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April 15, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-15

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4r m51e4!og3z Bailg
Sixty-Sixth Year

"How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm
After They've Seen Pariteeer'

ben Opinions Are Free,
Trutb Will Prevail


Smith College Exhibit
Displays Abstract Art
ART COLLECTIONS belonging to universities rate among the best
in the country. Selections from one of the foremost of these collec-
tions, Smith College's, shall be exhibited at the Art Galleries (Alumni
Memorial Hall) until April 29.
"Smith College Collects" contains a selection of contemporary
paintings and drawings, which are mostly the works of contemporary
artists. The exhibition contains mostly landscapes; only two or three


Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


IHC Must Oppose Rate Hike'
Until Other Means Exhausted



.Council "reluctantly accepted" a $50 in-
crease in Residence Hall room and board rates.
Tomorrow IHC will again meet to consider an-
other increase proposed by the University's
business offices.
The stand it takes will be entirely up to
representatives of residents in the three quad-
raigles. It must base its. decisions both on
reasons for the increase being directed against
quad residents and on the feelings. of the resi-
Whether. residents, like it. or: not, the Uni-
Sersltyihas been forced to give salary increases
to its full-time, non-student employees. Since
th. State Legislature voted pay boosts for its
employees at the University, the University
must in turn increase the wages of Residence
Iall employees who are not paid by the State.
a matter of good business; pay scales of
the two employee groups should be the same.
In addition, more money is needed to oper-
te the Residence Halls for the three additional
4ays of school per semester :approved by a
$pecial calendaring committee last fall.
The salary increase will cost each -one. of
he expected 5900 Residence Hall residents
16 15. The three additional days of school
necessitate 'an additional $6 per resident. But
he University has somehow managed to keep
he total per resident increase down to $20.
HE FACTS indicate that the salary and op-
erating increases are necessary. Residents
'annot argue otherwise.' But the propriety of
obtaining the additional money out of student
pockets certainly is open to question. IHC
ihould therefore concern itself with the means
Vo the end.
IHC President Tom Bleha has pointed out
that his organization has four courses of ac-
tion open. He rightly indicated that two of
6aiese courses, 1) taking no action or, 2) ac-
cepting the raise unconditionally, were un-
feasonable. Bleha went on to imply that of
1ie other two, accepting it under certain con-
1itions or "fighting it just to fight it," the form-.
Or would be the more practical thing to do.
other considerations, however, indicate it
would not.
f Bleha first points out that IHC should view
te matter realistically, that the proposed raise
will probably become an actuality regardless
f how the residents feel. The Council should
get "as much as it can" rather than nothing
&t all. The best way to do this, Bleha be-
leves, is to accept it providing certain con-
ditions- 'are e
OW EVEN IF THIS were the most realistic
way of acting the IHC should also con-
sider the matter of principles. There is often
more to be gained by losing a fight for some-
thing you believe right than winning a shal-
low victory of the type the Council achieved
following the last raise. This principle should
be strongly considered in contrast to joining a
side when you can't beat it.
But what is surprising is that President Ble-
ha believes that IHC actually obtained the vic-
tory they sought last year by joining the other .
side. Bleha himself proposed last year's mo-
tion "reluctantly accepting the proposed room
and board raise, if, and only if," five conditions
were met.
As he said last week, three of the conditions
were met. The two other stirulations in the,
"if-and-only-if" acceptance were not. A dif-
ferential rate scale between freshmen and up-
per classmen has not been considered and the
contract termination policy has not been re-
At first glance, there is apparently no other
means by which the rising-costs of Residence
Hall construction andsmaintenance can be
met. Students see, among, other athletic ex-
pansion programs, construction, of -a $300,000
press box complete with dining room, and they
complain. But the athletic department is a
self-supporting unit and it understandably has
some justification for keeping its own money
for its own usp.
Moreover, University officials are wary of
ising football gate receipts in other programs
for fear the State Legislature will cut appro-
It would be unfairfor students living outside
the Residence Halls to be taxed for operating
increases. Why should they be assessed for
benefits which they do.not receive? Of course,

