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February 14, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-14

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x4. 19&8


11 D6 ATT.V

Group Picks
Poll Topics
Problems of new residents and
employment opportunities are the
two topics chosen Wednesday by
the policy committee of the Ann
Arbor Self-Survey group for its
first survey this spring.
Tentative plans can for inter-
viewing to start in early April. In
the meantime committees will be
set up to design questionaires for
the survey.
The four committees will con-
sider: employment, planning in-
terviews with union officials, em-
ployees and Negroes; new resi-
dents, to include interviews with
agencies and businessmen dealing
with newcomers; youth, with em-
phasis on teen-age employment
problems but with additional data
to be compiled for later use; and
co-ordination of the questionaires,
along with planning of a survey of
the entire community.
The policy committee meeting
was presided over by William But-
zin, a local realtor, whom the ex-
ecutive board elected chairman at
its first meeting last month.
Butzin appointed Donald Pelz,
a study director at the Survey
Research Center, as Administra-
tive Director of the Self-Survey.
Thirty-six local organizations
are now sponsoring the group,
- established to study human rela-
tions problems in Ann Arbor. .

Army Reserve Offers
Advantageous Plan

Daw Mya Sein To Begin
Asian Lecture Series Here

-Photo-University News Service
automotive Lab Opening Tomorrow

West Engineering Annex, now
being demolished, will be replaced
tomorrow on North Campus by a
two - and - one - half - million dollar
automotive laboratory, according
to Lynn W. Fry, plant service
Erected by the University last
month, the two-story, 400-foot-
long laboratory is designed for
study of vehicles and engines and
is now ready for occupancy.
"Observation and measurement
of engine performance is a vital
phase of the training of automo-
tive and aeronautical engineers,"
commented Professor Robert H.

Eaton of the Engineering Re-

undergraduate library on which

search Institute. He said tests will I construction will begin about

be used in research aimed at im-
provement of engines and fuels.
The main floor of the building

March 1. It is scheduled to be
completed in September, 1957.
The new unit, an open shelf li-

will be utilized for body and chas- brary for the use of all under-
sis studies. This space contains graduates, will bring together over






THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial respons-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regent's Meeting: Fri., March 16,
1956. Communications for consideration
at this meeting must be in the Presi-
dent's hands by March 8.
Student Organizations planning to be
active furing the second semester iust
register in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, 1020 Administration Building, not
later than Feb. 24. Forms for registra-
tion have been mailed to the executive
officer of the organizations which reg-
istered for the first semester. Additional
forms may be secured in the Office of
Student" Affairs.,
Social events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be regis-
tered in the Office of Student Affairs,
and are subject to appfoval by the Dean
of Men. Application forms and a copy
of regulations governing these events
may be secured in the Office of Student
Affairs, 1020 Administration Building.
Requests for. approval must be sub-
mitted to that office no later than noon
of the Tuesday before the event is
scheduled. A_,list of approved social
events will be published in the Daily
Official Bulletin on Thursday of each
The Calendar for the Second Semester
of 1955-56 and for the Summer Session
of 1956 will be as follows: 0
1 Second Semester
from................ Wed., Feb. 8
to '(inclusive) ......... Sat., Feb. 11
Classes begin ......... Mon., Feb. 13
Spring recess
from (evening) ........ Fri., Mar. 30
to (a.m.) ........... Mon., April 9
Easter ........................ April 1
Classes end ......Tues., May 29
Memorial Day ..... Wed., May 30
Study period ........ Thurs., May 31
Examination period
tfrom..........Fri., 'June 1
to (inclusive) ...... Thurs., June 14
Commencement ........ Sat., June 16
Summer Session
Classes begin
Law School ......... Mon., June 18
Other Units ........ Mon., June 25
Independence Day ...... Wed., July 4
Courses End
Six-weeks ............. Sat., Aug. 4
Eight-weeks ......... Sat., Aug. 18
Law School ,......... Fri., Aug. 31
Sophomore and Freshmen Women:
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
plications for Sept. 1956. There will be
room for 40 sophomores and 25 fresh-
men who will then be junior and
sophomores respectively. Anyone inter-
ested phone 23225 any week day between
8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. for an appoint-
ment. Those who already have appli-
cation blanks, please bring them in
Simmediately if interested.
A few more ushers are urgently need-
ed for the Burton Holmes travel pic-
tures and for the Polgar show which
will be given Fri., Feb. 17 at 8:15 p.m.
Report at Hill Auditorium at the east
door at 7:39 p.m. Thursday and at 7:15
p.m. Fri.
Research Club will meet Wed., Feb.
15, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Audi-
torium. The following papers will be
presented: Prof. C. B. Slawsn (Min-
eralogy): "The Brazilian Diamond In-
dustry," and Prof. P. W. Slosson (His-
tory): '"Vital Center' Parties in Italy,
France, and Germany." Members only.
Lecture, auspices of the Center for
Japanese Studies and the Dept. of
Economics announced in the Weekly

