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March 23, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-23

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Explain Why You Ain't In There Enjoying The
New Freedom, Comrade"

hen Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

AY, MARCH 23, 195,6


A Stockholders' Report
On A Good Investment

student's best investment in Ann Arbor.
Try to find an investment about campus that
pays greater dividends than the $.25 per semes-
ter you allot the SGC.
SGC is the student's corporation. As stock-
holders he should be interested in a maximum
return on his 25-cent share. But, although his
corporation affects him in many aspects of his
university life, he is rather apathetic toward it.'
There is now a dangerous tendency for owner-
sliip of student government to be separate.
As a stockholder the student need not should-
der all blame for this condition. His board of
directors has skimped on stockholders reports.
Two newsletters thus far aren't enough to hold
his interest. His Student Government Corpora-
tion has fallen short in the P.R. area.
BUT IF THE stockholders wish to intelligently
-castigate SGC in his table-talk he should be
informed about the day-to-day work of his cor-
poration-his dividends. How are 150 little
Caesars or ego padders-he has called them
worse-running his corporation? This story
isn't generally known:
1. CONSTITUTIONS-No student organiza-
tion may establish itself on campus without an
SGC approval of the Constitution. These new
groups are aided in drafting their Constitutions.
Any Greek organization with a bias clause is
barred from acceptance.
2. ACTIVITIES-All campus all-campus ac-
tivities must have an SGC green light. When
over 100 groups are competing for choice dates
this role assumes importance.
3. SERVICES--This is an area where many
unbeknownst dividends reach the student.
Two Independent Boards give much service
and get little acknowledgement. Cinema Guild
brings quality movies to campus at reasonable
The Human Relations Board, whose effective-
ness is enhanced by anonymity, educates busi-
nessmen, apartment owners, and 'U' officials
who practice discrimination.
The Corporation oversees the Student Book
Exchange and sends a student to the Free
University of Berlin.
A list of the work of individual committees
could stretch out endlessly so let's take the work
of the Campus Affairs Committee as represen-
This semester a Student-Faculty-Adminis-
tration conference will be held to discuss com-
mon problems; Block M' may be moved to the
25-35 yard lines to give Juniors and Seniors
the 50-yard seats; an. Athletic Board of Control
is being set up to coordinate the sports activities
of campus clubs; and the Campus Community
Chest next year will condense all bucket drives
into one.
4. REPRESENTATION - Events this year'
concerning the driving ban, spring rushing, and
student counseling have shown the prestige
enjoyed by the corporation in administration
and faculty eyes. '
Almost as important, they have shown how
the actions of our corporation give profit or
loss to student stockholders.

TPAT COMPLETES the student's stockholders
report. Intensity was neglected, but the
width of his corporation's activity is evident.
Although business was soaring this year and
dividends were large, the corporation must
overcome its serious malady-the apathetical
disassociation of the stockholders from the
board of directors--SGC.
A consciousness of how much SGC affects
the many facets of university life should induce
the student to vote and vote intelligently next
Tuesday or Wednesday.
His degree of interest in SGC will determine
a bull or bear market for his two-bits.
Services and Rules-
A Contradiction
THE PHRASE "another service of your Michi-
gan Union" is indeed a familiar one. They
do such things as cash checks, hold dances--
even show you television. That is-they show
you television to an extent.
In this day and age of delicate tubes and high
price electric bills our Union is, economizing
these days on television-for at the stroke of
midnight-some little man pulls a little switch,
and the set clicks off and the house lights go
Wednesday night some 150 people experi-
enced this discomforting experience as they
anxiously awaited the 1956 academy award
presentations to the year's best actress and best
Grace Kelly and Jerry Lewis were engaging
in a delightful conversation when suddenly the
picture got smaller . . . and smaller . . . and
then so small you couldn't even see it any more.
Rules are rules and services are services, but
both suffer when they contradict each other.
-PHIL DOUGLIS, Sports Editor
The Bars On
Angell Hall
A SOUTH UNIVERSITY avenue drugstore has
just opened a casual credit fund for finan-
cially embarrassed students.
Those short of cash can take what they
need-for a few days-from a wide open box
filled with dollar bills on the drugstore's coun-
ters, recording the loans only with IOU slips.
When they've got the money, they can pay
it back. No questions asked by the manage-
But the Literary College faculty hasn't the
same amount of faith in student integrity.
Exams, according to a recent directive to LSA
instructors, must be proctored at all times-and
there's to be no hope for those who like a
cigarette break.
Funny that the honor system is in full opera-
tion outside Angell Hall-but not within it.
-JANE HOWARD, Associate Editor

