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April 18, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-18

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-Daily-Bill Van Osterhout
PRIZES GALORE-Michigras Prizes Co-Chairmen Carole Sparkie
and Don Young sort out some of the hundreds of prizes that will
be available to students in exchange for Michibucks at the Carni-
val Friday and Saturday nights at the Prizes booth in the Field-
SFloTats To Win Prizes
At MChigraBs Carn*ival

Unusual Band
To Perform
For Dance
Petitioning Now Open
For Council Members
In Education School
Students can set aside their
notebooks and pencils Friday,
April 27, when the School of Edu-
cation presents its School House
Hop from 9 p.m. to midnight in the
University Elementary School
Coeds in casual attire will dance
to the Spasm Band composed of
the school of education faculty
Instruments of all types will be
played with a piano and fiddles
being the most ordinary. Unusual
instruments, such as a flower sis-
ter will be played by Frederick R.
Christmann and a string tub bass
will be performed on by Mrs. Beryl
Hutchinson. The bass consists of a
washtub at the bottom with a pole
through it and a string attached.
Entertainment Provided
Entertainment will be provided
at intermission by the Inter-Cul-
tural Committee of the, Hawaiian
Club. Three couples will sing,
dance and play instruments of
their native country.
Students attending the ball will
dance in a school-like atmosphere.
Slates and rulers will hang from
the walls and miniature school-
houses will be assembled around
the gymnasium.
Refreshments consisting of sand-
wiches and punch will be served.
Chairman Announced
Marilyn Smith is chairman of
the "School House Hop." Refresh-
ments will be taken care of by
Faye Johnson and Ruth Hayward
while Connie Bultler and Emy
Schlageter take charge of Decora-
tions. Mary Withem will chairman
the Entertainment committee.
T iere will be no advanced sales
for the dance but tickets will be
sold at the door on the night of
the event.
Petitioning is now open for Edu-
cation School Council. Four senior
class officers are needed. Any
junior in the school of education
can petition for the position of
president. vice-president, secretary
and treasurer.
Positions Open for Council
Also open are the positions of
ten members-at-large for the Edu-
cation School Council.
Petitioning closes Friday, April
20, and interviewing will be held
from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday and
Thursday, April 18 and 19 and
from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Friday, April
Petitions are available at the
Education School lounge and re-
ports can be seen there.

-Daily-Peter Song
HATCHER TEA-Students discuss plans with Mrs. H. Hatcher
for the Hatcher Open House to be held from 4 to 6 p.m.' today.
Students Invited .To Attend
Hatcher Open House Today

Opening the 1956 Greek' Week,
sorority and fraternity members
will attend an Olympiad, Monday,
May 14, at Ferry Field.
After consuming box lunches,
the affiliates will witness a torch
lighting ceremony igniting the high
huge symbol of the Week. From
this big torch, individual house
presidents will light the smaller
ones that will be kept burning
during the week.
With proceeds going to the
Olympic fund, sororities and fra-
ternities hope to have set a pre-
cedent for future Greek Week pro-
j ects,
Grecian-Styled ]root Race
Other highlights of the evening
will include a talk by a speaker
yet to be announced and a Gre-
clan-styled foot race in, which fra-
ternity members will compete for
a trophy.
Tuesday, May 15, will bring
Panhellenic workshops, the Pan-
hel Tea where new officers will
be installed, the fraternity presi-
dents' bahquet and a bridge tour-
nament for both men and women.
Slated for Wednesday, May 16,
are, additional Panhel workshops
and the sorority-fraternity ex-
change dinnersfor which beriuda
shorts will be worn.
Students to Attend Concert
After eating, students will attend
a jazz concert featuring all affili-
ated entertainers at the Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon Mudbowl. The en-
tire campus will be invited to at-
tend the concert.
Fraternities, supported by sor-
orities, will vie in the. Interfrat-
ernity Council Sing on Thursday,
May 17.
Highlighting the Week's activi-
ties, IFC Ball will be held Friday,
May 18.
Splash Party to Be Held
A, splash party Saturday, May
19. will bring Greek Week to a
General chairmen for the affair
are Meredith Hardy of Chi Omega
and Frank Vick of Sigma Chi.
Central committee members who
have already begun work include
Sally Miller and John Calvin,
chairmen of the Monday night
event; Marilyni Jackson and Mark
Sabin, publicity chairmen, and

