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April 24, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-24

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24, 1956




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Gomberg, Cooley, Van Tyne
Triumph in IM Softball Tilts

Canham Pleased By Relays;
Squad Plagued By Injuries
I BOB R[ B LfT~l

A Name... Golf and Recreation
THE FIRST COLUMN is probably always 'th'e hardest . .. maybe
even more difficult than finding the right name for the stock
column headline above these words.
It is probably best at this time that I take the egotistical, editorial
liberty to explain the brief background behind "the greyline." After
eliminating some of the too "colorfully" clever variations of a name,
I finally succumbed to "the greyline"-that middle-ground, especially
in the world of sports where one thing is never 100% cut-and-dried,
never "just a score." Others may prefer the black or white; I'll stick
to the area in-between .. .
. * * *
An Ever-Growing Pastime .. .
RECREATION HAS BEEN in recent years an ever-increasing Ameri-
can pastime. You can see the trends as more people seek more
recreation to relieve the greater tensions of fast-paced lives.
It is this writer's opinion that today's "minor" sports will be
gaining ifi popularity; the kings of intercollegiate competition-football,
basketball, and baseball-may very well be near their peaks.
Not that Saturday afternoons in the fall will see smaller crowds
or that the field houses will be less filled in the winter, but other
sports-golf, tennis, bowling-will probably have an even increased
following and more competition.
Let's take golf, seldom in the big headlines, as an example.
This recreational sport already
reaches millions. And chances are
that America may be heading into
a shorter work week; we need,
psychologists say, more leisure
time. New highways will make the
inviting fairways and greens even
"closer" to the public., (The state
of Michigan-third in the country
behind California and Florida in
tourist trade-will have even more q
tourists when the Upper Peninsula
is connected directly to the main-
land via the gigantic Mackinac Ā£ #
Bridge.) People will seek more
But despite the rapid trends to-
ward expansion, a sport such as .. ~
golf has and should remain pretty
much a recreation on an inter-
collegiate level.
Golf is a strange mixture of re- / x
lexation and tension. It is a game
for people of all ages, and temper- BERT KATZENMEYER
aments. It has many moods, psy- ... in tenth year
chological and physical pressures.
The powers of concentration are unpredictable with a cold score-
sheet ironically symbolic of your effort. Even team competition,
however,"can't keep the sport frogi being individual participation. Golf
is one of the few sports in which we compete entirely against our-
selves and some inanimate object.
A Season Build-up ...
THIS FACT leads into the philosophy of the game. Michigan Coach
Bert Katzenmeyer is not atypical in wanting experience before
winning in his team's Season-long build-up to the Big Ten champion-
ships at Evanston, Ill., on May 25-26. Dual meets, such as this past
weekend's windy and cold 24-12 win over Michigan State, help
4 Katzenmeyer to know more about his evenly-balanced team and his
players to know more about themselveĀ§. The same is true of the
Southern tour each spring vacation.
The good-looking coach, who was a star in his competing days at
Alma College, has a full-somewhat pleasing, somewhat confused-job
in trying to find .the right combination of his young team.
Four of Katzenmeyer's players, John Schubeck, Skip MacMichael,
} Fred Micklow, and Steve Uzelac, who all played in last year's solid
fourth place' Big Ten finish, hill be back again next spring. Prospects
could be bright, but there is just no sure way of knowing.
Katzenmeyer calls this season one of "watchful waiting . . . I
frankly don't know the strengths of the other Conference teams." He
admits that the comparatively full spring schedule is mainly, "to get
better acquainted with other team members . . . and play more
His calmness and seeming unconcern over the 1956 golf season is
place finisher. Michigan is rated as a possible title threat this spring
somewhat deceiving. He is actually striving for the best performance
possible, under a reasonably relaxed atmosphere. His teams in the nine
years that he has been at Michigan have fluctuated all the way from
three Conference champions, several also-rans, and even a ninth-place
finisher. Michigan is rated as a possible title threat this spring for
the first time in about four years.
A participating coach, Katzenmeyer ranks on about a par in ability
with the better of his players. Practices will often find him out on the
links, shooting with his team. Off season, he spends most of his time
in personal instruction and seldom gets to play golf strictly "for the
fun of it." Maybe the reason for this partly comes in that golf is no
longer basically a recreational pastime for him.
Variety is the spice of life, and for many, so is such a social

