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March 15, 1956 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-15

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Dental Students To Present Dance Assembly [Presentation



Odonto Ball, given annually by
* the - junior class of the School of
Dentistry in honor of the graduat-
ing seniors, will be presented from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday in the
Union Ballroom.
Decorations revolving about the
theme of the dance, "Spring Rhy-
thm," will feature a wishing well,
trees, flowers and bird cages
amidst a garden-like atmosphere.
Couples attending Odonto Ball
will dance to the music of Johnny
Harbred and his orchestra.
Intermission Entertainment
Intermission entertainment will
be provided by a quartette consist-
ing of Sally Reynalls, Jan North-
way, Oscar Link and Walt Crow-
son. There will also be a skit
presented by deftal students.
Entertainment will also feature
a dance and song routine by dental
hygienists. Those participating in
this act are Miss Northway, Miss
Reynalls, Lois Falk, Ninion Bloch,
Laura Smith, Nikki Moore and Be-
nita Rovin.
Master of Ceremonies will be
Blair Munns and Don Nafe.
Door Prizes
A drawing for door prizes will
also be held at intermission. Prizes
donated by local merchants in-
clude carbide and diamond bur
sets, contra-angles, matrix retain-
ers, a pen and pencil set, a record
album, a sport shirt, stationery
and books.
Proper attire for the all-cam-
pus formal dance is cocktail dress-
es or formals for the women and
tuxedos or dark suits for the men.
Each coed attending the dance
f, will receive a flower and a favor.
A photographer will be on hand
to snap pictures of those who
would like a memento of the
Odonto Ball Tickets
Odonto Ball tickets may be ob-
tained from junior dental students
or at the door.
General chairman of the affair
is Bill Rahn and entertainment
chairmen is Stan Pasikov. Irving
Friedman will take chage of guest
lists while Horace Ward is pro-
?ram chairman. Eli Berger isdeco-
rations chairman and refreshments
will be taken care of by Arnold
Hartz. Publicity chairman is Bill
In 1951 the dance helped cele-
brate the diamond jubilee anhiver-.
sary of the founding of the Uni-
versity School of Dentistry.
Evolution of Dentistry
The decorations showed the evo-
lution of dentistry with murals
and pictures portraying scenes
from the life of a pioneer "tooth
doctor" down to the familiar den-
tists's office of today.
"Fractured French" was the
theme of Athe 1952 Oddnto. Ball.
Gardenias were presented as fav-
ors to women attending that year.
In 1953 a carnival setting high-
lighted the dance decorations and+
refreshments were served from a

--Daily-Peter Song
ODONTO BALL--Dental hygienists and dental students, practice
the skit which they will present for intermission entertainment at
Odonto Ball which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday in
the Union Ballroom.
Eleven Musicians To Play
Background Music at JGP

Petitions for Assembly Board
positions are due at 5 p.m. today.
Petitions may still be obtained
in the League Undergraduate Of-
fice. Coeds are asked to sign up
for interviews when they return
the forms.
Positions which are open include
president, who is the chairman of
both the exceutive board of As-
sembly Dormitory Council and is
first vice-president.
Also open is the position of sec-
ond vice-president, who is chair-
man of the Assembly League House
Council and is Assembly's repre-
sentative on the advisory board of
Other Posts
Other positions available are sec-
retary, who takes and files minutes
of executive board and ADC meet-
ings and who has charge of all
correspondence pertaining to As-
sembly, and the treasurer who
has charge of all expenditures
and revenues of Assembly.
The social chairman submits
plans for social functions and
meets regularly with social chair-
men of dormitories and League
Houses to coordinate house events.
Other executive board posts in-
clude personnel chairman, who
has the responsibility for Assembly
interviewing and devise ways of
stimulating interest among inde-
pendent women in extracurricular
Special projects chairman has
charge of the annual Tag Day
and is general chairman of I-Hop
while the public relations chair-
man handles all publicity for As-
sembly, ADC and League House
New Position
The big sister chairman headsj
the big sister program.
Included for the first time in
spring petitioning is the Fort Nite
general chairman, who is not a
member of Assembly Board.
ADC reps will elect the president
after a straw vote has been taken
within their houses. The voting
of the reps will represent the feel-
ing of the dorms.
There will be campaigning by
presidential candidates within the
resident halls.
Board Appoints
All posts except those of presi-
dent and first and second vice-
president are filled by interviewing
and appointment by the executive
From petitions and interviewing,
two candidates will be selected for
those positions, anql later they will
present their platforms to the
members of ADC who do the elect-
First and second vice presidents
are elected by the members of

