X, FEBRUARY 15, 1956
roVut, am~
Hypnotist Will Appear
In 'Fun With The Mind'
"Fun With the Mind" featuring
Franz Polgar will be presented at
8:15 p.m. Friday at Hill Audi-
Sponsored by Assembly and
IHC, Polgar will perform memory
stunts, mental telepathy and hyp-
notic tests as he appears at the
tniversity for the first time since
Fun With the Mind" will con-
sist of two parts. .The first feat-
ures what Polgar calls "feats of
the mind." As a part of the pro-
gram, he challenges the audience
to hide his check for the night's
show and if he fails to find it, the
showis "on him."
Telepathy Portion
In this telepathy portion he will
find any object hidden by the
audience, aided only by mental
directions given by someone who
knows its whereabouts-without
uttering a sound.
One of the memory tricks on
Polgar's agenda is to memorize
the entire contents of a current
To Be Held
In Bowling
Team entry blanks for the WAA
sponsored bowling tournament are
to be turned in at the House
Athletic Manager's meeting to be
held at 5 p.m. today.
The winning team will be the
one maintaining the highest aver-
age score throughout the'tourney
for five or more games.
Special recognition will also be'
given to the individual bowler
carrying the highest average, and
to the team and individual rolling
the highest game throughout the
Bowling Alleys
Bowling alleys in the Women's
Athletic Building will be open for
coeds who wish to practice there
from 4 to 6 p.m. today and tomor-
row. Students may reserve an
alley by calling NO 3-1511, Ext.
A special feature of the tourna-
ment is that no team will be elimi-
nated because of low bowling aver-
ages. This gives coeds a chance to
develop their bowling skills, with-
out being eliminated, while they
} learn.
Each time, one member of a
participating team will set pins and
not bowl for that game.
Game Substitutions
Substitutions during the game
may not be made and each team
member starting a game must
complete it if her score is to count
toward her team average.
4In order to compete for the
championship title, each team
must bowl at least five games.
Each house may enter any number
of teams in competition.
Failure of a team to appear or
improper cancellation will auto-
matically withdraw a team from
the tournament.
Promptness Necessary
'Each team is to be ready to bowl
at their appointed time or their
scores will not count. To properly
cancel a game, a team representa-
tive should call NO 3-1511, Ext.
702, by noon- of the day the team
is scheduled to play.
For any further information,
students may contact Joan Sakai,
bowling manager, at NO 2-2591.
magazine. He'll pass the pages
around the audience and then reel
off the text and descriptions of
the photographs of any page num-
ber called for.
How does Polgar do this? His
answer is "thought-transference."
He claims no magic powers, but
admits to the possession of a high-
ly developed extra-sensory per-
ception. This might be classified
as a sixth sense.'
Mind Reading
In addition to his telepathic
stunts, the program will also feat-
ure some mind reading.
The second half of the programp
will present more of Polgar's men-
tal gymnastics. The demonstra-
tions of hypnosis will involve par-
ticipation by the audience. Per-
sons under his command will fall
asleep, shiver at the suggestion
that it has suddenly become very
cold and become too weak to pick
up a book from the floor when
Polgar informs them that it
weighs at least 500 pounds.
Tickets for the performance will
be on sale until just before the
show at the Hill Auditorium box
Polgar has worked with psycho-
analysis and vocational research,
in addition to doing investigations
on hypnosis and other psychic phe-
nomena. He is also a member of
the board of directors of the
American Platform Guild.
Alpha Phi Plans
Charity Affair
For Heart Fund
Centered around a Valentine
heart theme, Alpha Phi will pre-
sent a card benefit from 1:30 to
5 p.m. and from 8to 11 p.m. Sat-
urday at the sorority house lo-
cated on Hill St.
Proceeds from the affair will
go to the Cardiac Aid Heart Fund,
the sorority's national project. Al-
pha Phi provides aid to rheumatic
fever victims and others suffering
from heart disorders in addition
to financial aid for cardiac re-
Guests at the affair will have
an opportunity to play bridge,
canasta, gin rummy and various
other card games. Refreshments
of cookies and coffee and tea will
be served.
Homemade candy will also be
The benefit card party is open
to all students and townspeople.
Theo John, Alpha Phi philan-
thropic chairman, is in charge of
the event. She is assisted by Lin-
da Sutton.
