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March 28, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-03-28

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Poor Old Rip Ivan Winklo v-Just Back From 20 Years
Im Siberia For Having Said Stalin Was A Tyrant"

hen Opinions Are Free,
Trutb Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Grumblers Have Chance To Do
Something About SGC

1 nnSI

'HE MOST frequently heard and perhaps
hardest-to-answer complaint from students
out SGC is that it is a do-nothing organiza-

The complaints may be well foun
may be groundless. But these stud
seem to have the right to pass the
University and SGC itself.

The complainers may agree SGC is the focal A glance. at the candidates' platf
oint of representative student feeling, that it demonstrates this is-no Tweedle-de
oes accomplish some changes at the University, dum campaign. On almost every p
t these things are only conceded with the a complete spectrum of opinion.
rongest reservations.
SGC is a focal point of student opinion, they J7ODAY IS the final day for cast
dmit, but a very poor and insensitive focal Instead of sitting at home toda:
oint. SGC is responsible for changes such as for the rest of the year grumbling
he new driving regulations, but the new regula- inadequacy of SGC, these student
on are really nothing to crow about, well advised to do something abouti
However, there is one peculiar, almost inevit- The more votes that SGC receive
ble characteristic of these malcontents: able it will be to accomplish !omethi
They didn't vote. --TED FR
Four Foreign Poliey 'Musts'

ded or they
dents hardly
buck to the
orms clearly
ee Tweedle-
oint there is
Ming ballots.
uy, and then
g about the
s would be
es, the more




YURNS in current U.S. foreign policy will
have more long run effect on the student
than eight semesters' bluebooks and weekend
That long run effect may be adverse to all
Americans unless our policy in the world battle
is formulated immediately, 'made clear, and
made correctly.
And who can deny' a world battle?-955
million communist peoples (from 170 million
in 1939) vs. 650 million free world peoples, with
750,000,000' newly freed individuals and 170,-
000,000 colonial subjects hanging in the balance,
their ears open and stomachs hungry.
As the struggle is cored by a contest of
ideals, the United States, by failing, especially
in the 'Middle East, to assert a positive policy
that would steer our every move on the inter-
national scene, has lost ground in the struggle.
We lose British friends when we express a
"sympathetic concern" for the Cypriots; French'
allies sack our Tunisian offices, believing we
are aiding the Arab nationalists; Jews around
the world were shocked and irritated when we
sold tanks to Saudi Arabia; the Arabs blame
our influence in the UN for creating Israel in
the first place; and we incur the distrust of
nearly a billion non-committed people for
our lasting association with the colonialists-
Britain and France.
TO-COUNTER this, U.S. policy must be strong
and unequivocal. It must lead the world
with a straight-from-the-shoulder declaration
of moral and material intentions:
1 We must shout our belief in, and intention
to labor for, government by self-determination
in every land of the world-in short, no col-
onialism without consent. In the -short run,
Britain and France would boil; in the long run,
we would gain the respect of everyone.
2. The borders of Israel should be guaran-
teed. This and other powder kegs ,should be
defused through the UN.
3. The U.S. should supply arms to no coun-

try. Our policy of buying friends with guns
has only a temporary effectiveness. Every effort
should be made to disassociate our country's
name from "tanks," "jets," and "A-bombs."
4. We must offer food and capital equipment
to all under-developed countries. This will make
both a short and a long run sale for us. Some-
how the Congress and its Senators Knowland
and George and all Americans must view the
world struggle through long-run lenses.
Greek Premier Constantine Karmanlis has
offered wise advise in urging:
"If the United States, as leader of the free
world, fails to use its tremendous moral and
material forces to discipline the free world to
the principles of justice and freedom, the future
of the free world should be a matter of grave
A Debate With
Loaded Dice
IN MOST political debates, the opposing sides
are represented by advocates of that position.
However, last night with a fundamental issue
like "Communism vs. Democracy" being de-
bated, one side didn't get a fair deal.
Not that those defending the Communist
side did not do an honest job. But with both
sides actually favoring democracy, it was
difficult for the discussion to have more than
superficial meaning.
For any debate there must be two sides. And
for each side to be fairly represented it is
appropriate that one of its advocates defend it.
To believe that the Communist doctrine can
be defended effectively by non-believers is as
illogical as democracy being favored in a Mos-
cow school by Red party workers.
The Moscow "iron curtain" is based on fear.
What about ours?
--M. F.


