Sixty-Sixth Year
ow Do YouDo"
ns Are Free,
ials printed in The Michigan Daily expres s the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
, MARCH 9, 1956
'-- .-
Objective Rushing Study
Faces Subjective Pressure
UR MONTHS of research and study on the
>roblemn of rushing are now drawing to a
. Panhellenic and Assembly members in-
ed Wednesday night that it is possible for
organizations representing two different
es of 'students to, consider a problem ob-
rely and come up with definite, practical
nmendations. Their claims to objectivity
comprehensiveness were backed up by quick
logical answers to questions from Council
bers and constituents.
d while Interfraternity-Inter-House Coun-
epresentatives did not submit any one
nmendation as called for in the Frank
on, the apparent objectivity of their re-
coupled with promise of actual recom-
lations Monday, is at least indicative of
ss to some extent.
I THE IMPORTANT question which Stu-
lent Government Council failed to resolve
hether the objectivity of the studies will
remain free from the subjectivity of
al interest pressures.
uncil members exercised good sense in de-
g to wait an extra week before reaching
conclusions which might affect future
jig policy at the University. Though, the
IHC report has been appropriately termed
late of spaghetti without a meatball," the
Lcil will need the time before the actual
nmendations are made to digest the
ninous material submitted. Thorough ex-
ation of both reports in one night is im-
DNG WITH the advantage of added time.
or consideration, however, is the disadvan-
tage of pressure upon SGC members. No sooner
did the content of the two reports become
known than pressure for rejection commenced.
Reports indicate that sorority alumnae are
already making their thoughts known. Alum-
nae advisory rushing chairmen and financial
directors are reportedly making plans to sub-
mit their views against spring rushing either
personally or indirectly. House mother's lines'
were inter-connected all yesterday with talk
about the possible change to spring rushing.
Panhellenic Association itself called a special
meeting for today to discuss plans for presen-
tation of views in refutation of the Panhel-
Assembly study group's recommendation. Nor
is all' quiet on the fraternity front.
PRESSURE is not unusual. In fact, it is to
be expected. But this pressure is especially
hard to bear when it comes from non-student
If Council members can consider the reports
as objectively as the study groups drafted
them, time and energy spent over four months
will not be wasted.
Council members do not necessarily need to
ignore outside comment. But they should be
careful to separate the subjective from the ob-
jective statements made in attempt to influence
acceptance or rejection of the reports.
The pressure's on. Council members are in
no enviable position. Regardless of their deci-
sion next week, there will be disagreement.
But if they have exercised rational, objective
Judgment, there can be no claims of irresponsi-
9tt 4e.4j ~~C
Near East War in April?
Fun, But
somewhat below-average Dan-
ny Kaye film, which means that it
is immensely enjoyable, but not
nearly so much fun as one might
Danny Kaye is one of those
people to whom the camera never
does anything like justice. He is
one of the few entertainers in the
world who can come out on a
bare stage, and after singing,
clowning, dancing and shouting
for two hours, have the audience
screaming for more.
But take the audience away,
confine Kaye to celluloid and writ-
ten lines, and some of the magic
is going to be missing.
* * *
Kaye has always been a cinema
problem. A few seasons ago Nor-
man Panama and Melvin Frank,
the two gentlemen who wrote, pro-
duced and directed "Court Jester,"
tried to solve the problem.
They put Kaye in "Knock on
Wood," a complicated satire on
espionage pictures, and allowed
him freedom to improvise his way
out of the complications. Kaye's
improvisations, little vaudeville
sketches, stole the show.
In "Court Jester" Panama and
Frank have tried the same tech-
nique, but they have relied too
heavily oni their own plot. The
entire business is a spoofing of
Medieval costume spectacles, but
the lines are not quite funny
enough, and though Kaye does
better with them than anyone else
could, the film seldom comes to
MOREOVER, they have kept
Kaye from running about on his
own very much, and the result is
similar to throwing a heavy carpet
over a calliope: the brashness has
difficulty getting through.