-Daily-Hal Leeds
APOTHECARY BALL-Sandra Brauman, co-chairman of Apothe-
cary Ball, tells pharmacy student Norman Heller about the annual
dance to be held from 9 to 12 p.m. Friday at the League.
Pharmacy Students To Give
Apothecary Ball at League
Students To Analyze
Educational System
"American Education Through
European Eyes" will be the topic
for an International Student As-
sociation sponsored discussion at
8 p.m. Friday in the recreation
room of the International Center.
European and American gradu-
ate students will present an analy-
sis of the United States' educa-
tional system .from its social, aca-
demic, and political aspects and
compare it to the system used on
the Continent.
Representing Europe will be
Charles Spillman of Sv land,
Odile Benoit, from Fr . Ole
Lando of Denmark and Hans Yag-
er of,Germany.
American Viewpoints
American viewpoints will be of-
fered by Milton Tamres; assistant
professor of chemistry and James
Prendergast of the law school.
Geoffrey de Deney from Oxford,
now studying graduate law will act
as moderator.
Starting the program, Spillman
and Prendergast will present a
brief summary of the main aspects
of the systems of education used
in Europe and in the United
Third in a Series
Third in a series of discussions
between American students and
students representing other nation-
al or regional groups, the program
will allow participants to present
their points of view on the merits
and faults of American education.
The series is designed to clarify
misconceptions American students
may have about the political and
cultural patterns of other nations
and thus contribute to interna-
tional understanding.
Chairman Chosen
Alice Spuelher of Switzerland is
chairman of the series.
Throughout the semester other1
discussions between American and
international students will be of-
Continuing until the end of May,
the discussions will deal consecu-
tively with the countries of India,
Japan, Turkey, Africa, Pakistan
and Korea.
April 20 and 21 stand out on
Spring calendar of events as dates
of the University's biggest "fun
weekend," Michigras, a gala car-
nival sponsored biennially by the
Women's Athletic Association and
the Union.
A giant parade consisting of
floats constructed by members of
residence halls, fraternities and
sororities plus other attractions
begins the weekend.
The carnival portion is held in
Yost Field House, with 1;30 a.m.
permission granted coeds both
Committees in Charge
In charge of planning the big
event and organizing its activi-
ties is a central committee and.
13 sub-committees.
"Although functions of the dif-
ferent committees vary greatly
each plays an important part in
making the weekend a success,"
Paula Strong, general co-chairman
Active since the middle of Oc-
tober, these planning forces of'
Michigras have created a firm
foundation for the event, but the
bulk of the work remains to be
completed in the weeks ahead.
Show Theme
One of the first problems of
the central committee was to se-
lect a theme for the show.
"Tempos Through Time" was>
decided upon as a musical theme
"having endless possibilities for
all aspects of the event."
Theme ideas may extend from
the bongo drums of primitive man,
through the stately minuets of
Mozart to the frolicking gay nine-
ties, and the rip-roaring twenties,
right up to the modern jazz age
according to co-chairmen, Barney
Helzberg and Miss Strong.
Motion and Color
Helzberg also remarked that he
thought this theme will provide an
opportunity for "more motion and
color than those of previous
The theme of the last Michigras,
"Life's A Book," depicted chapters
in the life of a Michiworm.
Symbol of the 1956 carnival is
Michiclef, a straw hatted, jolly
figure wtio will appear on all Mi-
chigras papers, leaflets and post-
ers as official representative of
the theme.
Booths and Floats
Progress was also made in the
direction of booths for the Field
house and parade floats. Booths
co-chairmen Lynn Garver and
Charlie Wood and parade co-
chairmen Libby Garland and Bill
Miller held a Booths and Floats
meeting for house representatives
early last month.
Each house teamed up with a
partner for the floats and repre-
sentatives attending the meeting
were told of procedures regarding
WAA, Union Schedule Michigras
fire regulations and the requisi-
tioning system.
From a vantage point in a stand
in front of the Union, judges
viewed the last parade as it moved
along State Street from Liberty
St. to the Union.
It was estimated that more than
three miles of lumber and 250,000
paper napkins were used in the
production of the floats.
