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April 10, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-04-10

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.V! 95


Many Honors
To, Be Given
At Program
Campus Organizations
Will Present Awards
At Installation Night
Various events ranging from
pledge formals to Michigras will
be taking place throughout the re-
mainder of the semester, but the
biggest single event for all the
women on campus will be the tra-
ditional Installation Night at 7
p.m. Monday in Rackhan Amphi-
Installation Nigh is the time
when women who have petitioned
and campaigned for positions in
the League, Women's Athletic As-
sociation, Panhellenic and As-
sembly learn of their success.
Special recognition will be given
to the chairman and members of
the new International Committee
of the League.
To Receive Babbidge Award
In addition, other honors will
be awarded to deserving women.
The outstanding coed of the Junior
Girls Play will receive the Marcia
Babbidge Award.
Among the scholarships an-
nounced will be the annual Scroll
Scholarship. This award is pre-
sented annually by the Senior af-
filiated women's honorary to a
junior affiliated coed. It is based
upon leadership in extra-curricular
activities, character, service and
To Give Scholarships
Another scholarship will be
awarded by mortarboard to the
coed who has shown scholarship,
leadership and service ability. Del-
ta Delta Delta will present three
awards to deserving coeds. They
will be based upon citizenship,
scholarship and need.
Three junior coeds will be the
recipients of Ethel McCormick
scholarships. They are awarded
on. the basis of participation in
campus activities, and the coed's
scholastic achievement and finan-
cial need.
A special feature will be the an-
nouncement byrAlpha Lambda
Delta, freshman scholastic honor-
ary, of the senior women who have
maintained an average of 3.5 or
higher throughout their four
years. at the University.
To Name Tapped Coeds
Naming the coeds who have
been tapped for women's ,honor-
aries will also be a feature of In-
stallation Night.
Sue Arnold, new League presi-
dent,, will receive her gavel from
Hazel Frank. She will welcome
the. new members of her council.
Coeds will attend Installation
Night in housing units, free of
charge. There will be no sorority
chapter meeting that night.
During the week following In-
stallation Night all new members
of the League Council will meet
with the new and old first vice-
An officer training program will
be held on Saturday, April 21.
Workshops will also be held.
The formal ceremony will be
held at 4 p.m. on Sunday, April

Two Women To Vie
For ADC Presidency
-- .... ,..... ........ ...... . . . . ,::;::rs ::::r:=.

Parade Plans
Include Use



are Alice Basford and Jean Scru
paigns for the position this wee
individual housing units and ta]
Assembly presidential candidates
Alice Basford and Jean Scruggs
r,re winding up their campaigns
for the office this week.
For the first time in Assembly
history, the candidates have been
making campaign speeches at the
various resident halls.
Next Monday the president will

-Daily-Peter Song
ndildates for Assembly president
ggs. They are ending their cam-
k. A straw vote will be taken in
ken to Monday's ADC meeting.

Persons owning motor scooters
are urgently needed to take part in
the Michigras parade, scheduled
for 3:30 to 5 p.m. Friday, April 20.
According to sub-committee
chairman Tim Putney, scooter rid-
ers will be stationed along the
parade route.
In case of a float breakdown,
they will ride to the nearest jeep
parked along the route and guide
it back to the scene of the trouble
so that it may be hooked on to the
impaired float.
To Have Front Row Seats'
Those offering their services,
Putney emphasized, will get a front
row seat to watch the giant parade
as it winds throughout the streets
of Ann Arbor.
Interested persons are asked to
contact Putney at NO 2-3198.
More than 80 campus units will
be represented in the parade. Each
float, based on this year's theme
Tempo's Through Time, will depict
some facet of the musical world.
Various Attractions
Besides the floats, high school
bands and various other attrac-
tions will add to the carnival air
of the parade.
Arrangements have already been
made to have the entire parade
televised over Ann Arbor's station,
Detroit and Windsor radio and
television stations will be featur-
ing interviews with members of
the Michigras Central Committee
during the weeks previous to the
carnival weekend.
Bill Miller and Libby Garland
are co-chairmen of the floats for
the parade.
Materials for the floats were
handed out by the central com-
mittee before vacation. Various
housing units had previously sub-
mitted order blanks for the mater-
Michigras Hats
Campus sale of Michigras
hats will start tomorrow and
continue through Friday. The
white straw hats with the blue
band may be purchased by the
Engineering Arch, on the Diag-
onal and in front of the Union
as well as in the Michigras
office, Rm. 3-A of the Union.