Chicago, "Recent Progress in Free Radi-
cal Addition to Olefins"
The recital by Arlene Solenberger,
contralto, announced for Tues., Feb. 14,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, has been
postponed until Sun., March" 18, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Concert. Dame Myra Hess, British
pianist, fourth . concert in the Extra
Series, Wed., Feb. 15, at 8:30 p.m. In Hill
Auditorium. 'Tickets available at the
offices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower; and
on sale at the Hill Auditorium box
office the night of the performance
after 7:00 p.m.
The concert by the University of
Michigan Symphony Band announced
for Sunday afternoon, Feb. 26, in Hill
Auditorium, has been postponed until
Wed., March 21, at 8:30 p.m.
'Academic Notices
Fellowship and Scholarship Applica-
tions for Graduate School will. be ac-
cepted through 4 p.m. Wed., Feb. 15.
All supporting credentials including
transcripts and, letters of recommenda-
tion must be received by this time. Late.
applications cannot be considered, and
the deadline will not be extended.
Women Studepts-Sports and Dance
Instruction. Students wishing to elect
physical education without credit may
register on Tues. and Wed., Feb. 14
and 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon in
Barbour Gymnasium. Instruction is
available in swimming, diving, modern
dance, ice skating, apparatus, basket-
ball, riding, folk and square dance, and
square and social dance.
The Extension Service announces the
following classes to be held in Ann
Arbor, beginning on Tues., Feb. 14:
Creative Drawing and Color Ske tching
7:30 p.m., 415 Architecture Building
Personnel Administration
7:30 p.m., \(Business Administration
142) 170 School of Business Adminis-
Semantics and General Semantics
7:00 p.m., (The Science of Meaning)
165 Sch0ool of Business Administra-
Social Forces in the Changing American
7:30 p.m., 131 School of Business Ad-
The Hospital Nursing Unit
7:30 p.m. (Nursing 20) 71 School of
Business Administration
For further information concerning
theOse courses call the Extension Serv-
ice, NO 3-1511, Ext. 2887.
Registration for These Glasses may be
made in Room 4501 of the Administra-
tion Building on South State Street
during1University office hours, or in
Room 1064 of the School of Business
Administrition, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., the
night of the class.
Seminar in Conflict Resolution (Prob-
lems in the Integration of the Social
Sciences, Economics 353) will meet
Tues., Feb. 14, at 3 p.m. in the audi-
torium of the Children's Psychiatric
Hospital. Mr. Boulding will speak on
"Towards a General Thedry of Con-

large metal slabs upon which ve-
hicles can be mounted .and ob-
served. Improved body and sus-
pension designs are the outgrowth
of such research, Prof. Eaton
pointed out.
As a safety measure, the area
beneath that half of the building
in which test cells are located has
not been excavated. The remain-
ing area has a basement given
over to a large machine shop,
photographic dark rooms, class-
rooms, and instrument check-out
The second floor of the build-
ing will house offices, classrooms,
graduate research areas, a draft-
ing room, space for mechanical
equipment, and rows of air intake
and heating units above the test
cells.- 7
Due to noise and lack of space,
University officials thought it best
to build the laboratory on North
Campus. The construction is part
of 'a plan to move the entire engi-
ieering division to the northern
Research buildings are being
constructed first. Already com-
pleted are a printing and nuclear
reactor building. Five aeronauti-
cal buildings, one of which is a
propulsion tunnel, costing $630,000,
will also be. ready tomorrow.
A fluids engineering, highway
laboratory and classrooms build-
ing still remains to be built. Funds
for this construction are in pro-
cess of being appropriated by the
state legislature. l
The annex will be replaced by
a three-and-a-half-million dollar
Pianist Hess
To Play Here
Pianist Dame Myra Hess will
appear in a recital at 8:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Hill Auditorium.
Under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, Dame My-
ra will appear in the Extra Con-
cert Series. This season marks
her twenty-fifth annual North
American tour, consecutive except
for the years during World War
For her concert she will play
Bach Adagio in G major and Toc-
cata in D major, Beethovan So-
nata in D minor, Op. 31, No. 2, and
the Brahms Sonata in F minor,
Op. 5.
Tickets may be obtained at the
Office of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower.

