Sixty-Sixth Year
4All Right, You Guys-Line Up"
Opinions Are Free.
h Will Preval*
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
---- ,
Y, FEBRUARY 15, 1956
Only One Side Presented
By Fraternity Bias Critics
. II
. "x. . , ,'-
NEW SCOOP of dirt has been scraped
against the fraternity system. Alfred Mc-
lung Lee's recent book, Fraternities Without
rotherhood, has inspired non-affiliates and
sgruntled fraternity men to a new series of
,tacks on the number one sore spot of the
ation's fraternities and sororities.
The latest, a review appearing in New Re-
iblic by former Gargoyle editor, Don Mal-
)lm, typifies the reiteration of age-old preju-
ces against affiliated life in colleges. A sati-
cal insertion of his unfortunate individual
perience touches off a sweeping criticism of
Although his review is partially based on
tct, it follows the familiar subjective approach
ith little attempt' to view fraternities from
ny sort of two sided objective viewpoint.
And surprising as it may seem there are
pto sides. The main difficulty with Malcolm's
view and Lee's book for that matter, is that
ack and white implications are induced.
i RATERNITIES are not all white on the sub-
ject of discrimination so it appears they
re a reactionary body definitely in arrears of
ie liberal tradition. A shape up or ship out
annotation is attached.
Fraternities do discriminate on membership,
.t much less than ten years ago and the situa-
on is getting better all the time. More than
alt the fraternities at the University with
as clauses ten years ago have successfully
?ttled to have them removed and only two or
iree chapters appear to be hopelessly bogged
own with their prejudiced element.
Affiliates knew their bias clauses were a
-ing of the past five years ago and they have
.ickly, on an individual basis, moved to catch
p with the times. With few exceptions fra-
rnities can now pledge any man, if the chap-
r so wishes his membership.
No chapter will ever be forced to pledge any
,udent. But the way is being cleared so a
iapiter can pledge any student. Cases can
e. cited of extra pressure being asserted to
eep Jews or Negroes out of "good white Chris-
an" groups but there is always a residual
ement which can only be eliminated in time.
here was contemporary opposition to having
ie United States government operate the
ation's postal service.
OW that the concrete barriers have been
broken, it will take time to Start the ball
ailing to non-discrimination in practice. Some
eople need an actual positive experience with
Negro or Jew in their living group before
iey will accept thf change. Dropping the
as clause makes these experiences possible.
A parallel can be drawn to the education
tuation in the South. After the Supreme
ourt undermined the integration barriers, the
hange is coming slowly but surely as the
hites and Negroes become accustomed to the,
oser educational association.
The University of Alabama situation might
indicate the change is being retarded, but
such clashes are an integral part of the prog-
ress process. Such clashing experiences al-
though not sq violent may be needed by frater-
nities as they move toward elimination of bias.
Fraternities at the University might be forced
into a needed experience this way. There are
fraternities here which still eliminate "nasty"
sounding names or reject wrong color from
pledging considerations. Other chapters in
the national fraternity have pledged minority
group members. Sometime there will be a
fraternity transfer to the University from
one of these minority groups. The chapter
at the University will then be forced to decide
whether to accept this brother, into the local
chapter. A positive decision will be a necessary
step forward.
Meanwhile picking at the sore spots may
tend to spur the fraternities on to continued
progress toward breaking down discrimination
barriers. But Lee, Malcolm and company
aren't looking at the full picture. They are
presenting a distorted examipation which if
assessed naively by the public will create an
unnecessary hysteria oyer weakness in the na-
tion's affiliated groups.
Managing Editor
Vitamiin D Versus,
Dior In New Battle
DIOR has done it again.
After altering female anatomy to suit eve-
ning clothes, Sir Christian has taken to the
beaches. Dior-styled bathing suits, according
to recent reports, will soon frequent the na-
tion's beach areas. Like the evening wear,
new swimsuits do a more than adequate job of
protecting the female bosom against all prob-
able evils.
Dior-suits cover the body from top to bottom.
High neckline, both in front and back, merges
into what has been termed a "minimized"
bosom, and culminates by covering hips in
varied styles. Typical of the-new line is a suit
with "boy" shorts, in which protection against
sunburn is offered from neck collar to hip
Recalling the furor caused by last year's
Dior-styled evening wear, one is wont to com-
pare the situation in terms of the new bathing
suits. Trends have indicated that women like
sun and its tanning effect. Will they accept
'conservative' Digr-type swimsuits and sacri-
fice blessed sun rays?
Also, it appears as though M. Dior has un-
consciously omitted those women whose struc-
tures forbids use of his innovations.
