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March 20, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-20

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Governor Playing Politics
With Mental Health Bill

Y G-

Latest Deadline in the State



See Page 4




To Name

Time Burdens State Mental Patients.

Group Violations
Facts, Motives Behind Judgments
To Be Published in Full by Daily
Daily Managing Editor
Steps were taken yesterday to clarify for students presently
secret Joint Judiciary Council procedings.
To help end misconceptions over Joint Judic action, the Council
will hereafter release to The Daily facts leading to 'disciplinary
action in group cases.
The facts will include the name of the group, background in-
formation, the decision of the Council and rationale behind Judic
Will Print Rationale
Council rationale will be printed in full in The Daily with other
pertinent facts to be included in an accompanying news story.
"It is 'hoped this procedure with The Daily will help to clarify
to the students some of the reasoning and facts Joint Judic con-

Senate OK's
Farm Bill,
Expects Veto
passed its mammoth election-year
farm bill yesterday amid predic-
tions that it will be vetoed by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower if
, it reaches him in its present form.
The measure contains billions of
dollars in new benefits for the
farmbrs, whose incomes have been'
falling off for five years.
But it also carries features
which are repugnant to the Ad-
ministration, running counter to
the agricultural policy Esenhow-
er has fought for since 1953.
Passed by 93-2
The final vote was 93 to 2. Sens.
Prescott Bush (R-Conn) and
Ralph E. Flanders (R-Vt) voted
The bill now goes back to the
House, where an uncertain fate
awaits it. If the House agrees, a
Senate-House conference commit-
tee will be appointed to try to
compromise vast and fundamental
differences in the legislation passed
by the Senate yesterday and that
approved by the House last' May
The Senate bill contains a new
soil bank proposal under which
farmers could receive up to $1,-
200,000,000 this year by withdraw-
ing land from crop production and
devoting some of it to conserva-
tion purposes.
Attacks Surplus Problem
This feature aims at pulling 45
to 50 million acres-about one-
eighth of all cultivated cropland-
out of production in a new attack
on the -surpluses problem.
A last minute change, approved
50-44, wrote into the bill a plan to
boost the price support levels of
wheat, cotton and corn by "iso-
lating" vast surpluses of these
crops that are now taken into ac-
count in figuringparity prices and
thus force price levels down.
A major Administration setback
in the Senate was the decision
authorizing "dual parity" in fixing
support levels. Under this, the
higher of either old or new parity
formulas would be used. Oppo-
nents estimated it would cost the
taxpayers an additional 40 mil-
lion dollars a year in farmers'
benefits. '
'Warrents Veto'
Less than an hour before the.
Senate voted on the complex and
controversial bill, Sen. George
Aiken (R-Vt.) stated flatly there
was enough material in it to war-
rant a veto-"perhaps three or
four vetoes."
Senator Aiken was the Admin-
istration's spokcesman during the
long debate on the bill.
In its present form, he told the
Senate, it would "demoralize our
farm economy.
"It would be better to continue
under the present law than to
adopt the tortured and battered
bill which is now before us," Aiken
Reds Make Partial
Plane Payment
WASHINGTON W)-Russia has
paid the United States $724,947-
half the costs involved-for shoot-