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CAB HeadAdmits Faultsr.

ONLY a few overheard their
whispered conversation, but
the Civil Aeronautic Board's chair-
main Ross Rizley insisted to Com-
missioner Joe Adams the other day
that their agency, the CAB, had
capitulated to pressure from the
big airlines.
Rizley was on the witness stand
before the House Anti-Monopoly
Subcommittee, explaining why the
CAB had increased trans-Atlantic
passenger rates 10 per cent.
"As I understand it," said Chair-
man Emanuel Celler of Brooklyn,
"your statement is tantamount to
capitulation to the scheduled air-1
"No," Rizley protested. "It was
our own airlines, plus Europe, Asia,
Africa, and Australia."
"LET'S SAY capitulation to all
the airlines," suggested Celler.
There was a hushed, but agi-
tated, conference between Rizley
and Adams.
"No, no, no," protested Adams
"Of course we capitulated,"
Chairman Rizley whispered. "We
did, and I have got to say so."
Rizley turned to the committee
and finished his testimony.
"That is right," he said for the

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Symphony Band Still
Top Ranking Group
T HE UNIVERSrTY Symphony Band on Wednesday night demonstrat-
ed again that they must be the best Symphony Band of the Western
Hemisphere. If this seems like a careless generalization, then here at
least is a more conservative suggestion: that the smaller brass en-
semble that played after the intermission must rank among the top
half a dozen such groups in the world.
Like the larger organization of which it is a part, this group played

IT'S A STRANGE combination,
but a Democratic Senator and a
Republican Cabinet officer have
teamed up to block any more lib-
eralization of the Social Security
laws to help widows with disabled
children, oldsters and white-collar
workers. They are Sen. Harry
Byrcd 'of Virginia and Secretary
Marion Folsom of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare.
At issue are amendments that
would grant federal disability in-
surance for people over 50 years
old, lover the retirement age for
women from 65 to 62, provide con-
tinued survivor benefits to widows
with disabled children over 18, and
extend social security to more
white-collar workers.
Folsom has been careful not to
take a public position against the
reforms, but he has been pulling
wires privately to block them.
not oppose the bill openly.
The proposed social security
amendments would be financed by
increasing the rate 1 per cent, half
to be contributed by the employers
and half to be withheld from em-
ployees' pay checks. This would
cost big corporations several mil-
lion dollars, would cost an em-
ployee an extra $21 per year maxi-
* * *
BECAUSE IT'S an election year;,

the Eisenhower Administration has
ducked taking a public stand
against the reforms. Instead, Fol-
som has put off testifying before
the Finance Committee four times.
He's finally expected to appear to-
day (March 23), but will probably
not oppose the bill openly.
Inside fact is that the Social
Security Administration has al-
ready worked out plans to admin-
ister the new reforms, but Folsom
has forbidden his subordinates to
testify on this.
Last week, Folsom reported pri-
vately to President Eisenhower
that the Republicans with Byrd's
help would be able to bottle the
social security amendments in thej
Senate Finance Committee. Fol-
som went to the White House
with Pennsylvania's grim Sen. Ed
Martin, top Republican on the
Finance Committee, who also gave
his assurances. -I
They promised Ike that the
amendments would never come up
on the Senate floor, but would be
blocked with a minimum of pub-
licity. They promised that the
Republicans would vote solidly
to kill the reforms and could count
on Byrd's vote, plus another pos-
sible Democratic vote-Delaware
Sen. Allen Frear's.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

