SUNDAY, A MM 15* 1950
Baad Blends Ideals, 'Fags,' Broad Horizons
F.D.R. Dies of Hemorrhage
Daily Associate Editor
The world is a lot of laughs -
sometimes - for Dave Baad.
The outgoing Daily Managing
Editor, who manages to blend
.dealism with colokful collection of
.diosyncracies, has more to say
about the campus' influence on
him than vice versa, although his
nark on the community has been
a strong one.
"Dave," one friend observes,
'may do things for effect, but at
.east he admits it." Baad concedes
hat many of his editorials and
student Government Council mo-
ions this year have been done to
'stimulate" (a favorite word)
campus interest - even though
he interest has often amounted, to
Popularity Unimportant
Popularity hasn't been one of
Baad's major aims in his year at
he top of The Daily. "I still con-
ider people my friends and re-
pect them if they disagree with'
"But one thing I can't stand,"
he goes on, "is idealistic liberalism
without foundation. I'd rather
have violent opposition on an issue
han face somebody with no opin-
on at all."
His sophomore brother Jim re-
reals "Dave's always had big ideas.
When he was a kid--about four
rears old-he used to play a whole-
game of baseball alone: he'd run
around like crazy and take all the
lifferent positions."
Sports, Social Studies
Baseball still ranks among Dave's
fvorite 'pastimes: he's always
eady for a sporting event, and
holds+ a high school conference
>asketball scoring record. He first
oined The Daily sports staff, but
was later attracted to the editorial
taff "with the 'semi-hope' of may-
be getting one of the senior editor
The edit staff has, among other
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
JACKET AND TIE were part of the Dave Baad apparel before his Daily Managing Editor appoint-
ment. In his year of office he shed the tie whenever possible, and adopted "fags". When he's re-
placed next week the jacket, too, will go and there'll be more time for social initiative.
socially correct." And, Jim adds
flatly, "Dave is very social."
He doesn't worry much about
the contents of his closet. "I dress,"
he grins, "to the best of my wrink-
led abiilty"-in crew sweaters, dark
suits, and khaki pants "when
there's nobody around to be im-
No Jewelry
"One thing I do hare," Dave says
firmly, "is jewelry of any kind. I
never wear a tie clasp or anything
to draw attention, and it's only
this year that I've even had a
A Delta Upsilon member, Baad
says he's "completely satisfied with
my house-and I wouldn't make
another choice. My dad always
said you get the most out of a
fraternity if you can expand your
own motivation beyond the realm
of the house, and get out and put
into it what you think is valuable.
Before I got so involved in The
Daily I had a lot more time to
devote to it." He alsorbelongs to
Michigamua honorary society.
At DU and on The Daily he's
known forna vocabulary padded
with stock phrases: "stimulating,"*
"ultra," "semi," "pretty chilly,"
"out of it."
Dave will vote the Democratic
ticket in November. "I grew up in
this ultra-Republican atmosphere
around Hillsdale," he explains.
"1940 is the first election I can.
remember, when everybody said
Roosevelt was born in a garbage
can and stuff like that. It occurred
to me that maybe he wasn't."
Champion of the underdog?
Baad doesn't think so, and he does
claim his idealism has been toned
down since its peak three or four
years ago.
Ideals like this, mixed with a
fondness for gumballs from candy
machines and what a friend calls
"a maddeningly straight face, so
you can never tell if he's kidding"
somehow seem promising.
It was 2:15 p.m., April 12, 1945.
The place was Warm Springs,
The President of the United
States was sitting for a portrait.
He said: "I have a terrific head-
ache," and suddenly collapsed in
his chair.
Arthur Prettyman, his valet, and
a local messboy lifted him out of
the chair and into his bedroom.
Doctor Summoned
Dr. Howard Bruenn, a young
heart specialist who was accom-
panying the President, was sum-
moned from the swimming pool.
"Massive cerebral hemorrhage,"
Dr. Bruenn said. He put through
an emergency telephone call to
Dr. Ross T. McIntire, the Presi-
dent's personal physician, in Wash-
ington, D.C.
Dr. McIntire called Dr. James
E. Paullin, an Atlanta, Ga., heart
specialist, who got into his auto-
mobile and dashed out to Warm
Diagnosis Confirmed
At 4:35 p.m., Dr. Paullin con-
firmed Dr. Breunn's earlier diag-
nosis: massive cerebral hemorr-
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was
dead at 63. He had served his
country as president for 12 years,
one month and eight days. The
world waited for the news until
Mrs. Roosevelt had been summoned
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Eleven years ago
yesterday, Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
31st President of the United States,
was buried in Hyde Park, N.Y. The
following article, reconstructed from
newspaper and magazine accounts of
April, 1945, illustrates how F.D.R.'s
death was received by the nation.)
to the White House and was in-
formed of her husband's death.
Soon afterwards, much of the
world was in mourning.
Wire Services Called
Steve Early, presidential press
secretary, phoned the three major
wire services.
"Here's a flash," he said. "The
President died .. , this afternoon."
