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March 27, 1956 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-27

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SG andite

Bill Adams
Incumbent; Student Legislature
Treasurer; SGC Treasurer, Com-
mittee Chairman, Steering Com-
mittee Member, ,Cinema Guild
Treasurer, Central Pep Rally
Treasurer, Student Book Exchange
Treasurer, Free University of Ber-
lin Treasurer, Student Speakers
Bureau Coordinating Committee
Member; Student Loan Committee
Representative; Sphinx.
1. Professionally trained coun-
selors, inter-school counselors, in-
ter-departmental counselors, some
kind of supplementary current in-
formation available to the coun-
selors informing them of the par-
ticulars and peculiarities of differ-
ent courses; expansion of the staff;
provisions whereby upperclassmen
could sign their own election cards;
additional remuneration for coun-
selors; a semesterly student evalu-
ation of the work and worth of
each counselor with replacements
being made if necessary.
2. Student Government Council
should not try to run the Univer-
sity personnel office, but it should
make recommendations to the ad-
3ninistration when it feels they are
disregarding any standards which
the students feel are right; Uni-
versity employment should be open
to all according to their ability.
Residence halls are certainly an
area of student concern, and here
it is the duty and responsibility of
SGC to make recommendations to
the administration. Each student
should be given the opportunity to
select a roommate of his choice
or a group from which his room-
mate could be chosen. As far as
recommendations concerning af-
filiate units, SGC should point the
way, in regard to the feelings and

The following questions were asked all Student Government
Council candidates.
Answers are printed on this page and page 7.
1-Suppose you were given authority to revise the University
academic counseling system. List practical changes you would make
in the present system.
2-Should SGC make recommendations to the administration
on discriminatory practices in University employment, residence,
halls and affiliate units? List the most important recommendations
you would make.,
3-Is the present investigation into Ann Arbor housing and
environmental health effective? If you see problems in the present
off-campus housing situation, what would you do to solve them?
4-Is the principle behind the Lecture Committee ban a good
one? Why?
5-What do you think SGC's biggest problem is? What is your
solution to it?

more adequately, especially in the
University requirements.
2. Definitely. Otherwise SGC's
anti-discrimination Human Rela-
tions Board would be stopped at
its most important level. The only
policy possible would be one of no
discrimination at all.
3. No. SGC could set up a hous-
ing board, comprised of students
and Ann Arbor residents, to seek
out and investigate apartments
for students, keeping on file a list
of places which could be rented
to students.
4. No. The student cannot make
informed decisions if he is not
allowed to hear all sides of contro-
versial issues. He has a right to
hear any point of view and judge
it himself.
5. Lack of communicatign be-
tween SGC and the students. Pub-
lication of "The Representative"
more often would help, as would
the proposed Speakers' Bureau.

-Daily-Peter Song
POLLING BOOTHS will be busy today and tomorrow as students cast votes for 'their favorite candidates in five organizational elec-
tions. Ballots will be counted and results announced tomorrow night in the Union Ballroom.