100,000 books for their use, in
addition to providing facilities for
listening to recordings of music,
poetry;and drama.
A four-story building, the li-
brary will seat about 2,500 stu-
dents and house the transportation
library and the engineering library,
while the third floor will contain
the engineering library reading
Demolition of the annex will be
finished by March 15, according to
Harold Hickman, plant service su-
pervisor. Stained glass windows,
lightning rods, and bricks are be-
ing kept as mementoes for indi-
vidual professors, he declared.
The red brick building, charac-
terized by its tower clock, is one
of the oldest buildings on campus,
constructed in 1885 at a cost of
At first known as the Engineer-
ing Shops Building, the annex
housed much of the laboratory
equipment of the engineering de-
partment untilthe East Engineer-
ing Building was completed. It was
then converted to the present
automotive and mechanical labor-

Due to increased interest and
numerous questions concerning
current Army Reserve laws on the
part of U students, efforts are be-
ing made to clarify the situation
by the local reserve components.
According to Major Thomas D.
Krenitsky, Army advisor to reserve
units in this area, draft eligibles
now have several choicesof enlist-
ments with which to fulfill their
military obligations.
Perhaps the most convenient en-
listment for U students is the 6
year enlistment into the reserve
with no immediate activeduty
commitment. Such enlistments do
not entail a change in draft status
but the enlistee has the advantage
of going on active duty holding
his reserve rank when the draft
board beckons.
In addition, while in the reserve
the part-time soldier builds up
Dean Discusses
Increase n
U.S. Engineers
Despite a belated awareness that
a pressing need for applied scien-
tists exists in the U.S., there has
been no great increase until re-
cently in the number of students
electing engineering programs, ac-
cording to Assistant Dean Walter
J. Emmons of the College of En-
"I do not believe there has been
excessive pressure on students to
get them to take these courses,"
the dean said.
Dean Emmons sees no harm in
the recently'intensified campaign
to interest students in becoming
scientists and engineers.
To those who feel there has also
been too much emphasis on the
race with Russia for supremacy
in the numbers of technically
trained, Dean Emmons said. "The
vast broadening of the scientific
base on which our civilization rests
has necessitated this vast call-up
of technicians and it must be re-
membered that what we do from a
mliitary angle is also applicable to
civilian commodities; it's not just
a race for arms makers."
"I don't know how you'll interest
people in engineering as a career
unless you publicize it," he con-

longevity which in turns means in-
creased pay at the end of the sec-
ond and fourth year of service,
whether in the reserve or on active
A third advantage is getting re-
serve obligation partially or fully
completed while in school instead
of after active duty when job or
family activities may be more
Under the new selective service
law, all draftees and enlistees,
when discharged from the service,
must participate in a ready reserve
program for three years. Failure
to attend weekly meetings and
summer camp incurs a liability for
call to 45 days active duty each
Still another favorable feature
is that the reserve enlistee may
enlist in the branch of service of
his choice and will be called to
active duty in that branch, even
if his reserve ser'vice is with a
branch other than his choice.
Thus an engineering student
may enlist in the Corps of Engi-
neers and although his-reserve unit
is Infantry, he will serve in the
engineers when on active duty.
This is in contrast to the usual
procedure with draftees, who are
assigned according to the immedi-
ate needs of the Army.
Reserve service consists of at-
tending 48 two-hour meetings each
year plus a two week summer
training camp. Reservists draw a
full days base pay for each of
these weekly meetings and full
pay and allowances, including
travel pay, for summer camp.
Attendance at summer training
camp is highly desirable but not
mandatory. Reservists may be ex-
cused if the unit goes to camp at
a time which interferes with an
individual's schooling .or job com-
mitments. Arrangements can be
made for such personnel to attend
at a times best suited to educa-
tional or occupational schedules.
Concerning the availability of
direct commissions, Major Kren--
itsky stated that only a few are to
be had in the Judge Advocate
General and the. Finance Corps
for personnel highly qualified in
those fields.
Commissions in all other
branches are available through
ROTC or OCS channels only.
Questions concerning the reserve
program can be answered by call-
ing the Army Reserve office on the
second floor of the National Guard
Armory, phone 20566.