>siders when ruling on group cases,"
Council President Roger Andersen,
'56E, said yesterday.
"Reasons for Joint Judic acting
in some cases and not others are
not clear. By giving the students
the facts Involved, our decision
and rationale behind the decision
there should be better understand-
ing of Joint Judiciary Council op-
eration," he said.
Fraternity Presidents Notified
Andersen sent a letter to frater-
nity presidents notifying them of
the new Joint Judic-Daily pro+
cedure. Fraternities are the groups
most often involved in group vio-
He told the presidents the new
procedure would also help end
various rumors, mis - statements
and untruths which attend the ap-
pearance of any house group be-
fore the Council. .
The Judic-Daily arrangement
only applies to group violations.
News of fines to Individual stu-
dents will not be released by the
Individual Fines Withheld
"Group violations are of inter-
est and concern to the whole cam-
pus. Individual f inel concern only
the individual with the Univer-
sity," Andersen said.
Presently The Daily has a simi-
lar agreement with Interfraternity
Council's Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee provides
the name of the fraternity com-
mitting violation, nature of viola-
tion, disciplinary action and ex-
tenuating circumstances.
IFC's Executive Committee
treats cases' concerning violations
of Interfraternity Council policy.
Joint Judic judges cases involv-
ing student infringements of Uni-
versity regulations. After coming
to decision, Judic sends the judg-
ment to the Sub-Committee on
Discipline for final approval.
As previously The Daily will re-
port separately students violations
of city ordinances as reported by
Ann Arbor police.
Begin Sale
Of Notices
Commencement announcements
for seniors may be ordered Mon-
day through Friday from 1 to 5'
p.m. in the Administration Bldg.
The announcements will also be
on sale April 9-11.
Senior Board members manning
the announcement booth will have
samples and price lists available.
The announcements are custo-
marily sent to. friends and rela-
tives of graduating seniors, Den-
gel explained.

Time passes slowly in a mental
Some of the patients who are in
better mental health may be able
to play cards, read a little and
watch television. But, for most,
their illness prevents such activity.
All they can do is sit and stare,
starer at the walls, the ceiling or
out the window.
The Ypsilanti State Hospital is
not a "prison type" institution.
There are no barb-wire fences and
many of the patients have passes
which permit them the run of the
grounds. And yet, in this hospital,
much of their time is spent in the
same way.
A' visitor to the wards is struck
by the silence as he enters. In the
open wards where the more ad-
vanced patients live, a game of
solitare may be in progress, some
may b reading; but most are
either dozing or just staring into
Silence Marks Wards
In the wards for the seriously
ill the silence is even more marked.
Again the inmates are seated in
chairs, around the wall. A few are
pushing bulky floor polishers just
to keep busy. Suddenly one of the
inmates drops the handle and
runs, his. hands over his head, as
if being stoned, and then quietly
goes back to his work.
Here interest in the doctor's
arrival is marked by lethargic
activity. Some wander over to ask
if they can be transferred to an-
other ward, others want ground
permits and one comes up to tell
the doctor he's a phony.
Some just edge over to be near
someone from the outside. They
just stand there, communication
impossible, because they move in
their own world.
Recreation Provided
However, there is some recrea-
tion for the patients. There are a
few rooms equipped with ping-
pong tables, books and magazines
for the less disturbed. Even here
most, of the people just gaze into
There are a few gyms. In these,
urder the eye of an athletic super-
visor, basketball games in almost
slow motion take place. Most of
the players stand in one position
and wait for the ball to be thrown
their way. However, an occasional
athlete sinks a basket from way
In the building for occupational
therapy there are looms, clay
works, leather works and other
similar equipment. Many of these
things lie idle, for the hospital,
because of a manpower shortage,
of Stevenson
To Organize
"Students for Stevenson," the
first group on campus to be formed
for the 1956 Presidential campaign,
will hold an organizational meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. today in the Hend-
erson Room of the League.
The meeting will come on the
day of the Minnesota primary, in
which the former Illinois gover-
nor is expected to defeat Sen. Estes
Kefauver (D-Tenn).
Prof. Sidney Fine of the history
department will be guest speaker
at the meeting, discussing "Stev-
enson and '56."'
The meeting is open to anyone
interested in actively supporting
Stevenson's candidacy. Elections
of club officers, drafting of a con-
stitution and planning the club's
activities for the semester will be
included on the program.

