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March 10, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-10

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S A T U R A Y. A R C H 10, 956 T E M W I E A N= te e.. a



Falls For


Time As




Wolverine Defense Shines;
Dunnigan Flips Home Two
Rendall, Karpinka, McIntosh All Score;
MacFarland Assists on Three Goals

How They Perforated Goalie Schmidt

(Continued from Page 1)
waiting for his shot from the left,
Switzer passed the puck to Dunni-
gan who scored into the undefend-
ed right side of the net.
Both teams continued to apply
tremendous offensive pressure with
' no more success until Tech began
to buckle a bit in the third period.
Rendall's flashy skating left two
Huskies sprawling on the ice as
he powered his way into Tech ter-
ritory. McIntosh took his pass in
front of goalie McManus and
flicked it past McManus for Michi-
gan's third goal at 5:49.
Dunnigan's Second
Three and a half minutes later
Dunnigan garnered his second goal
of the evening by taking advantage
of a loose puck in the open goal
mouth. McManus had failed to
clear it on MacFarland's blistering
shot a moment earlier.
With less than two minutes re-
maining in the game, Karpinka
broke into the scoring column by
slashing a hard rebound equally
hard into the Tech net.
Incredible as it may seem to
last night's thrilled spectators,
Wolverine Coach Vic Heyliger con-
sidered the rapid pace of the game
to be "nothing in comparison to
last week's contests at Houghton."
"Not only were both teams a bit
4. slower, but Michigan's offense
never showed its real power until
the final period."

One trophy is definitely Michi-
gan's. It clinched the Governor's
Trophy for collegiate hockey su-
premacy in the state of Michigan.
But tonight's the big one for the
greater objective--the WIHL's Mc-
Naughton Trophy.
FIRST PERIOD-Scoring: 1 -
Michigan Tech, McLay (L. La-
Haye, Cuculic) 3:27; 1, Michi-
gan, Rendall (MacFarland)
Penalties: Michigan, Buchanan
(tripping) 11:16; Schiller (hold-
ing) 12:31; MacFarland (high
sticking) 13:07. Michigan Tech,
Glover (tripping) 6:50; Tatter-
s l (board checking) 7:20.
iECOND PERIOD: Scoring --
2, Michigan, Dunnigan (Swit-
er, McDonald) 4:53.
Penalties: Michigan, Pitts (in-
terference) 7:45; Switzer
(charging) 9:55. Michigan
Tech, Tattersall (tripping)
THIRD PERIOD:- Scoring -
3, Michigan, McIntosh (Ren-
dali) 5:49; 4, Michigan, Dunni-
gan (MacFarland, McDonald)
9:16; 5, Michigan, Karpinka{
MacFarland, Pitts) 18:33.
Penalties: Michigan, Dunnigan
(tripping) 6:12; McDonald
(high sticking) 6:17; Buchanan
(tripping) 14:15; Rendall (ille-
gal check) 18:33. Michigan
Tech, Crockatt (tripping) 4:23;
Wylie (high sticking) 6:17.

-Daily-John Hirtzei
SOPHOMORE DON McINTOSH, (14), is shown Just after pushing Michigan's third goal past Tech
goalie Bob McManus in last night"s 5-1 victory. McIntosh cashed in on a perfect pass at the goal
mouth from Tom Rendall (12).

On impulse, one day last fall,
we went down to the Old Heidel-
beig park in Milwaukee, Wiscon-
sin, to watch an "international"
soccer match.
An announcement of the compe-
tition in the Milwaukee Journal
contained no hint of the mayhem
we found there. It stated, curtly,
that the Bavarian Club would meet
the league-leading Serbians in a
non-crucial duel.
The day was raw with a wet
sweep of wind off Lake Michigan,
and most of the spectators watch-
ed from their cars, which were
pulled up along the sidelines. A
few of the not-yet-properly-Amer-
icanized observers braved the chill-
ing wind, wearing little more than
windbreakers. Their red faces,
however, belied the utter aplomb
with which they braved the ele-
Gnarled Serbs
The Serb team, a veritable pla-
toon of gnarled, hairy-legged
young battlers, took the field with
an air of confidence. They shout-
ed joyous epiphets in what we took
to be Serbian at their supporting
sideliners, who, in turn, grinned
hugely and yelled back. The Ba-
varians were nervous. Their goalie,
a flush-cheeked blond youngster
with flopping hair, looked like a'
rookie soldier going into his first
We decided we could brave the
weather if the players could, and
sidled up behind two hardy Ger-
mans on the midfield sideline.
Schmidt Ist Krank?
"The Schmidt looks sick, no?"
said the taller of the two. He wore
a grey poplin jacket with the collar
turned up to his ears. The shorter
German looked in the direction of7
the Bavarian goalie.
"You ever know the Schmidt to
look unsick?"
"You have right," said the Tallerr
German. "But today he's really
sick. The Serbs are going to kick
the ball right through him."
"How do you know?" asked thej
shorter German, shuffling his feet1
in the dead grass. "You speak Ser-1
"No. My cousin's sister married1
a South Side Pole whose brother9
goes ,with the sister of the Serb
coach. She told him."s
"Who?" (This next we have to
render in German!) 4

