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April 15, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-15

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SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1956



New Women's Editors
Announced By Board

N- -- iJI- -- -] -- -- --

Annual Ba!
To Feature


Larkin - Smith
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Larkin of
Alma recently announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Mari-
lyn Kay, to Ralph Heath Smith,
Jr., son of Mi. and Mrs. Ralph
Smith of Birmingham.
Miss. Larkin is a senior in the
School of Nursing and is affiliated
with Alpha Xi Delta. She was also
last year's schools and colleges
editor of the Michiganensian.
Mr. Smith is a junior in the
School of Dentistry and is a mem-
ber of Psi Omega.
A July wedding is planned.
Francis - Kreger
Marilyn Joyce Francis' engage-
ment to John K. Kreger, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kreger of
Flat-Rock, was recently announced
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles H. Francis, also of Flat-
Miss Francis is a junior in the
literary college.
Mr. Kreger is a sophomore in
the School of Engineering and is a
member of Sigma Nu.
* s *
CGallon -Watts
La Grange, Ind. on Feb. 4 was
the scene of the wedding of San-
dra Ann Callon, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. David Callon of Romeo,
to Ralph Rae Watts, Jr., son, of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Watts of


Daily-John Hirtzel
NEW EDITORS-The Board in Control of Student Publications
appointed Virginia Robertson and Janie Fowler as new Women's
Editor and Associate Editor respectively. Miss Robertson, a
junior majoring in journalism, is from Santa Barbara, Calif.
She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta, the Women's Athletic As-
soeiation board, vice-president of Theta Sigma Phi, a national hon-
orary for women in journalism and Kappa Tau Alpha, a national
journalism scholastic honorary. She is on the Central Com-
mittee of Michigras and was recently tapped for senior affiliated
honorary, Scroll. Miss Fowler, also a junior, is from Port Huron,
Mich. She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi and was secretary of
Alpha Lambda Delta, national freshman scholastic honorary and
president of Wyvern, junior honorary. Other activities which
she has participated in include Frosh Weekend, Soph Scandals,
and JGP Central Committee. She has been tapped for Mortar-
board, national senior women's honorary.

University Students Represent Guatemala
For Model United Nations at Wisconsin

Mrs. Watts is a freshman in the "
literary college and is a graduate
of the Kingswood.School in Cran-
Mr. Watts is a Junior in the liter-
ary college. He is co-captain of
the University cheerleading squad
and is affiliated with Theta Delta
The couple is residing in Ann
Robertson - Capitan
The engagement of Mary Alice'
Robertson to William K. Captan,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Capitan
of Owosso, was recently announced
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cov-
ert Robertson, Jr. of Santa Bar-
bara, Calif.
Miss Robertson graduated from
the School of Architecture and De-
sign in June, 1955. She is a mem-
ber of Gamma Phi Beta.
Mr. Capitan graduated from the
University, in. 1954. A member of
Beta Theta Pi, he served as presi-
dent of his fraternity and was a
member of Hectorians. He attend-
ed Queen's University in Belfast,
Ireland, as a Rackham scholar. Mr.
Capitan is now studying at the
University of Minnesota for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
The couple plan a wedding on
August 25 in the Montecito Presby-
terian church in Santa Barbara.
After the wedding, they will live in
Minneapolis, Minn.,

i WO Bands
ISA Will Give Dance
To Highlight Activities
Of International Week
"Dancing Under the Stars" this
year's International Ball, will be
held from 9 p.m. to.1 a.m. Satur-
day, May 5 in the Union Ballroom.
Featuring the music of two
bands, the semi-formal dance will
initiate the annual International
Week program, sponsored by the
International Student's Associa-
tion. It will continue through Sun-
day, May 13.
Decorations relating to the
theme of the dance will include
balloons painted to look like plan-
ets hung from the chandeliers,
silverdust stars, and simulated
clouds on the ceiling.
Abstract Decor
The side wall will be covered
with abstract patterns of human
figures each suggesting a differ-
ent country of the world.
The smaller, adjoining ball-
room, transformed into a night
club called the "Enroit Roman-
tique," will provide a more Inti-
mate atmosphere. Candlelit tables
will circle the room. Soft drinks,
and candy may be purchased from
costumed cigarette girls.
Highlighting the evening will
bea floor show featuring singing
and dancing. International and
American students will participate
in an American jazz routine, a
hillbilly number called "Lolly Toot-
um," and an Arabian and calypso
Vocal Entertainment
Vocal music will be provided by
Theresa Fessler.
Chairmen of the International
Ball are Farouk Alireza of Saudi
Arabia, Theresa Fessler of the
United States and Ulirike Klopfer
of Germany.
Tickets for the dance may be
purchased in Rm. 15, of the In-
ternational Center at any time,
and in the Administration Build-
ing after Saturday, May 5.
Fashion Show
International Week will also in-
clude a fashion show to be held on
Wednesday, May 9, in the Union
The show will present current
American styles and national cos-
tumes of foreign countries. Inter-
national and American coeds will
model the clothing.
Next on the Week's schedule will
.be a lecture given by a distinguish-
ed speaker whose name will be
announced on Thursday, May 20,
in the Union Ballroom.
Marriage Portrayal
Turning to a more colorful side
of international life, International
students will present a "Portrayal
of Marriages Around the World" at
8 p.m. Friday, May 11, in the Kel-
logg auditorium.
Other International Week events
will be a Sports Day on Saturday,
May 12, at the Intramural Build-
ing, and finally a buffet supper
followed by movies on Sunday,
May 13, at Lane Hall.