with an openness of tone which
can become warm, clear or cool
almost at will. Their attacks are
clean and precise, and the various
sections play with a molten mal-
leability which in the trombones
and tubas is hot gold.
Add to this their technical pro-
ficiency (if this can be separated
from their tonal control), their
infectious enthusiasm and love of
instruments and you have a com-
bination fit for the gods.
* * *
greatest hurdle in the paucity of
quality compositions for such
groups. The first half of the pro-
gram was negligible in material,
although the performance in each
case was thoroughly satisfactory.
A Rossini overture, the Bach "Pre-
lude and Fugue" and the Cesar
Frank "Symphony in D Minor"
(first movement) were all played
in transcription.
Fred Dart played the euphonium
solo in Guilmant's "Morceau Sym-
phoniques" with an enviable mas-
tery of this seemingly unwieldy
instrument. He produces a lux-
uriously fat and open tone while
his scale passages are remarkably
nimble and clean.
* * *
IN THE SECOND half of the
program, the smaller ensemble
played Alfred Reed's "Symphony
for Brass and Percussion" and
Florian Mueller's "Octet for Brass
Instruments" with what can only
be called brilliance and genius.
The Symphony is a keen reali-
zation of the expressive possibili-
ty of the brass band, at the same
time that it' is a distinuished
musical piece worthy of further
hearing. In idiom, it ranges from
the brashy side of Bartok to the
South American phase of Morton
Gould. In performance, the brass
section was fiery and exciting. But
the percussion section deserves ex-
tra praise, especially the tympan-
ist who played with great flair
and impeccable precision. Unfor-
tunately he must remain anony-
mous because he was not named
in the program.
The "Octet" by Mr. Mueller of
the University faculty was an at-
tractive composition, somewhat
cerebral, but warm and neat with
a Renaissance Venetian feeling in
its texture and coloring. It was
given a very moving performance.
The rest of the program was
anti-climactic after these two
numbers though the Rachmaninoff
"Italian Polka" was pert and
saucy,and the encore num-
ber, Goldman's "Michigan March"
properly noisy.
-A. Tsugawa
to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or withhold
any letter.
Just Change Covers . ..
To the Editor:
R E: Generation Magazine,
Spring 1956
Lately there has been some ques-
tion as to whether Generation and
Gargoyle have not exchanged func-
tions. As Gargoyle becomes more
literate, Generation becomes fun-
nier. In time, perhaps, the respec-
tive staffs will find it a practical
measure to exchange the covers of

these magazines, leaving staff
members and contents intact. In
this way, at any rate, Generation
may be able to capitalize on Gar-
goyle's financial solvency.
When will our student literary
publication begin to sell its stock
to the student body at large? The
correllation between the names of
the authors published in Genera-
tion and those which adorn the
masthead has become too striking
to be overlooked. To win a Gener-
ation berth, one of two requisites
seems to be necessary; the aspiring
writer must either be a staff mem-
ber or havesalready departed from
the University.
The board members of this
closed corporation adhere to a
policy that is frustrating to the
independent student writer as well
as strangling the publication itself.
Has this magazine, potentially the
voice of student creativity, fallen
into the hands of a "machine"
which grinds out monotonously
uniform, albeit "artistic" work?

