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February 14, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-14

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U. I a

Gulantics To Feature Seven Acts

Whi 1Le4, IP
Your best move to make next... is to
check the outstanding opportunities a
very particular engineering senior is
sure to find at the Radio Corporation of
America, world leader in electronics.
An RCA engineering management rep-
resentative will be on campus--
Monday, March 5, and
Tuesday, March 6, 1956
See your placement officer now for your
appointment. Ask him, too, for litera-
ture with the down-to-earth facts
about RCA careers.

Gulantics, annual talent show,
presented by the Union, League
and Men's Glee Club will be held
at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 28, in
Hill Auditorium.
As the only campus review that
depends upon the audience's reac-
tion to determine its winners,
Gulantics acts will be decided by
applause, as registered by an
Acting as emcees for the produc-
tion Bob Trost, '58, and John
Schubeck, '57, will introduce the
chosen acts. Both Trost and Schu-
beck have served as band an-
nouncers at football and basket-
ball games.
Student Acts
The program consists of seven
competing student acts and other
non-competing numbers.
Margaret Bell, Music School
soprano will open the show and
Hildred Kronlakken, g r a d u a t e
voice major, will present the next
Harmony group, the Scotties,
will then take the floor. Their
most recent singing appearance
was at a ski resort in Escanaba,
Mich. over Christmas vacation.
A coronet trio, made up of Car-
men Spadaro, Emerson Head,
and Dick Longhead, are featured

GULANTICS EMCEES: John Schubeck and Bob Trost have
been named as emcees for the campus talent show to be presented
at 8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25, at Hill Auditorium.

Following that, duo-piano sel-
ections will be played by Barbara
Marriott and Katheryn Lucas,
both Music School students.
The Ann Arbor Alley Cats, a
jazz aggregate, are also among
the competing groups scheduled.

Ends Soon!

20% Disc. Sale
Our selections are dwindling!.
Wool Sulis -Sport Coals - Topcoats
Also - 20% Disc. on Suiting Trousers
Substantial Reductions on Men's Furnishings
Open Mon. Till 8:30-- Tues thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30

Petitioning Calendar
1. Petitioning opens.....................Wednesday, Feb. 15
2. Open house.....................Saturday, Feb. 25, 9:30 to noon
3. Interviewing committee office hours....3-5 p.m., Feb. 15 to 27
4.Petitioningcloses.........................Monday, Feb. 27
5. Interviews..............................Feb. 28 to March 2
1. Petitioning opens....................Wednesday, Feb. 22
2. Open house.........,.......Saturday, Feb. 25, 9:30 to noon
3. Petitioning closes............... .......Monday, March 5
4: Interviews ....................................March 6 to 13
1. Petitioning opens......................Thursday, March 1
2. Open house................Saturday, March 10, 9:30 to noon
3. Petitioning closes. .00. .. 0 . .....Wednesday, March 14
4. Interviews.................... .........March 15 to 27
1. Petitioning opened........................Monday, Feb. 13.
2. Petitioning closes..........................Monday, Feb. 20
1. Petitioning opens......... .about third week in March
2. Petitioning closes........................date not set as yet
1. Petitioning opens.......................Wednesday, Feb.. 15
2. Petitioning closes........................Wednesday, Feb. 29
3. Interviewing begins......................Thursday, MarchlI
1. Cast tryouts......3-5 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Feb. 13 to 17
9:30 to 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Feb. 18
3 to 5 p.m., Monday, Feb. 20
- -
* ~- ll

The evening's entertainment also
includes selections by groups who
will not be competing for prizes.
A surprise faculty act, numbers
by last years winners, The Psurfs,
and a League Dance Class exhibi-
tion will appear as that part of
the show.
Providing background music for
the different acts will be Paul
Brodie and his orchestra.
Judges Announced
Walter Collins, acting Glee
Club director, James Shortt, fac-
ulty business advisor to University
music groups, Steve Hansen, presi-
dent of the Glee Club, Gwynne
F i n k e 1 m a n, representing the
League and Fred Williams, the
Union willserve as judges.
Three prizes will be awarded,
amounting to $175. $100 will go to
the winner of first place, $50 to
second place and $25 to the third
place winner.
Gulantics was founded by Prof.
Philip A. Duey, director of the
Men's Glee Club, "to give students
an opportunity to exhibit their
A contest was held the first year
to determine a name for the pro-
duction. The winner used "G" for
Glee Club, "U" for Union, "L" for
League and added "antics" to form

