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February 14, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-14

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Sixty-Sixth Year

'hen Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

)AY, FEBRUARY 14, 1956


In Memoriam: H.L.M.

DYING, as H. L. Mencken once put it, is "the
last, worst of all practical jokes played
pon poor mortals by the gods." For seven
eais following a stroke Mencken's mind func-
toned with its customary alertness in a brok-
n body which could neither read, speak nor
rite-the things it had done with so much
kdll and zest in better days.
Last month that "practical joke" ended with
is death at 75.
In a sense his life was a practical joke
layed upon poor Americans by Henry Louis
fencken. Seldom, if ever, has "the American
ray of life" been subjected to as intense a.
low of ridicule as during his heyday.
Mencken was primarily a critic, one who
rould be laughed with and cursed at, but one
rho would be heard. These aims, he believed,
re not best achieved by the making of fine
istinctions or balanced judgments. His meth-
d was, as one observer described it, "gross ex-
ggeration and gross metaphor," and he proved
iimself a master of both.
Thus young Abe Lincoln he compares to a
'Tammany Nietzsche," religion he calls a "con-
itioned reflex" made up of "astounding im-
ecilities;" and to "Lord Hoover" he ascribes
he "texture of a chocolate eclair." The na-

tion's near-deified "man-on-the-street" was
in Menckenese merely a member of the species
"boobus Americanus."
A FEW targets Mencken also attacked with
particular gusto were the South, Teddy
Roosevelt, the North, Franklin Roosevelt, chiro-
practors, professors, theologians, Communists,
democrats, anarchists, marriage, dishonor, mor-
ality, reformers, Rotarians, and, we might add,
editorial writers.
If often he swung too wide and hit too hard,
Mencken must be accredited with a penetrat-
ing eye for hypocrisy, pretension and plain
stupidity among the revered. If he toppled
too many icons, he did it during an age which
toppled too few and erected too many. Of
the two tendencies, his was the healthier.
Both Mencken's twenties and our fifties are
eras of a good deal of accumulated intellectual
fat. One of the unfortunate differences is
that while we also have our Coolidges, our
Lindbergs, our Saccos and Vanzettis, we have
somehow been unable to produce a Mencken.
What we have gained in composure we have
more than lost in stimulation.

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Pressure on Ike Continues

i Decision Now Up to Ike'

Deer Park
Not Best
of Mailer
"The Deer Park" by Norman
Mailer (C. P. Putnam).
W HAT experiences await the
reader who takes up the third
novel by one of the most promis-
ing young writers to emerge from
the trial of World War II? What
promise had been fulfilled in this
new work by Norman Mailer, au-
thor of the stark, eloquent, effec-
tive novel titled The Naked and
the Dead?
The publishers have the first go
at trying to answer to these ques-
"We believe that many readers
will consider The Deer Park to be
(Mailer's) best novel, his most
mature, his most disturbing, and
his most entertaining; we are
equally convinced that some read-
ers will find the book too strong
for their tastes, if not downright
Out of this plethora of adjec-
tives one suits this reviewer's feel-
ing exactly. It is a disturbing
book. Disturbing, however, for
reasons other than those proposed
in the packet blurb.
What we look for is missing.
Mailer's voice in The Deer Park is
no longer the noble, defiant cry
of real men in real crises. The tone
of the novel is a single, grotesque,
racking, sometimes falsetto squeak
of inconsequentiality when com-
pared with the profound chorus
of his earlier and rightfully famed
The Naked and the Dead.
THE , AUTHOR'S attack~ it
seems, has shifted from analysis of,
the socio-critical functioning of
ma nto be an elaborate treatment
of his biological functions. The
three-letter word s-e-x is the key
here. The California movie colony,
Desert D'Or, which is the scene
of the st®ry, comes to suggest to
the reader, to the way Milwaukee
does beer, Battle Creek, cereal, or
Richmond hospitality.
The characters, from director
Ettel, through rising' starlet Lulu
Meyers, to executive Herman Tep-
pis, seem to lack the true dimen-
sions of human beings; they ap-
pear rather as figures which per-
form the acts and represent the
viewpoints of their individual phil-
osophies of sex.
rt " s
THE ALLEGORICAL exercise is,,
in itself, an interesting, compet-
ently handled one. And the deftly
worked-in "substatement of the
creative artist's right to unchecked
expression gives some stature to
the work..
But, essentially what is disturb-
ing is the author's direction. A
consideration has evidently as-
sumed the proportions of a preoc-
cupation, and a brilliant career
appears to be suspended.
So, without the answer being
given, there still remains the major
unsolved question - which time
will ultimately answer-of a great
creative promise as yet unfulfilled.
-Donald A. Yates
A meeting for students in-
terested in reviewing or car-
tooning for The Daily will be
held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday
in the Conference Room of the
Student Publications building.
Positions are open for re-

viewers in: movies and drama,
music, art, books and maga-
zines, at well as editorial car-

Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT EISENHOWER will get the evi-
dence today and "retire to chambers," as
the judges say, to ponder it.
Within two or three weeks the country
should know his decision.
The President's keen sense of responsibility
is well known. Today it makes him an object
of sympathy.
People*generally know little about what he
is thinking. One thing he has said fairly
clearly; he does not want to accept an obliga-
tion which he might not be able to carry out.
Another thing he has said is that, regard-
less of how well he has recovered from his heart
attack, he isn't the same man physically he
was six months ago.'
The best the doctors can tell him today, to
bring it down to generalities, is that he has
recovered as well as a man his age can be
expected to recover from his type of attack.
That would mean the heart has suffered no
invaliding damage.: It would not mean the
conditions which produced the attack have
been overcome. A coronary attack can come
to almost anyone at almost any time. Doctors
dispute whether one attack makes the victim
prone to another. The causes are not clear.
T HERE IS NO DISPUTE, however, that the
weight of the Presidency is man-killing,




and only a few have long-survived it.
Under the circumstances, it would seem logi-
cal for the President to say that he, like any
man,. wishes to assume no further responsi-
bilities which might interfere with living out
his years.
From personal experience I have learned,
however, that' one can develop a certain confi-
dence about being able to live even with a
damaged heart and may, unless a tight leash
is held on the spirit, undertake things danger-
ous to health.
It would be normal for the President to wish
to complete the job he undertook so reluctantly
in the beginning. That generally is considered
to require two terms. His interest in the case
of peace alone night persuade him not to quit.
He is bound to feel a certain responsibility
to the Republican Party, which insisted on
. putting him into the biggest job in the world.
He knows there is a good chance that the work
he has done for and through the Party could
be undone if he stops next year.
It would be strange if such considerations
did not weigh heavily with the President, whose
way of life has been the pursuit of duty.
Yet it would seem almost incredible that he
should gamble his life against them.
All the people can do is stand back, allow
him a peaceful time in which to think, and
wish for him a wisdom that men seldom have.

HE pressure on President Eis-
enhower, as he takes his final
medical, is still continuing. The
pressure to run comes from three
general groups
1. The Palace Guard--The boys
in the White House who want to
keep their jobs. They are just
as ardent as the Democrats who
worked under Roosevelt and Tru-
man and who were determined
that their boss must run again.
2. The big politicoes-GOP lead-
ers on Capitol Hill like Joe Mar-
tin plus GOP Chairman Len Hall
don't see any way the party can
do without Ike, and they demand
that he run.
3. The business brain-trusters
-up in New York men like Gen.
Lucius Clay, former Commander
of American Troops in Germany;
Sidney Weinberg, head of the gi-
ant Wall Street firm Goldman-
Sachs; and ex-Governor Tom
Dewey, believe Ike is essential to
save the peace and our economic
way of life-plus their point of
view regarding American business.
THERE HAVE been sobering
thoughts, however, since ex-Gov-
ernor Oswald West of Oregon ac-
cused other Republicans of mur-
dering Governor Paul Patterson of
"The death of Paul Patterson
was not only a tragedy," said ex-
Governor West, hhnself a Repub-
lican. ."It was murder. He was
forced into a Senate race by self-
ish members of the Republican
Party imbued with an obsession to
beat Wayne Morese."
Note-Governor Patterson had
a heart condition. After deciding

to take on the campaign against
Wayne Morse he had a heart at-
tack. Ike, thanks to outside pres-
sure, had urged him to run.
THERE WAS a good reason whys
Eisenhower held up his second re-
ply to Premier Bulganin on a U.
S. - Soviet friendship pact after
firing the first reply back in Bul-
ganin's teeth. He found he had
fallen into a Soviet trap.
John Foster Dulles, as usual, had
acted without consulting his ad-
visers, especially astute U.S. Am-
bassador Chip Bohlen in Moscow.
Instead, Foster acted as if Joe
McCarthy was glowering over his
The trap Eisenhower fell into
was that the Kremlin wants more
than anything else to show us up
as not wanting peace.
Most important popular devel-
opment in Russia today, Ambas-
sador Bohlen has advised, is that
the Russian people have come to
b(lieve the Kremlin's peace prooa-
gaocea. As a result, today they
c ui not eas:!y be stampeded into
w2 r.
IN THE PAST, the 'Kremlin has
had the whip-hand in starting
war. It has no Congress to con-
sult, no critical newspapers to
worry about, or commentators to
goad it. War could have been
declared in the past at the drop of
a hat.
But since the Kremlin's peace
propaganda has taken hold, sud-
den action would be difficult.
This was the reason for Bul-
ganin's two friendship notes,
namely, to trap the United States
into rebuffing Russian friendship
so the Kremlin can reverse itself