-Daily-Peter Song
PARISIENNE SCENES-Looking over some of the colorful travel
posters of France which will line the entrance to the Union Ball-
room for "'Parisienne Rendezvous" are Herb Appel and Tony
Trittipo. The dance will be held from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur-
day in the Union Ballroom.
French Motif Will Prevail
At All-Campus Union Dance


ilcn'44 Calnpu4


FASHION SHOW-There will be
a meeting of the committee chair-
men of the International Fashion
Show at 4 p.m. today in the Ann
Arbor Room -of the League.
MAIZE TEAM-There will be
meetings of the following Frosh
Weekend Maize Team committees
today in the League: finance at
4:30 p.m., floorshow and publicity
at 6:30 p.m. and properties at 7:30
RIDING GROUP-All members
of Crop and Saddle will meet -at 7
p.m. today in front of the Wom-
en's Athletic Building.
* * *
MICHIGRAS- There will be a
meeting of the Michigras decora-
tions committee at 7:15 p.m. to-
day in the Union. The room will
be posted.
*b * .
MICHIGRAS-There will be a
meeting of the Michigras House
representatives for booths at 7
p.m. today in Rm. 3-G of the
Union. There will also be a meet-
ing of the float chairman at 7:30
p.m. tonight in Rm. 3-S of the
* *b *#
BLUE TEAM-There will be a
meeting of the program committee
of the Frosh Weekend Blue Team
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the

be voted upon at the- Assembly
Dormitory Council meeting. ADC
representatives will cast their votes
representing the results of straw
votes taken within the dormitories.
No Specific Platform
Miss Basford, a sophomore in
the literary college, has no definite
platform with a certain number of
specific points.
In her campaign speeches she
said, "I feel that the job of presi-
dent is to work at digging out the
decisions of the independent wom-
en on campus. Then coordinate
them and see that-they are enact-
She concluded saying, "My per-
sonal opinions are of no more im-
portance than those of any other
woman, and my primary effort as
president would be to strengthen
the contact with the independent
women and guide them in reaching
their decisions."
Five Point Program
Another sophomore in the liter-
ary college, Miss Scruggs outlined
her platform with five points that
would further the aims of assem-
Miss Scruggs' platform included
a study of the rsidence hall coun-
seling program with a complete
investigation of the possibility of
an undergra duate counseling sys-
tem to supplement the present pro-
gram and the organization of a
residence halls alumnae program.
Strengthening of the big sister
program, holding a house officers
training program early in October
and seeing that Assembly president
attended various house council
meetings were also a part of Miss
Scruggs' platform.
The results of the election will
be announced at League Installa-
tion Night Monday. 1
Candidates for the office of first
vice-president, to be elected by
the members of ADC, are Betsy
Alexander and Gloria Szweda.

For the first Union-sponsored,
all-campus dance of the semester
couples will meet in a "Parisienne
Rendezvous" from 9 p.m. to mid-
night Saturday in the Ballroom of
the Union.
Students attending the event
will dance to music provided by
Red Johnson and his Orchestra.
At intermission time dancers will
be entertained by campus talent
To lend a French atmosphere to
the dance, the entrance to the
ballroom will be decorated to re-
semble the Arch of Triumph of
Paris. Colorful French flags and
travel posters will line the hallway
which leads to the dance floor.
A mural scene of Paris with the
Eiffel Tower in the foreground,
combined with a simulated Parisi-
enne sidewalk cafe outside the
Union Terrace Room will further
contribute to an authentic French
Tickets for "Parisienne Rendez-
vous" will be on sale from 9 a.m.

to 5 p.m. Saturday at the main
desk of the Union.
General chairman of the dance
is Tony Trittipo. Other committee
members who are assisting him are
Herb Appel, publicity; Mike Cam-
ras, programs; Neil Grey, decora-
tions and Skip Magidsohn, enter-
Arrangements for "Parisienne
Rendezvous" are being made by
the Union dance committee.
Tag Day
Except for a few large donors,
nofaculty or University person-
nel will be solicited through the
mail during the Fresh Air Camp
Tag Day this year. Contribu-
tions should be made in the
buckets on Tag Days, Thursday
and Friday, April 12 and 13.
10 to 50%
On All
Cash and Carry Sales
1122 South University
Near Church St.

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is now with us!

Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Results

Evening Appointments Available
Specializing in hair styling, shaping, and permanent waving.
Main Floor Location
215 S. FIFTH AVE. - PHONE NO 8-7249

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