Union Plans
For Activities
This Spring
Open Houses, Dances
Included in Calendar
Of Semester's Events
While construction workers put
finishing touches on the new ad-
dition, Union officials are adding
theirs to the agenda of Spring
The last final exam meant the1
end of work for most University
students, but it was only the be-
ginning for Union men in charget
of the Student Book Exchange,i
functioning for the first time as a
Union prdject.
Located in the still unfinished
portion of the new wing, SBX has
its usual collection of books, priced
as always by former student own-
Events Planned
Although many of the Union's
plans still hinge upon completion
of the construction, Bob Blossey,1
executive Secretary remarked that
a tentative schedule, with other
projects iin the making has been
drawn up-
"Perhaps our biggest event will
be the Open House," Blossey add-
ed. Sponsored by the student ser-
vices committee, the Open House,
will be held Feb. 25.
A dog show, Michifish routines,1
and displays from various organi-1
zations will be featured. Several
tournaments and contests will also1
be held.,
Union dancing, bowling, pool-
room and swimming facilities will
be open tomen and coeds free of
Little Club Continues
Little Club fans will again be
able to enjoy dance entertainment
in a night club atmosphere.
Almost every Friday night will1
find a room with small tables,
flickering candles, and dance mu-
sic provided by a well-known cam-
pus orchestra, available as a
"night spot" for coeds and their
Sunday night record dances will
continue in the usual style with
several Rainbow Rendezvous hav-
ing been planned for the new se-
Planned for later in the semes-
ter is a Leadership Training
Course designed to give campus
leaders the benefit of leadership
training techniques.
The talk will be conducted by a
member of the psychology depart-
ment and may be extended to a
week's course "if enough enthus-i
iasm is shown."
Campus Tours
University Day, when high
school students are given a tour
of the University campus and
Michigan Day, a similar affair for
members of junior colleges are
also on the agenda.
Such traditions as Hatcher Open,
Houses and the Student-Faculty
coffee hours will continue as in
previous years.
The opening of the new snack
bar will provide an ultra-modern
social gathering spot. According
to Blossey, the Union is going to
hold a Name-The-Snack-Bar-Con-
test, with a prize in the form of
a $100 tuition Scholarship.
Snack Bar Dances
Also in the making is the idea
of holding free dances in the
Snack Bar on Friday afternoons.
Another future possibility is an
evening of informal discussion,
which might be held every other
week. A special topic would be
presented and then left open to
anyone who wanted to enter the

"What we're doing all the time,"
Blossey declared, "is evaluating
our present projects and analyzing
future possibilities with the ulti-
mate aim of serving campus bet-

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second in a series of articles dealing
with Speech Clinic activities.)
Next week a course with classes
that no one wants to "cut" and
work that is never found too bur-
densome will begin at the Univer-
Those enrolled are dysphasics,
people who have lost the functions
of speech or understanding due
to some injury to the brain. No.
effort is too great if it can help
them to regain these powers.
The place where this rehabilita-
tion occurs is the University
Speech Clinic, a center for human
adjustment. With facilities for 20
patients a semester, the dysphasia
division holds two 12-week sessions
a year and a 6-week summer ses-
Division Staff
Irwin Brown has been in charge
of the division since 1952. He and
his assistant, Maryanna Bender
make up the senior staff of the
unit, which also includes 12 to 15
junior clinicians, a physical thera-
pist and ordinarily a trained social
worker and physician.
The slim speech specialist puffed
on his pipe and described how the
clinic selects its patients.
"Sources of referrals include the
University hospital, self referrals,
patients recommended by the State
Office of Vocational Rehabilita-
tion, and those sent by private
physicians and other medical
agencies Brown began.
"But everyone who wants to
come to the clinic gets an exami-
nation," he added. "We have cer-
tain standards for selection and
we keep a waiting list."
Most Are Stroke Cases
The senior clinician remarked
that most cases his division treats
are stroke victims who have suf-
fered a blood clot in the brain.
That injury is usually accompanied
by some form of paralysis varying
in its severity but most often af-
fecting the right side of a person
if he is right-handed.
Many patients receive therapy
at the clinic for two or more ses-
sions because "we try to take a
patient as far as he can go before
we dismiss him and accept a new
The curriculum a dysphasic
follows daily at the clinic is simi-
lar to a University student's day.
As an illustration of what it ac-
complishes and methods employed,
Brown related the case history of
a former patient. "Although this
case concerns a factory worker,"
the clinician remarked, "many of'
our patients are business and pro-
fessional people."
Case of Mr. A.
Born in 1928, Mr. A, is married
and has two children. He had for-
mal schooling up to the seventh
grade, served in the army and was
employed in a factory at the time
he suffered a stroke.
Taken to a veteran's hospital,
Mr. A. was found to have complete
paralysis of the right arm and
leg and severe expressive dyspha-
"When we examined him at the
clinic," Brown recalled, "Mr. A.
showed great difficulty in formu-
lating words for oral communica-
tion. He spoke in word units but
very slowly, with many long paus-
Dysphasic Symitoms
"He was able to recognize ob-
jects, but had trouble with reading
comprehension," specialist contin-
ued, "and while he could repeat
words he ommitted sounds. He
could write his name, but nothing
else, and do simple arithmetic
problems but no equally simple
applied problems"
Mr. A. attended classes in the
speech clinic from 8 a.m. until 3
p.m. Conducted by junior clinic-
ians, usually graduate speech cor-
rection majors and upper seniors,