Gomberg downed a red-hot Lloyd
team yesterday afternoon 11-6 in
I-M softball action.
Battling both the Lloyd batters
and the cold wind that swept the
field, Gomberg pitcher Herb Schley
finally downed the hard hitting
Lloyd nine.
Doug Deweke also turned in a
nice pitching performance for the
losers, but the men of Gomberg
had on their hitting suits.
Rap Only 12 Hits
Meanwhile Cooley walloped Kel-
sey 23-0 in a game that was mark-
ed by poor pitching and fielding.
The Cooley nine couldn't be held
down as they collected their 23
runs with only 12 hits.
The smothering loss could partly
be accounted for by the fact that
Kelsey House was weakened by
the loss of their star pitcher, Frank
In another big game VanTyne
downed Michigan House in a hard
hitting game, 11-8. The winners
collected seven hits off fair pitch-
ing, while the losers had to settle
,for six.
Boe Hurls Shutout
Veteran pitcher Gary Boe, who
garnered 15 strikeouts in a single
game last season, showed fine form
again yesterday as he led Hayden
House to an 8-0 rout of Huber
Williams House chalked up its
fourth consecutive victory as they
rolled over Anderson, 13-1. Bob
Lovell showed some goot pitching
style as he claimed the win.
In a close game Wenley came
out victorious over Greene House,
8-5. In two other high scoring
games Allen Rumsey overpowered
Winchell 13-9 in a hitters duel, and
Reeves completely routed Hinsdale
Strauss forfeited to Taylor House
in the other residence hall soft-
ball contest.

In the fraternity softball league,
Phi Sigma Delta made a sixth in-
ning comeback to edge Kappa Sig-
ma, 8-7. The late inning rally
was marked by hits by Jerome
Warchaizer and Don Lipski.
In another fraternity game, Del-
ta Sigma Phi was overpowered by
Phi Sigma Kappa, 16-10. This,
game was marked by excessive hit-I
ting and poor fielding.
In the last fraternity game Sig-
ma Nu downed Theta Xi by the
close 'score of 4-3. Both pitchers
did a creditable job and the game
was marked by few errors.
'M' Bowlers
Finish Third
IOWA CITY, Iowa (A)-Michi-
gan placed third in the Big Ten
bowling tournament held here
Saturday, finishing behind Wis-
consin and Michigan State.
The Wolverines amassed 2,626
points, while the Badgers had
2,736 and the Spartans 2,655.
Michigan's Jim Godfrey was
first in the all-events competition
with 1,703 points. He also paired
with Phil Eichie to win the doubles
competition with 1,189 points,
while Irwin Wagner and Fred Gor-
don, also of Michigan, placed third
with 1,100 points.;

Bruce Fox, versatile Michigan right hander, is shown firing a pitch
in yesterday's game with Wayne, won by the Wolverines, 2-1. Fox,
regular outfielder, made his first start on the mound and turned
in a brilliant one-hitter against the Tartars.
WO verines Battle Today
With Western Michigan

Pace Still Out
Jim Pace, Michigan halfback
who injured his back in Satur-
day's scrimmage, is still in Uni-
versity Hospital today.
The full extent of his injury
is not yet known.