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MAYNARD KLEIN directed the
University Choir and Orches-
tra in an excellent performance of
Berlioz's Requiem last night in
Hill Auditorium.
The work is probably Berlioz's
greatest composition. It was writ-
ten while Berlioz was still young.
This youth is reflected in the
spirit of gigantic proportions of
the score which calls for full choir
and orchestra with four added
brass choirs and extra tympanies.
The work is also notable for its
great variety of mood.
* * *
THE CLIMAX of the work oc-
curs in the "Dies irae" section on
the words "Tuba Mirum." At this
point the score calls for the use
of the added tympanies and brass
choirs. Last night the perform-
ance of these fanfares and rolls
was spine chilling in its excite-
ment. Hill Auditorium has prob-
ably never been so completely filled
with music as it was at that in-
stant. The brass choirs, made up of
members of both the University
Band and Orchestra, were directed
by Clifford Lillya and Glenn Smith.
The end of the work is almost
as exciting as the "Dies irae" sec-
tion. Here the effect is obtained
by giving the words of the "Agnus
dei" section a quiet calm setting
reflective of the serenity the de-
parted souls have found in Heaven.
IN THE "Quaerens me" section
of the work the choir faced one
of its greatest tasks of the evening.
Here the choir sings without the
many benefits of the orchestra.
The challenge was taken in stride
by the choir and it sang with the
same flawless intonation good at-
tacks, even rhythm, and balance it
exhibited throughout the evening.
In the "Quid sum miser" portion
of the work the tenor section dis-
played good quality and diction in
its soli work.
The orchestra did an excellent
job of accompanying the choir
thhroughout the performance.
When one realizes the great
amount of music the orchestra is
expected to produce it makes the
accomplishments of this group all
the more amazing. In January the
orchestra gave a concert, and a
few weeks ago it played for the
University performance of Mozart's
Opera the "Magic Flute." The
amount of time spent preparing
these works is tremendous.
In fact no professional organi-
zation could afford to prepare this
much new music in the course of a
year. Thus the orchestra deserves
a great deal of credit for their
performance last night. It played
with good attacks and balance and
for the most part good intonation,
MAYNARD KLEIN did an excel-
lent job of directing the perform-
ance. He had complete control of
the complex .score at all times.
Hill Auditorium was completely
filled for the performance. In
fact, many people were assembled
an hour ahead of time in order to
get better seats.
Because of the great dramatic
qualities of this work many people
feel that it is too theatrical to be
considered a religious work. What-
ever one feels about this it must
be admitted that the work is
profoundly moving and that the
University Choir and Orchestra
gave it a fine performance.
-Bruce Jacobson

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Automobile Regulations, spring reces
The automobile regulations will be lifted
when classes are completed on Fri.,
March 30, 1956, and will become effective
again at 8:00 a.m. Mon., April 9.
General Library will observe the fol-
lowing schedule during the spring re-
cess: Open: Fri., March 30, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Mon.-Fri., April 2-6, 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed:
Sat., March 31 and April 7; Sn., April
1 and April 8.
The Divisional Libraries will be open
on shortened vacation schedules on the
days that the General Library is open.
The schedule for each library will be
posted on its door. Information as to
hours of opening may also be obtained
by calling University Et. 052.
University lecture: Professor. Richard
Waterman of the Department of Anthro-
pplogy, Northwestern University, "West
ern African Music" on Wed., March 28,
at 4:10 p.m., in Aud. A, Angell Hal.
Illustrated with recordings. Sponsored
jointly by the Department of Anthro-
pology and the School of Music.
Wed., March 28, }prof. S. D. Atkins,
of Princeon University, University lec-
ture, auspices of the Department of
Classical Studies and the Committee on
Linguistics, at 4:15 p.m., in Aud. C of
Angell Hall. "The Theocritean Pastora
Ingredients and Structure."
University Lecture in Philosophy. Roy
W. Sellars, Professor Emeritus, "Leads
in American Philosophy" Thurs. March
29 at 4:15 p.m. In Angell Hall, Aud. v.
Auspices of the Department of Philos.
Prof. L. I. Schiff of Stanford Univer-
sity will lecture on "High Energy Ap-
proximations to Scattering Theory"
Thurs. and Fri., March 29 and 30, at
3:30 p.m. in Room 2038, Randall Labor
Research Seminar of the Mental
Health Research Institute. Dr. E. Low-
ell Kelly, Professor of Psychology and
Director of the Bureau of Psychological
Services, will speak on "Some Methodo
logical Issues Encountered in. a Long-
tudinal Study of Two-Person Groups"
Thurs., March 29, 1:30-3:30 p.m., Con-
ference Room, Children's Psychiatric
Academic Notices
Students intending to take preliminary
examinations for the doctorate in Lin-
guistics should notify Prof. Marckwardt
before March 30. These examinations
will be given on May 11.and 12,
Notice to Freshman Men enrolled in
Physical Education. Men who were en-
rolled in beginning golf during the fall
semester may now transfer from their
present activity to Intermediate Golf.
These classes will meet outdoors one day
per week for a. two-hour period. Ply
and Bait Casting classes are also avail-
able to men currently enrolled in Physi-
cal Education for Men. All transfers
may be made in Room 4, Waterman
Application for admission to the Inte-
grated Program in Liberal Arts and
Law must be made before April 16 of
the final preprofessional year. Applica-
tion may be pade now at 1220 Angell
Sports and Dance Instruction. Women
students who have completed their
physical education requirement and who
wish to elect classes may register on
Tues and Wed., March 27 and 28 from
8:00 a.m. to 12 noon on the main floor,
Barbour Gymnasium. Instruction is
available in tennis, swimming, diving,
(Continued on Page 6)