S ubmitted
Council Plan
Although Student Government
Council is just one year old, the
basic ideas for it were formulated
in 1946.
At that time, twp proposals for
student government .were before
the student body.
One was a student congress
composed of heads of campus
groups and a popularly-elected
nine-man council, very similar to
-the present SGC.
Congress-pabinet Proposed
The other plan was a congress-
cabinet government elected from
the campus at large. It was this
one that students picked in acam-
pus referendum in March, 1947.
Calledi the Student Legislature,'
it lasted seven years before being
replaced by SGC.
The changeover came about
through the efforts of a Stldent
Affairs Study Committee, appoint-
ed by University President Harlan
Hatcher in 1953.
Headed by Prof. LionelLaing of
the political science department, it
,ncluded Dean garl V. Moore of
the music school, Prof. Kenneth L.
Jones of the botany department.
Student members were Al Blumros-
en, '53L, Pete Lardner, '54E, and
Sue Popkin, '54.
Considers Student Government
After several months of study-
ing the old Student Affairs Com-
mittee the Laing committee asked
permission to consider the entire
problem of student government,
feelihg that the problem was much
larger than the boundaries of SAC.
Equipped with a special brief
submitted in January, 1954, by
Malin Van Antwerp, '55L, the com-
, mittee examined questions of size,
finances and powers of student
government and- cme up with
the present Student Government
Council plan.
It said SAC was part of a maze
of inter-related organizations and
recommended that the powers of
SAC and SL be embodied in one
group for a more efficient system.
The proposed student govern-
ment differed from the then-func-
tioning SL in several ways.
While SL had a membership of
42 elected representatives, the SGC
plan contained p'rovisions for only
18 members. And of these 18, only
11 were to be elected. The other
members, heads of the seven major
campus organizations, were to be
known as ex-officios.
SL was responsible directly to
the student body, while SGC was
to operate under the President of
the University and the Regents,
with provisions for a review
Both governments were respon-
sible for such agencies as Cinema
Guild and the StudentaBook Ex-
Size Protested
The size of SGC was protested
mainly by SL members who said
an 18-member student government
was too small.
Committee members suggested
that the many research functions
of student government might be
delegated to other campus organi-
zations, but this idea ran aground
when no one could foresee how
SGC might enforce its delegation
of projects.
Another proposal provided SGC
control of most campus groups,
but it was protested and never
used in the final plan.
In May, 1954, the plan was first
presented to President Hatcher,

then in August to the Regents,
who asked for further studv.

To' Elect Seven
Polls will open, today at 16 places across campus as students
choos6 seven members for one-year old Student Government Council.
The two-day elections will also consist of balloting for four
other organizational positions: Union Vice-Presidents, J-Hop com-
mittee, Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics and Board in
Control of Student Publications.
To Hold Union Referendum
In addition, male students will vote on a referendum proposal
for a chango from two to three Union senior officers and a re-
vision of Union officer titles and

SGC Action
O ptimismj
After one year of existence, Stu-
dent Government Council has ap-
parently evidenced more successl
and provoked more optimism than
its Student Legislature predeces-
Council members point with
pride to the fact that they have
accomplished several definite ac-
tions, and with optimism to the
"irons in the fire" for the future.
SGC's most concrete actions oc-
curred this semester as study
committees reported back with
recommendations for a more lib-
eral driving ban and deferred,
rushing for sororities.
The 21-year-old driving ban'
passed by the Regents was not
only a feather in the Council's
prestige cap, but it also marked
the first time that a student-fac-
ulty-administration - townspeople
group has met together in an 94-
tempt to solve a mutual problem.

pective, roommate. Fraternities and
sororities should be urged to elimi-
nate racial and religious considera-
tions from their selection processes.
3. It is hard to say before the
investigation is completed. I doubt,
however, that it will turn up any-
thing new. To alleviate this prob-
lem, I would recommend : ( 1) pos-'
sible University-constructed apart-
ments for unmarried students to
be financed by a bond issue, even
if it means condemning existing
housing which provides fewer
apartments; (2) encouragement of
the city's merchants to construct
more rental housing.
4. No. There should be no need
to protect students from unpopular
ideas or propaganda. Such protec-
tion retards maturity. Students
should be exposed to all opinions
and propaganda under the demo-
cratic theory that truth will pre-
vail in the free market place of
ideas. If they are not exposed to
them, they may not be able to cope
with them if such ideas should ever
become crucial 'The University
should expound the doctrine of
allowing free speech to everyone,
even for propaganda purposes, un-
der the same theory, plus the
theory that propaganda is soon
seen for what it really is if allowed
its free course. The public should
be told and eventually taught that
this is the wisest policy. To bow to
the public's fears now is to prevent
its education.
5-. Disinterest in SGC. But this
is not basic. The disinterest is
caused by SGC's failure to fulfill
its functions of representing stu-
dent opinion and of initiating stu-
dent projects. SGC does not now
represent student opinion because
responsibility is not defined. A
district system of electing should
change this and in other ways in-
crease interest. Initiation of new
projects requires members with
imagination and initiative. This
requires more interest, so the in-
terest must be created first by a
district system of voting, which!
would not be difficult.