Then the radio, carried the news,
Programs were interrupted ax
newscasters voiced the words:
"President Roosevelt is dead."
The White House switchboard
was jammed with calls. Everyone
in the capitol wanted to offer as-
Truman Takes Vow
While the public was trying to
get used to the phrase "President
Truman," a man from Missouri
was saying "I do solemnly swear."
On the streets of Washington,
D.C., people turned, looked in the.
direction of the White House, and
shook their heads.
All over the United States,
people stopped what they were
"What will it mean to the war,"
they said.
In the White House, Mrs. Roose-
velt said: "I am more sorry for
the people of the country and the
world, than I am for us." Mrs.
Roosevelt, Early and Dr. McIntire
left immediately by plane for
Warm Springs.
Rayburn Opines
Speaker of the House Sam Ray-
burn remarked, "The world has
lost one of the great leaders of all
Radio stations throughout the
country cancelled their scheduled
programs and for three days
played hymns and dirges, devot-
ing airtime to memorial services
for the deceased President.
Impromptu Services Conducted
Impromptu memorial services
were conducted in the streets of
many major cities. The funeral
was held April 14, two days after
the President's death.
People lined the streets of Wash-
ington, D.C., creating unprece-
dented crowds. Lafayette Park,
across the street from the White
House, was a sea of humanity.
After the funeral services in the
East Room of the White House,
the body was brought by train
and car to Hyde Park, N.Y., resi-
dence of the Roosevelts. There, a
four-term President was laid to
Canon Revision
things, satisfied what Dave calls
his "other major interest": social
studies. A history major, he credits
the basis of his thinking to "my
dad. You know," he says, "people
who come to our house say there's
meaning behind everything that's
said there." The elder Baad is
principal of Oak Park High School.
Where Dave's father left off the
University has taken over. Prof.
Frank Grace of the Political
Science department, Dave says, has
"made me strive more completely
to justify my idealism." Prof.
Robert Ward of the same field is
credited for "broadening my poli-
tical world horizons and making
me consider foreign problems in
light of their backgrounds."
Academic Year Planned
His studying, Dave admits, has
been very sporadic (although it's
gained him a 3.2 scholastic aver-
age). For that reason he hopes to
attend graduate school here next
year, to study historical and con-
temporary political theory. Already
there's been an inroad into his free
time next; year: he was recently
elected to the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
"In my more idealistic moments,"
Baad says, "I'd like to go into
education, to satisfy humanitarian
desires. Last year I was thinking
of joining the ministry. I'd like to
go into politics." Ideally, in 20
years; he'd like to be a United
States Senator -most likely from
Won't Notice The Void
"Probably," he predicts, "I'll'
settle in Detroit. Politically it's
red-hot. And since I'm not cul-
turally inclined I won't notice the
void. And they do have the Tigers."
Dave admits to being the only
"uncultured" member of the out-'
going Daily senior staff. "Don't
forget to say, though, that I went
to my first concert this year," he
adds. "And seriously, The Daily
has made me more critical. Things
I used to accept, like lousy movies,
seem different now,"
Fags In His Pocket
One result of his year on SGC
is best explained by the Council's
former vice-president Donna Net-
ser. "I came into the Daily office;
one day last fall," Donna laughs,'
"and Dave was worried. 'Donna,'
le said, I'm trying to learn to
smoke, but all I can do is cough."
Since then he's polished 'his skills
considerably, and confesses a pref-
erence for filtered "fags."
From his 'brother comes another
sidelight on Baad: "Dave," Jim
comments, "always wants to do the
right thing, and if he doesn't he
worries about it. 'He's got to be
'Trial' Proposed
A modification of the American
Bar Association Canon 35 to allow
news photographers in Michigan
court rooms should be given a trial,
Prof. Charles W. Joiner of the Law
School said recently.
The development of fast film
and quiet cameras which do not
use a flash was cited by the pro-
He believes that news photo-
graphers can' be admitted into
court rooms provided that they do
not disturb proceedings.
"Photographers should not be
permitted to act in any way dif-
ferent from ordinary spectators,"
he said.
Local or national TV coverage
of trials should be on an all-or-
nothing basis, he commented.
College Roundup
ONLY 35% IN 1975:
Fewer Old People in Labor Force
l The University of North Carolina
is trying to calm angry parents
who do not like the university's
prospective entrance examination
According to the student paper,
the Daily Tar Heel, officials said
the exams are not "Keep Out!"
but "Come On" (sic) devices.
Enrollments are not going to
be pegged at the present level;
rather the exams will allow more
students to get into the univer-
sity, it is explained.
According to the officials, wor-
thy students can be found ahead
of time by means of the exams and
be awarded scholarships.
Also at North Carolina Univer-
sity, membership in the reportedly
anti-Integration society calling it-
self, "Patriots of North Carolina,
Inc.," has risen to a total of 1,500
* S *
Stanford, it seems, is not the
rich man's school that it's made
out to be.