Reader Says Arabs Bluffing,


Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold
any letter.
Diplomatic Blackmail..
To the Editor:
A CLOSE reading of the Iraqi
student's article in the Sunday
Daily exposes the current line, i.e.
if the U.S. does not play ball with
the Arab States, they are just
liable to jump on the Soviet band-
wagon. And then there is the
problem of all that oil -and other
tangible interests in the Middle
East which would no longer be
available for Western use. This
form of diplomatic blackmail has
been used before by the lukewarm
friends of the United, States and
unfortunately, has succeeded at
times in attaining its desired ends.
The reason that this method is
successful at all is due to the fact
that we foolishly assert ourselves
diplomatically from a position of
weakness rather than from a posi-
tion of strength, which in fact, we
could attain.. .
Here, I think, is the neat point
of the real issue. The presence of
Israel is merely the excuse and the
influence of the Soviets is the
threat for which the basically anti-
western Arabs are thumbing their
noses at us. A few months ago the
American Consulate in Amman
was attacked by Jordanians in re-
sponse to an invitation for them
to join the Western sponsored

Baghdad Pact. Israel did not enter
the picture here at all, yet the
Arabs displayed their anti-Western
attitudes. A week or two ago
Edward R. Murrow's documentary
TV film on the Arab-Israel crisis
emphasized from beginning to end
the same attitude in Egypt ...I
Therefore, in succumbing to
blackmail and cowering before the
spector of Communist interven-
tion in the Middle East, in short,
by operating from a position of
weakness, we can never hope for a
peaceful settlement of the issue.
There will be one Arab Munich
after another. The important thing
to realize is that the Arabs are
bluffing in regard to the Soviets.
Should we support Israel to restore
the balance of power and the Arabs
see that we mean business, they
will think twice before again ca-
vorting with the Soviets. They
know what the price is in the long
Sidney S. Kripke, '56M
No Halo on Adlai. *
To the Editor:
MURRY FRYMER sees a halo on
Adlai Stevenson's head and
the wisdom of the ages within it.
When the people of Minnesota
failed to share this delusion with
him. Mr. Frymer became very
angry with them. He wrote an

Now Mr. Frymer has a perfect
right to his delusions and his edi-
torials. Also, grant him the right
to question the intelligence of the
"man on the street," the farmer,
and the laborer for failing to ap-
preciate the Messiah from Illinois.
Permit him to hint at the great
promise offered by a government
of "intellectually elite." Let him
caricature Kefauver and other pre-
tenders to the throne as cheap
politicians of far too common stuff.
Do all these things if you will, Mr.
Frymer, but, please, spare us your
doing them in the name of liberal-
ism, intellectualism, or the Demo-
cratic Party.
To many, many people of big,
little, and Iedium I. Q's, Adlai
Stevenson is, and has been, a fence
straddler and an opportunist. He
would woo all the people of all
groups with fine rhetoric and
even finer ambiguity. His much
vaunted integrity he packs with his
shirts and, from locale to locale, he
shifts his position on the integra-
tion issue. He dislikes the Taft-
Hartley law, but, he would not de-
stroy it. He wants to help the
farmers but not too much. It's no
wonder as Mr. Frymer himself
says: "Stevenson has achieved
much admiration from Republi-
cans as well."
Mor. Frymer, remember, we can't
look down on the people. They're
really up here with the rest of us.
-Charles H. Bisdee, Grad.