(Continued from Page 1)
home. Ken Tippery reached first
on an error and with Boros at the
plate, Tommelein stole third. When
catcher Herndon let the ball slip
by him Tommelein darted home
with the winning run.
Fox Fans Three
After the first inning Straughn's
hurling was very effective. He
gave up only two additional walks
and recorded six more strike outs.
Fox was credited with three strike
outs and two bases on balls.
The big gun for the Maize and
Blue was Tommelein with two for
three at the plate, a run batted in
and two stolen bases, one of these
registering the winning run.
In the sixth inning Tommelein
smacked a single to rightfield, but

was thrown out when trying to
stretch it into a double.
Sigman also broke into the bat-
ting column with a single into
left field, immediately after which
he pilfered second base.
Today Fisher's squad journeys to
Kalamazoo to play Western Michi-
gan. The teams have not played
each other this season, since the
game scheduled for last week was
snowed out.
This weekend the Wolverines
will host Indiana on Fridayand
Ohio State in a double header on

y), 1 OI IJF N
Michigan track coach Don Can-
ham viewed his squad's perform-
ance .at Saturday's Ohio Relays
with mixed feelings.
,The Wolverines led all other
competing schools as they took
firsts in three relays and three in-
dividual events.
Matheson Injures Thigh
However, clouding Michigan's
performance Saturday and its
track future was a pulfed thign
muscle sustained by Don Mathe-
son. The mile-relay star will be
out indefinitley. Canham added
that mumps victim George Gluppe,
top relay man, will be lost for the
The one bright note among the
gloom is that middle-distance
runner Pete Gray, another mumps
victim, will be able to resume prac-
tice in a week or two.
Praises Relay Team
Canham, who served as referee
at the Relays, was extremely pleas-
ed with the performances of both
the 880-yd. and mile-relay teams.
In spite of winds reaching veloci-
ties of 30 to 40 miles per hour, both
foursomes turned in excellent
On the other side of the pic-
There are still openings for
freshmen interested in trying
out as football managers.
Anyone interested should re-
port to Ferry Field or contact
David Lundquist at NO 2-6373.
Managers Council
Anyone interested in becom-
ing a baseball manager contact.
me at either NO 2-5964 or NO
-Steve Koplin
ture, however, Canham felt dis-
appointment in the performances
of Bob Appleman in the pole vault,
Dale Eldred, Chuck Jung and Ken
Bottoms in the discus and George;
Scott in the shot put, all of whom
were below par.
In Saturday's meet, the 880 team
composed of Bob Rudesill, Dick
Flodin, Bob Brown, and Laird
Sloan flashed around the course in
the brilliant time of 1:26.7, a bare
one-tenth of a second off the all-
time Varsity record.
Flodin Whips Sowell
The mile relay was highlighted
by Flodin's :47.6 anchor quarter
as he held off a bid by Pittsburgh's
Arnie Sowell to save the victory

for the Wolverines. The other
three legs of the event were run
by Sloan, Rudesill and Robin Var-
All three man sped their quar-
ter-miles in under 50 seconds, to
give the team a 3:15.8 time for the
Major League
W L Pet. GB
New York ..... 5 1 .833 -
Chicago ...... 4 1 .800 %
Kansas City ... 3 . 2 .600 112
Boston.......3 3 .500 2
Washington ... 3 4 .429 22
Cleveland .., 2 4 .333 3
Detroit........2 4 .333 3
Baltimore....2 5 .286 3
Detroit at Kansas City (post-
poned-cold weather)
Chicago at Cleveland (postponed
-cold weather)
Boston at Baltimore (postponed
--cold weather)
Detroit at Kansas City
Boston at Baltimore
Washington at New York
W L Pct. GB
Milwaukee .... 4 2 .667
Brooklyn...... 4 2 .667 -
Chicago....... 3 2 .600
Philadelphia .. 3 3 .500 1
New York......3 3 .500 1
St. Louis ...... 3 3 .500 1
Pittsburgh .... 2 4 .333 2
I*Cincinnati .... 1 4 ..200 2
Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 1
New York at Pittsburgh (post-
poned-cold weather)
Rookie Wins
impatiently in 40-degree weather,
the Brooklyn Dodgers hurried
through to a 6-1 victory over the
Philadelphia Phillies in a little
aver two hours last night behind
the nine-hit pitching of rookie Don
on US 23 and Packard Rd.