and point out that the U.S. has
spurned Russian friendship, that
the U.S. wants war.
This is why our allies, plus
skilled U.S. diplomats, wish Eis-
enhower had not been so hasty
in slapping down the first Bul-
ganin note. If he had waited a
day or two to consult with Prime
Minister Eden, "he could have let
Eden share responsibility for his
slap-down. Or he could have
waited longer to appear to give
the matter more careful study.
That was why he waited longer
to answer the second Bulganin
note which the Kremlin, having
scored in the first round for peace
propaganda., fired back at Ike so
ONE OF THE, most effective
things Eisenhower did at Geneva,
in the opinion of this observer,
who was there, was, to convince
the people of France, Italy, Ger-
many, Greece, et al, that the
United States genuinely wants
peace. Eisenhower played his
cards perfectly, cut the ground out
from under Moscow's continual
claim that the U.S. wants war.
But today as a result of Bul-
ganin's fast foot-work and the
Dudes - Eisenhower eager - beaver
rush into his trap, part of Ike's
fine work at Geneva has been
What Ike and Dulles did on the
first note was to operate U.S. for-
eign policy as if Joe McCarthy was
still glowering over their shoul-
ders. When the second note ar-
rived, they finally realized that
Joe's glowers are now feeble and
faded, and that they had fallen
into a neat Russian trap.
(Copyright, 1958, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

(Continued from Page 3)
American Studies 101. Introduction to
U.S. Civilization, will meet Wed, and
Fri. mornings at 8:00 am. in.. 626 Haven
Hall. For foreign-students.
Events Today
General meeting of the Michigan
Dames Tues., Feb. 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the
Assembly Room of the Rackharn Build-
Placement Notices
Interviews for Air Force teaching
positions overseas are being held at the
Union Building Feb. 14 and 15 from,
12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m. Two years of
recent public school expersence is re-
quired. Women who apply must be be-
between the ages of 23 and 40; men, 23
to 50. When making application, fill
out a Standard Form 57 (which can be
obtained at the Post Office) and also
take with you a photostatic copy of
your teaching certificate and an official
transcript of credits.
The following schools will have a
representative at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments to interview teachers for
positions starting Sept., 1956.
Wed., Feb. 15.
Whittier, California-Teacher Needs:
Thurs.,., Feb. 16:
Battle Creek, Mich-Teacher Needs:
Elementary; H.S. Chemistry/physics;
H.S. English; Counselor; Girls' Physi-
cal Ed., H.S,; Home Economics, Jr,
and S.H.S.; Vocal Music, Jr, H.
Decoto, California-Teacher Needs.
Elementary; Jr. H. Social Studies,
Jr, H. Math.
Fri., Feb. 17:
Pamona, California-Teacher Needs:
Elementary; Jr. H. Math.; Jr. H Mug.
fish/Social Studies;. Jr. H. Homemak-
ing; Jr. H. Science; Jr. H. Art/Science
and Girls Physical Ed.; Jr. H. Metal
Shop; H.S. Girls Physical Education;
American Government; Industrial
Arts; English; Social Studies; Math;
Commercial; Physical Science; Driver
Roseville, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
Elementary; Speech Correction.
Covina, California-Teacher Needs:
Elementary; 7th and 8th Grades.
For additional information and ap.
pointments contaef the Bureau of Ap
pointments, 3528 Administration Build.
ing, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Meeting of the Summer Placement
Service in Room 30, Michigan Union,
on Feb. 15, from 1 to 4:45 p.m. Any
one Interested in summer employment
is welcome. Jobs range from' all types
of Business to Camps and Resorts.
The Belfry Players of Williams Bay,
Wisconsin, are now accepting applica"
tions of resident actors. There are some
scholarships. Applications should be is
by April 5. Contact the Bureau of
Appointments for rurther information,
3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2814.
Representatives from the following
will be here to interview for summer"
Jobs in Room 3G, Michigan Union, from
1 to 4:45 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 15:
Mr. Henry B. Ollendorff, fteoutlvs
Director of The Neighborhood Settle.
ment Association of Cleveland, Inc.,
will interview for counselors, male and
female. Also for full time positions.
Sat., Feb. 18:
Mrs. HJordis Ohberg, Camp Director
of the Teaneck Golden Knot Girl Scout
Council, Inc., Teaneck, New Jersey, will
interview for counselors. Call the Bu,.
reau of Appointments for appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg., Ext. 2614.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Thurs., Feb. 16:
SUMNER CHEM. CO., INC., Zeeland,
Mich.-B.S. In Chem. E. for Develop..
Philadelphia, Pa,-ali levels in Elect..
Electronic, Mech., Ind, and Chem. E.,,
Chemistry, Physics, and Metallurgy.
Texas-B.S., M.S. or PhD in Mech. and..
Chem. E. and In Chem. for Summer
and Regular Manufacturing and Petro.
chemical Depts.
Fri., Feb. 17:
TICS DIVISION., Milwaukee, Wis.-B.S,
in Chem. E., Elect., Ind., ' Mech., and
Eng. Mech. for Development and Pro-
OTIS ELEVATOR CO., Detroit, Mich..
all levels In all programs for Construo"
tior4_and Sales. U.S. citizen.
INC., Detroit, Mich.-B.S, and M.S. in
Ind. and Mech. for Design and Sales.
N. Y.-ail levels in Ind.; B.S. and MS,