Editorial Staff

In the same manner it is unfair for Residence
Hall residents themselves to pay $150 per year
to pay off debts.
And the Legislature will not support any
school's living units. At least they haven't to
BUT THE UNIVERSITY and the student body
are not doing all they can to achieve a
workable solution to the problem. By condi-
tionally accepting increases year after year,
IHC is backing itself into a- corner. And be-
cause the University does not consult them
earlier in the discussion, it does not make it
any easier for students to obtain an under-
standing of just what is involved.
The proposed increase does not have to be
accepted like.a spoonful of castor oil.
It should not be approved until every other
means is exhausted.
Immediately, residents can encourage their
parents to write members of the Residence
Hall Board of Governors, the Board of Reg-
ents and the State Legislature. They can work
through their IHC in opposing the increase on
logical grounds.
More important, both University officials and
IHC members should work closer in the future
so that all possible sources of funds are thor-
oughly considered before students are asked
to dip into their pockets. Such things should
be considered as an organized campaign to
alumni explaining the University's need of
more Residence Hall funds, encouragement of
private construction of living units and a re-
duction in unnecessary Residence Halls staff.
THE UNIVERSITY business office points out
that residents are in no position to make
decisions when they don't have the facts. But
this is only because the facts are not given the
residents. The University should not negate
the possibility that there may be a plan
which would cut-down increased resident as-
Whenever people are hit with increasing
costs, their immediate reaction is, of course,
negative. But IHC should not therefore con-
clude that it necessarily must accept the
raise in spite of strong resident protest.
IH should oppose the $20 resident increase
and work with the University toward another
Bicycle Resolution
Creates More Problems
ANN ARBOR'S City Council meets tomorrow
. night. On the agenda is the second read-
ing of the proposed bicycle ordinance revi-
This revision will give the Council power to
determine city sidewalk areas upon which bi-
cycle riding and parking will be prohibited.
The resolution is a good one, for it will al-
leviate much of the congestion on city side-
walks-the State Street area from William to
Liberty being the prime congestion example.
However, the resolution does not fully
Aolve existing problems.
Bicycle riding students will not be per-
mitted to use city sidewalks when on wheels,
The alternative is to use city streets. The
result will be added congestion in the streets,
leading to an increased accident rate.
Also, the resolution does not provide for
bicycle parking areas.
IT HAS BEEN SUGGESTED that cycling stu-
dents park their bicycles on the sidewalk
extensions. This is a near impossibility. There
is not sufficient space on the extensions to
park bicycles. Also, if it were possible, stu-
dents who parked bicycles on extensions would
be blocking the sidewalks to motorists who
park at the curb,
In these respects, the resolution before the
Council is inadequate.
The Council is urged not to take action on
the proposed bicycle ordinance revision until
such time as provisions are made for parking
bicycles and relieving congestion in city streets.
An amendment to the proposed revision is in

New Books at the Library
Carey, Ernestine Gilbreth -- Rings Around
Us; Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1956.
Brick, John--Jubilee; N.Y., Doubleday, 1956.
Cahill, Holger-The Shadow of My Hand;
N.Y., Harcourt-Brace, 1956.
Mikes, George-Leap Through the Curtain:
The Story of Nora Kovach and Istvan Rabov-
sky; N.Y., Dutton & Co., 1956.
O'Neill, Eugene-Long Day's Journey Into
Night; New Haven, Yale U. Press, 1956.
Zamperini, Louis and Itria, Helen-Devil at
My Heels: the Story of Louis Zamperini; N.Y.,
Dutton & Co., 1956.
O'Connor, Edwin-The Last Hurrah; Boston,
Little-Brown, 1956.
Payne, Pierre - The Roaring Boys; N.Y.,

human forms are represented.
- It's amazing that two artists
can present completely different
interpretations of the same basic
scene, a harbor. Both are painted
so abstractly that probably neither
would be recognized without the
title. Yet isn't the title of a paint-
ing really unimportant? The sub-
ject of modern art is its own com-
position; the picture itself is the
main concern of the artist. It is
the reason that many artists en-
title their compositions merely
Paintings as Jack Wilkinson did
or Peinture if they happen to be
French as John Levee.
The divergent approaches to the.
identical subject, one subtle and
one vivid, are created by the color
used in each picture and the
method of application in each
more than by the differences in
the organization and composition.




