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March 30, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-30

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Latest Deadline in the State





Reds Change
Old Verdicts
In Hungary
Purge Victims
Called Innocent
VIENNA, Austria (P)-Commu-
nist Hungary yesterday declared
innocent the victims of its biggest
. purge trials of the Stalin era, the
Laszle Rajk treason case of 1949.
Trhe trial, which led to the
hanging of five men and the iz-
prisonment of three others as
"Titoists," was branded a mistake
based on false evidence.
The living and the dead were
reported being rehabilitated-re-
stored to their old places in Com-
munist annals.
Raik was a former foreign min-
ister. He was 40 when he died on
the gallows.
Convicted of Plotting
He and the others had been
convicted of plotting with Yugo-
slavia's Marshal Tito, then bit-
terly at odds with the Soviet bloc,
and with Americans to overthrow
Hungary's Red regime and to kill
Deputy Premier Matyas Rakosi,
the Hungarian Communist party
Rakosi himself announced the
One aim seemed to be improve-
ment of relations with Tito, who
has complained publicly that Ra-
kosi hampered a reconciliation by
keeping alleged "Titoists" in pris-
Move Launched Last Spring
The Soviet bloc launched its
move for a resumption of old ties
with a visit by Soviet Premier
Nikolai Bulganin and party boss
Nikita S. Khrushchev to Belgrade
last Spring.
In a speech at Eger that was
played up by the Hungarian press
and Budapest radio, Rakosi said
RaJk's trial was engineered by a
venal police system like that bp-
erated in Russia by Lavrenti P.
Beria, who was executed in 1953 a
few months after Stalin's death.
He reported a re-examination of
the case proved all eight defend-
ants were the guiltless victims of
a trial "based on provocations."
Not stressed was the fact that,
in the standard manner of such
purge trials, all eight had pleaded
guilty and confessed at length.
Farm Bill
For WeeK
House compromise group last
night abandoned efforts to reach
an agreement on the election-year
farm bill.
Sen. Allen J. Ellender (D-La.)
after another lengthy night ses-
sion, said that tentative agree-
ments had been reached in the
omnibus bill on programs for cot-
ton, wheat, rice and dairy prod-
Final Details Delayed
But Sen. Ellender, chairman of
the 10-member Senate-House com-
promise committee, said final de-
tails on price supports and pro-
posed soil bank payments for corn
} and feed grains probably could not
be reached, "until a week from
Friday night."
Most other members of Congress

have departed for a 10-day Easter
recess and vacation that will end
April 9. .
Agree to Lift Minimum
Sen. Ellender said the group
agreed tonight to lift the minimum
price support level for milk and
dairy products to 80 per cent of
parity. Previously the. range was
from 75 to 90 per cent of parity,
a level computed to be fair in
terms of farm costs.
The conferees earlier had ap-
proved a compromise plan for the
950-million-bushel wheat crop. It
would give wheat growers a choice
between government price sup-
ports at 90 per cent of parity, the
House proposal, and an. untried
"domestic parity." program ap-
proved by the Senate.
Moore Named
-I -V* *P A J'ITi nr

U.S. Officials


By Iceland's Demand
Of Troop Withdrawal
Kefauver Claims Gains Of Action

Made Over Stevenson
ALBUQUERQUE (P)-Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn) said last
night Adlai Stevenson is "still the leading candidate" for the Demo-
cratic nomination, but that Kefauver is gaining.
The Senator said he considers Stevenson ahead in the race for
the nomination because Stevenson is titular head of the party and
speaks for the party on television and radio appearances.
Ike's Popularity Still Great
He told newsmen during a brief sojourn into New Mexico he W-
lieves Presider' Dwight D. Eisenhower's personal popularity is as