Arab Risk in UN


Associated Press News Analyst
THME ARAB STATES are running a strong
risk of prejudicing their own case in the
United Nations by delaying and obstructing
the American proposal for a new approach to
settlement of their differences with Israel.
Everybody is worried lest the continuing de-
terioration of Arab-Israeli relations produce a
war which could spread to the whole Torld.
Great Britain has been leaning toward a
threat of Anglo-American-French force against
whoever starts it.
In the case of such a threat, the United
States, being committed to a policy of main-
taining Israel as a nation, would immediately be
accused by the Arabs of threatening them only.
The United States, therefore, is working
toward strengthening the original truce agree-
Toward that end she has proposed that the
United Nations send its Secretary General to
the Middle East immediately in an effort to find
some means of bringing the contestants to-
gethe for further negotiations.
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ........................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ....................... ....City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ............... . Magazine Editor
David Kaplan................. ,...... Feature Editor
Jane Howard .......................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ..................... .. Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ................ Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler ............. omen's Editor
Elaine Edmnonds ............ Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ..................... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom ...... ................. Business Manager

THE IDEA doesn't *seem to carry too much
substance. The Arabs are united only around
one thought-that they must have Palestine
Nevertheless, a truce was negotiated once
under the moral pressure of the United Nations,
and hope that it can be made to stick is not
entirely dead. The difficulty is that the original
truce was effected under a situation in which
Israel had demonstrated her capacity for self-
Now the Arabs are being bolstered by Com-
munist arms. The possibility of long-term Israel
military superiority against overwhelming num-
bers seems doomed.
First the Arabs demanded that they be heard
before the Security Council acted on the Ameri-
can resolution. That caused a week's delay.
Now they say they will insist on removing the
whole issue from the, Security Council to the
General Assembly, which might produce a
delay of months.
The Moslems are said to fear that Dag
Hammarskjold's report would go against them.
That seems to mean they have no intention
of letting world opinion interfere with their ob-
It even suggests they, or at least Egypt, have
made up their minds for war when it suits them.
Refusal of or antipathy towards outside media-
tion in such a serious matter is bound to pro-
duce these considerations, regardless of the
actual intent.
New Books at the Library
Blumenthal, Walter Hart-Bookmen's Bed-
lam; N. Brunswick, Rutgers Un. Press, 1955.
Holbrook, Stewart-Machines of Plenty; N. Y.,
Macmillan Co., 1955.
Lecomte du Nouy, Pierre-The Road to "Hu-
man Destiny"; N. Y., Longmans, Green, 1956.
Marcpse, Herbert-Eros and Civilization; Bos-
ton, Beacon Press, 1955.
Meissner, Hans-Otto-The Man with Three


_ _ .

It All Depends On How You Look At It



(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article was written by former Harvard
'Crimson' editor Milton S. Gwirtzman
in the November 4, 1955 issue. Mr.
Gwirtzman is now studying at the
Yale Law School.)
ONE of the journalistic conse-
quences of our harried age has
been therise in the circulation of
the weekly news-magazines.
To those who wish to keep up
with the world, but can't bother to
plow through the newspapers,
these magazines offer a week's
events boiled down into one easily-
digested serving. And they are in-
fluential. As Time (circ. 2,000,000)
modestly admits in its advertise-
ments, "America's leading educa-
tors, presidents of business cor-
porations, members of Congress,
the top men in practially every
field vote Time their favorite mag-
azine . . . They 'depend on its
The casual reader cannot check
the accuracy or objectivity of
Time, dependent as he may be
upon them. His memory rarely
stretches back past last week's is-
sue. However, since Time has
bound its back issues and put them
on reserve in the library, its ob-
jectivity can be examined. We
have decided to do this by com-
paring Time's reporting of the
same men and the same events

