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March 30, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-30

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, ;

Sixty-Sixth Year

"I Just Can't See It"l


lien Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will PrevaU"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1956


Freedom and the Law

step "safer Wednesday.
Out of an environment of apparent subsiding
McCarthyism the Internal Revenue Bureau
layed a technicality to the hilt and seized of-
ices of the United States one remaining Com-
nunist voice, the Daily Worker.
That the IRB was within the law is con-
eded if its facts are right. There is a techni-
ality which says an Internal Revenue Col-
ector can file a lien without notice if he has
grounds for suspecting the taxpayer is about
o abscond with his assets..
The technicality makes the government
right" in this instance. #
But the spirit behind the move leaves all

sorts of questions which bring back the hectic
mud-slinging days of the early part of this
It's difficult to yell "violation of freedom
of the press." It's difficult to accuse the gov-
ernment of eliminating left-wing elements.
They have legal basis apparently for seizing
Daily Worker property.
But there are many legal loopholes which
could turn the country into a nation of con-
formists. A government sincerely interested
in freedom of the press, freedom of expression
and different ideas doesn't jump so stringently
everytime the loopholes present themselves.
-DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor

NE 14
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Trend of the Times

T NESTER DID seem quite right for boys to
dress up as girls. Not even for a Union
pera road" show, exuding tradition.
That's one reason, a superficial one, for com-
ending the Union Board of Directors' deci-
on to make the future Opera a coed show.
here are others. Women have in the past
een denied this excellent outlet for their
Attendane at the show last year dropped;
Ze extensive road tours of the past have been
micelled. Audiences simply haven't been ex-
ted at the prospect of men plus men.

The decision won't get much applause from
nostalgic alumni whose most cherished mem-
ories focus on the all-male extravaganzas of
the past. They can't be blamed. The past was
different-and the University was as justified
in producing its Opera as the Princeton boys
still are with their Triangle show. Sadly for
them, these venerable gentlemen must recon-
cile themselves to trends of the times.
Maybe this decision, added to next year's
projected coed sophomore show (also un-
precedented) will help to discard some rickety
traditions in favor of promising new ones.
--JANE HOWARD, Associate Editor

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A Talk Wth Harry Truman

Two Incidents in London

Associated Press News Analyst
TWO INCIDENTS of an entirely different
nature, but both bearing on East-West re-
lations, occurred in London last week.
The United States, still seeking a begi'nning
for arms limitations, suggested that she and
Soviet Russia equalize their armed forces be-
low present figures.
Russia, reminding Britain of her exposed
position in the event of atomic war, sent a
commercial version of her famous Badger jet
bombers on a nonstop flight to London and set
Western aviation experts agog.
It was notice from Bulganin and Khrushchev,
prior to their visit to London, of the strength
Russia could display if negotiated settlements
of East-West issues prove impossible.
British experts described the plane as three
years ahead of anything in Britain and Ameri-
ca. They seemed to be referring to the com-
mercial version rather than the bomber from
which it derives, but the presumption was that
the same would apply to both versions.
Startled by the plane itself, the British were
just plain mad about its chief passenger, Ivan
Serov, chief of the Russian secret police. He
wanted to check security arrangements for
the Bulganin-Khrushchev visit. The British

resented it, and he was called everything from
a thug to a murderer. Some even cited his
personal appearance as the epitome of what
they called him. British moderation was out
the window.
THIS CONTRETEMPS in Anglo-Russian af-
fairs occurred as delegates to the disarma-
ment conference prepared to spend the weekend
studying three proposals which have now been
made by the West. First was the Anglo-French
step-by-step reduction program finally leading
to abolition of nuclear weapons. This one does
not have enough security features to suit the
United States.
The United States suggested establishment
of mutual inspection areas in the United States
and Russia to test the feasibility of a general
program, adding it to President Eisenhower's
"Open sky" offer of last summer, and followed
up with the 2,500,000 manpower idea. This,
more importantly, would be accompanied in
ratio by arms reduction itself.
Andri Gromyko made no grandstand play for
Russia, merely asking questions about the var-
iobs offers. You can lay odds, however, on two
things. The Russians are not going to let any-
body start inspecting them, and Gromyko will
not let the Allies get away with making all the
unacceptable offers.