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Bu1lding before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
an ;open house for University faculty,
Sstaff, and townspeople on Sun., March
25, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., at the Pr-
dent's House.
Student Government Council Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting March
21, 1956.
Approved: Minutes meeting of March
Sorority rushing: Received notifica-
tion from Board in Review of with-
drawal of stay-of-action with respect
to the motion on sorority rushing
adopted by SOC at its meeting on March
Academic calendar: Received notifi-
cation that a standing committee on
'the University Academic Calendar, to
include two students, will be appointed
by President Hatcher.
Counseling: Received report outlining
composition of University-wide Com-
mittee on Student Counselling.
Themia: Granted recognition as local,
undergraduate sorority.
Approved: Appropriation of not to
exceed $60 to send representatives to the
Mock United Nations Congress at the
University of wisconsin.
Report from Student Representation
Committee defining lines of respon-
sibility and scope of function of the
Human Relations Board.
Appointment of Janet Neary to a two-
year term on the University Develop-
ment Council, Student Relations Com-
Academic Freedom Week at a future
date to be fixed by the Education and
Social Welfare Committee.
Change of date for Crease Ball from
May 5 to May 4. ,
April 12, 13, Jr. Panhellenic-Jr. IFC,
Assembly, Inter House Council, Fresh
Air Camp Tag Day, bucket drive.r-
May 5 - International Bal, ntrna-
tional Students' Association, 9-1, Jr.
JFC-Jr. Panhellenic, Help Week,
Motion expressing appreciation to
Panhellenic Association, sorority presi-
dents, and individual sorority houses
for their indicated cooperation in im-
plementing the spring rushing proposal
passed March 14; affirming endorsement
of the spring rushing proposal with the
understanding that the full implemen-
tation of the proposal falls within the
internal jurisdiction of the Panhellenic
Association; requesting that the Pan-
hellenic Assembly Study Committee
which will observe, the effect of this
implementation, include in its member-
ship one elected member of SGC, and
report to the Council at least oncea
Received Financial Statement through
March 1.
Tabled recommendation concerning
distribution of funds from homecoming
Dance. Postponed consideration of
Gothic Film Society until April 18.
Heard progress reports from: Student
Relations Committee of Development
Council; Student Speakers' Bureau,
Student Faculty Committee (LSA) on.
academic counselling, Student Repre-
sentation Committee, World University
Service Fund, Elections, Student-Fac-
ulty relations, Activities Booklet.
RoetLectures A
Robert LeRicolais, professional engi-
neer from France, illustrated lecture,
"Partition of Space and Architecture"
on Fri., March 23, Architecture Audi-
torium at 3:30 p.m. The public is in-
Organ Recital: 4:15 p.m. Sunday,
March 25, in Hill Auditorium, by Robert
Noehren, University Organist. Final
program in spring series of organ music
by Bach. Open to the general public
without charge.
-Academic Notices

Honors Program in Psychology: Psy.
chology concentrates who wish to apply
for the honor's program in Psychology
next year should contact Prof. Heyns
before March 30. Room 6634 Haven Hall,
' Ext. 2731.
Women Students-Physical Education
Classes: Registration for students com-
pleting the physical education require-
ment will be held on Fri., March 23,
7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Barbour Gym-
nasium. Please enter through the base-
ment door.- Students whose physical,
education requirement is complete but
who wish to elect an activity class may
register on Mon., Tues. and Wed., March
26, 27, 28 from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon on
the main floor, Barbour Gymnasium.
History 50 midsemester examination,
Tues., March 27, 9:00 a.m.: Eggert's and
Solvick's sections in Natural Science
Auditorium; Lurie's sections in 102
Architecture; Brown's and Milligan's,
sections in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Placement Notices
Representatives from the following


,f 1



Our Homespun Politics

ON $16 A WEEK:
'Can't Make a Pro fit'-Landlady


FROM TIME TO TIME a groan is heard that
not enough college men are devoting them-
selves to politics, that our intellectual class
(if you can call anything a class these days) is
allowing power-hungry popularity boys to run
the nation.
College men, I believe, appreciate this prob-
lem and have a sincere desire to devote them-
selves to government - ifdey're given the
chance. But it is easy to become discouraged
these days, not with the difficulty of getting
into politics, but with the near-impossibility
of using intellect and honesty to advance up
the political ladder.
Adlai Stevenson's defeat in Minnesota, his
poor showing in New Hampshire, and even his
weakness against Dwight Eisenhower in 1952
exemplify the problem. Why is a man who has
won such wide support among our educators
and educated people unable to appeal similarily
to the nation as a whole?
This is not to say that all educated people are
Democrats. Stevenson has achieved much
admiration from Republicans as well. But when
he starts talking to the farmer, or the laborer,
or the proverbial man in the street, whether
Democrat.or Republican, he has been unable to
achieve much success.
Let's look at Minnesota. Both Kefauver and
Stevengon had much the same thing to say
about, the Eisenhower administration, scoring
the plight of the farmers, hitting "brink of
war" foreign policy, attacking natural resources
"giveaways," and of course, the chances of a
heart attack victim in the presidency.
They split on reforn{ measures, not in the
direction they would take, but in the length
they would go with it. Stevenson proposed 90
ne pcnt of narit farm mnbte Kefauver.