other controversial speakers and
this is good, for they can do much
in promoting academic freedom
and serving the educational inter-
ests of any academic community.
I am strongly in favor of having
SGC set up a committee to spon-
sor speakers who might not other-
wise appear at the University for
lack of a sponsor.
5. It is of the utmost import-
ance that SGC increase its con-
sciousness of student opinion. The
Speakers Bureau which is now
being set up should do much to al-
leviate this problem. Every stu-
dent should have the opportunity
to know what SGC is doing.
Jerry Janecke

Today's and tomorrow's elections
will climax two weeks of intense
campaigning by hopeful candi-
Speech-making, postpr-hanging
and handshaking took place yes-
terday at an increased rate as the
pressure of balloting drew near.
To Count Votes Tomorrow
Now it's all up to the constitu-
ents and the machinery of the
Hare voting system at tomorrow
night's ballot count in the Union
Candidates have been question-
ed extensively on their views con-
cerning rushing and the recent
SGC decision in favor of spring
rushing for sororities.
Other topics discussed have in-
cluded the Council's relations with
the administration, promotion of
more student interest in SGC and
the proposed 10-year academic
calendar which will provide for
more class time by lessening the
length of the Christmas vacation.
Expenditure Limit Set
This semester a $25 limit on
campaign funds has been estab-
lished by the Council and all can-
didates have been required to sub-
mit detailed expense accounts of
their campaigns to the Council
This year also will be the first
time that senior class elections
will take place at a time other
than that of regular all-campus
To Focus Attention
At its first meeting of the cur-
rent semester SGC passed a mo-
tion that elections for all senior
classes be held May 1 and 2 in
order to focus more attention upon
class organization and participa-
But there's more attention than
ever on the race for Council seats.
Fourteen candidates are run-
ning for the seven SGC posts, one
a half-year stretch and the rest
all full one-year terms.1
Incumbents running are Bill,
Adams, '57, Lewis Engman, '57, and
Tom Sawyer, '58.
Other candidates are Jim Dy-
gert, '56, Jerry Janecke, '58, Nora
Lee Paselk, '57, Irm Saulson, '57,
John Schubeck, '57, Leonard
Shlain, '58, Ronald Shorr, '58,
Georgia Strain, '57, Anne Wood-
ard, '57, Richard Wright, '57, and
John Wrona, '57.
Elections Director John Walper,
'58, and his 12-member staff have

" ie
All the University's full-time
male students will be asked to vote
today and tomorrow on a referen-
dum proposing changes in the Un-
ion constitution.
The major change will be an in-
crease from two to three senior
officers of the Union student of-
The present President and Exe-
cutive Secretary duties will be div-
ided among a President, an Exe-
cutive Vice-President and an Ad-
ministrative Vice-President.
Number Reduced
Since all three senior officers will
have seats on the Union Board of
Directors, the number of students
elected to the Board will be re-
duced from five to four.
In order to avoid confusion with
the new senior officers, the Board
members will 'be referred to as
"student directors" rather than
"Vice-Presidents" as they have
been known.
The increase in number of sen-
ior officers represents a break with
Union tradition that dates back
to the founding of the organiza-
tion 51 years ago.
"The new system," Union Presi-
dent Todd Lief, '56, explains, "will
give us more manpower to expand
our activities. We've felt a defi-
nite need for this change for a
long time."
'Effort to Keep Pace'
He termed the proposed consti-
tutional change "an effort to keep
pace with the expansion of the
campus as well as that of the
The referendum as it will ap-
pear on the ballot reads:
"Vote Yes or No.
"Do you f a v o r appropriate
changes in the University of Mich-
igan Union Constitution to pro-
vide for the following organiza-
tional modifications?
Changes Effected
"The modifications will effect
"From two senior officers, Presi-
dent and Executive Secretary, to
three senior officers, President,