Miss Garver and Wood described
the booths setup. The three types,
show, refreshments and skill, will
be judged on the basis of such
criteria as originality, selling abili-
ty and carnival spirit.
Co-chairmen will select the tro-
phies which will be awarded to
winning booths and parade floats
at Michigras.
All proceeds netted from tQ
weekend of fun and entertainment
will go to charity.
dcro~'44 Copa
Pharmacy students are putting
away their mortars and pestles
Friday evening, to attend the all-
campus Apothecary Bal. from 9
p.m. to midnight in the League
Organizations sponsoring the
dance are Lambda Kappa Sigma,
National Professional Pharmacy
Sorority; Phi Delta Chi, Pharma-
ceutical Fraternity and the Stu-
dent Branch of the American
Pharmaceutical Association.
"Ye Apothecary Shoppe" will
feature the music of Don Kenney's
Orchestra with Carol Kenney as
Tickets to Be Sold
Unique tickets are being sold
in the form of a prescription, with
the proceeds going to charity.
In order for students to be ad-
mitted to the Ball, they will have
to present this prescription at the
A homelike 'atmosphere will pre-
vail at the dance with decorations
featuring a neighborhood pharma-
cy. This theme will be achieved by
painted replicas of portions of a
typical store.
Apothecary Globe
Co-Chairmen Sandra Brauman
and Marshall Grillo announce that
couples will dance around a color-
ful Apothecary Globe, symbol of
the pharmaceutical profession.
Programs for Apothecary Ball
contain a small gold seal in the
form of a mortar and pestle. Apo-
thecary Ball will be printed in gold
letters on a blue and white back-
Women are asked to wear dressy
dresses while suits are in order for
the men. Each coed attending
the ball will receive cologne by
Dance Chairmen
Ticket chairmen for the dance
are Chu Kwan and Trenna Ed-
monson while Bob Dunsky and
Barbara Peshkin are in charge of
Jan Warner and Carol Cook are
working on decorations and Vicki
Middleton and Stan Kulakowski
are in charge of publicity. Bart
Feldman and Anne Doerr are in
charge of the patrons committee.
Although this dance is primar-
ily planned and sponsored for
pharmacy students and their dates,
all students on campus are invited
to attend. The Apothecary Ball
is an annual dance and is held
each spring.
IJunior Girls Play Chairmen Chosen'
General chairman of the 1956
Junior Girls Play is Nancy Mac-
Donald ,assisted by Jan Do4gett.
Helping Miss Arnold to direct
the production will be Ellie Hop-
per, while Alicia Tarrant and
Jeanie Newel will handle the du-
ties of secretary and treasurer.
The original script is the prod-
uct of Sally Miller with costumes
being designed by Thelma Kava-
nau and Nancy Herkenhoff.
The stage crew will be headed
by Katy O'Harra and Carol Kirsh-
ner as Mary Sue Curry and Sally
Truesdell provide props.
Choreography is being done by
Robbie Arnold and her assistants
Patti Drake and Gaille Valentine.
h Music Director Judie Shagrin
has written much of the original
score with the help of choral °di-
rector Judy Huber and transposer-
arranger Charlene Paullin.
Make-up of the cast members
will be under the direction of Mary
Bloemendal and Sally Lyon.
General publicity will be done
by Joan Sayles with Janie Fowler
handling newspaper coverage and
Ginny Royal devising stunts. Pos-
ters chairman is Barbara Mc-
Dee Galonska will prepare the
programs and Abbly Justice will
conduct ticket sales. Head of the
ushers will be Ann Sterling.
JGP - Tryouts for the Junior
Girls Play will be from 3 to 5 p.m.
and from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. today
through Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30
a.m. Saturday and from 3 to 5
p.m. Monday.
* *
be a Senate meeting at 4 p.m. to-
day in the League. Senators are
asked to bring in their election
Members of the Camp Counselors
Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. today
in the small lounge of the Women's
Athletic Building.
MICHIGRAS-There will be a
Michigras central committee neet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The room will be posted.
-There will be a House Athletic
Manager's Meeting at 5:10 p.m
today at the WAB.
JR. MICHIFISH-All members
of Junior Michifish will meet at
8:15 p.m. tomorrow. This meet-
ing will include those who pre-
viously met at 8:15 p.m. Wednes-
day's and on Friday afternoons.
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