State Preps Hold Swim
Fnlatt LMPn n

Interested in a real fine swim-
ming meet? '
If so, then wend your way down
to the varsity pool in the I-M
building any time today and watch
the Michigan High School Swim-
ming Finals. The qualifying rounds
started yesterday and will be con-
tinued today, culminating with the
finals beginning at 6:00 p.m. Sat-
Ann Arbor High School entered
as the pre-meet favorite. They
have won both the annual Cereal
Bowl Relays which are held at
Battle Creek in middle-December,
and the Six-A League champion-
ship, which is one of the states
strongest leagues.
Pioneers Rate High
Ann Arbor's coach Paul Clif-
ford said he "can't deny that we
have a good chance." The Pioneers
have three "boys that should cop
first places. Pete Gale, Six-1
champion in the 50 yd. freestyle,
has registered the state's best time
in that event.
Ann Arbor's pair of Mexican
boys are "pretty sure bets" accord-
ing to Clifford. Alexandro Gaxiola
is favored to win both the back
stroke and individual medley
crowns, while his older brother Al-
varo is one of the best high school
divers to visit these parts.
Arthur Hill Challenges
The Pioneers strongest challenge
may come from Saginaw Arthur
Hill, the Saginaw Valley champs,.
who have some first place contend-
ers in Art Maxwell, a fine breast-
stroker, and Ernei Dewell, who is
strong in the 20 and 40 yd, free-
style events. Arthur Hill is also
a perennial contender in diving.
Royal Oak will stake their claim
on the strength of freestyler Andy
Morrow, last year's state champ
in the 200 and 400 yd. freestyles.
A fine race should develop between
Morrow and Dewell in both of
these events.
Battle Creek, who bowed be-
neath Ann Arbor's balanced power
in the Six-A meet will also be a
Contender, boasting a good sprinter
in Dave Diget, who set a new
league mark in the 100 yd, free-
Lincoln Park also claims a men-
tion with Ray Martin, a freestyler
and individual medley man rating

as a threat to the other aspiring
Clifford states that the team
which can come through with the
winning relays will walk off with
the meet. "Our big problem," he
asserts, "is pairing up the best
Although Ann Arbor is slightly
favored, it could still be a wide-
open meet. Whether you have any
favorites or not, there will be a
fine display of swimming talent
available for your appraisal this
weekend at the I-M pool.

Hoop S quad
Votes Honor
To Kramer
Shades of Bennie Oosterbaan!
One title after the other was
pinned onto Michigan's Ron Kra-
mer last fall, after completing an-
other successful grid season.
Since the completion of the 1956
basketball season, the broad-
shouldered junior has added more
laurels to an already heavily laden
wreath of glory. Big Ron's latest
honor was bestowed upon him by
his cage teammates early this week
when they voted him "the most
valuable player on the Michigan
On Big Ten Team
The newly elected captain of the
Maize and Blue basketeers, Kramer
was also named to the All Big Ten
Second Team and is the only
Michigan cager to sport an aver-
age of over 20 points per game.
The husky center scored 30
points against Indiana to break
the Yost Field House record.
Move over, Hercules -- there's
room for two on your pedestal!

Special To The Daily
MILWAUKEE-Fresh from its
successful Big Ten title defense
last week at East Lansing, Michi-
gan's indoor track team has en-
tered eight members in the an-
nual Milwaukee Journal Games
here tonight.
One of the highlights of the
night will be the appearance of
Wes Santee in the mile. The
former University of Kansas great
won another court injunction yes-
terday against the Amateur Ath-
letic Union's lifetime ban of him
for professionalism.
Santee's Opposition Limited
This permits Santee to run, but
his opposition will probably be
limited as it was last week in the
Columbian mile in New York. Most
milers fear that they will lose
their amateur rating and Olympic
eligibility by running against San-
Michigan Coach Don Canham
has assigned his men to five
events, including the two-mile re-
lay which was won last year by