Quick poll of University men reveals they
do not share same sentiments as the Parisian
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Vioews onArt
A RELATIVELY new periodical
has appeared on campus. Al-
though nameless as yet, it is spon-
sored by the College of Architec-
ture and Design.
The worth of this periodical Is
that its writers , have a definite
point of view and are not merely
reportilig. It is precisely this point
of view that is so vital to the
arts, for by such definite stands
an atmosphere of ferment is cre-
ated, which negates any possi-
bilities of stagnation.
* * *
JOSE F. TERAN'S editorial at-
tempts to suggest a solution to a
problem of the dicotomy between
ideas and the realization of the
whole being. Pointing out the
tendency of modern designers to
"rationalize creativeness," Teran
believes thatsthe creative attitude
should be a comprehensive proc-
ess involving the whole man.
This is a manifesto warning of
the danger of becoming part of a
"cyclic movement." which leads
to decay. Interest is no longer in
the essence of things which seems
to suggest regression, but rather
in existence which is positive and
Existentialism is the philoso-
phical basis which holds forth a
promise to the artist of being what
he Owants to be. He is removed
from the bonds of tradition and
any relation to an absolute.
While the article is stimulating,
it is acutely maddening by its
* * *
CHITECTURE" by Elizabeth Dou-
van indicates the relationships be-
tween values of the architect,
which are essentially involved with
the solution of human problems,
and those corresponding values of
the social scientist.
The use of architecture to ex,
press society's values is nothing
new, although the restatement
$clarifies a concept that is more
real than often apparent. One
only has to turn to the Gothic
cathedral for a manifestation of
the sum total of Medieval values.
Walter A. Peterham's "Visual
Training" is accompanied by ex-
ercises which illustrate that to
have beauty, good architecture
must integrate the elements of
"commodity, firmness and de-
----Tom Bernaky
A meeting for students in-
terested in reviewing or car-
tooning for The Daily will be
held at 5:30 p.m. today in the
Conference Room of the Stu-
dent Publications building.
Positions are open for re-
viewers in: movies and drama,
music, art, books and maga-
zines, as well as editorial car.
Behind Gas Dob o
THE American p blic, not al-
ways versed in the manners
and maneuverings of the world's
greatest deliberative body, the
Senate of the United States, must
be amazed and flabbergasted at
some of the things that have been
happening in the investigation of
natural gas lobbying contribution
offered to Senator Case of South
Amazement No. 1 might be ex-
pressed over the way the special
Senate committee skirted right up
to the point of asking John Neff,
the Superior Oil lobbyist, whether
he had contributed to any other
Senator, but carefully refrained
from doing so.
Amazement No. 2 might be ex-
pressed over why the special com-
mittee was composed as it was:
of two octogenarian Democrats,
George of Georgia and Hayden of
Arizona, both busy, both up for
re-election, and both in need of
raising campaign funds themselves
this year; plus one very alert pro-
gas Republican, Bridges of New
Hampshire; plus one very honest
but naive anti-gas Republican,
Thye of Minnesota.
* * *
AMAZEMENT NO. 3 might be
expressed over why Senator Lyn-
don Johnson, the Democratic lead-
er, together with Fulbright of Ar-
kansas, author of the gas bill,
were almost savage in their atti-
tude toward Case when he first
announced receipt of the $2,500
contribution; also why the Sen-
ate leaders boxed in Senator Hen-
nings, chairman of a regularly
appointed committee, with power
to probe these campaign contribu-
tions, and refused to let him in-
Amazement No. 4 might be ex-
pressed over where and why the
committee picked Charles W.
Steadman, completely unknown in
Washington, and why Steadman
at first treated Case as if he were
a culprit suspected of wrongdoing.
Amazement No. 5 might be ex-
pressed over why Vice President
Nixon hastily ruled that the regu-
lar committee of the Senate, the
Election Committee, entrusted with
the job of probing these matters,
was barred from probing the Case
SENATOR CASE, a modest Me-
thodist minister's son, serving his
first terni in the Senate, violated
the unwritten rule of the Senate
--namely, never to talk about
something embarrassing to a fel-
low Senator. By mentioning that
$2,500 out loud, Case opened the
Pandora's Box of political con-
tributions which various other
Senators and Congressmen had
been given or promised in one of
the most shameful lobbying sprees
this writer has seen in Washing-
That was why Johnson, who has
received heavy oil-gas contribu-
tions for his own campaigns, plead-
ed, coaxed, and finally threatened
Senator Tom Hennings of Missouri
when Hennings wanted to broad-
en the Senate probe.
