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March 15, 1956 - Image 15

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-03-15

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Care of Hair'
Must Include
Health Habits
Shampoos, Brushing
Play- Important Part
In Proper Treatment
Through the ages men and
women have regarded their coif-
fures as a vital part of their per-
sonal appearance and attractive-
Special headresses involving in-
tricate braids, twists and twines
made hair one of the most dis-
tinctive features of ancient cos-
Today proper hair care is im-
portant for reasons other, than
embellishment. Through proper
care, the hair will be more at-
tractive, clean and healthy.
Proper health habits include
adequate-diet and sleep. Regular
washings every week or two with
a mild soap, as well as daily
brushings, will help maintain heal-
thy hair.
Correct combing and brushing
of the hair cannot be over-em-
p hasized.
Hair brushing should be done
at least twice a day, using long,
firm strokes. .
The proper time to shampoo
varies with the individual.
Unfortunately, some persons are
plagued with oily hair, caused by
too much secretion of fat from the
sebaceous glands of the scalp. Ex-
cessive oiliness often results in
extreme cases of dandruff. By us-
.ng tar or sulphur soaps or green
tincture of soap, the oiliness may
be reduced.
Due to a reverse condition of
the sebaceous glands, exposure to'
sunlight, improper care or health
reasons, others have trouble with
dry hair.
Dryness may be aided by light-
ly greasing hair with vaseline.
Coeds often have difficulty with
split ends or broken hairs. This
condition usually results from a
lack of oil, health disturbances,
curling hair,. 1

Suit, Dress Fashions
To Use New Fabrics


-Daily-Sam Ching
RAINWEAR-Smartly styled for
everyday wear is this linen
water-repellant coat in a misty
coral shade, featuring patch
pockets, wooden buttons and a
matching hat.

-Daily-Sam Ching
BLACK AND WHITE-Left is a white poplin water-repellent
wrap featuring black waist-high gussets and a white cumberband
headpiece that can also be worn as a belt. Right is a black print
raincoat appliqued in white velvet. The velvet is also used for
collar, cuffs, and matching hat.

Raincoats Appear in Gay Colors


Rain in the spring is as much
of a tradition in Ann Arbor as the
lions in front of the museum, so
coeds had better start preparing
their wardrobe for the wet sea-
Slickers colored all shades of the
rainbow are still occupying the
majority of display space in the'
clothing stores, but variety can be
achieved by looking into the new
spring styles in rainwear.
"Black and white are to be the
}nain colors or spring rainware,'
stated one Ann Arbor business-
woman. To set off this the me is a
white poplin raincoat with bii
patch pockets. The tapered sleeves
and collar feature the black trim.
'For a Sleek Look'

been introduced. It features a
back single vent, long full-fash-
ioned sleeves with buttoned flaps,
patch pockets (two of which
occupy the right side of the coat),
and a light-colored plaid lining.
Bright colors have not complete-
ly given up to the fashion spot-
light, as shown by a bright orange
flaired full-length raincoat with
long cuffed sleeves and an orange
and white plaid lining. This coat's
special attraction is the extra large
cape which can also be worn as a
For those to whom the colors
red, jade green or beige are more
appealling, these are available in
a style similar to the one mention-
ed above. The only difference is
the exception of the cape-hood
effect. In its place is a matching
hat and belt.
Trench Coat
The trench coat is still one' of
the popular fashions in rain-
wear. Along with the classic, nat-
ural-colored coat is one of the
same style in a blackwatch plaid
with matching hat.
Water-repellent topcoats are also
being designed for dress and eve-
ning wear. Velveteen is used as
the material for one such coat. It

is styled with a mandarin collar,
big patch pockets, a milium lining
and comes in either rust or royal
Also for "dress-up" is a blue
tweed tailored coat with a hat and
shoulder bag to match.
German Fashions
One Western German exporting
firm has sent three styles for Am-
erican rainwear distribution. The
first is a full, natural colored wrap
featuring a mandarin collar with
a modified cape effect.
The second is a belted, wide
collared coat witi side pockets
and a bright plaid lining. It comes
in either charcoal grey or beige.
The third has the "foreign in-
trigue" look with a wide, square
cape that can be worn as a hood.
The manufacturers recommend
hand laundering for all three
Also on the market' is a four-
piece rainwear ensemble, which
contains a coat of waterproof
elasti-glass, a separate Dutch
hood, a separate belt to be worn
three ways and a three-in-one
carry bag.
Still in fashion are the reed-
slim umbrellas in their varied
colors, sizer and patterns.