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Behind New Jersey Primary

IN 1953 when Bob Meyner, the
young and then relatively un-
known New Jerseyite, was running
for governor of the Garden State,
he appealed to another young
Democrat, Senator Kefauver of
Tennessee,-to come north and make
some speeches for him.
Kefauver did so. He dug into the
files of his crime probe, picked out
some interesting facts about New
Jersey racketeers, some of them
linked with Republicans, and de-
livered some hard-hitting speeches
which helped elect a Democratic
governor of New Jersey for the first
time in 15 years.
Last week Kefauver was back
in Meyner's state seeking dele-
gates for limself at the Chicago
convention. But he is getting no
reciprocity from the governor he
helped elect.
s sC
THE TWO MEN have had some
pleasant, friendly meetings, the
first at the Essex House in New-
ark, where Meyner came to see
the Senator from Tennessee.
"I love you, Estes," was the gist
of Meyner's conversation, "and I
appreciate what you once did for
me. But I'm not going to give you
any help in the primary."
Actually the New Jersey primary
tomorrow boils down to one of the
most important battles of the pre-
convention period. On one side,
Kefauver will be trying to keep the
lead over Stevenson he established
in Minnesota. On the other side,
Meyner, who has now thrown his
lot with Stevenson, will be trying
to keep his own prestige in New

Jersey by taking delegates away
from Kefauver-delegates which
are unpledged, but which would
probably go to Stevenson if con-
trolled by Meyner.
Likewise, John Kenny, boss of
the old Hague machine in Jersey
City-a city where the tall Tennes-
seean unearthed plenty of crime--
will be out to protect his machine.
He is dead opposed to Kefauver.
Kefauver has had terrific crowds,
one of the biggest right in Kenny's
own Jersey City bailiwick. In New-
ark, the crowds were so enthusi-
astic that Mayor Leo Carlin, who
had plannedto stay neutral, came
up to congratulate Kefauver.
Whether the enthusiasm of the
crowds can be translated into dele-
gate strength will test out whether
New Jersey local leaders can be
any stronger than the local lead-
ers of Minnesota.
Note-Estes got into the New
Jersey campaign late, had to get
his own delegates into the race
late, says he'll be satisfied to carry
10 out of 36 delegates.
IT IS NOW possible to report
more details on the closed-door
conference between Secretary of
State. Dulles and bipartisan Con-
gressional leaders over the threat-
ening war clouds in the Near East.
"The President," Dulles said,
has requested me to brief you
gentlemen on the seriousness of
the situation."
He then proceeded to sketch a
picture of deepening crisis.
One thing which disturbed him

was the cabled reports from U.S.
embassies in Cairo and Tel Aviv
that both Premier Nasser of Egypt
and President Ben-Gurion of Is-
rael had become increasingly hos-
itle. Previously they had been re-
ceptive to suggestions for peace,
but not recently.
* * *
of Mr. Dulles' report was that Rus-
sians are organizing Moslem troops
behind the Iron Curtain appar-
ently to send so-called "volunteers"
in to help the Arabs, just as
Chinese "volunteers" swarmed all
over Korea. Dulles said the State.
Department is watching this very
The Secretary of State seemed
loath to reveal just what plans the
Eisenhower Administration had, if
any, to deal with the worsening
crisis. He stated flatly, however,
that the President is prepared to
intervene in' the Near East, and
made it clear that he wouldn't
necessarily ask Congress in ad-
vance. He would ask for Congres-
sional approval, Dulles said, if he
had time.
"But," added the Secretary of
State, "if a serious crisis develops
suddenly and he hasn't time to
seek Congressional authorization,
he will, of course, take any steps
that are necessary under his own
powers to stop an all-out war. The
president has the power under the
Constitution. to intervene," Dulles
declared. "After all, there are Am-
erican citizens in that area who
must be protected."
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