Sometimes, however, Kaye man-
ages to burst out of his chains;
and when he does, "Court Jester"
becomes delightful.
There is Kaye the great lover,
a la Errol Flynn, showering prin-
cess Angela Lansbury with ardent
kisses. There is Kaye the swash-
buckling hero dueling evil Basil
Rathbone. Once the master starts
kidding Spanish flamenco dancing
but he is soon stopped and the
plot rolls on. Another time he
becomes involved in a hilarious
march drill bit, but that too is
Danny Kaye is, in fact, stopped
all too often from being Danny
Kaye in "Court Jester."
* * *
THERE ARE six new songs by
Sylvia Fine and Sammy Cahn.
They are all appropriate to the
film's action, but none is good
enough to become part of the Kaye
repertoire. One, "Outfox The Fox,"
is used effectively as a lampoon of
gigantic production numbers.
Glynis Johns, a veteran of cos-
tume epics, is cast as the romantic
heroine; and like Miss Lansbury
and Rathbone, she has done the
"serious" swordfighting picture
often enough to feel right at home
in this comic version.
-Ernest Theodossin
New Books at Library
Tenzing, Norkey-Tiger of the
Snowis. New York, G. P. Putnam's
Sons, 1955.
de Terra, Helmut-The Life and
Times of Alexander von Humboldt.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1955.
Ward, oJhn William-Andrew
Jackson: Symbol for an Age. New
York, Oxford University Press,
Shapiro, Nat and Hentoff, Nat-,
Hear Me Talkin' to Ya. New York,
Rinehart, 1955.
Clarity Needed for Farm Muddle
'FFORTS of both Republican and Democrat-
!is Congressmen to produce a constructive
gislative program to which they can attach
eir party's name are beginning to run into
'litical troubles of an election year.
The crippling action of "politics" already has
en clearly seen in foreign policy and civil
;hts issues and now is beginning to take
ape in farm policy, an area of extreme eco-
imic importance to the United States.
It is possible that the Senate will pass a farm
i that calls for a return to rigid high price
pports for basic commodities as well as the
oposed "soil bank."
The extent of the value of either program
s been argued extensively by experts;, but
does not take an economic expert to see show
e two plans, operating simultaneously, could
in direct opposition to one another.
IIGH PRICE SUPPORTS serve as an incen-
tive for every farmer to produce as much
he can. The soil bank is designed to pay
e farmers to take land out of cultivation to
duce the rapidly growing crop surpluses
ich have been costing about $1,000,000 a
,y just to store.
Farmers would take land out of production
and get paid-and then would apply fer-
izers and produce more from the remaining
rd-and still get" paid.
Talk about two forces pushing against each
other-and here the forces have government
money behind them. This would quickly raise
the fanner income, and earn votes in Novem-
ber, but it would be far simpler to give the
farmers all the money just for not cultivating
and thereby tending to reduce surpluses.
HOWEVER, a reduction in the surplus of
politics is necessary before an adequate
solution will emerge. If such a double purpose
bill were to get through Congress, the Demo-
crats would probably take most of the ciedit,
which would win them votes. President Eisen-
hower has warned that "farmers can't have
it both ways" and has indicated a veto would
result if such a 'bill were passed. Obviously
this is precisely what some Democrats want.
They would claim the Republicans had killed
aid to farmers.
It is difficult to see how any real progress
could be made by this plan in the direction
of reducing surpluses and improving farm
market prices. Attempting to operate both high
supports and a soil bank at the same time is,
as one newspaper editorially said, "like hos-
ing down a fire with one hand and sprinkling
gasoline on it with the other."
As the situation now stands the farm prob-
lem is so muddled in politics that a great deal
of clear thinking and leadership will be neces-
sary before any real improvement comes.
T.S. OFFICIALS aren't adver-
tising it, but orders have been
given to two cruisers and six de-
stroyers of the U.S. Sixth Fleet in
the Mediterranean to join with
units of the British Mediterranean
Fleet in standing off Israeli-Arab
ports during the next few weeks.