Feather-weight, light and airy
describe the news in Spring suits
this year.
Silk suitings and their near rel-
atives, the silk-look suitings, silk
blended with worsted or wool, star
on the fashion horizon.
Introduced to the public several
years ago, the silk suit began its
career as a man's suit made in a
heavy Italian weave. Its success
inspired designers to bring it into
the world of feminine attire, where
its popularity was even greater
than expected.
This year silk suitings have
reached an almost universal fash-
ion status, with silk tweeds in lead
Blends of Silk
The fashion scope is further am-
plified by blends of silk with other
fibers, especially silk and wool.
Blends of silk-and-acrilan and
similar synthetic fibers are also
up and coming, famous for their
light weight and ease of care.
The ever popular silk-with-cot-
ton and silk-with-rayon is still
going strong, but is slowly being
replaced by the other mixtures.
Elsewhere in the line of suits,
lightweight, finely textured tweeds
in delicate, pretty colors and the
old stand-by flannel are rated be-
low silks and silk mixtures in the
fashion popularity poll.
Favored Color
Gray seems to be the favored
color for flannels, with beige and
blue following close behind.
Moving into the realm of the
spring dress, silk in all of its many
variations triumphs beyond a
Boasting less pressing require-
ments, considerable warmth and
light weight, linen-weave is an as-
set to any woman's wardrobe, for
traveling or routine wear.
Popular Fabric
Its ability to take color and look
equally well in dark and light
shades has made it a popular fab-
ric for spring suits and dresses.
Following the same fabric fash-
ion trend, silk tweed has achieved
a major place in the dress line
this spring. In addition to these
rustic silks the other big story in
dresses is silk prints, with silk
shantung out in front.
Making its debut this year is
thin, soft, silk satin, sponsored by
Paris' ever influential Couture. De-
signers feel that the use of satin
gives a new look to prints.
Second To Silks
Cottons, rayons and linens con-
tinue to flourish, but seem to be

playing second fiddle to the silks
and silk blends.
Black dominates the scene,
stronger than it has been in sev-
eral years, while the beige-to-
light brown range comes in second
as the smart promotional color
fashion of the year.
Blues spear-headed by navy are
next, with apricot-to copper at-
taining rising popularity, after its
introduction by Christian Dior in
Paris last summer.
Red, violet, gold or yellow and
light, soft green, also appeargon
the fashion horizon, while gray
has lost the commanding position
it enjoyed in previous years.
In looking at fashion fabrics for
Spring 1956, one may find that a
year has made a great deal of
difference, but it is important to
realize that fashion designers are
guided by the fact that the Ameri-
can woman is always looking for
something new and different and
it is up to the designers to provide

For Spring
KANTOR Andersonville
WOUK Marjorie Mornings/ar
DENNIS Auntie Maine
ROBERTS Boon Island
KENYON Marie Antoinile
LINDBERGH Gift from the Sea
LORD A Night to Remember
WILSON Scrolls from the Dead Sea
KENNEDY Profiles in Courage
BLANTON Love or Perish
316 S. STATE ST. PHONE NO 2-5669




Add SUNSH IN E toyour
Keep In Times With Spring With
Washed Economically and Rapidly,
Westinghouse Laundronat
510 East Williams Street NO 3-5540



a sleek fashionable look, a
water-repellant topper has


Iii ill




121 SO. MAIN ST.

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Dr. Bell Offers' Beauty Hints to Coeds;
Diet,. Exercise Contribute to Appearance



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Have you been wondering how to
look your very best in the latest
spring styles, or in that new Easter
outfit you have your eye on?
Dr. Margaret Bell, Health Ser-
vice physician and head of the
Women's Department of Physical
Education, answers the questions
of many University women about
such common problems as diet,
complexion care and posture.
She commented that a good!
build will last a lifetime and is
important to work for, so that a
woman may look her best every
spring and for the rest of the
Balanced Diet
"You can not change your her-
edity, but you can learn the value
of a balanced diet and the harms
of sporatic dieting, diet pills and
such,' she answered when ques-
tioned about the 'starvation' diets
undertaken by some coeds.
A sound daily program for main-


taining a healthy body and there-
fore a healthy attitude include a
combination of the right foods,
some exercise and plenty of sleep.
Dr. Bell mentioned that after
exercising to lose weight, a person
often weighs more, but this in-
crease may be due to muscle and
not excess fat, and in most cases
results in improved appearance.
Complexion Care
Eating habits are also important
in care of the complexion, as many
women find that certain food
Fragrance Types
There is a difference between
perfume, toilet water and cologne.
Perfume is the strongest form of
fragrance, it's the exquisite blend-
ing of essential oils, with just
enough alcohol to carry it and
make it delightful to use.
Toilet water has more alcohol,
making it less strong. And, col-
ogne is usually the lightest.

products do not agree with their
particular skin.
Hints given by Dr. Bell for main-
taining a clear complexion, include
frequent cleansing and keeping
hands and objects such as pencils
away from the face.
Scratching, irritating or squeez-
ing a blemish only spreads bac-
teria to other pores, and soon a
series of infections can begin.
For an alert and self-confident
look in your new clothes, posture
plays an important part.
According to Dr. Bell, instruc-
tors at Barbour Gym are available
to suggest various exercises for in-
dividual women. These exercises
are ones that can be done at home
and can be kept up year after year
to maintain proper posture.
The way you look and feel is an
important factor in how your new
clothes and old ones will look on
you. Such is the belief of fashion
as well as health experts.



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The perfect extra coat for spring and all
through the warm summer months . . . soft,
rich felt with its smart loosely belted back,
detailed like coats selling at much higher
prices. The rich colors will complement all of
your sun-season fashions. Blue, red, camel, or
nude; sizes 8 to 16.

Only the Graphic 35 has modern, easy-to-use
Push-Button Focusing. Squeeze the buttons to
bring the picture into accurate focus. For flash
pictures just match the color bands on the Visi-
Ready footage scale and exposure scale to get
correct setting. These exclusive features, along
with other built-in advantages, help you get
superlative travel pictures you'll be proud to
show, whether you're a beginner or a past mas-
ter of travel and camera. Ask for a demonstra-
tion of the Graphic 35. -


Initiate the Spring
with a

. -

-Wedgewood blue
-black calf
-black suede
-white bark




The secret's in the smart elastic
collar that makes it fit like a



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in your favorite colors
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