the classes involved reading, writ-
ing, speech and numbers compre-
hension as well as physical ther-t
"In his 8 a.m. reading class,
Mr. A. needed special help in rec-
ognizing small words like, 'in',
'to', 'the', or 'is,' " Brown said. "As
the session progressed he showed
improvement in both of these
At 9 a.m. he received physical
therapy treatments to improve his
posture and gait and gain strength
and coordination in his paralyzed
The next hour reserved daily
for a coffee break, served as a time
for recreation, relaxation and
group therapy. Mr. A. would join
his fellow patients and practice
his speech at a social level.
Mr. A's increasing sense of re-
sponsibility and his relaxation in
social relationships became evident
during the coffee hours as the
semester progressed.
His writing class at 11 a.m. em-
phasized development of a larger
writing vocabulary and asociating
names and sounds of letters with
the written symbols.
Improvement at End
"By the end of the session he
was able to write most simple
three or four word sentences easily
from dictation," Brown remarked.
"Although he still needed assist-
ance with more complicated
Improvement was also noted in
the fluency and legibility of Mr.
A.'s left-handed script.
"But perhaps his greatest gains
in that class was his ability to
compose his own written material
and the desire to write letters and
post cards home, the clinician
Further social adjustment was
sought in a singing class after
lunch, designed to aid Mr. A. in
his articulation and reading.
Speech Class
His last class of the day was
speech where he received special
attention in sentence construction
and was encouraged to relax while
speaking under social stress.
"As time passed," Brown con-
tinued, "Mr. A. made excellent
improvement in his ability to par-
ticipate in, class discussions.
While Mr. A. yas a patient at
the the clinic, his wife was seen
frequently by the staff social
worker,' who helped her work out
various family problems incurred
by the illness.
Mrs. A. was also given instruc-
tion in home care which would
provide continuity in therapy
while her husband was home dur-
ing weekends and between classes
at the clinic.
"We treated Mr. A. for two ses-
sions," Brown said with a smile,
"and when he came back to visit
us two years after he was released,
we were glad to see that his speech
and walk had improved consider.
ably and happier to hear that he
was gainfully employed at the
factory where he had worked prior
to his illness."
Buro-Cat Women
To Hold Meeting
Combination mass meeting and
party is being planned by the
Buro-Cat organization from 7 to
9:3 p.m. today in the League.
Coeds . interested in joining
Buro-Cats may do so at the mass
Olti members will also hand In
their class schedules and sign up
to work at this time.
Evening's entertainment will in-
clude a humorous skit, written
and presented by members of the
organization. This skit will explain
the various Buro-Cat committees
and their activities.
Refreshments will also be served.


University Speech. Clinic
Offers Aid for Dysphasia


4 I





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will hold its first meeting of the
semester at 5 p.m. today in the
Women's Athletic, Building.
RIFLE CLUB-Old members of
the Women's Rifle Club will meet
at 7 p.m. today in the basement
of the Women's Athletic Building.
be a mass meeting for all indepen-
dent students at 7:30 p.m. tomor-
row at the Hillel Foundation.
* * * 3
WAA BOWLING - Students
wishing to enter the WAA Bowling
Tournament may turn in their
entry blanks to house athletic
managers before tomorrow. Bowl-
ing alleys in the WAB will be open'
for practice from 4 to 6 p.m. to-
day through.Thursday.
JEWISH MUSIC-A program of
Jewish music will be presented at
8:30 p.m. Thursday in the main
chapel at the Hillel Foundation.
The program will feature both
vocal and instrumental muskc.





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In every area--from Management through the many
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Because of the nature of the company, its integrated
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ing work. This unique approach means that as a part
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as for the company. B&W activities are so broad in
scope that there is much to choose from-much to give
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is the "right fit."
To give you further details on what the future holds
for you at B&W, we have prepared a 16-page book with
detailed training plan, called "Opportunities With
Babcock & Wilcox." We'd like you to have a copy just
merely by writing The Babcock & Wilcox Company,
Student Training Department, 161 East 42nd Street,
New York 17, N. Y. and asking for "Opportunities."
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