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April 19, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-19

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"It Was On That Geneva Trip Last Summer-I Just
Casually Said, 'Drop In Some Time'-


hen Opinions Are Free,
'Erutb Will PrevaWJ

Lunacy Wonderful In
'Arsenic,& Old Lace'
"ARSENIC AND OLD LACE" has earned itself a place in the affec-
tions of many audiences. As a staple of amateur theatrics, it has
long captivated habitues of summer theatres and senior class plays. As
a movie, now probably in its millenium of re-runs, it has presented a
group of personalities that are among the best in film history.
The ungarnished facts of the plot border pretty much on the
ridiculous. Nephew discovers that his d.ear, sweet, kind maiden aunts


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of .staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

URSDAY. APRIL 19. 1956


IHC, Residence Halls Board
Reflect True Student Opinion

BOTH the Inter-House Council and the Resi-
dence Halls Board of Governors are to be
commended for the action each took earlier
this week on the proposed $20 raise in Resi-
dence Halls rates.
Monday's resolution by the IHC "strongly
opposing" the proposed increase was an ac-
curate representation of student opinion.
Few students living in the Residence Halls
'are willing to accept yearly raises in their rent,
when admittedly no improvements are being
made and no attention is being given recom-
mendations, by the IHC.
Few students are willing to pay large sums
above and beyond their room and board in
order to support the Residence Halls system.
According to Manager of Service Enterprises
Francis C. Shiel, this amount that goes to pay
off bonds and thereby speed up the building
program now amounts to $200 of a $760 room
and board bill.
In its five-point rejection of the rent hike,
the IHC first listed the failure to meet all of
the recommendations made by the IHC at the
time of last year's $50 room and board raise,
and then mentioned the "infeasibility" of self-
supporting Residence Halls.
Thirdly, the IHC resolution attacked "pric-
ing persons out of the Residence Halls" and
rising rates in Ann Arbor housing caused by
Residence Halls rent rases.
"Students may maintain the privilege of re-
mainink in Residence Halls, not on their con-
tribution to Residence Halls, but only on their
ability to pay," the resolution read.
TWO FINAL REASONS listed by the council
for its opposition to the $20 raise were that
student employes' wages were not being raised
,,s were those of full-time employes, and that
these periodical rent raises are proving a "de-
moralizing factor" in dorm residents.
Much criticism has been levied against the
administration for not having given similar
raises in wages to student employes as it has
to its full-time workers. At present, the aver-'
age hourly wage for student employes is slight-
ly less than 95 cents. An overall 5-cent hourly
raise would cost $13,000, as compared to the
$95,000 in raises for full-time employes that
necessitates $16.15 of th'e $20 rent hike.

On the student demoralization, the IHC reso-
lution says, "Any attempt at improving student
morale, student government, or a student philo-
s9phy of residence halls is largely eradicated
with the institution of a room and board in-
Unlike last year's conditional approval by the
IHC of a room and board raise, the council this
year has not attempted to compromise. The
action taken this week, unconditional opposi-
tion, was the only action that could have been
taken as a true statement of student opinion.
TUESDAY the Residence Halls Board of Gov-
ernors met and gave their approval, in form
only, to the, proposed $20 rate increase.
This action was the expected action for the
Board to take, as they have always approved
similar increases. However, in giving its ap-
proval to the increase, the Residence Halls
Governors made several "statements of views"
which show agreement with the Inter-House
Council on at least two issues.
The Board agreed that "there is an inherent
danger to the condept of residential living at
Michigan because of the self-liquidating charac-
ter of financing..-"
The Board also saw "a repetition of the
present course because of the spiral character
of the price situation unless some alternative
method of financing can be evolved . ."
In addition to its realistic appraisal of the
situation, the Boad is to be commended for
its look toward the future in stating it would
"plan to institute an appropriate study com-
mittee composed of students, faculty and ad-
ministration to consider the future area of
room and board increases in the Residence
Although the Residence Halls Governors rec-
ognize that "existing conditions may have dic-
tated the increase," they have done more than
merely nodded their heads. They have noted
some of the same problems that the IHC sees,
and they are looking forward with the consid-
eration of a study committee.
Both IHC and 'the Board of Governors have
taken stands worthy of praise, one for repre-
senting true student opinion and the other for
doing more than "rubber stamping", its ap-
proval when there was little else it could do.