Irm Saulson
Jordan President; Assembly
Representative; Women's Sen-
ate Member; Jordan Financial
Award Committee Chairman,,
1. There should be an orienta-
tion period to acquaint prospective
counselors with the area in which
they deal; namely, personalities,
curriculum, course content, etc.
The advisers should be made to
realize that they are dealing with
people who need guidance; they
should not attempt to treat stu-
dents as pins to be stauck in ap-
propriate niches in the University
catalog. I think everyone would
agree that we need more counsel-
ors and more available counsel-
ling time.
2. First, I do not feel that suf-
ficient study has been made of
this subject-that is, a survey has
to be made of the students, inde-
pendents and affiliates, and of the
University employment agencies;
facts and feelings have to be con-
sulted. Neither SGC nor any other
organization can accept or reeject
a definite policy on this subject;
such a commitment would have
to come from the people involved
3. Certainly t h e off-campus
housing presents health problems,
both physical and mental. It's
very difficult for an off-campus
resident to participate in and feel
a part of the University. Conse-
quently, the morale of these, peo-
ple cannot be rated too high.
Their housing facilities are often
sub-standard, and they have to
put up with. such conditions as fire
hazards; the crowning blow is the
financial factor. Let's face it,
these rooms aren't for free. But our
overcrowded dorms aren't the heal-
thiest either. The University should



Change Resulted
The result was a change in the
26-year ban which had existed at
the University for alnhost 30 years.
Starting next September, all
students over 21 not in academic,
difficulty will be allowed to have
cars in Ann Arbor. The present
exempt categories of health, busi-
hess, commuter and the like will
be maintained.
All car operators will be re-
quired to register their vehicles
with the Office of Student Af-
fairs, with penalties up to suspen-
sion from school for failure to
comply with the regulations or the
Report Accepted
Two weeks ago, the Council
voted 10-8 to accept the majority
report of the Panhellenic-Assem-
bly rushing study committee.
The action was discussed by the
Board of Review and spring. rush-
ing for sororities was upheld,
bringing to a close four-and-a-
half months of diligent work by
the study group.
While SGC has accomplished

atmosphere of teh University
community. In the last two in-
stances, SOC should work closely
with the concerned student Groups
(IHC, Assembly; IFC, Panhel).
3. Yes, but not at great enough
speed or on a large enough scale.
With the fact becoming apparent
that the community will be called
upon to house an even larger por-
tion of the student body, it is very
necessary that this project have
all the personnel and funds it
needs. The University cannot con-
tinue to ask its students to ac-
cept substandard housing at bet-
ter than above standard prices.
There is a crying need for more
University housing immediately if
the University is to maintain its
4. No. Believing that education
,is a search for knowledge, then
students should be allowed to hear
speakers on any subject that will
contribute to their education. Stu-
dents should not be deprived of
any opportunities for education,
5. SGC's biggest failure, I be-
lieve, is its failure to properly uti-
lize the resources it has at its
a: om, rY.Y cn-tli this re P


Lewis Eugman

IHC; West Quad Council Mem-
ber, Social Chairman.
1. (1) After attending the Uni-
versity two semesters, those stu-
dents who have decided upon their
coming semester's program should
not be required to see their coun-
selors. (2) Only students witA
definite problems should be re-
quired to see their counselors. (3)
Clerical workers should be hired
to do the red tape work now bur-
dening the counselors.
2. Persons should not be group-
ed together in residence halls ac-4
cording to race, religion or creed.,
The same should apply to Uni-
versity student employment and
affiliate units.
3. The investigation is beginning
to show signs of effectiveness. To
correct the problems still existing
I would: (1) have a University-
staffed board make investigations
into the housing situation and af-
ter study publish a list of recom-
mended residences, thus putting
houses that do not come ,up to
standards in a bad light; and (2)
make periodical inspections of the
houses in conjunction with city
health officials.
4. The ban is not good. Any
speaker the students deem worthy
of lecturing should be allowed to
make an appearance. In a uni-
versity, where all viewpoints should
be sought, it is only right that the