happily ... The blow, in full and
crushing measure, now lands each
March 15 on the chin of a fellow
named John Q." (March 10, 1952)
But in 1955: . . . 0 million
Americans have by this week sign-
ed their 1954 income-tax forms ...
jThey did this, wonderful to tell,
without riots or protest . .. It has
become more and more unfashion-
able to criticize the income-tax
level." (April 18, 1955)
* * * .
OR LOOK at the periodic reports
on the economic health of the
April 2, 1951 (Democratic Ad-
'ministration): "Never in U.S. his-
tory had the cost of living been so
high. Between January 15 and
February 15 the consumer's price
index jumped 1.3% to 183.8."
July 4, 1955 (Republican Admin-
istration. Consumer price index:
182.3) "After a considerable shift
in domestic economic policy, the
U.S. is more prosperous than ever
The sudden glow which accom-
panied the Republican Adminis-
tration even transformed person-
alities. George E. Allen, when a
government official in the Truman
administration, was worked over
as follows:
"For 18 years, roly-poly George
E. Allen bobbed 'around Washing-
ton like a pneumatic rubber hose."

year and friend of Presidents."
(December 14, 1954)
* * *
TIME'S technique is perhaps
best revealed in its weekly column
on the Presidency. Its reports on
-Presidential behavior are able to
rise above objectivity and perceive
distinctions where none are appar-
Thus, "President Truman flap-
ped open his leather notebook, and
began in his usual flat tone to read
his message to Congress on the
state of the Union. When he fin-
ished 45 minutes later, he had
made little news." (January 21,
1952) However, "President Eisen-
hower's 1955 State of the Union
Speech had sweep and calm and
balance;" and although "it elab-
orated the obvious, perhaps that
was precisely what the nation
needed." (January 17, 1955)
The casual observer might also
have failed to detect the difference
in the way each President handled
the question of whether he would
seek a second term: "The subject
of Harry Truman's 1952 intentions
came up again in his weekly press
conference. The President wasn't
saying, just acting deliberately
mysterious. It has become an un-
profitable inquiry and a stale
joke." (July 23, 1951)
". ..he (Eisenhower) has skill-
fully refused to commit himself on
1956." (January 24, 1955) "Adroit-

the President will begin a slow
trip westward . . . Officially, the
trip will be billed as non-political,
an ancient device whereby a Pres-
ident can pay his expenses from
his $40,000 travel allowance instead
of from the party treasury."
(March 20, 1950)
"From time to time, the Presi-
dent of the United States must
travel around the country . . . Last
week, President Eisenhower an-
nounced one of the most intensive
tours since he assumed office. First
stop this week: West Point . . .
University Park, Pa.. . . Washing-
ton . . . San Francisco . . . and
a speaking tour of Maine, New
Hampshire and Vermont." (June
13, 1955)
* * *
the Fair Deal was its omnibus
character. "In this best of all
Democratic worlds he (Truman)
had something for everybody. For
the businessman, he had his new
program of government loan in-
surance and other aids to small
business. For the farmer and con-
sumer, he had the Brannan Plan."
(May 22, 1950) "For everyone else,
there was a whole grab-bag of
social and economic promises."
(January 18, 1948). One might
expect that Time would be similar-
ly annoyed when President Eisen-
hower proposed such familiar Fair
Deal items as ". . . lower tarriffs

the departmentalized details of his
(Eisenhower's) proposals runs a
clear, consistent thread, joining
each fact and each measure with
all the others. The thread is the
general good. He has not thrown
together a hodge-podge of group
interests. Every proposal seems to
be tested by the standard of the
whole nation's interest." (Jan'uary
18, 1954)
It is perhaps arguable whether a
weekly has any more right than a
daily to editorialize in its news
columns. But Time does not
editorialize outright. Instead, with
what must be a great expenditure
on interviews and questonnaires,
it tells its readers what "the
people" think:
"In the eyes of most U.S. citizens,
Harry Truman's administration
had bogged down in ludicrous fu-
tility." (June 3, 1946)
"The public had an impression
of a petulant, irascible President
who stubbornly protected shoddy
friends, a man who has grown too
touchy to make judicious decisions,
who failed to give the nation any
clear leadership in these challeng-
ing times." (April 23, 1951)
"They saw Ike, and liked what
they saw . . . They liked him for
his strong, vigorous manner of
speech . .. and for an overriding,
innate kindliness and modesty. But
most of all, they liked him in a
way they could scarcely explain.




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