("they're like pressed rose leaves")
have been pressing dead bodies
into the basement floor. His re-
sponsibility from then on is to:
1) Keep this news from the police,
2) Keep this news fromn the girl
he has just married, and 3) Keep
this news from his brother, a hand-
some chap resembling Boris Kar-
loff who has suddenly appeared on
the scene after an unlamented ab-
sence of twenty years.
NATURALLY all of this takes
place accompanied by many open-
eyed double-takes on part of said
nephew, much tears and supplica-
tion on part of said bride, and a
variety of almost - but - not - quite
But the sheer magnificence of
each of the characters--from the
brother with the nattily scarred
face to "Teddy Roosevelt" who
CHARGES up the stairs after ex-
pansively greeting callers in his
capacity as "President of the
United States" make this an ex-
tremely enjoyable film.4
The center of the stage is held
by the two genteel spinsters who
cavort around in perfect goodness
and sincerity - quietly "helping
lonely gentlemen find some peace"
-i.e., poisoning them as they sip
a glass of elderberry wine.
scenes in the film which deserve
special mention. The interlude
between Nephew Mortimer and
Brother Jonathan (the Boris Kar-
loff stand-in) in which they are
about to embark on the "Melba
torture" i a particular gem, and
features a suitcase filled with
gleaming scissors, knives, needles
and other delicacies.
The two sisters, who maintain
their pose of ,dignity and vener-
ability throughout, have a won-
derful scene ,in which they coyly
admit to their nephew that there
are an even dozen "gentlemen"
carefully stowed away in the base-
All ends well with the whole
crew bound for the insane asylum,
although the nephew, as you might
imagine, turns out to be a horse
of a different family. However, it
is the insane ones who seem to
have the best of the deal, with
sanity appearing as a rather dull
thing-a proposition that begins
to seem very true by the end of
the movie.
-Debra Durchslag

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
jof Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility Notices should be sent' in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be In by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Selective Service Examination: Stu-
dents taking the Selective Service Col.
lege Qualification Test on April 19 are
requested to report to Room 100, Hut-
chins Hall at 8:30 a.m. 'fhursday.
Meeting for seniors interested in a
commission in the U.S. Navy, 7:00 p.m.,
Thurs., April 19 in the Council Room
of South Quad.
Sigma Delta Pi: All members of the
Spanish Honorary Society, Sigma Delt
Pi, are urged to be present at an im-
portant meeting April 19, at 4:10 p.m.,
in 108 R.L. (Romance Languages Build-
ing). The Organization and future act.
ivities of the Society will be discussed.
Board and Room Payments: Payments
for board and room for the second half
of the spring semester are to be made
in all League Houses by Sat., April 21.
The Following Student Sponsored-
Social Events are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for appro''val for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12:00
noon on the Tuesday prior to the event.
April 20: Phi Delta Phi.,
April 21 (1:00 closing unless otherwise
indicated); Chicago House, Lloyd
House, Michigan Christian Fellowship
(11:00), Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Alpha Kappa,
Phi Chi, Phi Delta Phi (12:00), Phi Delta
Theta, Phi Kappa Sigma (12:00), Phi,
Sigma Kappa, Sigma Alpha Epsilon
(aft.), Sigma Alpha Mu, Theta Delta
Chi, Turkish Club (12:00), Williams'
House (aft.), Zeta Psi.
April 22: Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi
Delta Phi.




Dewey Lays Egg in Havana

The U.S. and the UN

THOMAS E. DEWEY, attorney-
at-law andprivate citizen, now
slides in and out of Washington
as quietly and efficiently as he
used to slide from the Hotel Roose-I
velt in New York to the Gover-
nor's Mansion in Albany. He gets
things done.j
With three of his own men in
the Eisenhower Cabinet (Dulles,
Brownell and Mitchell), plus one
of his appointees on the Supreme
Court (Justice Harlan), plus his
onetime press secretary, Jim Hag-
erty, in the White House, Dewey
should be able to get things done
in Washington.
When it comes to foreign affairs,
however, Thomas E. Dewey has a
record of laying a great big egg.
DEWEY WENT .to Cuba on be-
half of Loeb, Rhoades, and Co.,
New York brokers, to try to takeI
over the Cuban-Atlantic Sugar
Company, largest in Cuba.
Behind Dewey, at least in the
minds of Cubans, was Julio Lobo,
whose name in Spanish means
wolf, and who generally is re-
garded as the sugar-wolf of Cu-
ba.- Associated with him was
Dewey's client, John Loeb.
However, Lobo has unorthodox