* * *
MERVIN JULE'S The Harbor is
painted in brilliant color. The
boats are multitudes of daring
hues ranging from chartreuse
through oranges and pinks. Within
a one-inch square, one can clearly
see four shades of blue, four shades
of green, two pinks, brown, yellow,
orange, and grey-each hue at its
most vibrant and most intense.
The rich twinkling mood of sun-
rise or sunset is well-conveyed, the
composition of the picture, how-
ever, cannot in itself retain the
interest of the spectator.
A MORE INTENSE impression
is- created by the additive effect*
than, by that of subtraction of
mixing the colors before applying
them to the canvas. In Black Har-
bor, Grey Moon, Elof Wedin, using
the subtractive method, paints a
subtler harbor scene. Wedin's
handling of pastel oils here is en-
joyable; they are extremely opaque
in places and in others are applied
quite transparently.
Edward Cowley's I n d u s t r i a l
Scene is reminiscent of Leger's The
City. Portions look quite realistic,
and houses, telephone poles and
streets are easily discerned; while
other parts appear more unreal
and machine-like. If this be in.
dustry, this is a new way of rep-
resenting it. The blues make it
quite peaceful, the whites are
clean and pure. The cubist geo-
metrical patterns are not ex-
tremely cleancut as in most- in-
dustrial landscapes.
-Linda Goodman
"C A R O U S E L", Rogers and
Hammerstein's musical play; with
Gordon MacRae, Shirley Jones,
Barbara Ruick and Cameron Mit-#
chell; ". . . entertaining and in-
teresting . . . has its faults, but its
delights come frequently enough to
bring new excitement to the near-
ly-defunct musical screen." (At
the State)
"I AM A CAMERA," screen ad-
aptation of John Van Druten's
Broadway play; with Julie Harris,
Laurence Harvey, and Shelley
Winters; "Julie Harris not only
makes the fairy tale seem real, she.
makes it look important . . . a bit
of pleasure-and the credit all,
goes to Julie Harris." (At the Or-,
"THE LAST HUNT," with Stew-
art Granger, Robert Taylor and
Debra Paget; color and- Cinemo-
Scope treatment of cowboys and
Indians during the West's last days
of the buffalo. (At the Michigan)
"VIVA ZAPATA," with Marlon
Brando and Jean Peters; rerun of
Eliza Kazan's production of several
years ago; deals with Mexican rev-
olutionaries, their loves and their
fighting; a film that Cinema Guild
brings back frequently. (At Archi-
tecture Auditorium)

THE Daily Official Bulletin 1. an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial resons-
bility Notices should be sent in
'YPEWRrrTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
SUNDAY, APRIL 15, 1956
General Notices
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Rest
dence Hall Scholarship for the aca-
demic year 1956-57 for Helen Newberry
Residence may do so through the Office
of the Dean of women. Applications
close Mon., April 23. Student already
living in this residence hall and those
wishing to live there next fanl may ap-
ply. Qualifications will be considered
on the basis of academic standing
(minimum 2.5 cumulative average),
need, and contribution to group living.
Residence Hall Scholarship: Women
students wishing to apply for a Rest-
dence Hal Scholarship for the academie
year 1956-57 for Betsy Barbour may do
so through the Office of the Dean of
Women. Applications close Mon., April
23. Students already living in this
residence and those incoming seniors
who will be living there next fall may
apply. Qualifications will be considered
on the basis of academic standing (min-
imum 2.5 cumulative average), need,
and contribution to group living.
Women Students Now on Campus who
do not have a housing commitment for
the fall semester, 1956, may apply 'for,
housing accomodations as follows:
Applications fdr Residence Halls (u-
dergraduates only) will be acceptedal
the Office of the Dean of Women, 1514
Administration Building, any time after
12:00 noon on Wed., April 18.
Applications for Undergraduate League
Housing will be accepted in the An
Arbor Roorm of the Michigan League
at 7:00 p.m. on Tues., April 17.
Applications for Graduate League
Housing will be accepted in the Office
of the Dean of Women beginningApril
Disciplinary action in cases of student
n-xfconduct: At meeting held on
March 13, March 20, 1956, cases involving
17 students were heard by the Joint
Judiciary Council. In all cases the
action was paproved by the University
Sub-Committee on Discipline.
Violation of state laws and city ord-
nances relating to the purchase, sale
and use of intoxicants:
a. Accepting intoxic.nts served to hie
In violation of state law. One student
fined $10.00.
b. Supplying intoxicants to a minor.
One student fined $10.00.
c. Aiding in purchase of intoxicants;
Two students fined $10.00 each.
d. Presenting borrowed indentifiation
in order to obtain intoxicants, On
student fined $10.00.
e. Lending I.D. card to another st-
dent in order that he might purchase
Intoxicants. One student fined $10.00.
f. Minor in possession of intoxicants
in a motor vehicle. Two students
fined $10.00 each and two nights
social probation imposed.
g. Presenting borrowed identification
In order to gain entrance to local
tavern without intent to purchase
intoxicants. One student fined 5.00.
Conduct unbecoming a student:
Drinking in student quarters an
unlawfully removing property. Two
students fined $15.00 each.
Supplying a place for minors to drink,
entertaining unchaperoned women in
student quarters and allowing gross
misuse of apartment. One student
fined $25.00.
Driving after drinking, entertaining
unchaperoned women ini student quar
ters, accepting intoxicants served him
in violation of state law and violation
of University driving regulations. One
student fined $50.00.
Entertaining unchaperoned women 1n
student quarters and supplying intoxi-
cants to minors. One student fined
Violating University driving regua-
tinos. One student fined $10.00.
Driving another person's car, after
drinking. One student fined $2000 sue-
Violating University driving regula-
tions, allowed another person to drive
car for social purposes after he had
been drinking. One student fined $20.00.
Student Recital. 4:15 this afternoon