In Mech.; and B.S. In Civil, Elect., Eng.
Mech, Metal., and Naval and Marine
for Research, Devel~ Design, Production,
Sales, and Business . Eng. U.S. citizens.
City, New Jersey--B.S. in all programs
Engrg., Chem. and Bus. Ad. for Re"
search, Devei., and Production. U.S.
CORP., ELECTRO-MET. Co., Niagara
Fail, N. Y.-B.S. and M.S. In all Engrg. '
'for Research, Devei., Design, Production,
Construction, and Sales
GULF OIL CORP.-all levels in Chem.
E., Elect., Instru., Mech., Metal., Nu-
clear E., Math., Physics, Eng. Mech.,
and Science for Research, Devel., and -
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. E., Ext. 2182.
an aptitude test for men and women
interested in the advertising business.
There is a fee for the examination
which will take place in Ann Arbor on
March 3, 1956, as well as in Detroit
and East Lansing. People in any field
who are interested . in Advertising ---
Radio and T.V. Production, Art and
Layout, Copy Writing, Adv. Research,
Media Solection, Mech. Production, Adv.
Planning and Merchandising are eligible
to take the test. The deadline for filing
applications is Feb. 24. Time is limited
because it is necessary to write to the "
Detroit office for applications before
MICH. CIVIL SERVICE announces an
exam for filling vacancies in the State
Tax Commission, the Liquor Control




Adlai's Battle For Reason

DESPITE all the experience he has had, Adlai
Stevenson still shows signs of being a
novice politician.
For example, Mr. Stevenson told a California
audience recently that he did not believe in
making promises he did not plan to keep. And
so when speaking to a Negro audience in Los
Angeles, the Democratic hopeful spoke of cau-
'ton 'and moderation in enacting integration in
the South. This was not what the audience
that night wanted to hear.
Later last week Stevenson was confronted
with the proposed Powell a amendment to the
Federal School-aid bill which would cut off
financial support to segregated schools. Said
Stevenson, he didn't feel the amendment was
needed, but rather it might disrupt the con-
struction of vitally needed schools. Also, he
said, his answer depended on whether the
amendment could be framed consistently with
the Supreme Court's desire for orderly transi-
tion, and whether it allowed for "complex lo-
cal problems."
All this left Stevenson in a weak, noncom-
mital position. The NAACP was unhappy, and
there was fear in the Stevenson camp that the
large northern Negro vote might follow its
Now this is exactly the sort of trouble the
Stevenson-for-President campaign had in 1952,
and Adlai realizes this. Speaking in Portland
on Sunday, Stevenson, faced with the conflict
between his own moral convictions and the
political powderkeg the segregation issue can
ignite, asked that the issue be removed from
the Presidential campaign.
"I can trunk of no greater disservice to our
country than to exploit for political ends the