I DROPPED into the office of
Harry Truman in the Federal
Reserve Building the other day.
He was busy clearing his desk of
a big pile of correspondence.
The ex-President was in won-
derful spirits. We talked about a
lot of things, from Margaret to
the tense situation in the Near
East and how war could be avoid-
The*conversation turned to na-
tional problems. The ex-President
was careful not to criticize his
successor in the White House, but
he had definite ideas on the way
some thngs were drifting, among
them race relations.
"We're going through a period
similar to that before the Civil
War," he said. "We didn't have to
have a Civil War. But Buchanan,
Polk, and Fillmore couldn't make
uptheir minds on a firm policy. If
Andrew Jackson had been in power
he would have stopped nullifica-
tion before it ever got started.
The Negro has got to have eco-
nomic equality, and you can't get
economic equality without equality
of education.
"Lots of progress in that direc-
tion has been made in Arkansas,
Kentucky, North Carolina - even
Texas and Louisiana-until Strom
Thurmond, and his boys came
along and whipped things up. All
this bitterness didn't have to hap-
pen. It could have been prevent-

MR. TRUMAN touched briefly
on a great many subjects.
"Do you think war is inevitable
in the Near East?"
"No, but there is one great
danger-down here in the corner
of the- Mediterranean." Mr. Tru-
man reached over to a giant globe
alongside his desk.
"The Russians are after this
400,000,000,000 barrels of oil - 70
per cent of all the oil in the world
-down here in Arabia. That's
why they've given arms to Egypt.
That's the reason for the trouble
in the Near East.
"But," he said, "we could have
outmaneuvered the Russians with
my development plan."
"First," he said, "I would siphon
water from the Mediterranean into
the Dead Sea-dig a ditch across.
The Dead Sea is 1,200 feet lower
than the Mediterranean, and the
rush of that water dropping 1,200
feet would supply electric power
for all the industries you needed.
"I would make Israel the indus-
trial country of the Near East,
then'let the Arabs raise the crops
to feed Israel and themselves.
They're cousins. They don't have
to fight. This could be one of the
breadbaskets of the world.
OVER HERE in Iran," he said,
"was once the Garden of Eden-
before Tamberlane came in and
destroyed the irrigation system of
the Tigris and the Euphrates, We
could rebuild it. The people who
have lived here since have followed

the Kismet Doctrine that things
will take care of themselves. We're
not that way. We can rebuild.
"There are all sorts of oppor-
tunities in the world to build for
peace," Mr. Truman continued a
little wistfully, as if he regretted
not having the chance to build
"I MADE SOME surveys when I
was in the White House. Down
here in Africa are the great Zam-
bezi Falls-just waiting to be har-
nessed. That's the way to stop
Communism in Africa. Over here
in the Andes is Lake Titicaca. Its
power is wasted. I made an offer to
Chile and Peru that if they would
give Bolivia an outlet on the sea,
we would harness the power of Lake
Titicaca and use it to run all the
mines of Peru and Chile. They
wouldn't do it, but they will some
"And here's another proposal I
made, to internationalize the
Danube - make a great seaway
from the Baltic down to the Black
Sea-put it under the United Na-
tions as a great stabilizer for
peace. I would have done the same
thing with the Suez Canal-and
with the Panama Canal-put them
under the United Nations. That's
the way peace is built-showing
people how they can work to-
Mr. Truman's voice had the en-
thusiasm, the vibrant quality of a
man whose most important work
was unfinished.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.),

