.
Dulles apparently confined himself to gen-
eralities in order to avoid any seeming pressure,
and to give the movement a chance to get
started on a universally yvoluntary basis rather
than have it bear the tag of a purely American
In his reference to spreading independence he
also avoided anything tending to raise the
hackles of any of America's allies. He confined
himself to general principles, but pointing out
that in such wdrk the more stable nations had
an opportunity to revitalize their own civiliza-
tions, as well as to receive benefits from the
civilizations of others.
The proposals are far, from being as specific
as was the original outlinefor the Marshall
Plan. But their projection into something con-
crete, after Dulles gets the views of his foreign
associates at the forthcoming NATO conference
in Paris, might be the beginning of something
of even more profound importance.
The Dulles speech also serves as a preconfer-
ence reply to those associates who have been
suggesting that the United States and NATO
should advance from their prepared military
positions of defense into a more positive ap-
proach to world problems.
New Books at the Library
Cary, Joyce-A House of Children; N.Y., Har-
per & Bros., 1956.
Cronin, Vincint-The Wise Man from the
West.; N.Y., E. P. Dutton, 1956.
Garnett, David-Aspects of Love; N.Y., Har-
court Brace, 1956.
Kirst, Hans Hellmut-The Revolt of Gunner
Asch; Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1956.
Miller, Harlari-There's a Man in the House;
N.Y., Random House, 1955.
Miller, Merle-A Secret Understanding; N.Y.,
Viking Press, 1956. -
Mountevans, Admiral Lord-The Antartic
Challenged;.N.Y., John de Graff, 1956.
1Postgate, Raymond--Story of a Year.: 1848;
N.Y., Oxford University Press, 1956.
Scherer, Margaret R.-Marvels of Ancient
'Churches Can Aid Southern Integration'
On May 17, 1952 the Supreme Court
outlawed segregation in the public
With the decision now two years old,
eight states-virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Florida, Gerogia, Ala-
bama, Louisiana, and Mississippi-have
stood their southern ground, not inte-
grating a single Negro.
Forcing compliance by sending federal
troops or witholding grants are short-
run correctives and miss the point.
Prejudice is a poison of the mind.
Our moral minds are influenced to a
great degree by our religious beliefs,and
thus by the churches. If Southern
minds must be purified, perhaps
Southern churches can help do the job.
President Eisenhower and others have
recommended this step.
In light of this, the Daily asked two
Ann Arbor ministers for an analysis
of the churches' role in securing inte-
gration. Both minister in the South's
two largest Protestant faiths-Methodist
and Baptist.
Rev. Merrill R. Abbey, of the First
Methodist Church, gives his views in
today's article. Rev. Duane L. Day, of
the First Baptist Church will view the
situation in tomorrow's Daily. The
series was organized by Jim Elsman.
THING the churches can do
something to promote integra-
tion in the South.
As an agency forming and fo-
nerinr nhblic ninijn it nan .As
religious association and in part by
other aspects of their environment
and experience. In other words,
the church does not exclusively
direct the affairs of its members.
Second, Protestant churches set
great value on personal freedom
and democratic procedure. Their
leaders may be ever so committed
to integration, but the church can
only be effective in proportion as
the great cross-section of its mem-
bers become deeply convinced. This
takes time.
* * *
THIRD, it is very important for
us in the North to remember that
our friends in the South are de-
termined to handle this matter
for themselves, and this applies to
churches as well as other segments
of society.
Because of the sad heritage of
sectional tensions, pressure from
the North--in or out of the Church
-may only serve to make the task
more difficult for men of good
will in the South. What can be
accomplished by the Church must
be done by the Church in the lo-
calities affected, not by outside
Indeed, churches are acting on
the ikr'ration n-nhlem nw .The
one can command their consciences
or "deliver their vote."
The Methodist Church is cur-
rently struggling with a problem
of its own in this regard. Ad-
ministratively the Methodist Con-
ferences 'of the U.S. are divided
into six Jurisdictions, five of which
are geographical, the sixth or
Central Jurisdiction being racial.
Most of the approximately 400,000
Negroes 'of the Methodist Church
are grouped in this Central Juris-
This does not mean that Negroes
and whites may not belong to the
same congregations on an unseg-
regated basis.
I am happy to say that the
church I serve in Ann Arbor is
one of many which have Negro
members in a predominantly white
parish. The Negro parishes, how-
ever, are separated into the Cen-
tral Jurisdiction.
* * *
WHETHER THIS is to continue
promises to be a principal issue at
the quadrennial General Confer-
ence of the Methodist Church, to
be held in Minneapolis, April 25
to May 9. The question of segre-
gation is certainly involved, ' al-
thonuLh it i. -not tn h everloAkrd
DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG................Magazine
DAVID KAPLAN ....................... Feature]
JANE HOWARD ...................... Associate
LOUISE TYOR........................Associate7
PHIL D GLIS ........................ SportsI
ALAN EI NBERG ............ Associate Sports3
JACK HORWITZ .............. Associate Sports
MARY HELLTHALER................Women's
ELAINE EDMONDS ......... Associate Women'sl
... "God has made of one blood"
thodist Bishop William C. Martin
do in Texas some time ago.
In the Roman Catholic Church,
whose organization makes possible
the disciplining o fa whole parish,
there have been instances of vig-
orous action by high ecclesiastical
JOHN HIRTZEL............. ..... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM .................... Business Manager