Ike Requests More
Foreign Aid.Money
Knowland Objects To Proposal
Of Long-Range Aid Commitments
WASHINGTON ()-President Dwight D. Eisenhower asked Con-
gress yesterday for $4,859,975,000 in new foreign aid money and auth-
ority to make long-range aid commitments.
He may have to settle for less. Sen. William Knowland (R-
Calif), the GOP leader in the Senate, frowned on the long-range
idea. Chairman James P. Richards (D-SC) of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee, talked of cutting the money request.
President Eisenhower anticipated objections to the size of thef
sum, which compares with $2,700,000,000 Congress appropriated forr
the current fiscal year ending June 30. He stressed that "the need is
urgent" and emphasized that Russia is still a menace to the world.,
Cites Asian NeedsI
"In Asia and the Middle East," the President's message to Con-f
gress said, "serious risk of aggres-

Review Board Upholds
Spring Rushing; Warns
SGC 'Be More Careful'


can only handle 400 of the 4100
patients a day in occupational
Hospital Short-Handed
This typifies the problem of the
entire hospital. It is short-handed.
Doctors can never give all the
patients the attention they need.
A great many of these patients
don't even have visitors. Either
they have no families or they have
been disowned. And yet, these
people are the ones who need at-
tention. Their recovery is often
due in large part to the fact that
somebody is interested in them.
Dr. Melvin Selzer, a psychiatrist
at the hospital emphasizes this.
"A patient's chances of recovery
New Riots
B reak Out
VASILIA, Cyprus (P)-Smolder-
ing resentments exploded into
wild rioting yesterday between
Greek and Turk Cypriots.
More than 30 persons were in-
jured, many of them women and
It was the biggest battle thus
far between the majority and main
minority communities on this Brit-
ish-ruled eastern Mediterranean
isle. Greek-origin Cypriots want
union with Greece. Their Turk-
origin neighbors generally are for
continued British rule or, if that
ends, a return of the isle to Tur-
Just how the fighting began
yesterday was not clear.
British Restore Peace
Maddened villagers with sticks,
knives and clubs waged the bloody
two-hour fight. British security
forces were rushed to the town
and it took them nearly a half
hour to restore peace.
At least 15 Turkish women and
children were taken to a hospital
at Kyrenia, 12 miles west of here.
Authorities imposed an immedi-
ate curfew on the village.
The rioting apparently started
with a clash in the tiny square
of the village, about 12 miles west
of Kyrenia. The Greeks drove the
Turks out of the square.
Fire Turkish Houses
Then bands of Greeks ranged
through the streets, breaking into
Turkish houses and attempting to
set some of them afire.
About 800 of Vasilia's 1,000 in-
habitants are of Greek descent.
The outnumbered Turks were bad-
ly shaken when order finally was
Blood-spattered Turkish women
and children, huddled. in the
streets awaiting medical treatment,
pleaded with British troops to take
them from the town.
"We want to leave," they cried.
"We are afraid."
Greek leaders claimed the out-
break began when Greeks return-
ing from a church picnic were
stoned in the village square. The
Turks said Greeks who had drunk
lots of wine at the picnic started
the fight.
Plan For Arms
Solution Studied

when he knows someone is really
interested in him are greatly in-
Volunteers Help Patients
To improve the situation, the
hospital has established a volun-
teer unit. While some of the jobs
are specialized, the primary task
of the volunteer is to keep the in-
mate company.
Some take the inmates for walks.
Others take them to the hospital
store. Ball games are arranged for
the younger patients.
Etiquette and problems of dating
can be taught to the more im-
proved patients. According to Mrs.
Ledora Kennedy, who is in charge
of the volunteer program, some
don't even know which end of the
fork to use. She also emphasizes
that if anyone is interested, he
should call her at the hospital.
Paul Andrews, Grad., has been
working at the hospital in this
capacity. Hethashfound teaching
in the hospital school a "most
worthwhile experience. However,
they need a lot of help out there."
LONDON(IP)--Soviet Ex-Premier
Georgi M. Malenkov was quoted as
saying yesterday that a Stalin dic-
tatorship can never happen again
in his country.
He was quoted by Labor party
members of parliament who enter-
tained the deposed premier at
dinner during his official tour of
Richard Crossman, one of the
Laborites, told newsmen later the
other guests asked Malenkov
whether such a rule could be
established again.
"He said very, very clearly it
could not happen again, the col-
lective government now has been
firmly established and that dicta-
torship could not return," Cross-
man said.