to the
Go All The Way .
To the Editor:
IT WAS with great interest and
enthusiasm that we read the
article of this morning's "'Opera'
Ends All Male Tradition." We have
long thought that this University
was capable of producing far better
entertainment than it does, at
present. However, upon looking
into the matter we have&discovered
what seems to us to be a situation
of weak and biased organization.
Apparently, most of the positions
on the Central Committee are oc-
cupied, and only those for which
no one was available are open to
interested women. As far as we
can see, the only new thing will
be the inclusion of women in the
cast, and as far as executive posi-
tions are concerned; they are to
be used only to fill in.
If t"nbe who are organizing this
"new" production are really in-
terested in getting out that "fresh"
talent of which they speak, we
suggest that the organize an inter-
viewing committee and open peti-
tioning for all the Central Com-
mittee positions. Otherwise it looks
to us as though they are using
this "co-ed show" idea as merely
a respectable front for getting the
talent they can't provide.
-. R. King, 58
Dietary Problem ..
To the Editor:
IT HAS long been a practice of
the dorms to serve fish on Fri-
day night in deference to those
whose religious beliefs forbid their
eating meat. This is entirely as it
should be, as there does exist a
large minority of students who are
members of this religious group.
However, the dorm cooking staff
seems to be going out of their way
not to uphold the religious beliefs
of another equally large minority.
The Jewish religion demands that
its members refrain from eating
leavened bread during an eight-
day period which started last
Monday night. In this short span
of time, the main courses of four
of the five meals could not be
eaten by any Jew having the
slightest regard for the dietary
laws of his religion. This is a
far greater number of meals than
average that do not comply with
these laws.
Why must toasted cheese sand-
wiches be served during this per-
iod of time when they are only
served six times a semester, any-
The dorm cooking staff has
made a half-heated attempt to.
satisfy the Jews by providing
matzo at two of the five meals, for
those who were lucky enough to
get to the counter before the sup-
ply ran out. Even this is not a
sincere attempt on the part of
the kitchen staff, as what little
matzo was served, turned out to
be unfit for Passover consumption.
We don't feel that we're being
unreasonable in asking for equal
consideration. The three of us
won't be living in the dorms next
year, but we do hope that next
year's Jewish freshmen are given
some consideration so that they
will not have to skip as many
meals as we have during this per-
-Ira Bernstein, 59
Hal Klawans, '59
PauI Miller, '59
'Attractive Proposition'
To the Editor:
WEWOULD like to refer this
letter to the people who are
paying $160 per month per person
for a two room apartment on

We have what we consider a
more attractive proposition to of-
fer these "gentlemen." We are
willing to offer living quarters at
$120 per month per person which
would include the following fea-
1) a furnished room
2) private phone
3) free utility service
4) spacious closets
5) maid service and clean linens
6) three home-cooked meals a
7) shower and toilet facilities
8) close to campus
9) all local and Detroit papers
Phone NO 3-5201 or write in care
of South Quadrangle.
--Jack Kelley, '58
Hal Poindexter, '56
Bill Leichtman, '58
Women's Rights . ..
To the Editol-:
IT HAS recently been called to
our attention that the University
is guilty of a grave violation of
the constitutional rights of those
Michigan students who are citizens
of the United States of America.
One need hardly be a scholar of
American constitutional history to
be acquainted . with the first
amendment to the "supreme law
of the land."
The University in restricting
women students from entering
apartments of male students is
violating the amendment which