tensions that have followed in the wake of the
Supreme Court decision," he said.
HOWEVER, it is very unlikely that 'this plea
will be heeded. And there is little reason
that it should be.
The Negro problem in the South has now
flared to heights which begin to resemble.the
fervor of pre-Civil War days. More than ninety
years of moderation have done little for the
rights of Negroes in such states as Mississippi
and Alabama. The Supreme Court ruling on
segregation was an active and forceful move,
but the result can be seen in the riotous South-
ern mobocracy which has replaced all rules of
decency and justice.
become involved in the chief present-day
American domestic concern, and he won't get
an agreement to forget about it. The issue is
not', as Stevenson called it, "race against race"
or "section against section." It is the very
ideological foundation of the nation that is
shaking. When an American senator (East-
land of Mississippi) questions the honor of the
Supreme Court and implies corruptness as he
did last week because the "nine-man oligar-
chy" ruled that democracy requires equality,
it is no "forget about'it" issue.
It is true, as Stevenson claims, that tension
in mixed schools will be exploited if the segre-
gation issue remains on the political battle-
field, and again, "reason" is a greater weapon
in the struggle than "force" as the Democratic
candidate claims.
But how successful has the quiet-please'
campaign been? Cannot reason * be a part of
a political campaign, or has American politics
fallen to a bosition where "reason" cannot


Charges Daily Distorts, Principle of Letter

To the Editor:
WITHOUT consulting me, you
lifted an article of mine that
appeared in The Wall Street Jour-
nal on December 29, 1955. As far
as that is concerned, your maneu-
ver is not objectionable, as I take
sole responsibility for anything I
may write or say publicly.
However, since you presumed to
write a headline of your own on,
the piece, together with some addi-
tional interpretative comment, you
took on a professional journalistic
obligation of integrity and fair
practice toward the readers in the
community you serve, as well as to
me. You did not fulfill this most
serious obligation.
In this connection, a consulta-
tion with me prior to publication
of my article might have circum-
vented: the unfortunate terminol-
ogy you chose in the headline, as
well as your distorted interpreta-
tive comments that followed. I
think you had better bring your
heads out of the dark place and
get straightened out on a few facts.
I know of no "Reds" on the

clearly indicated therein, is that
conservative opinion is not get-
ting an adequate representation
in the college curricula today. That
is my observation, based on at-
tendance at two other colleges
besides the University, on studies
of pertinent factual material, and
gleaned from many and varied
personal contacts among college
students and faculty members
across the country, dating back to
I believe that the matter is open
to welcome, healthy, and intelli-
gent discussion without descend-
ing to personal charges and accu-
sations against particular individ-
uals or particular colleges.
It was in this spirit and to this
purpose that my letter to The Wail
Street Journal was written. Your
headline and comment falsified
this spirit and purpose. My letter
is a rebuttal to debate by another
reader of the same paper concern-
ing academic freedom for conserv-
atives.' It made no reference to
the University of Michigan, was
not an indictment of the University

to the extent that this interpreta-
tion invades the curriculum to the
total exclusion of opposite view-
points and the neglect of historical
fact, it is mis-education in its most
bigoted form."
As a corollary to this statement,
I might add that any viewpoint
that exclusively invades the class-
room, the book lists, or the speak-
ers' lists is a perversion of the
meaning of, education. In this
sense, the swing to. the Left in
American colleges today is "dan-
gerous." To the extent that de-
magoguery of any kind is prac-
ticed at this University, steps must
be taken to search it out and
eliminate it.
For me, it is not a matter of
"Reds" versus "Fascists" or "lib-
erals" versus "conservatives"-it is
a matter of the preservation of
American individualism-of pre-
senting to the student a balanced
emphasis on opposite viewpoints,
and allowing him to make his own
private choice, free from any sort
of pressure or indoctrination. This
principle applies to courses in

retract those statements and make
a public apology.
. -Robert A. Moeller
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Moeller's letter
was printed in The Daily in its entirety,
with the exception of introductory and
concluding paragraphs in which he
refers specifically to another Wall Street
Journal letter. It was changed in no
manner, nor did The Daily make any
interpretation -of it. As for the head-
line: 11U' Student Sees Red Danger
here," it was based on such quotes as L
the following: "Textbooks in many
sensitive background courses on world
and domestic political affairs are stack-
ed decks for the fellow-traveler out-
look." "Far too many speakers and
professors endlessly lean ever backward
to apologize for Soviet dictatorship ...
while applying with equal fervor the
label of "unconscious Fascitsts" to those
individuals who oppose Commun-
ism . . . " and "Many of his (the
student's) regular assignments call for
an exclusive diet of Leftists' books or
publications, his class noted consist
entirely of the economic or political
pronouncements of a collectivist or
Soviet apologist, and the only speakers
he can listen to are of the same ilk."
"Within the limits of my college, ex-
perience I can testify to the fact that
speakers' lists are loaded to the Left
in almost unvarying consistency," Mr.


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