-Daily-vern Soden



China Error
A dmitted
By Hoover
WASHINGTON (P)-Undersecre-
tary of State Herbert Hoover, Jr.
told Senate investigators he was
"in error" when he testified Mon-
day that the Chinese Nationalists
were shipping rhillions of dollars
worth of goods to the Communists
every year.
Hoover told the Senate Investi-
gations Subcommittee, according
to a transcript of his testimony
made public after a closed-door
hearing, that he has no evidence
of any direct trade between the
Formosa Nationalists and the Red
He said there has been indirect
trade, over which the Nationalist
government has no control,
through the British crown colony
of Hong Kong.
War Goods Not Involved
He said the Nationalists were
on the receiving end of most of
this trade, and that no strategic
war goods were, involved.
Hoover's new testimony was
made public by the Subcommittee
after a meeting during which it
accepted "secret" Administration
documents on a confidential basis,
and then turned them back when
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis.)
walked out in protest against the
secrecy rule.
Chairman John L. McClellan (D-
Ark.), who sided with Sen. Mc-
Carthy's view that the documents
should be made public but agreed
to accept them in private, said
the Subcommittee ' would have
another go at it after it met to
"review the situation."
Creates Sensation
Hoover created something of a
sensation when he told the sub-
committee Monday that "the Chi-
nese Nationalists are shipping to
the Communist Chinese quite a
number of iillions of dollars worth
of goods every year."
"My statement was in error,"
Hoover told the senators yester-
Hoover said he should have tes-
tified that it was "trade between"
the two, instead of saying the
Nationalists were "shipping to" the

Local Viruses Go South
With Spring Vacationers
"Somewhere in this favored land,j
The sun is shining bright.
Somewhere crowds are cheering,
And somewhere hearts are light.
Somewhere men are laughing,
And somewhere children shout ...
And there's great joy at Michigan,
'Cause classes are let out.
Somewhere the sun is shining, but winter still holds sway in
Ann Arbor with a brisk wind fanning enthusiastic Florida-bound
Crowds are cheering, though, and hearts are light in anticipation
of spring vacation revelry. All week long, students have been packing,
Csorting, washing and cleaning their

Ann Arbor
Milk Stock
May Be Cut


County may


Adlai Replies
To Telegram
Of Students
Immediately after Senator Es-
tes Kefauver (D-Tenn) stunned
Adlai E. Stevenson with a Minn-
esota primaTy victory, Dave Mar-
lin, 157L, president of the campus
"Students for Stevenson" group,
wired this telegram, to the loser:
"Although disappointed in the
Minnesota primary vote, we wish
to emphatically reaffirm our faith
and confidence in your candidacy
for the presidency of the United
"We have not ceased to believe
that the American people desire
the intelligent and courageous
leadership that only you can sup-
ply and we pledge our continued
sup'port to achieve that goal."
Shortly Mr. Marlin received a
return telegram:
"Dear Mr. Marlin, your im-
mensely heartening wire meant
more to me than I can say. I in-
tend to work harder than ever
now and am encouraged to know
that I can continue to count on
Cordially, Adlai E. Stevenson."
Buettner Dies
William H. Buettner, Sr., Uni-
versity preparator in the Museum
of Paleontology, died yesterday
morning of a heart attack.

clothes in anticipation of an entire
week without eight o'clocks, "only
to get up at seven in the morning
to help Mom with spring cleaning,"
as Diane Fraser, '58, moaned.
Cutting Classes
The more eager-beavers are
mentally figuring up how many
classes they can officially cut to-
day in' order to get a head start
on the mass exodus and have a
few extra hours of blessed vaca-
Many cunning professors, how-
ever, have scheduled Friday blue
books to check the number of cuts.
Still undaunted, Jeanette Bak-
er, Grad., and Mary Fisher, Grad.,
left early yesterday fortified with
bologna sandwiches and headed
toward the turnpike and home.
Plane Rides Home
Transportation home has been
the major topic of conversation for
almost two weeks. One coed,
Marcia Flucke, '58, listened 'envi-
ously to outstate students' talk of
plane rides home saying, "I don't
even have a way home, and I live
in Michigan."
The more fortunate males can
buy University stickers for their
suitcases and end their transpor-
tation problems by thumbing their
individual ways home.
And then there's the student
who whizzed out to Willow Run
yesterday to catch a plane to New
York and similar points east. This
is the fellow, who by his numbers,
has made the class rooms emptier
Most vacation-bound students
have but one destination in sight
-Florida. It seems to be as fash-
ionable for real collegiates to go
to Florida as it is to wear bermuda
Whether traveling via plane,
tran, car or thumb, students are
migrating, beckoned by the annual
call of the south--promises of a
speedy tan.
"Somewhere men are laughing,
Somewhere children shout . ."
There is great joy at Michigan,
'Cause mighty Winter has struck
Vaccine Requests
Swamp Doctors
Local doctors have been swamp-
iA uti-~ mPCtfn+ s, cnn d round