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for theFSunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1956
General Notices
General Library will observe the fol-
lowing schedule during the spring re-
cess: Open: Fri., March 30, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.;
Mon.-Fri., Aril 2-6, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed:
Sat, March 31 and April 7; Sun., April
1 and April 8.
The Divisional Libraries will be open
on shortened vacation schedules on the
days that the General Library is open.
The schedule for each library will be
posted 'on its door. Information as to
hours of opening may also be obtained
by calling University Ext. 652.
Free University of Berlin Scholarship,
Student Covernment Council. Petition-
ing has been re-opened for the student
exchange scholarship to the Free Univ.
of Berlin. This scholarship covers all
expenses for the academic year 1956-57.
However, travel costs to and from the
German border are not included. Re-
quirements are:1)>a good academic re-
cord 2) a knowledge of the German
language 3) a familiarity with student
activities. Petitioning is open from
March 26-April 13. Petitions are avail-
able at Quonset Hut A from 3-5 p.m.
Science Research Club. April meeting
in the Rackham Amphitheatre at 7:30
p.m. on Tues., April 3. Program: "Some
Industrial Applications of Microbiology,"
Philipp-Gerhardt - Bacteriology; "Re-
cent Developments in Wood Research,"
Stephen B. Preston, Wood Technology.
Dues for 1955-56 accepted after 7:10 p.m.
Student Recital: Carl Williams, vio-
linist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30
p.m. Mon., April 9 in Aud. A, Angell
Hall. Williams is a pupil of Gilbert
Ross, and his recital will be open to the
general public.
Academic Notices
Preliminary PhD Examinations in Eco-
nomics: Theory examinations will be
given on Thurs. and Fri., April 2 and
27, 1956. The examination in Public
Finance will be given on Tues., April 24.
The examinations in other subjects will
be given beginning on Mon., April 30.
Each student planning to take these
examinations should leave with the
secretary of the department not later
than April 9, his name, the three fields
in which he desires to be examined,
and his field of specialization. The date
of the conference examination for stu-
dents in economics will be announced
Aeronautical Engineering Seminar:
Harold T. Luskin, Assistant Chief Aero-
dynamics Section, Douglas Aircraft Co.,
will speak on "Some Fundamental
Problems in Aeronautical Engineering,"
Mon., April 9, at 4:00 p.m., in Room
1504 East Eng. Bldg.
College of Engineering, faculty meet-
ing, Wed., April 11, 4:15 p.m., Ad. A,
Angell Hall. Agenda: 1. Curriculum and
Course Changes. 2. Nominations for
Executive Committee. 3. New Business.
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri.March
30, 4:15 p.m., The Observatory. Dr. Leo
Goldberg will speak on "The S)lar
Placement Notices
Examinations for Teacher Certificates
for the Chicago High Schools, Chicago,
Ill., will be held on April 23 in Chicago.
Applications must be filed at the office
of the Board of Examiners, Room 242,
228 N. La Salle Street, Chicago, ll, be-
fore noon April 9. Application forms,
examination schedules, salary schedules
and information may be obtained from
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 480.
New York State Civil Service announ-
ces exams for Dir. Boys' Training School,
Jr. Planner, Assist. Planner, Assoc.
Planner, Sr. Planner. College Juniors,
Seniors and Graduates are wanted for
Professional and Tech. Assist. Positions.
There are also immediate openings for
Pathologists, Roentgenologists, Nutri-
tionists, Phys. Therapists, Sanitary
Engrs., Public Health Physicians, Nurses,
,Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Ind'1 Fore

men. Applications accepted up to April
13, 1956.
YWCA, Nat'l Board, New York, N.,
off ers opportunities as Directors, Pro-
gram Directors and Recreation Leaders
to women interested in the fields of
Group Work, Education, Recreation, and
Physical Education. Positions are
throughout U.S.
American Women Buyers Club, NeW
York, N.Y., is awarding a scholarship
to a woman senior for one year of
graduate study leading to a Master's
Degree in Retailing at the New York
University School of Retailing in New
York City. Applications must be sub-
mitted by April 1, 1956.
Further information is available at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
Imin. Bldg., Ext. 371.
Lutheran Student Association: Wor-
ship Service, today, 12:30-1:30 p.m.,
Lutherano Student Chapel, Forest and
Hill Streets.
In Case of the Removal of the
Prsdetfrom oOffice. or of his