This coincides with U.S. intel-
ligence reports that war may break
out in the Near East in April.
These reports are based not only
upon growing Arab fanaticism,
but on the fact that the Arab na-
tions now have the small state of
Israel in a bind where, in case of
war, Israel could probably be wiped
out. The Arabs also have the
United States in a bind from
which it will be extremely difficult
if not impossible for us to get
* * *
general bungling have put us in
a cross-saw by which we jeopard-
ize one or the other of the fol-
lowing objectives in the Near East:
1. The future of the tiny state of
Israel, which we have long cham-
pioned as a national policy.
2. The tremendous oil reserves
of Saudi Arabia, considered the
greatest in the world.
3. Air bases in Saudi Arabia,
which are within striking distance
of Moscow.
4. Air bases in North Africa, lo-
cated among other Arab peoples,
all seething with hatred of Israel
and resentment against the West.
In case of war or even the use
of U.S. troops around Israel to
prevent war, the lives of American
women and children at these far-
flung North African bases would
be in jeopardy.
* * *
WHAT'S. HAPPENED to change
the balance in the Near East are
two things:
A. The exit of British Lieut.
Gen. John Glubb from Jordan,
thereby making it possible for the
Arabs to invade Israeli almost
from inside Israel. Jordan police
are right inside the old city of
Jerusalem, are entrusted with its
protection. As long as they were
under British control they were
a stabilizing influence. Now they
are not.
B. The arrival of Russian-Czech
tanks and jet planes in Egypt.
These now make it possible for
Egypt to do to Israeli what Hitler
did to Czechoslovakia, Holland,
Belgium, France. Israeli airfields
can be wiped out in a few minutes.
Self-propelled Russian tanks, in
the hands of Egyptians, can make
mince-meat of Israeli defenses.
Israel is so minute that, faced
with this kind of strength, it prob-
ably could be wiped out before
American-British troops could in-
* * *
THERE WAS A TIME, last sum-
mer, before the arrival of Red
arms, when the opposite was true.
The Israeli army, well-trained and
determined, could probably have
captured Cairo. Its troops are
far superior to the Egyptian in
'old-fashioned warfare, but now
far. behind in the new Hitler
blitzkrieg techniques-thanks to
Soviet tanks and planes.
Chief cause of the present dy-
namite-laden crisis is a split per-
sonality inside the State Depart-
ment; also to some extent inside
the British Foreign Office.
, The State Department has been
torn between Arabian oil and Jew-
ish Israel. Undersecretary of State
Herbert Hoover, Jr., a power in
Union Oil of California and the
man who handled the Iranian oil
dispute, has sided with the Arabs.
Some other State Department offi-
cials have sided with the Jews.
Secretary Dulles has teetered in
between. This split personality
has caused fumbling and delay.
* * *
NEW JERSEY'S conscientious
Sen. Clifford Case, a possible sub-
stitute for Vice-President Nixon on
the GOP ticket, .has been dubbed
"the Adlai Stevenson of the Re-
publican Party."
Ohio's jolly Sen. George Bender,
seldom lose's his temper, but he
blew off steam the other day at
his assistant, Mrs. C. D. Ter-
ry. The verbal explosion echoed
through the Senate corridors. Af-
ter taking a dose of hot words,
Mrs. Terry spat back: "Don't
speak to me like that, little man!"
Senate Democratic Leader Lyn-
don Johnson's friends are excus-
ing his stand on the natural gas
bill because he's a Texan. His op-
ponents argue, however, that he
should give up the Senate leader-
ship if he must put Texas oil
ahead of the national interests.
They are tired of Texans running
both houses of Congress to suit
the Texas oil-gas crowd.