without milk next week.
The Michigan Milk Producers
Association has issued an ultima-
tum to Detroit distributors indi-
cating that they will stop deliv-
eries Monday unless the price of
milk is raised from $4.41 to $5 per
hundred weight.
There are 46 and one-half
quarts in a hundredweight. The
increase in price to $5 would mean
about a one cent per quart rise 'on
the retail market.
If deliveries to distributors are'
halted, milk will continue to be
shipped to hospitals and butter
manufacturing plants. .
An MMPA spokesman estimated
that several days would elapse be-
fore it would be necessary to dump
milk for lack of a market.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
stated at a press conference yes-
terday that he is in touch with
the situation. The Governor has
not yet received a request for the
state labor mediation board for
intervention in the strike.
Gov. Williams said that should
the strikers set up road blocks on
state highways to prevent dairy-
men not in sympathy with the
strike from delivering milk to dis-
tributors, the State Police would
deal with any such move immedi-
Farmers Man
Picket Lines
D E T R OI T (P)-Two million
quarts of milk destined for De-
troit remained last night behind
farmer-manned picket lines at Im-
lay City, 50 miles north of Detroit
creameries which dairy farmers
are attempting to force into pay-
ing higher prices.
Plans of 14 sheriffs to convoy
the 14 stranded tankers were call-
ed off late today "until somebody
gets a court ordei."
Meanwhile, Dr. Joseph G. Mol-
ner, Detroit Health Commissioner,
estimated the striking Fair Share
Bargaining Association had cut De-
troit's normal daily supply of 400,-
000 pounds of milk by 40 per cent.

great as it has ever been.
The Republican party, however
ing and support," the TennesseeanC
Sen. Kefauver refused to become
involved in a fight with Stevenson
over the "little quips" aimed his
way by Stevenson.
"I'm not going to speak ill of
him," he replied when asked about
some of Stevenson's comments.
The Senator said the forthcom-
ing California election will be
"quite important" because of the
sizable delegation that state will
have in the party national con-
vention and because it will be the
last expression of the voters be-
fore the convention. He wouldn't
call it decisive.
Adlai To Continue
Meanwhile in Los Angeles, Ste-
venson said yesterday that he will
continue as a presidential candi-
date even if Sen. Kefauver defeats
him in California's June 5 primary
The California primary general-
ly is regarded as a showdown for
the two Democratic presidential
Stevenson said, "It will be very
significant, but whether it will be
decisive I can't say. I certainly
will continue as a candidate-even
if' Kefauver, wins-but of course I
don't know whether anybody would
then support my candidacy."
Churches P1lan
Good Friday
Several local churches are plan-
ning special services today in ob-
servance of Good Friday.
The Lutheran Student Asocia-
tion is sponsoring a special 7:30
breakfast this morning, as well as
regular services from 12 noon to
3 p.m.
Community Tie Ore services are
being scheduled by the First
Methodist Church from noon to
3 p.m.
The Episcopal Student Founda-
tion is also planning a Good Fri-
day service from nbon to 3 p.m.
St. Mary's Chapel has scheduled
several services to mark the Easter
A midnight service will be held
on Holy Saturday, in addition to
the traditional Good Friday ser-
The traditional Jewish Passover
season will continue until next
Tuesday. Community service will
be held at Hillel at 8 p.m. today
and 9 p.m. tomorrow. Students are
invited to attend.

r, "has lost a great deal of stand-
. '
SWorld TNews
By The Associated Press
BATON ROUGE, La.--A state
judge yesterday issued a prelimi-
nary, ban -against National Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of
Colored People activities in Louisi-
ana just about the time a federal
judge ordered the state to show
whether it should halt its' prose-
The double-barreled court ac-
tion developed almost simultane-
ously in Baton Rouge and New
* * *
WASHINGTON-- P r e s i d e n t
Dwight D. Eisenhower had anoth-
er long mystery meeting yesterday
with Secretary of State John Fos-
ter Dulles and this time Attorney,
General Herbert Brownell sat in.
There was no disclosure off icial-
ly of what this second such session
in two days was about.
But it stimulated further specu-
lation that high policy decisions,
possibly dealing with the Middle
East and with disarmament nego-
tiations at London, are in -the
,* * *
BAYTOWN, Tex.-An oil tank-
er exploded last night at, one of
the world's largest oil refineries--
in the midst of hundreds of ex-
plosion-potential industries on the
Houston ship channel.
Less than an hour later only
one casualty was admitted to a
A spokesman from Humble Oil
and Refining Co. said the fire was
extinguished within a half hour.
But all entrances to the huge,
sprawling refinery were shut- off
and no one was permitted to
** *
adopted a resolution yesterday
asking that the Justice Depart-
ment bring contempt of Congress
proceedings against Harvey Ma-
tusow, self-described former Com-
munist and liar.
The action was taken by voice
vote and without objection.
Matusow refused to answer
some questions asked him at pub-
lic hearings of the Senate Internal
Security subcommittee more than
a year ago.
Conviction for contempt carries
a penalty up. to a $1,000 fine or a
year's imprisonment, or both.