For the first time in several
years, an orchestra will provide
the background music for a Jun-
ior Girls Play.
Eleven musicians will play for
the song and danc numbers in
the 1956 JGP, "Rising High," which
will take the stage Thursday, Fri-
day and Saturday, March 22, 23
and 24.
All of the eighteen original num-
bers and the, other older music
have been arranged by transposer-
arranger Charlene Paullin.
Musical Experience
Her experience in the field of
music includes accompanying for
high school groups, for the Ro-
tary Club and for church choirs.
In her freshman year at Oberlin
College she sang in a quintet.
Transferring to the University,
the Mu Phi Epsilon member sang
in the Bach Choir, played the
drums in the Wolverine Band and
accompanied Soph Scandals.
Miss Paullin will also conduct
the musicians as they appear for
the show.
Bob Lauer will be pianist with
the group. A major in aeronauti-
cal engineering, Lauer keeps his
musical talents busy accompany-
ing for Gilbert and Sullivan pro-

ductions and playing in the Sym-
phony Band, the Marching Band
and with small combos.
At the drums will be Dan Kutt
who has had experience with the
Marching Band and with various
theatre orchestras.
A junior in the School of Music,
David Martin will provide his
trumpet talents to "Rising High."
Martin has appeared with the Wol-
verine Band as well as dance
Band Members
The first bass in the aggrega-
tion will be handled by Roy Kar-
cher. The pre-law student plays
With a dance band and was a
member of the Union Opera or-
Al Blaser, whose history in-
cludes training in the School of,
Music and with the Symphony
Band will man the first alto sax.
Adding a feminine touch to the
group is Margerie Bates who will
play the violin. A junior trans-
fer, Miss Bates is a member of the
music school Symphony Orchestra.
Also blowing the trumpet will
be Pete Fader. Included in Fad-
er's musical train experiences are
membership in the Marching and
Wolverine Bands. He also sings
in the Bach Choir and with the
Detroit-Rackham Choir.
Group Continued
A for~xer member of the Wolver-
ine" Band and graduate student in
the School of Music, Helen Haugh
will handle the trombone.
Richard Kraus who is in the
Symphony and Marching Bands
will be on the first tenor sax.
Earl Groner with his bass trom-
bone will add the JGP orchestra
to his list of accomplishments in-
cluding the Marching Band, the
Symphony Orchestra, the Choral
Union orchestra and the Plymouth
Wolverine Band member, Ron
Rogers, will add his alto saxo-
phone to the group.
On trumpet, Bruce McCormick
who is in music school as well as
the Marching and Symphony
Bands will complete the orchestra.


Event Around Campus
JGP-There will be a meeting Athletic Building. Students who
of the Junior Girls Play stunts wish to ride must contact Peg
committee at 5 p.m. today. Davis or Erwin Perelstein.
tennis practice for the spring ten- MIC HrS wPl.Te amCOM-
nis saso wll e eldat5:1 pMITTEE-There will be a meet-
nista season will be held at 5:10 P. ing for all members at 7:15 p.m.
m. today in Barbour Gymnasium, in Rm. 3Amof te Uni.n
Coeds must bring their own rack- today in Rm. 3A of the Union.
et, balls and tennis shoes. * *
BLUE TEAM-There will be a -Interested sophomore or junior
meeting of the floorshow commit- women enrolled in the literary col-
tee of the Blue team for Frosh lege may apply for the Kap-
Weekend at 6:30 p.m. today. pa Delta scholarship. Application
*N * * blanks can be obtained in the Dean
MAIZE TEAM-There will be a of Women's office before Saturday.
meeting of the tickets committee
of the Maize team for Frosh Week- SCROLL SCHOLARSHIP-Peti-
end at 7 p.m. today in the League. tions for the .$100 Scroll scholar-
* * * ship may be picked up by junior
RIDING CLUB-Members of the affiliated women through Wed-
Riding Club will meet at 7 p.m. nesday in the League Undergradu
today in front of the Women's ate Office.

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