sion still exists."
For that part of the world, he
asked $1,640,000,000 in military
assistance. He put the over-all
military total at three billion dol-
lars, including a new $530,000,000
plan for getting advanced missiles
and other weapons into Allied
The message also, as expected,
asked for presidential authority to
make commitments up' to 10 years
to "assist less developed countries
to their development."
Congress Prefers Yearly Basis t
Congress traditionally prefers to
handle foreign aid on a year-to-
year basis and this long-range re-
quest, as well as the amountof
money, appeared headed for
President Eisenhower said funds
for the long-range commitments
"would come from appropriations
for non-military mutual security,
and would not exceed an aggregate
of 100 million dollars in any year."
Thus the total over 10 years
could amount to an even billion
Richards said "I think it was a
sound message in principle ... as
to the $4,900,000,000 over-all figure,
it seems to me that's too;much.
As to how much the figure should
be cut, the committee hearings
should reveal that."
Doubts Long-Term Commitment'
"As to the long-term commit-
ment money, I am doubtful about
Senator Knowland said in a
"Except as to specific public
works projects that may be pre-
sented to and approved by the
Congress, I do not look with favor
upon commitments for 10 years or
other long periods."

East Coast
By Storms
By The Associated Press
The second paralyzing blizzard
in 48 hours swept northward over
the eastern seaboard last night.
On the eve of spring, it smoth-
ered most normal activities with
up to 23 inches of snow.
Nature's double-fisted assault hit
a 14-state area. At least 125 storm-
connecteddeaths. were counted.
Most of these were in traffic acci-
dents or caused by heart ttacks
brought on by snow-shoveling.
By states, the death totals were:
New York 30; New Jersey 23; Con-
necticut 11; Rhode Island 10;
Massachusetts 18; New Hamp-
shire 1; Maine 5; Pennsylvania 7;
Delaware 1; Maryland 3; Virginia
4, Ohio 12. Vermont, West Virginia
and the District of Columbia also
were hit by the storm but reported
no deaths.
Worst Storm Since 1947
The double-header storm, worst
in the East since 1947, began to
peter out, however, in New York
and the lower tier of states late.
last night.
But as it raged north along the
jagged New England coast it be-
gan to deal heavy blows to coastal
New Hampshire and Maine.
The drama of the storm was
highlighted in the great city of
New York. Its streets were wild
expanses of drifting snow. Its
schools, offices and factories were
closed by an accumulation of more
than 17 inches of snow.
Lose $150.Million
The Commerce and Industry As-
sociation estimated the metropolis'
business loss thus far at 150 mil-
lion dollars:
The restaurant, night club and
theater business was temporarily
The situation was even grimmer
on eastern Long Island. Civil De-
fense officials declared a state of
emergency in Suffolk County,
where 12 foot drifts defied the
heaviest of bulldozers. Some 3 00,-
000 residents were cut off from
fresh supplies of food. Rail service
to much of the county was out.