ideas about takirng Cuba out of
the International Sugar Agree-
ment. So, for this reason plus
the fact that Cuba doesn't want
to encourage a sugar monopoly,,
President Batista blocked Lobo the
wolf's raid on Cuban-American. He
sent . word to Lobo last January
that his acquisition of the com-
pany would not be sanctioned.
* * *
AT THIS POINT, April 5, there
entered upon the scene: ex-Gov-
ernor Dewey. It was announced
that John Loeb had bought out
Lobo's minority interest in Cuban-
American, and to convince the
Cuban government that this was
a fact, Thomas E. Dewey dutifully
went to Havana.
At .this point some unfortunate
things happened:
Arthur Gardner, our well-mean-
ing Ambassador to Cuba, gave a
dinner for Dewey, April 9. Lobo
was at the dinner-along with
Dewey and John Loeb, the man
from whom supposedly he had
parted company.
Dewey's job in Havana was to
convince the Cuban government
that sugar-wolf Lobo was out of
the Cuban-American deal, and the'

fact that Lobo was;
convinced them of

* * *
UNABLE TO SEE President Ba-
tista, Dewey tried to see Amadeo
Lopez Castro and Jorge Barroso,
both ministers without portfolio
and the top government men in
Cuba when it comes to sugar. both
accepted a luncheon engagement,
then backed out.
Finally Ambassador Gardner got
Dewey in to see Martinez Saenz,
head of the National Bank of Cu-
"ny that time," remarked one
Cuban, "Gardner was almost ready
to take him to see the president
of the Havana Yacht Club."
About this time the New York
Journal of Commerce 'published
an account of Dewey's Cuban jun-
ket, accompanied by some specu-
lation as to whether sugar-wolf
Lobo was still in the Cuban-Ameri-
can Sugar Co. picture.
Reprinting this story, the Ha-
vana Post put it under the head-
line, "Dewey or Don't He!"
At this point Thomas E. Dewey,
attorney-at-law, went home.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


THE MAIN LINE of American policy in the
Palestinian disorders has been clarified very,
considerably by the statement that the Presi-
dent issued from Georgia. We shall work pri-
marily with and through the United Nations,
relying in case of big fighting in Palestine upon
the Security Council to determine who is the
aggressor, and who is the victim to be defended.
This Is, I believe, a better line of policy than
the alternative, which would be for Lpndon and
Washington and Paris to make themselves the
sole Judges of aggression and to assume the
wholeuresponsibility for intervention.This al-
ternative line, which would make the Tripar-
tite Declaration of 1950 rather than the Char-
ter of the UN the sovereign document, has two
very serious disadvantages.
This first disadvantage is that it asserts, a
Western jurisdiction in the Middle East which
is contrary to the facts of the actual situation
and also to the spirit of the times. The second.
disadvantage is that an Anglo-American at-
tempt to pacify the Middle East would carry
with it the incalculable risk that the Soviet
Union would then have a free hand to throw
its weight around.
The great advantage of working through the
UN is that it seeks the collaboration of the
Soviet Union in working out agreements to
prevent war, and it fixes the fact that the
Soviet Union has a solemn responsibility for
the prevention of war. It is the part of wis-
dom not to have the Soviet Union operating,
so to speak, from the outside and with a free
hand, publicly accountable to no one.
An Anglo-American attempt to act outside
the UN and without consultation with the UN
Editorial Staff

'could go a long way to giving the Soviet Union
a moral right to exercise a free hand of its
own. The Soviet Union has entered deeply into
the Middle East and, as she is a principal pow-
er in the UN, she now holds the keys to war
and peace.
THE THREATENED Palestinian war is just
the kind of war that the United Nations is
designed to prevent. There are no great pow-
ers directly involved. The United Nations rec-
ognizes in the veto provision the fact that if
the great powers themselves are in direct and
vital conflict, the UN can do nothing more than
attempt to conciliate. But- where only small
powers are involved, it is possible to limit if
not to prevent war, provided the Big Five
A Palestinian war can certainly be limited
and probably prevented if the Big Five concur.
The Soviet Union has already concurred in the
decision to send Mr. Hammarskjold to Pales-
tine. The American policy is surely right in
assuming that the next step is to seek more of
that collaboration on the implementation of
Mr. Hammarskjold's recommendations.
It is not feasible, it seems to me, to take the
alternative line, which would leave the Soviet
Union on the outside relieved of responsibility
under the Charter. A unilateral Anglo-Ameri-
can intervention in Palestine, which ignored
the power and the responsibilities of the So-
viet Union, as well as the opinions of the rest
of the United Nations would be subject to all
the risks of Soviet intervention. Palestine is
not right up against the Soviet frontier as Ko-
rea and Indo-China were up against the Chi-
nese frontier.
Nevertheless Soviet intervention in the Mid-
dle East by infiltration, by propaganda and by
arms running could not be prevented. This
might not lead toua worldbwar. But it might
well lead to a long, indecisive and frustrating
guerrilla war.
THE KEYS to peace are, I say again, in the
hands of the Soviet Union. If Moscow
speaks the word in Cairo and we speak it in
Tel-Aviv, there is every reason to think that
war can be prevented. Theword that needs to
be spoken in Cairo is that the Soviet Union is
opposed to war as the way to settle the Pales-
tinian conflict.
The word that needs to be spoken in Tel-
Aviv is that Israel, while defending itself
against these provocative raids, must not for-
feit the support of the UN and of Britain and
Americab v aoin on with the nolicv of big re-