Mary Minier and Bob Wartell
handling secretarial duties.
Greek Week Banquet
Editing the Greek Week ban-
quet booklet are Barbara Burton,
Mary Klawson, Stewart Gordon
and John Vise while Pat Skelly
and Mike Eisman arrange ex-
change dinners.
Planning the special events are
Jeanne Hager, Judy LeMessurier,
Dave Bowers and Art Boylan.

The president's conference is
under the direction "of Christa
Eckhard and Bernard Rinela and
the Panhel workshops are being
scheduled by Betty Doman.
Mary Gronberg will head IFC
Sing Support and Martha Stock-
hard will take charge bf the Pan-
hel Tea.
Herb Schneider is general chair-
man of the IFC Ball.

Male Heads Chosen For Soph Show

Members of the "Soph Show"
planning committee have an-
nounced the men who will act as
co-chairmen with the women on'
the new production.
General chairman is Hank Kerr.
Direction of the show will be done
by Jim Richman and Bob Arnove
will be the publicity chairman.
Newly-selected secretary is Earl
Duryea, treasurer is Richard Her-
ron and programs is Wayne Town-
In charge of production will be
Tony Martin while Jordan Lewis
will act as corchairman of the cos-

tume committee. Bruce Hoffman
is make-up chairman, music iS
Bob Gantzos and scripts is Byron
The first meeting of the new
Central Committee will be at 5
pm. today in the League. Mem-
bers of the old planning commit-
tee will turn over the reigns to
the new members at this time.
Coeds on the Central Committee
were announced at Installation
In the Installation Night pic-
tures of Carole Sparkle and Nancy
Brecht, the captions were reversed.

Banquet To Highlight Greek Week


Engraved trophies and prizesv
,galore wait winning booths and
persons holding michibucks at the
Michigras carnival to be held from
7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday and Satur-
day nights in the Fieldhouse.
Prizes co-chairmen Carole Spar-
kie and Don Young report that 34
trophies will be awarded to quali-
fied booths and parade floats.
Trophies to be Awarded
"Parade trophies will be -based
on originality, quality and ef-
fectiveness of presentation," Miss
Sparkie said, "while booths will re-
ceive prizes according to two cri-
teria, originality and most tickets
President Harlan H. Hatcher
will make the presentations.
This year for the first time, a
double set of trophies will be given
for each of the three places. "That
way, both members of the team
participating in the winning booth
or float will be able to take home
a trophy," Miss Sparkie explained.
High School Band Trophy
Among the trophies awarded for
parade activity will be a special
one for the best high school band
in the parade.
Besides those for competition,
prizes will be available to persons
who accumulate michibucks. Mich-
ibucks are received through par-
ticipation in the skill booths.
Four grand prizes will be pre-
sented, two to men and two to
women. "Anyone who has earned
20 michibucks is eligible for these
prizes," Miss Sparkie remarked.

She explained that the contend-
er need only sign his name on a
slip of paper at the prizes booth,
which will be located near the cen-
ter of the fieldhouse. The papers
will be placed into two separate
boxes, one. for men and one for
Later in the evening, two names
will be drawn from each box. Gift
certificates for a dress and suit of
clothes and watches, make up the
grand prizes.
Througpiout the two evenings,
hundreds of other prizes will be on
display at the prizes booth. "We'll
have everything," Miss Sparkie de-
clared, "jewelry, clothing, house-
hold goods and even stuffed ani-
Michibucks Have Value
"They'll all be labeled and have
a michibuck value from one to
eighty," she continued. Anyone
may turn in his michibucks and
receive a prize in return.
Prizes are donated by Ann Arbor
merchants and persons in nearby
Profits netted' from Michigras
will go to charity. Three organiza-
tions have been selected as recipi-
ents: the Fresh- Air Camp, the
Fund For Retarded Children and
the World University Service.
Presented biennially, Michigras is
produced under the auspices of the
Union and the Women's Athletic