Representing Guatemala, seven
University students attended the
tenth annual mock United Nation
conference before spring vacation
at- the University of Wisconsin.-
Headed by Ann Woodward, stu-
dents traveling to Madison were
Board Endorses
Themia's Petition
ToNational Group
At Panhellenic meeting Thurs-
day, the Board of Delegates voted
to endorse the petition of Themia
to. Zeta Tau Alpha national soror-
ity to become one of its colonies.
The group also passed a motion
which will send the organization's
new president, Carol de Bruin, to
the National Students Association
conference this summer.,
, It was announced that City Pan-
hellenic will give a tea for all high
school senior girls in Washtenaw
County on Saturday, May 19. At
the Greek Week Panhel Tea, Tues-
day, May 15, the new Panhel offi-
cers will be installed.
Mary Tower, President of Junior
Panhel, announced that Help
Week, when sorority and fraternity
pledges and new initiates rejuven-
ate the Fresh Air Camp, will take
place Monday through Friday,
April 30 to May 4.

Ivan Potts, Don'MacLennan, Ma-
rilyn Harris, Ann Crego, Marilyn
Maldver and Sue Sturc.
Miss Sture remarked that the
atmosphere was so completely like
the United Nations that, "After.
a while one didn't even think of
these people as students. The
University of Chicago group had
really become the Indian delega-
Costume Ball'
Increasing the realism of the
weekend was a costume ball on
Saturday night, with delegates at-
tending in the native dress of the
country they represented.
Miss Sture commented upon the
tremendous knowledge of parlia-
mentary procedure evident in the
conference. She pointed out that
the Indian delegation made ample
use of this in attempts to chal-
lenge the right of the Nationalist
Chinese to represent that nation.
Close Vote
With the Communist, Chinese
delegates seeking admission with
signs and behind the scenes con-
tacts, the General Assembly voted
only by the narrow margin of 31
to 29 to retain the Nationalist
On the whole taking the view-
point pf the nations that they
represented, students dealt with
problems currently before the ac-
tual United Nations.
Discussion in the Disarmament
Council produced a proposal which
would ban nuclear weapons and

supervise fission and fusion bomb
tests under the control of an 11
nation investigating body.
Prevent Shipments
A stoppage of arms shipments
to both Israel and Arab nations
was advocated with a police force
set up to patrol the border until
a settlement can be reached.
With the purpose of familiariz-
ing students with issues currently
before the United Nations and the
court of world opinion, and giv-
ing them an insight into how the.
UN handles them, the assembly
was addressed by experts in this
Naimuddine Rafai, Syrian dele-
gate to the 'trusteeship Council,
spoke to the students on "United
Nations Trusteeship: A Road to
400 Attend
Sent by 20 colleges and univer-
sities, 400' college men and women
attended,. representing 73 of the
76 United Nations members.
An interesting sidelight was the
representation of the U.S.S.R. by
the Wisconsin chapter of Sigma
Alpha Epsilon fraternity and the
United States delegation by mem-
bers of the Wisconsin chapter of
Kappa Sigma and the Wisconsin
Liberal Club.
Calling the conference, "a tre-
mendously worthwhile experience,"
Miss Sturc noted that any of the
seven delegates will be available
to relate the details of the week-
end to groups

Sklut - Black
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Sklut of
Wilmington, Del. recently an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Rochella, to Peter- E.
Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alger-
non D. Black of New York City.
Miss Sklut is a junior in the
literary college.
Mr. Black is a senior in the
School of Natural Resources and is
vice-president of the Foresters'
A winter wedding is planned.

Events Around Campus.

JGP--There will be a meeting of
the 1956 Junior Girls Play Central
Committee at 2 p.m. today at the
League. The dinner meeting has
been postponed until Thursday.
students or other persons possess-
ing motor scooters, who might be
interested in taking part in the
Michigras parade Friday after-
noon, may contact Tim Putney at
2-3197 for further information.

Free movies on Australia and New
Guinea will be shown at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Recreation Room of
the International Center.
GOLF CLUB-Any women stu-
dents - interested in joining the
Golf Club may attend the re-or-
ganizational meeting to be held
at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Wom-
en's Athletic Building.



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