at the dinner
just the op-

Critics' Top Three Plays Impressive

Daily Drama Staff Writer
THE NEW YORK Drama Critics
Circle has seldom had a bet-
ter theatrical season from which
to choose the three top produc-
The excellent drama fare has
caused more than one scribe to
rhapsodise eloquently in print, and
so it might be expected that with
such a plethara of fine plays, the
boys would have a difficult time
deciding on the very best. The
awards announced yesterday show
both agreement and dissention in
the ranks.
Rather than keep the suspense,
if any, up for another paragraph,
here are the final decisions:
BEST PLAY: "The Diary of
Anne Frank"
ger at the Gates"
A rather impressive list, this,
and one that should not prompt
much objection. All three pro-
ductions are solid box-office hits,
although "Tiger" has recently
closed after a long and healthy
run. What is more important is
that all three winners have a
great deal of high artistic merit.
In this ageof mechanized and of-
ten inferior entertainment, it is
comforting to think that a lot of
people are willing to pay money
to see a lot of good plays.
* a * *
"THE DIARY of Anne Frank"
won by he smallest margin, al-
though it was by no means an es-
pecially tight race. Eleven of the
twenty-one Circle members, made
v- ofAv -^-. im - na~~ i ~r Tn

vides an exciting and entertain-
ing evening in the theatre, but
perhaps "Diary" has more in
depth and quality. No arguments
here, anyway.
, * * *
"MY FAIR LADY," the musical
based on Bernard Shaw's "Pyg-
mallion" has already become a
legend since its opening a short
time ago. The twenty-one' mem-
bers of the Circle voted unani-
mously for the first time in their
history on one show, and it was
no surprise.
Hailed as one of the greatest
shows "of the century," "My Fair
Lady," starring Rex Harrison and
Julie Andrews, has made as big a
sensation as any production ever
has on the Broadway stage.
Tickets are being sold for the
next two years, lines and lines
of theatre-goers mob the Wox-
office from early mornixg till clos-
ing, and such celebrated shows as
"South Pacific" and "Oklahoma"
have made room on their pedestal
for this latest example of musical
Try to get tickets for the next
six months. Just try.
"Tiger at the Gates" was well de-
served. Fourteen aisle-sitters cast
ballots for Jean Giraudoux drama,
translated by Christopher Fry.
The work concerns itself with
the advent of the Trojan War and
makes a telling point about the
inevitablity of war through hu-
mor, extremely civilized discus-
sion, and strong characterization.
Michael Redgrave starred as
Hector on Broadway, earning as
many plaudits as the play did,
-arr thn a -na.ra n nrl if ,n .s ,

to the
'UT' Grid Situation . .
To the Editor:
SPRING FOOTBALL practice has
just started and once again
football is a major topic of con-
versation. Who will be next fall's
new stars, and in general, who
will play the different positions?
But most important, what kind
of a season will we have? .
Let us compare this year's
situation with that of a year ago.
Last year's team had many talent-
ed returnees from the surprisingly
good team of 1954 and was con-
sidered a prime candidate for the
national championship. Most of
these players plus last year's so-
phomores are coming back for
still another season. The few
losses from last year's first string
seem to be more than adequately
replaced. This year's probable
starting team will have even more
experience than last year's team
and the freshman squad is said by
its coach to be unusually strong.
Just what did happen last year?
Our defense was strong and de-
pendable as expected and our abili-
ty to capitalize on breaks was
nothing short of phenomenal.
The point we wish to make is
that the offense was sporadic and
inconsistent all season long. The
deluge of touchdowns in the first
few games was almost entirely de-
pendent upon recovered fumbles,
blocked kicks and intercepted
passes. We finally showed flashes
of good offense in the Minnesota
and Iowa games, but only after
our overwhelming depth had worn
down the opposition in the first
half. Then, but for the Indiana
game, we showed nothing. While
we stayed at our early season level
of performance, the rest of the
teams stopped making mistakes
and rendered us helpless.
Where does all of this leave us?
What can we expect from next
season? We can't miss having
one of the better teams, but we
can't possibly win the champion-
ship without a strong offense. We
have the material for a great of-
fense. We have speed, power, ex-
perience, and highly adequate
passing considering the quality of
the receivers. If these strong
arints .ravmvhivn., ,,+1ia . pa,'nn-