Continuing a tradition followed
since the days of President Alex-
ander Ruthven, President and Mrs.
Harlan ". Hatcher will hold an in-
formal open house 'from 4 to 6 p.m._
today at their home.
The open house will give stu-
dents an opportunity to meet the
president and his wife on an in-
formal basis as well as tousee their
home, the oldest on campus.
President Hatcher, eighth presi-
dent of the University, Mrs. Hatch-
er and their two children, Robert
and Anna Linda, have lived there
since 1951.
When occupied by President
Ruthven, who was a noted author-
ity in the natural sciences, the
house had a closed patio between
the living room and study, which
was kept full of plants and flow-
ers of all kinds.
Dr. James B. Angell, who held
the presidency from 1871 to 1909,
wanted improvements made in the
house. He had it papered and
painted and asked for a central
heating system and bathroom,

such as his family was accustomed
to in the East.
Students are invited bi-monthly
to have tea at the Hatchers home.
Residences to be honored at the
event today are Alpha Zeta Delta,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Cooley House
and Couzens Hall.
Martha Cook, Phi Psi, Theta
Delta Chi, Triangle and Williams
House are also to be honored.
League Houses, Wilcox and Geddes
will be guests of honor too.
The resident advisors who are
pouring include Mrs. Mary Rom-
aine, Alpha Zeta Delta; Mrs. Leona
Dickema, Cook; Mrs. Gertrude
Leidy, Geddes; and Miss Lois Ives,
Miss Loretta Dorman, Cooley;.
Mrs. Dorothy Barlow, Angell
House, Alice Lloyd; Mrs. Beverly
Alexander of the League and Mrs.
Kathleen Meads of the Interna-
tional Center will also pour.
Elaine Bice of the League is in
charge of the affair and assisting
her is Jan Ditrich and Andrea


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Golf Club T
Despite the adverse weather con-
ditions of the past few days, opti-
mistic coeds with a desire for the
open fairways and golf links may
attend the re-organizational meet-
ing of the Golf Club. at 5:10 p.m.
today in the Women's Athletic
The club is open to all women
golfers who are enrolled in the
University and can supply their
own golf clubs.
Coeds interested in improving
their game may obtain instruc-
tions, if desired. The instruction
period will last' for two weeks,
according to Virginia O'Connor,
manager of the club.
Spring Tournament
A spring tournament is also be-
ing sponsored by the club. Each
coed entering the tournament
must play the first nine holes of
the University course. Scores may
be turned in by Monday, May 7


Hold Meeting For


to the score box at the lobby desk
in the Women's Athletic Building.
Each coed must have her scores
signed by a witness who was pres-
ent while the nine holes of golf
were played.
The women who turn in the four
lowest scores will form the Uni-
versity women's golf team. The.
next four lowest-scoring coeds will
be on the reserve golf team.
Team Members
Members of the present golf
team are Jan Grothwell, Miss
O'Connor, Joan Carlson, Kay Leo,
Harriet Garfinkel, Grace Moore,
Linda Johanning and Nancy Blue-
Miss O'Connor is also planning
for club members to hold match
tournaments, tentatively scheduled
for every two weeks.
Golf matches with groups which
are not attending a school or uni-

versity may be on the agenda for
the coming season.
A field day, which is scheduled
for late in May,, has also been
planned by Miss O'Connor, in
which all golf club members could
participate in a medal tourna-
. The Golf Club is sponsored by
the Women's Athletic Association.
The following teams will par-
ticipate in the WAA Softball
Tournament t o d a y: Alpha
Gamma Delta vs. Couzens I,
Alpha Xi Delta I vs. Tyler I,
Sigma Delta Tau vs. Couzens II
and Gamma Phi Beta vs. Klein-
sctueck. Kappa Alpha Theta
and Kappa Delta will not play

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