Burma's Daw Mya Sein, begin-
ning a lecture tour which will car-
ry her to colleges and universities
all over the United States, recent-
ly arrived at the University for
a seven week stay.
Selected personally by Burma's
Prime Minister U Nu, Daw Mya
Sein is the first speaker in a
three-year nation-wide lectureship
established in honor of U Nu's re-
cent visit. At that time, the Asia
Foundation set up the "U Nu
Lectureship on Burmese Culture."
Under this plan three outstand-
ing Burmese will come to this
country for one year to lecture on
their culture.
Beside her lectures, Daw IyV Y
Sein has been active in both poli-
tical and journalistic fields. She
received her M.A. from Rangoon
University and has studied at Ox-
ford and London Universities in
As a delegate to the All Asian
Women's Conference at Delhi in
1931, she was elected Chairman
of the first meeting. A year later,
she was the only woman delegate



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Japanese labor expert Iwao Ay-
usawa's lecture "Japan As a Com,
petitor in the World Market" will
be delivered on Thursday instead
of Wednesday as stated in the
University Calendar.
Dr. Ayusawa will speak at 4:15
p.m. in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.

at the Burma Round Table Con-
ference in London, and was the
only woman elected to the Rang-
oon Corporation.
Daw Mya Sein has published and
edited a bilingual monthly, pam-
phlets 'on Burma, and written for
many of hercountry's magazines.
She will speak here on Southeast
Asian history and culture.
The visitor will begin her lec-
ture series here Tuesday, Feb. 21,
the six other talks to be held on
subsequent Tuesdays. The public
can sign up for the series, which
are free and non-credit, by calling
Mrs, Victoria Harper, Manager,
Far Eastern Association, at NO
3-1511, Ext. 460.

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Chess Club: Meeting, Feb. 15, 8:00
p.m., Rm. 3N, Michigan Union.
Christiap. Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, Feb. 16, Lane Hall,
Upper Room.
Congregational and Disciples Guild:
Informal weekly tea, today, 4:30-5:30
p.m., Guild House, 524 Thompson St.
* * *:

February 20, 21,22 1956


You can discuss career opportunities with our
representative at this{ time.

Michigan Union: Meeting for pros-
pective try-outs, Feb. 15, Union, 4:15
p.m. in Rooms 3L, M, and N; and at
7:15 p.m. in Room 3B.
* 0 *
Sigma Rho Tau: Mr. Joseph Keeley
will speak on "The Young Engineer
Loo)f s at the Security Program and
Practices," Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3R,
Michigan Union.
Open meeting, tonight, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3201, East Eng.
SAA: Square Dance Group will meet
tonight, 7:30-1:00 p.m., Lane Hail.
Union Opera: All persons Interested
in writing. short skits for 1956 Union
Opera, please attend the meeting Feb.
16, Rm. 3G, Michigan Union, 3:30 p.m.
* * *
Young Friends: Mojoir Povolny,
American Service- Committee, repre-
sentative for International S'eminars,
will be at Lane Hall all day today,
Doris Reed Rumman's office.


is in your Placement Office


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ipg for
14, 4:15

J51-Elegiac Poets. First meet-
organization only Tues., Feb.
p.m., 2009 Angell Hall.

History 130 will meet hereafter in
Room 2225 Angell Hall.
(Continued on Page 6)


We're looking for engineers who want to make the
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You can advance quickly because our' s arapidly
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doubled again from 1935 to11945, and has doubled
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This remarkable growth is creating unprece-
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we need men with engineering degrees who want
to advance in executive positions.
Get the details about a management career with

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