Research Seminar of the Mental
Health Research Institute. Dr. Dorwin
Cartwright, professor of psychology, will
speak on "A Formalization of the Con-
cept of Balance," April 19, 1:30 - 3:30
p.m., Conference Room, Children's Psy-
chiatric Hospital.
University Lecture: Rufus S. Hendon
of Yale University, will speak on
"Speech- Style in Javanese: a Linguistic
and Sociological Problem," in Aud. C.
Angell Hall, on Thurs., April 19, at 4:10
p.m. Auspices of Department of An-
thropology and the Linguistics Program.
Exchange Lecture. Prof. David L.
Stevenson of Western Reserve Univer-
sity. "J. D. Salinger: His Place in Am-
erican Letters." Thurs., April 19, Aud.
B. 4:10 p.m.
American Chemical Society Lecture,
Wed., April 18, 8:00 p.m., Room 1300
Chemistry Building. Dr. T. Moeller of
the Upiversity of Illinois will speak on
"Coordination Chemistry Of Rare Earth
Metal Ions."
Prof. Fredericsk Lpgan, Chairman of
the Department of Art Education, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, Fri., April 20 at
4:15 p.m. In the Architecture Audi-
torium, auspices of the Dept of, Art.
"Degrees of Illiteracy in Art."
Astronomy Department Visitors' Night.
Fri., April 20, 8 p.m., Room 2003 Angell
Hal. Dr. D. B. McLaughlin will talk on
"The Planet Mars." After the talk the
Student Observatory on the fifth floor
of Angell Hall will be open for inspec-
tion and for telescopic observations of
the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter. Child-
ren welcomed, but must be accompan-
ied by adults.
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test on April 21 are requested to report
to Room 100, Hutchins Hal at 8:45
a.m. Sat.
University Extension Service announ-
ces that registration may still be made
in Efficient Reading, conducted by
Leonard H. Spearman, Teaching Assist-
ant, Reading Improvement Services,
Bureau of PsychologicAl Services, at
7:00 p.m. on Mondays. Those interested
must register with the University Ex-
tension Service, 4501 Administration
Building, before the second meeting on
April 23. Registration is $11.00. Addi-
tional information may be had by
calling the Ann Arbor Office of the
Extension Service, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2887.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in June, 1956, must have
at least three bound copies of their
dissertations in the office of the Gradu-
ate School by Fri., May 4. The report
of the doctoral committee on the final
oral examination must be filed with
the Recorder of the Graduate School
together with two copies of the thesis,
which is ready in all respects for pub-
lication, not later than Mon., May 28.
Physical - Analytical - I n o r g a n i e
Chemistry Seminar, Thurs., April 19,
7:30 p.m., Room 3005 Chemistry Build-
ing. Sister Mary Brandon will speak on
"Some Solute Solvent Effects on Mol-
ecular Spectra."



DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine
DAVID KAPLAN . . ....Feature
JANE HOWARD...................... Associate7
LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate
PHIL DOUGLIS ......................... Sports1
ALAN EISENBERG ............ Associate Sports]
JACK HORWIrZ .............. Associate SportsI
MARY HELLTHALER................Women's
ELAINE EDM1=ONDS ......... Associate Women's3

-Time Magazine
(Julie Andrews, Rex Harrison)
... all the critics agreed.
can play and therefore must be
considered only in the foreign play
slot. The Circle finally ruled,
however, by a. vote of nine to
four, that "any play wrtten by an
American based on a foreign work,
but not on a foreign play, could
be considered as an American play
in the voting."
Details, details, how they get
in the way. One member of the
group, John Chapman of the Daily
News, held fast to his position and
gave "Diary" his vote in the for-k
eign play category.
THE PLAY, based on the actual
journal of a young girl who spent
har orlnacnann hrlin frn +h



JOHN HIRTZEL............ ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM ................... Business Manager
BOB ILGENFRITZ ...... Associate Business Manager


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