Maryland's Sen. John Marshall
Butler, who looks like a startled
robin, was gleeful over the news
that Ike would run again. Butler's
GOP seat is at stake. In the past,
Butler has been more. loyal to
Senator McCarthy than President
Eisenhower, but has now discov-
ered, belatedly, that Ike's political
pulling power is greater than Mc-
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in by
2 p.m. Friday,
General Notices
Additional Ushers are needed for the
matinee performance of The Magic Flute
today. Contact the Lydia Mendelsohn
Theatre box office between 10 a.m. and
noon today
Society of the Sigma Xi Initiation
'Dinner for new members in the Ball-
room of the Michigan League at 6:30
p.m. March 14. Payment of $2.32 should
be made by March 12 to Sigma X1,
Rackham Bldg.
Student Government Council. Sum-
mary of action taken at meeting of
March 7, 1958.
Minutes of previous meeting.
{Motion requesting establishment of it
standing committee on the University
Academic Calendar to include member
from faculty, administration, study
Homecoming Dance, ticket price of
$3.00, the quality of the dance to be
maintained, understanding that any
profits shall be applied by the Council
toward student purposes.
Motion directing the Student Repre-
sentation Committee and the chairman
of the Education and Social Welfare '
Committee to study an define lines of
responsibility of the Human Relations
Board and report at the meeting of
March 21.r1
Motion to table until next week a
motion to accept the recommendation
proposed in the majority report of the
Panhellenic -Assembly Rushing Study
Committee which reads as follows:
That for the academic year beginning
1957. rushing will be held at th begin-
ning of the spring semester (1958). The
proposed schedule would include a two
and a half week formal rushing period
with pre-registration in December.
Consideration of IFC-IHC report until
next week.
Appointments to Religious Emphasis
Week Study Committee-Ed Beals, Bob
Bacon from Student Religious Associa-
tion, Mr. Baldwin, Dr. Jacobs.
Change of date for Pete Seeger con-
cert, to March 10.
Marchy17-Junior Class, school of
Dentistry, Odonto Ball, Union.
March 23-Student Bar Association,
Chancellor's Court Dance, Union.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 p.m. Sunday,
-March 11, In Hill Auditorium. Open to
the general public without charge.
Student Recital. Kenneth Holm, obo-
st, recital in partial fulfillment of the
. requirements for the Bachelor of Musc
degree at 8:30 p.m. Sun., March 11, in
Aud. A, Angell Hall. A pupil of Florian
Mueller, Mr. Holm will be assisted by
Beatrice Ann Holm, piano, Fiances
Brown Watson, flute, Robert Quayle
bassoon, John Mohler, clarinet, and
Howard T. Howard, French horn. Oen
to the public.
Composers Forum, 8:30 p.m. Mon.,
March 12, in Ad. A, Angell Hall. Com-
positions by Seymour Altucher, Jerome
Neff, and Henry Onderdonk, performed
by Hildred Kronlokken, soprano, Jane
Stoltz and Carl Williams, violin; George
Papich, viola, Cynthia Kren and Phyllip
Rode Legband, cello; Patricia Martin,
flute, Virginia Catanese, clarinet, and
Fred Coulter, piano. Open to the public
without charge.
Events Today
The Magic Flute will be presented by
the Department of Speech, the School
of Music and the Department of Phys-
cal Education for Women at 2:30 p.m.
today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
No performance of The Magic Fluteto-
Placement Notices
Representatives from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., March 14:
DiamondAlkali Co., plants throughout
U..-all levels in Chem.E. for Research
and Devel.
Baker Perkins Inc., Saginaw, Mich.-
B.S. in Metal., B.S. and M.B. inii.1Cm.,
Elect, Indust, Mech., Eng. Mech. for
Devel. and Design. U.S. citizens.
Solvay Process Div., Allied Chem. &
Dye Corp., Syracuse, N.Y.-all levels in
Chem.E., Civil, Elect., Constr., Mech,
and Science for Research, Devel., Design,
Prod., Const., Sales, and Technical Sales.
U.S. citizens.