Not Certain
Island Important
As Plane Base
REYKJAVIK, Iceland (P)-A
resolution by Parliament calling
for the withdrawal of United
States forces from Iceland may
not be pushed any further, in-
formed quarters said yesterday.
Further action is' considered
only if the Communists and the
National Defense parties gain
strength in the general elections
set for June 24.
These two teamed with other
minority parties In Jamming
through the resolution Wednes-
day night over the opposition of
the Conservative, government of
Premier Olafur Thorsh.
WASHINGTON (P) - American
officials are frankly worried pbout
the Iceland Parliament's demand
for withdrawal of United States
forces from that vital Atlantic de-
fense position.
A copy of the resolution adopted
Wednesday was placed under care-
ful study at the State Department
Department press officer Lincoln
White told reporters, "Pending the
time we can get more information
on this and study its nature, sub-
stance and circumstances of the
resolution, we have no comment."
News dispatches said the reso.
lution was a call for American
farces to leave. White said brief
official dispatches so far received
did not make clear whether Ice-
land is demanding withdrawal of
all United States forces or some-
thing else.
Other officials confessed they
were concerned. Iceland lies about
midway between Moscow and New
York. Transatlantic aircraft, com-
mercial as well as military, stop
there to refuel.
Iceland, a republic with about
160,000 population, ha no army,
navy or air force. It is the only
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion member which makes no de-
fense contribution.
Under a 1951 agreement the
United States has spent about 150
million dollars in building and
maintaining Icelandic defenses.
Construction includes. an airfield
at Keflavik and three radar sta-
tions, which the United States
mans and operates.
Russia Uses
Iceland Action
To Blast U.S.
LONDON (P)-Soviet propogan-
dists seized quickly yesterday upon
the Iceland Parliament's demand
for withdrawal of United States
In a style characteristic of an
older Soviet propaganda line, Mos-
cow radio charged American sol-
diers interfered in internal Ice-
landic affairs. It said there may
be a widening rift in the North.
Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Moscow radio said last night
"While in Iceland, the Americans
more than once interfered in the
Internal affairs of that country.
They tried to influence the course
of elections, interfered in problems
of labor conditions, etc. .
"The decision adopted by the
Icelandic Parliament is extremely
significant. It reflects the senti-
ments which are now maturing in
Western countries."
Lifshey Elected

Student Government Council
yesterday announced that Bunny
Lifshey, '58, was elected to the

Plan For Co-ed Opera
Inspires Varied Views

Stevens Describes Drama Inspiration

"It just won't be the Union Op-
era," was the tenor of many com-
ments on the decision to include
women in the cast of the tradi-
tional aU-male farce.
Others viewed the change as
something "this campus has need-
ed for a long time."
"It was one of the few tradi-

tic. Love scenes and things will
be a lot easier to take."
Several people expressed greater
interest in participating in the
Opera now that it will offer great-
er social benefits.
Will Add 'Sparkle'
One coed ventured that the
ladies would add "a lot of sparkle"
to the show. "It can't help but
U _ . -

Defining drama as "the investi-
gation of conflict," playwright
Leslie Stevens yesterday described
the inspiration and motivation for
his new play, "The Lovers."
Opening Monday at Detroit's
Cass Theater, the play isunique
in that Stevens was given free rein
and commercial considerations
were tossed aside.
"In this play," the young, blond
'nln'n irr c+ on irl"'Iurrn#. P .hof ,n c

to understand something unique
about love and death.
He set his time at the end of the
Dark Ages in what would now be
Luxembourg. His main figure is
that of a pious medieval monk
The play's conflict arises from
"Droigt de Seigneur,",the feudal
custom of forcing a young bride
to spend her wedding night with
the overlord instead of her hus-
'Morality Reversed'

When writing the play, Stevens
found himself getting into the
characters like an actor. He, him-
self, began to feel just what was
going to happen.'
'Play Wrote Itself'
"The play wrote itself," he said.
"It was almost like' a visitation.
Under the surface of words, some-
thing else had occurred. The char-
acters became people I didn't
St ves 1ie'wv thaa'+ maod

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