And why Johnson maneuvered
to force Hienhings' resignation
from the special Elections Com-
mittee, which has charge of prob-
ing campaign contributions,
The special Investigating Com-
mittee was composed of two eld-
erly Democrats and a naive Re-
publican so Bridges could domi-
nate it.
Finally, it's interesting to note
the role of Vice President Nixon.
When the special investigating.
committee first met, it met in his
office-which is unusual. Second,
he immediately ruled that the
Hennings Election Committee had
no jurisdiction-also unusual. The
Vice President gives rulings from
the presiding officers' chair, not
in private.
However, take a look at the
$18,000 personal expense fund rais-
ed secretly for Nixon when he was
in the Senate and you can under-
stand why he wanted to slam
down the lid on the Pandora's Box
of gas-oil contributors.
For the biggest contributors to
his $18,000 personal fund were gas
and oilmen. Not only were they
the heaviest contributors, but they
were greatest in number-a total
of 15.
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regent's Meeting: Fri., March 1
1956. Communications-for consideration
at this meeting must be in the Presi-
dent's hands by March 8.
The Calendar for the Second Semester
of 1955-56 and for the Summer Session
of 1956 will be as follows:
second Semester
from ............. Wed., Feb.
to (inclusive) ......... Sat., Feb. 11
Classes begin ......Mon., Feb. 13
Spring recess
from (evening) ,....... Fri., Mar. 30
to (a.m.) ............ Mon., April 0
Easter ............April 1
Classes end.......... Tues., May 29
Memorial Day ......... Wed., May 30
Study period ........ Thurs., May 31
Examination period
from................Fri., June 1
to (inclusive) ...... Thurs., June 14
Commencement ........ Sat., June 16
summer session
Classes begin
Law School...........Mon., June 18
Other Units . .. Mon. June 25
Independence Day ...... Wed., July 4
Courses End
Six-weeks............. Sat., Aug. 4
Eight-weeks ..... Sat., Aug. 18
Law School....... Fri., Aug. 31.
Sophomore and Freshmen Women
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
plications for Sept. 195. There will be
room for 40 sophomores and 25 fresh-
men who will then be junior and
sophomores respectively. Anyone inter-
ested phone 23225 any week day between
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for an appoint-
ment. Those who already have appli-
cation blanks, please bring them in
immediately ,if interested
A few more ashers are urgently need-
ed for the Burton Holmes travel pic-
tures and for the Polgar show which
will be given Fri., Feb. 17 at 8:15 p.m.
Report at Hill Auditorium at the east
door at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and at 7:15
p.m. Fri.
Rules Governing Participation in Non-
Athletic Extracurricular Activities:
Any regularly enrolled student is el-
gible to participate in nonathletic ex-
tracurricular activities provided he ie
not on academic discipline.
Responsibility for observance of the
eligibility statement is placed directy'
upon the student. In case of doubt of
status, students should inquire at the
Office of Student Affairs. Participation
in an evraurricuar activity in viola-
tion of the requirements may subject a
student to disciplinary action.
In interpretation of the above eligt-
bility statement, the following are
specifically forbidden to participate in
extracurricular activities indicated be-
a) Students on academic discipline
i.e., notification, warning, probation.
action pending, as determined by the
faculty of the college in which the,
student is enrolled. Academic discipline
also includes the terms "Needs oun-
seling"' as used by the School of Musk
and the School of Education. It consti-
tutes ineligibility for participation in
extra-curricular activities as listed be-
b) Part-time and special students
carrying less than twelve hours.
The eligibility requirements must be
met by students participating in such
activities as are listed below.
The list is not exhaustive but 1s.
intended to indicate the kinds of extra-
curricular activities for participation
in which eligibilty is necessary.
a) Participation in public perform-
ances which are sponsored by student
organizations and which require group
rehearsals. Examples: Union Opera,
Junior Girls' Play; productions of the
Gilbert and Sullivan Society, Student
Players, and Inter-Arts Union; per-
formances of Arts Chorale and the Glee
b) Participation in public perform-
}ances which are sponsored by academi
courses and which require group re-
hearsals, for those participants who are
not enrolled in the sponsoring course
for credit. Examples: Ensemble 45, 46
(Orchestra), Ensemble 47, 48 (Bands)
Ensemble 49, 50 (Choir), Voice 11, 14
155, 156 (Opera Workshop.)
c) Staff members of student publi-
cations. Examples: Daily, Gargoyle,
Michiganensian, Technic, Generation,
d) Officers and chairmen of standing
committees in student organizations.
including house groups. This includes
positions in house groups such as social,
athletic, rushing personnel, pledge
training, and publication chairmen,
house managers and stewards.
e) Class officers or candidates, for
such office.
f) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in student government groups.