According to a survey, half the
student body holds part-time jobs
whict pay part or all of the stu-
dents' expenses.
Thirteen per cent of the stu-
dents study on scholarships or
loans and nine per cent receive
government aid. It was estimated
that still another 12 per cent will
require part-time jobs before they
would graduate.
* * *
Spirit is low on the student
publications at the University of
A faculty ruling changed the
board of control of the publica-
tions from four faculty members
and four students to eight faculty
members and only two students.
The editor of the campus paper,
the Diamondback, said in an edi-
torial, "We fail to see how this
severe decrease in student iepre-
I sentation can be looked upon as
a progressive move.
"If we have been irresponsible
in the governing of Student pub-
lications, we feel our shortcom-
ings should have been pointed out
to us, and our voice sought in
helping to correct them."
The student government associa
tion agreed with the paper, and
declared in a statement that the
new arrangement is "potentially
detrimental to the student pub-
licationsj the student body and
the university as a whole,"
Bethany College in- Lindsborg,
Kansas, has started a drive to en-
roll more students.
The person who writes the most
letters inviting prospective stu-
dents to enroll in Bethany will be
awarded $10. A cash prize of $15
will go to the organization re-
-sponsible for getting the greatest
number of admissions.
The two classes which write the
most letters will be treated to a
party by the other two losing
s* * «
Several religious organizatins
at the University of Minnesota
are reported, t obe in a state of
"near panic" because of the uni-
versity's expansion program.
The organizations on the edge
of campus fear their property may
be converted 'to parking lots.
A religious foundation director
said, "if the university condemns
our property, itr would say, in ef-
fect, that wean't operate on cam-
The Michigan Daily's 2 a.m.
deadline really has nothing on the.
Augusta College Observer.
Editor Dick Martin of the Rock
Island, Ill., paper asked, "Can you
imagine a college paper that comes
out later than ours?"
The Observer comes out at 5 p.m.
That is certainly later in the day
than The Daily.
Associated Press Newsfeature Writer
With the percentage of older
people in the United States popu-
lation increasing at a rate twice as
fast as the population as a whole,
one question among the many con-
nected with the problems of the
aged is occurring with increasing
S"When is a person too old to
Companies with pension plans,
which employ about one-fourth of
the American labor force, fre-
quently compel retirement at a
specified ageThe usual age set is
Partially as a result of this
policy,' and also because of great
economic and social changes that
have taken, place in the United
States in the rast half-century, the
percentage of men 65 and over
who are gainfully employed has
decreased from 68 per cent in 1890
to 42 per cent in 1950.
Percentage Varies
A study conducted by the Coun-
cil of State Governments points
out that this percentage is not uni-
form throughout the country. As
the accomnpanying map illustrates,
it varies from 47 to 52 per cent in
Mississippi, Virginia, North Caro-
lina and South Carolina, to a low
of 29 to 36 per cent in Florida,
Louisiana, Oklahoma, Colorado,
Arizona, California and Washing-
If present trends continue, some
sociologists estimate that by 1975
only 35 per cent of older men will
be gainfully employed.
This change is under way de-
spite the fact rthat the average
worker does not wish to retire at
the age of 65. One nationwide sur-
vey indicated that 77 per cent of
men 63 and 64 would continue
working beyond the age of 65 If
the decision were up to them alone.
Health a Reason
Questioning of persons applying
nfor Old-Age and Survivors Insur-
ance benefits show that less than
one out of 25 male workers retire
to enjoy leisure. About half of
those willing and able to work were
applying for benefits either be-
cause they were forced to retire or
could not find work within their
capabilities. Two out of five cited
health as their reason for apply-
Four main arguments are ad-
vanced in favor of compulsory re-
tirement at age 65: (1) that is the
age of eligibility for federal retire-
ment benefits, (2) there is evidence
of an increase in incidence of acute
and, chronic illness for persons 65
and over, (3) that retirement of
the aged makes room for young
persons just entering the labor
force, and (4) that compulsory re-
tirement at 65 makes administra-
tion of retirement programs simple
and enables a company to avoid
criticisms or discrimination or fav-
Opponents of compulsory re-
tirement at a fixed age argue that
physiological age is a bettercrite-
rion than chronological age, since
the latter overlooks great differ-
ences in .how different individuals
carry their age. They also main-
tain that the administrative ad-
vantages of fixed age retirement
have been greatly exaggerated,
pointing out that voluntary retie-
ment programs-which prevail in
many companies - have proved
They further.contend that vol-
untary retirement is entirely com-
patible with federal assistance pro-
grams and insist that the national
objective should be an expanding
economy with jobs for all-young
and old alike.
The panel writing the Council
of State Governments' report on
problems of older citizens listed a
wide range of recommendations for-
action. Among theme were a call to
state governments for legislation to
protect older workers against un-
fair discrimination in employment.
Festival Slated
Inter-Arts Union announced re-
cently that the sixth annual In-
ter-Arts Festival will be held May
18 and 19, according to Richard
Braun, '56, president of the or-
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