Keller, I

OutIf oxed
on, ef........4 0
n, 2b ........ 4 0
if ........... 4 0
, lb ........ 4 0
3b ......... 4 0
ein ss....... 1 0
, rf .........2 1
i, c . .. . . . 3 0
n, P ......... 2 0
............ 2 8 1

Golf Squad Shows Strength In Opener
been seen in the past few seasons, last year's meet, two notches above
If the linksters' performance in the Wolverines trounced the Spart- Michigan.
their home opener is any indica- ans by a 24-12 count Saturday aft- Showing Pleases Coach
tion of things-to come, Michigan ternoon at the University golf Coach Bert Katzenmeyer was
could have one of the stronger course. quite pleased with the team's
golf squads in the Big Ten. The team once again demon- showing against Michigan State.
Pitted against a much stronger strated their fine over all balance. He commented that the team play-
Michigan State team than has In the morning round, five of the ed quite well, especially consider-*
. eight Wolverines broke 80, despite ing the extremely bad weather con-
Claims Rocky ' some of the worst possible golf ditions.
weather. The weather was a particular
PlansToQ itAfterLoeb Paces Squad hardship in the afternoon round.
SAfterplaying 72 holes of com- Only Uzelac of the 16 players on
C H I C A G O (P)-Heavyweight petitive golf this season, Henry both teams was able to break 80.
champion Rocky Marciano defi- Loeb leads the team in scoring The high scores were, however,
nitely ha's decided to .retire from with 309 shots. However, only 12 more a result of tiredness and the
the ring, the Chicago Sun-Times strokes separate him from the weather, than any lack of ability.
said yesterday. seventh man on the team. Tie for Honors
A story writtenby sports colum- Behind Loeb, the team is even Both Uzelac and Loeb gave ex-
nist Gene Kessler said "An Of- more tightly bunched. Second cellent performances for the link-
ficial announcement to this effect place to seventh is separated by -sters. They tied for medalist hon-
will be made in two or three a mere six strokes. ors with scores of 157 and each
weeks. John Schubeck rates second accounted for valuable points in
"That is my conclusion, after honors with 315, followed by Steve the scoring.
talking with the champion and his Uzelac, who tied Loeb for medalist Uzelac, teamed with Skip Mac-
manager, Al Weill," Kessler said. honors in Saturday's meet, with a Michael, won 21 of three points
Marciano ahd Weill left Chicago 318. in the morning round, and he shut
Monday for Holland, Mich. Travel to Columbus out his Spartan opponent in the
Kessler said that Weill told him, The Wolverines will have one afternoon's meadlist play, win-
"We won't make a definite de- I of their biggest tests of the sea- ning all three points.
cision on the subject for two or son in next week's meet. In a quad- The team of Loeb and Dave
three weeks." ' rangular met at Columbus, O., the Wakely blanked Michigan State
"At the same time," said Kess- linksters will face Ohio State, in the morning, to add three points
ler, "he admitted that: 1. There is Purdue and Indiana. to Michigan's score.
no outstanding challenger who can This meet should give a good Both Stan Kwasiborski and Fred
draw a satisfactory gate for a indication as to the strength of Micklow blanked their opponents
heavyweight championship this the team. Purdue, last year's Con- in medalist play, winning all three
year; and 2. Rocky is so far out of ference champion, has six re- points. Schubeck did almost as
tiaining it would take a longer turning lettermen, and ranks' as well, tieing the back nine and
period than usual for him to work one of the powers of Big Ten golf, winning the front nine for 2'
into fighting condition. Ohio State finished second in points.

Benedict, ss.........
Tommelein, If........
Tippery, 2b .........
Boros, 3b1)...........
Sigman, rf..........
Sealby, lb..........
Snider. e... ....
Ronan, ef..........





Totals ...............30

"While Rocky gives his weight
as 210, it was learned he is nearer
220, which is 31% pounds more
than he weighed for his last de-
fense when he knocked out Archie
Moore in the ninth round on Sept.
21, 1955."

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