be forced to follow the rule of ex-
pansion, not overcrowding. I'm sure

a d other "concree" disposal. o uyIncumbent; Lit College Steering extreme views should be presented we'd all be healthier!
tions, Council President Hank sults in duplication of some func- Committee; Union Personnel Man- along with the more generally
Berliner, '56, sees its greatest step tosadfiue opromoh omte;UinPronlMn ln ih£emr eeal 4. The principle is sound, since
a n,ss et -reomen ter tions and failureTIbetperfornlotb ager; Varsity Debating; IMC; Phi accepted ones.
as the recently - recommendedsoed by each member of the Eta Sigma; Delta Sigma Rho. . 5. I believe that SGC's biggest has revolutionary ideas (that is,
counseling study. Council accepting the full respon 1. To advocate a list of definite problem is dealing with the rush- overthrow of .the United. States
Commitee Beng SeCUouscilacchesptithenfundeing changes in the present academic ing system fairly and with the government) might appear to be
C ien Setili to give of himself unspar- counseling system would be pre- interest of the entire campus in associated with his views in the
fairs James A. Lewis is now iing Each member must view mature in view of the fact that a consideration. I believe that a eyes of the rest of the' country.
the process of setting up a com- every problenuob and issue with the study committee including students system of deferred rushing bene- SOC's reputation as well as the
mittee which will represent at entire campus in mind. has been set up by Mr. Lewis at ficial to l parties s University's would suffer as a re-
least 17Universty agenies in-SOC's request. However, this com- adopted. Ial feel that this sst em suit.
least 17 University agencies in-miteshoul . Howe, i ss cumy should contain as its basic point 5. Over-complex setup coupled
volved the counseling field in e su inc e in is s ythe requirement that all incoming with uninformed students as to
an attempt to make improvements a consideration of whether coun- students shouldbe required to at- what SGC is. SGC should channel
and modifications in the present h selors rlotl enougthe informed on tend the University one full semes- more activities to organizations
over-all counseling setup. Michigan yareas o r te own, a ssl- ter before being allowed to rush a such as APO and encourage or-
This is the first time in the Student Book Exchange Manager ing and a plan which would per- fraternity or sorority. ganizations to carry out SGC's
history of Michigan student gov- (two semesters); Evans Scholars mit juniors and seniors to sign policies. Lack of understanding of
enent that a sneere attempt President; Sphinx; Michigamua. their own election cards. SGC cannot be remedied by pass-
has been made to enter matters 1. Hire full-time counslors in 2. SOC should definitely repre-1iN ora Lee ing out leaflets about it, but in-
involved directly in the educa- stead must be eliminated by a big
tional community," Berliner told in place of the present part-timeIsent student opinion in makingsedu t be elimit bam ig
the Council before it passed the recommendations to the adminis- educational publicity campaign-
thsei bigger. than any political C'am-
counseling study recommendation. tration on discriminatory practices. paign in scope.
The Council is also working on The Council should carefully con- Program Director, Station
a consideration of the proposed sider the reports of the Human Re-Manged South Quad WCBN;
10-year academic calendar and,ltinBoraddotsum t WCBN Executive Board.
with the cooperation of Assistant tTdscmrgeSaw yernae is
to the President Erich A. Walter, crimination in housing and busi- 1. Juniors and seniors should
to the President Erich nesAestblismensWintheram-sign their own election cards, with i tepigt sals sad=: esetbihet ntecm Incumbent; Junior IFO Public
is attempting to establish a stand- ssarea.scounselors available if they ish. Relations Chairman; National Stu-
ing committee on the University p Seniors should be used to aid .
andar. 3. Although the present investi-
Aegation into Ann Arbor housing is r= j tive Committee.
Administrative ingGroa step in the right direction, the <s 1. There are two basic weak-
This semester has seen the Ad- study is not as effective as it could .. nesses in the present counseling
ministrative Wing g r o w in be. We must all be cognizant of system. One is the lack of know-
strength and responsibility At the problem of the increasing pop- ledge on the part of counselors as
present, more than 100 students ulation of the campus community. to the broad field of curriculum,
are working on such committees One of the greatests tasks which what it entails, courses offered and
as campus affairs, human and in- must be accomplished is the edu- requirements needed. Also, the
ternational welfare, coordinating : Wtion ann Pncur emn nt of th ,number of counselors to students

been working hard to make this Executive Vice-President, and Ad-
year's electorate- total the largest ministrative Vice-President.
ever. Last November, 35.6 per cent "F r os ' five Vice - Presidents
or 7,120 of the student population I elected at large to four student
voted.I Directors elected at large . ."
Polling places for the all-campus elections will be located at
the following points:
1-Front of Couzens- Hall.
2-Rear of Stockwell Hall.
3-Side of Women's Athletic Building.
4-North University side of Dentistry School.



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