A Plre-Vacation Ramble


Some late ramblings before vacating
the corner for a week:
HILE WE LAUGH at the trouble of France
in trying to stabilize her government under
a multi-party system, we might examine our
own two-party organization. It may be stable,
but how honest is it?
The Republicans are agreed upon Eisen-
hower, more because of his overwhelming
strength than agreement of conviction. With-
in the party, philosophies run the great width
of viewpoint between such as Senator Knowland
and former Governor Warren, now of the Su-
preme Court.
That the Democrats maintain some form of
unity is even more mystifying. That such as
Senators George and Eastland can claim mem-
bership in the same party as Senators Lehman
and Humphrey is a definite weakness in the
election procedure in this nation.
While we're in the midst of realigning so
many other policies of government, this hypo-
critical party system continues to contribute
only confusion and modification to our elec-
A Southern Demeocratic split might lose an
election for the Democrats but, if permanent,
could lead to a clarified party structure.
WHILE the Internal Revenue Bureau might
collect some back taxes because of its
action closing down Communist offices, the
move is just one more step in convincing the
world that American democracy is not quite
sure of itself,
A move of this nature, with a great area of

the world fluctuating between Western and
Eastern influence, makes wonderful propaganda
fodder for the Communists.
A far wiser procedure on our part would have
been to raise the issue publicly first before any
action was taken. Then despite any laws on
the Internal Revenue Bureau's side, we should
have bent over backwards to exemplify our
democracy and good will.
But the rigid, irrational thinking of our
higher echelons 'has committed another in a
series of ideological blunders. Communists here
can now play their martyrdom to the hilt, while
the world watches and wonders.
* * * *
THE LITERARY COLLEGE might begin seri-
ously thinking about an honor system to
replace its fifth-grade examination rules as an-
nounced recently. The Engineering school has
found the honors plan effective and typifying
the maturity it expects of its students.
Also, the Lit school faculty has expressed
some opinion favoring a change. It is over-
due. The examination code as existing now
with its "no cigarette breaks" and such is strict-
ly grade-school stuff.
* * * *
A LEADING national magazine this week
features a cover story predicting a revolt
in Soviet Russia. This is nice wishful thinking.
No doubt the Russian press is predicting a re-
volt in this country. With slogans reminis-
cent of ante-bellum times coming from the
South these days, we fear to think the Soviets
may be more accurate.
** * *

'Only Two Sides To Racial Prejudice'

Daily Staff Writer
of the campus National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People, urges that the pro-
gression of civil rights in this
country "is waiting for men who
have the courage to stand up and
be counted."
"Racial prejudice," feels Taylor,
"is a question of right or wrong.
There are only two sides. Either
you are for we minority groups or
you are against us; either the
Constitution means what it says
or not; either first-class citizen-
ship accrues to every American or
Today's "moderates" are fence-
sitters in Taylor's mind, and are
equivalent to being in thesegre-
gation camp.
He defines the aims of the local
NAACP's fifty-plus members as
"continuing the long and honor-
able tradition of the national or-
ganization by working with the
administration and various stu-
dent groups toward the goal of
a fuller understanding and imple-
mentation of the democratic ideal
as set forth by our Federal Con-
When pressed for specifics, the
Lansing law student willingly re-

American citizens to wait until
1963 for something they have had
from birth."
Q: . . . the Montgomery, Ala-
bama bus boycott?
A: Some economic pressure is
a good thing. Lack of Southern
rationale is the convictions of the
Rev. Luther King and others has
made martyrs out of the boycott
leaders. Dr. Ingram of the psy-
chology department referred a lo-
cal family to us who gave our
NAACP a car. Soon we will sell
the car and send the money down
to Montgomery or perhaps trans-
port the car down to aid the boy-
Q: . . .use of federal 'force' to
secure school integration?
A: Force should be used to pro-
tect the Constitution only if force
is used against it.
Q: ... segregation and suppres-
sion of northern Negro?
A: Yes there is, and it is apt to
be overlooked when the South is
receiving most of the attention. It
is trite but true that people who
live in glass houses must not throw
I am reminded of the observa-
tion of a foreigner traveling in the
northern U.S. He said, "It seems
that most dark skinned people here
have an affinity for mops and



-Daily-vern Soden
..."We have truth and justice
on our side"
the Human Relations Board, rea-
lizing the common interests of
both organization. But, unlike the
HRB, we will work in secret only
when this method achieves results.
When it doesn't, we will resort to
the press and other means of com-
Q: Did the NAACP rush things
down Tuscaloosa way?
A: No, any reasonable and logi-
cally thinking American citizen
can well understand the NAACP's




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