in Aud. A, Angell Hal, by Mary Elisa-
beth Nimrichter, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree. Miss Nimrichter is a
major in stringinstruments, studying
violin with Emil Raab and cello with
Oliver Edel. Program will be open to
the general public.
Student Recital: Mary Ellen Eckert,
pianist, at 8:30 tonight in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, in compositions by Scar-
latti, Beethoven, Ravel, and Chopin,
played in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Music
degree. Miss Eckert is a pupil of Helen
Titut, and her recital will be open to
the general public.
Student Recital. George Papich,
violistassisted by Theodore Johnson,
violinist, and David Tice, pianist, re-











Quiz Tests Individualit Quotient'



By The Associated Press
DO YOU run like the fox-or
hunt with the hounds? Do you
follow fads and fashion, try to
keep up with the Joneses?
The following questions, sug-
gested by one of the nation's fore-
most psychiatrists, may help give
you a little insight on yourself.
The psychiatrist points .out, how-
ever, that the queries merely
scratch the surface and the an-
swers are only as revealing as
their honesty. Answer yes or no.
1. If you plan to buy a car will
you choose one with a two-color
paint job?
2. Assume you are in the mar-
ket for a new house. Are you mo"
interested in a split-level than a
traditional design? Do you feel a
rumpus room is essential? A pic-
ture window?
3. Do you belong to book clubs,
subscribe to a collection of slick-
paper magazines, own a Hi-Fi rec-
ord player?
4. DO YOU play a snappy game
of bridge or canasta?
5. If you are a woman, do you

10. Do you apologize for your liv-1
ing conditions, the number of
bathrooms, the lack of a maid?
Do you dream of the next house
and that next raise?
Answers: An individualist is one
who cares not a whoop what his
neighbors are doing. The conform-
ist ls the one who follows, who
feels conspicuous if not part of the
herd. It takes a lot of courage these
mass production days to be the
out-of-step person. Of course, like
everything else, individualism can
be overdone.
Just for fun, though, why not
find out what your I.Q. is-
Individualism quotient, we mean.
Take 10 for each correct answer
and figure anything under 70 as
a sign you ought to do some soul
1. No. The two-tone paint job
has been a fad. The individualists
already are back to one-color
2. NO THESE items are exam-
ples of packlaged thinking. How-
ever, your individual living needs
or pocketbook may determine what
you get. It's your attitude 'that

7. No. Wine drinking isr't really
an American custom.
8. Yes. Although it does seem
old-fashioned right now.
9. No. That's a pretty superfi-
cial way to go through life-and
probably a boring one.
10. No. What are you afraid of?



by Dick Bibler

DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
Editorial Director City Editor
DEBRA DURCHSLAG ................ Magazine
DAVID KAPLAN ......,.................Feature
JANE HOWARD .................... Associate
LOUISE TYOR ....................... Associate
PHIL DOUGLIS ..,.. . ............... Sports
ALAN EISENBERG ........... Associate Sports
JACK HORWITZ .............. Associate Sports
MARY HELLTHALER ................ Women's
ELAINE EDMONDS..........Associate Women's


E I ,/1,'d " A -
g~aD lw /


JOHN HIRTZEL.................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
DICK ALSTROM ............... .... Business Manager

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