Examples: Student Government Coun-
cil, Judiciary Councils; Interfraternity
Council, Pan-hellenic Board, Assembly
Board, Interhouse Council, Inter-co-
operative Council, League and Union
student government groups, Music
School Assembly, Business Administra-
tion Council.
g) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances. Examples:
Michigras,' Winter Carnival, League
committees, Frosh week end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Ball, Inter-
fraternity Council. Ball, Homecoming
Dance, Senior Ball, J-Hop.
h) Representatives of offcampus ace
1) Representatives on student-faculty
Special Permission
Special permission to participate in
extracurricular activities in exception
to the regulations may be granted in
.New Tunes in Soviet Song
Associated Press News Analyst
THERE are some tricky words about "Coexis-
tence," "Socialism," different types of revo-
lution and the prospects for peace or war in
Nikita,,Khrushchev's speech to the Communist
Party Congress.
Afinal evaluation of its meaning cannot ba
made until the complete record is available in
this country.
At one point there is-°a phrase, however, for
which students of Communist tactics have
been looking for a long time. It sounds like
renunciation of the Leninist theory that violent
revolution is necessary to put the seal on any
change to Communist government.
That is a point at which non-Communist na-
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert................ ...... City Editor
Murry Frymer....................Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ........... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan................Feature Editor.
Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor . . .............Associate Editor
Pil Douglis. ........Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ...............Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz .........Associate Sports Editor
Mary, Helthaler'..*..... -... ,.,.Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds .. ...Associate Women'sEditor
John Hirtzel ...................... Chief Photographer
tions have been able to slam back at Red
expansionist intentions, and is one of the
chief bases of anti-Communist law in the
United States.
IT -IS A POINT which the Communists have
also evaded themselves, by substituting the
imposition of the "Socialist" state by coercion
in the satellites, using local puppets without
even going through the motions of internal
Khrushchev speaks of the possibility of bring-
ing about stable parliamentary majorities now,
instead of fighting in the streets. Observers
had already noticed that the Reds in France
and Italy, in recent parliamentary crises, were
again working for political position after a
long period in which they had avoided its re-
sponsibilities in favor of disruptive tactics.
For the rest of it, the speech must be read
against the background of other recent Rus-
sian maneuvers.
While continuing the background music of
"sweetness and light," a tone which could also
be recognized in the Khrushchev speech, Soviet
propaganda has been returning to its old
"warmongering" line.
THAT'S why the renegades Burgess and Mac-
Lean were produced at this time, even at
the cost of labeling Molotov and Khrushchev
as liars about their presence in the country.
The story that the former British diplomats
;German Preparatory School System Changing
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of articles by David
Learned, University student studying
at the Free University of Berlin.)
WE WERE very fortunate to have
the opportunity to visit a few
classes in a Berlin high school to
talk with the students and teach-
ers about their system of public
school education, and to tell them
something about our system in
We were also able to spend a
day with a ninth grade class
which was spending a week's va-
cation from school at a youth
center. In addition, one day we
were invited to visit what theo-
retically corresponds to an Amer-
ican teachers' college.
THE STUDENT is graduated
from the preparatory schools af-
ter 13 years of schooling, instead
of 12 as in the United States.
However, he nust do more than
complete 13 years of satisfactory
work-he must also pass the "ma-
turity test." This test is both
oral and written and covers 13
tenderness of the students' earlyj
extra-curricular social relations.
that has taken place is the intro-
duction of discussion periods in
the classrooms. Previously, when
the student was called upon in
the classroom, he rose and ad-
dressed the instructor very cour-
teously. Now, it is too much like
it is in America. It seemed, in
some of the classes, that the stu-
dents had overshot the American
high school students in boldness.
In a ninth grade English class,
those who were not too sure of
the answer to the teacher's ques-
tion raised their hands and
snapped their fingers-and this
was an all-girl class.
In the higher grades the stu-
dents were a bit more reserved
in their, demands for the 'floor,
but the competition was still defi-
nitely to be felt. It was my im-
2ression that the students directed
themselves more against their fel-
low students than as a group for
or against a proposal made by the
acting in plays and delivering ad-
dresses before assemblies of the
whole school.
As I have previously mentioned,
the one test the high school stu-
dent really worries about is the
one 'at the end of all his school-
ing. To be sure, he is regularly
asked to write papers and exams
to see if he is satisfactorily mas-
tering the material presented him.
Students can fail individual classes
just as we.
Consequently, as early as high
school a student must learn to
remember permanently, Because
of this, the exam at the end of
the three or more years at a uni-
versity for a degree is not such a
chimera for the student.
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