the Wolverines. Geert Keilstrup,
Ron Wallingford, Robin Varian,
and Laird Sloan will have the task
of duplicating the 1955 effort of
Grant Scruggs, Dan Walter, Hobe
Jones, and John Moule.
Two Big Ten titleholders will
help to represent Michigan in their
specialties. Eeles Landstrom will
enter the pole vault competition
while Mark Booth will attempt to
better his fourth place finish in
last year's Journal Games' high
Rudesill Runs
Bob Rudesill, outstanding short-
distance runner of the Wolverines,
will compete in 600 yard dash.
Running unattached in the hurd-
les will be freshman Jan Carlson.
Stars from Pitt, Notre Dame,
Iowa, and Indiana are expected to
join the many unaffiliated thin-
clads in filling all events with top-
rate performers.

1' Tracks ters, Santee
To, See Action Tonight

"Die Serbenfussballmannschaft-
enlehrersschwester. Who else?"
"Oh," said the Shorter German.
With this the game commenced.
It wasa brawl from the start. Feet
seemingly forgot about the ball
and concentrated on any part of
any member of the opposing team's
body. At one time we counted four
Bavarians and three Serbs on the
ground clutching various wounded
members with pain-knotted fin-
The already turbulent fall air
was suddenly tortured with a shat-
tering blast of automobile horns.
In the heat of the midfield battle,
The Schmidt lost his head and
dashed from his goal-guarding
post to the thick of the fray. Some
cool-headed Serb had unexcitedly
All-campus tournaments are
about ready to start in: table-
tennis, bowling' indoor ten-
nis, badminton, codeball, div-
ing, fencing, gymnastics, and
rifle shooting. Entries must be
completed today. Call NOrm-
andy 3-4181.
--Earl Riskey
danced the ball downfield, un-
noticed by even the calmest of the
spectators, and booted it into the
Was Is Das'
"What is this?" asked the T.G.
"What does this Serb thing he's
playing? He has no honor."
"Agreed," said the S.G. "But he
did it neatly, no?" He looked
around for Schmidt, spotted him
on the turf, and shouted, "You
Schmidt! Traitorous dog, get back
to your post! Are you playing for
THEM or US?" Then, to the T.G.,
"These Bayern, they never did
have a sense of duty."
The Schmidt picked himself up,
blushed furiously, and limped back
to the goal. Some infuriated Ger-
mans even got out of their cars to
shout at him as he went by.
Skill Amidst Fury
The play commenced anew, but
this timeboth teams were playing
ball. The Serbs worked together1
beautifully, but the fury of the
Bavarians stopped them short of
the goal every time. The German
fans were all out of their cars by
this time, shouting and raging'
along the sideline. On the other
side, the Servian spectators match-
ed them decibel for decibel.



For, it seemed, the ball had gone
right THROUGH the Schmidt-
neatly as a connon-shell. The
goalie collapsed, apparently con-
firming the crowd's impression.
But in an instant he was up,
"Did you see that?" asked the
Taller German. "It went right
through him."
"It couldn't have. Look, he's up."
"I don't know," said the T.G
"they said they'd do it."
"You've got a bird in the head,"
They walked off to the tavern.
As for us, we're still wondering.
After all, the Transylvanians pro-
duced Dracula, didn't they?

Suddenly, the Bavarian offense
drove into Serb territory, faked
out the defense, sucked in the
goalie, passed neatly to a lone man
who dashed in toward the goal
and botted a perfect one.
Once more the auto horns went
wild. But this time they were in
a deeper tone. The Germans seem-
ed to have bigger cars than the
Battle Raged On
The battle raged on. Dark clouds
swept over the horizon and laid a
dank hand over the field. A dis-
tant rumble of thunder went un-
noticed by the players, who by fnow
were completely immersed in the
mechanics of good soccer. There
was little noise from the sidelines.
Time trickled through the bleak
afternoon like a burning fuse. With
every second, the tension mounted.
The Bavarian line was taking ter-
rific pressure. Every exchange of
the ball showed a weakening of
the German team.
The Break
Suddenly, cpincident with the
first flash of lightning from the
rain-laden sky, a Serb forward
broke through. A sharp crack of
thunder goaded him down the field.
The Schmidt edged out toward his
nemesis. He was nearly invisible
in the dark of the day.
There then followed the quick-
est, brightest flash of lightning
we have ever seen. It illuminated
the two opponents at the very in-
stant that the Serb's kick reached
the Schmidt, and caught the blond,
goalie forever in our mind's eye in
an attitude of taut desperation.
And, as thelight blinked out, a
fearsome gasp went up from the

render in German!) ed them decibel for decibel. duced Dracula, didn't they?


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