Hartley act; Kefauver promised repeal. On the
crucial segregation issue, both men stood behind
further efforts for integration, backing the
Supreme Court; Adlai speaking about "reason-
able progress," Estes hinting at forced measures.
BUT THERE was more to this campaign, as
there is to all campaigns. Kefauver got off
his rostrum and met the people. He shook
everyone's hand he could find. He displayed
a homespun warmth and a coonskin cap. Stev-
enson covered the state equally well, but main-
tain a detached position. He was running for
president, not brother-in-law.
Adlai Stevenson learned an important politi-
cal lesson in Minnesota. He learned that in-
tellect, reason, or whatever you want to call it,
does not impress the people of this nation when
they go to the polls. That is not to say that
intelligence is not used by voters, but rather
that emotion is used more.
His call to reason and moderation on the
segregation issue is not much different than
President Eisenhower's. At least he has been
somewhat specific, as specific as any man can
be who faces a serious party split should a
sentence be worded carelessly.
Yet Eisenhower can say a lot less, can be
uninformed on major issues, can personally call
Dulles and Nixon "the best" and, despite public
disapproval of much of this, still be immensely
College men looking at this state of affairs
cannot be optimistic about their own chances in
the political battlefield.
It is discouraging to think that despite the
experienced growth of our country, homespun
popularity is still the major qualifications for
leadership. Intellect is suspected by too many
of our people. The smile and the handshake

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
and last in a series of interpretive
articles answering letters about The
Daily's recent housing series. Upset
by The Daily's charges a local land-
lady has presented the realtor's side in
a letter.)
Daily Staff Writer
AN ANGERED landlady has
written The Daily protesting
a recent article charging realtors
with flagrant rent abuses.
The point of the letter was to re-
fute once and for all the myth that

landlords make an unreasonable
The original Daily a r t i c l e
(March 9, "Landlords Charge High
Rent") cited, as an example of
outrageous rent, a four-man, two
room apartment on Forest.
ONE ROOM is in the basement,
one on the first floor, and the
bathroom is upstairs. Rent, as
quoted in The Daily, was $16 per
month per student.
Our landlords' champiop sets


by Dick Biblor

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out to prove, then, that it is not
possible for a landlord to charge
only four dollars a week per stu-
dent and make a decent profit.
And what a proof it is. Simply
irrefutable and mathematically
* * *
FIRST OUR landlady points out
-"Regardless of the size of room
he occupies, every student is using
utilities and being kept warm
throughout two semesters.
"Abcording to our figures this
costs, per student, per week, one
dollar, eight and a half cents," the
letter writer notes. (And they're
expected to make a profit with
costs like that.)
Supplies, telephone, liability in-
surance, depreciation ' and other
expenses add to the landlords'
cost (unless the landlord passes
the buck for these charges to the
student), bringing the total to
(drum roll in the distance)-$3.19
per week.
* * *
THE PROFIT, using these fig-
ures, is indeed low, but there is,
nonetheless, a slight profit. And
further, the etter comments, "the
above does not take into account
the housekeeping services the stu-
dents receive, weekly cleaning of
rooms, daily cleaning of wash-
bowls, tub and toilet, daily care
of the student kitchen, disposal
of garbage, etc., etc."
Part I of the letter ,(it is in
three chapters) concludes with "So
how is a landlord taking advantage





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