Study Group,
Is.sue Views
Future Policies
Student Government Council's
approval of spring rushing for
sororities was upheld last night
as the Review Board removed its
five-day stay of action by unani-
mous decision.
At the same time the Board
admonished the Council in the
future to "be more careful to seekY
assistance of qualified persons
who have an interest in" matters
before it.
In upholding the change from
fall to spring rushing, the Board
acted "in view of assurances that
SGC and the Office of the Dean
of Women will be closely attentive
to the effects of this change in
-Considered Finances
The Board had convened, upon
request of sorority financial ad-
visors to Dean of Women Deborah
Bacon, to consider whether ade-
quate presentation had been made
on the financial aspects of rush-
ing by the Council and the Pan-
hel-Assemfbly rushing study com-
Its action climaxed more tha
four-and-a-half months of rush-
ing study and discussion prompt-
ed by a motion passed by the
Council dct. 19.
The Board's written resolutions
to SGC will be accompanied by a
letter of amplification to be pre-
sented at the Council's Wednesday
night meeting.
Procedure Recommended
The letter, now being drafted
by Board members, is to recom-
mend that future study commit-
tees solicit all possible points of
view on an issue and that all
pertinent written material be pre-
sented a week in advance of dis-
cussion by the Council.
It also will recommend that the
Council itself - announce voting
procedure in advance of discussion
and that it decide in advance
whether non-student parties may
speak before it.
Representatives of the financial
advisors and all four members of
the rushing study group were pre-
sent at last night's meeting.
Brief Submitted
Discussion opened as the ad-
visors submitted a three-page
written brief supporting a request
that further consideration be given
the rushing problem.
"It is our considered opinion,"
the report stated, "that neither
body (SGC and the study commit-
tee) realized the great implica-
tions of the total financial picture
and its relation to the method of
selecting members."
The financial advisors said that
their opinion "was never actively
sought by the committee" and that
their main channel of communi-
cation was through Panhel Presi-
dent Debbie Townsend, '56.
Opinion Sought
Members of the rushing study
group pointed out that while they
never extended a formal invita-
tion to the financial advisors, they
had expressed their desire to hear
the advisors' opinion.

The advisors said that long-
range records on enrollment,
filling of sorority quotas and
number rushing were not ade-
quately utilized by the committee.
These records, the advisors
maintained, were "strong evidence
of the bad effects of spring rush-
Interpretation Difficult
Den aRcon emnhasized that it

Suggestions For New Council
Made By Outgoing President
City Council President A. D. Moore presented at yesterday's
regular Council meeting four suggestions designed to aid the new
City Council when it begins to functions after the April 2 elections.
Noting that an outgoing Council cannot dictate to the incoming
Council how it will operate, the Council President suggested an in-
formal study to work out rules for order, organization of standing

Kefauver, Stevenson Set
Estimates of Strength
MINNEAPOLIS (A')-Claims and counterclaims from Democratic
rivals crackled through last minute political skirmishing in advance
of Minnesota's vital presidential primary today.
Adlai E. Stevenson said he would be satisfied with 60 or even
55 per cent of the Democratic vote. Sen. Estes Kefauver of Tennes-
see figures 30 per cent would add up to victory for him-but that he
will "do much better than that."
What will happen today is a guess. Each man might claim to be
a winner on the basis of identical figures.
Weather Favorable
The state's 3,868 polling places open at 8 a.m. and close at 9 p.m.
No returns are counted until the closing hour. The Weather Bureau
expects the skies to be partly cloudy with temperatures ranging up to

boards and commissions.
Emphasizing the point that
imposing nor binding on the new
Council, he indicated that they
will be helpful in getting the in-
coming group started, particularly
as it will be operating under a new
charter and thus have no set
precedents upon which to rely.
A petition by the University
Michigras committee for permis-
sion to hang a banner across Main
street advertising the affair was
not considered because such ban-
ners are prohibited by city ordi-
The Council unanimously ap-
proved a request by the Police
Commission to hire women opera-
tors for telephone, radio, and tele-
type communication. Such opera-
tors will allow four male officers
to be released from this duty for
assignments of patrolling in the
city. Entering salaries for the

these suggestions are in no way

world News Roundup,

By The Associated Press
MONTGOMERY, Ala. - Grand
jury indictments against 90 bus-
boycotting Negroes withstood their
first court test yesterday, and a
young minister went on trial short-
ly afterward as the first defend-
. Circuit Judge' Eugene Carter
overruled a defense petition which
sought to invalidate the indict-
ments as unconstitutional. Then
state's attorneys called the Rev.
Martin Luther Kisg, Jr., before the
court to begin what could become
a prolonged series of trials.

ing of communism in this coun-
* * *
MOSCOW-Two of the Soviet
Union's first deputy premiers took
the stump yesterday to push the
Soviet Union's spiralling campaign
to destroy the Stalin myth.
It was the first time such high
ranking officials have taken a per-
sonal role in the vast reeducation
drive decreed recently.
Williams (R-Del.) said yesterday
he is asking for a Senate investi-


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