Wed., Thurs., March 14, 15:
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., Georgia Div.,
Marietta, Georgia-ail levels in Aero.,
Che.E., Clvii, Elect., Inst., Math., Mech.,
Eng. Mech., Nuclear and Physics for
Research, Devel., Design and Prod. U.S.
Goodyear Aircraft Corp., Akron, Ohio-
all levels in Aero., Elec., Mech., Civil,
Math, and Physics for Research, Devel.,
Design, Prod., and Stress and Weight
Goodyear Atomic Corp., Portsmouth,
Ohio-all levels in Che.E., Elect., Instru.
Math., Mech., Metal., Physics and
Science for Research, Devel., and Prod.
U.S. citizens.
Goodyeir Tire & Rubber Co., Akron,
Ohio--all levels in Che.E., Mech., Elect.,
Ind., Civil, and Chemistry for Research,
Devel., Design, Prod., Const., and Sales.
Thurs., March 15:
Chance Vought Aircraft, Inc., Dallas,
Texas-all levels in Aero., Civil, Elect.,
Math., Mech., and. Engrg. Physics for
Summer and Regular Research, Devel.,
and Design. U.S. citizens.r
U.S. Gypsum Co., Detroit, Mch.B.S.
and M.S. in Che.E., Civil, Elect., Ind.,
Mat, Math, Mech., Eng. Mech., Metal.
and Physics for Research, Devel., and
Prod. U.S. citizens.
Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome Air
UN Action Logical
Associated Press News Analyst
THE UNITED Nations already has threatened
Israel with sanctions against her use of
forceful retaliation in border incidents with the
Arabs, and apparently with some success.
In December Syrians shot at an Israeli boat
and Israel replied with a raid in which more
than 50 Syrians were killed. The UN Security
Council deplored the Israeli action and called
attention to a charter provision for cutting off
diplomatic and economic relations if the coun-
cil's will is flouted.
Israel has not employed similar retaliation for
the recent killing of three of its policemen.
NOW THE BRITISH, Americans and French
are considering applying a threat of sanc-
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad ......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert ..................... ... City Editor
Murry Frymer ..................,.. Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ..........,.......... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ......................«.. Feature Editor
Jane Howard r................. Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .................r..... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis . , ......,,......+........ Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ............... Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz .............. Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helithaler .. . *................ Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds ........ Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel ......................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom .....«................Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfrita ........... Associate Business Manager
tions to the whole Israeli-Arab situation in the
hope that a standstill in the march toward war
may be accomplished while a start is made on
peace negotiations,
Just how far this plan has gone is not clear.
Washington reports indicate a new appeal to
the Council is imminent. But the delegations
of the interested countries at UN headquarters
have neither been told nor asked about it.
One reason such a move is favored is that
it would require Russia to show some of the
cards she holds in the Middle East.
Russia, after a long period of playing neu-
tral, has finally begun to support the Arab
cause. In the Israeli case the Council action
fitted her pleasure.' What her attitude would
be toward a threat of sanctions against both
sides is not known.
If she went along, much of her missionary
work among the Arabs would be undone. If
she didn't go along, much of her pose as an
advocate of peace would be unmasked.
U NDER the UN charter, if a threat of sanc-
tions goes unheeded, the Council can ask
members to cut off all communications, in-
cluding diplomatic, economic and foreign aid.
If unheeded, the use of force can be invoked.
Assignment of 1,800 Marines to American
forces in the Mediterranean reinforces 2,000
British troops sent recently to Cyprus. Their
arrival will give Britain and the United States
the nucleus of a "police force."
Junior's Chances Better in Small Group
To the Editor:
IN ANSWER to Mr. Buckmaster's
letter in the March 2 Daily,
I'm surely glad the business world
is getting you, Mr. Buckmaster,
because education would not want
you with your attitude.
Across my desk come many re-
quests for college teachers: "pre-
fer PhD., CPA, toss in a little
business experience, if possible--"
and the pay? Anywhere from
$3,800 to $5,500 with summer ses-
sion work, if available.
If it isn't available, a teacher
is tossed into the summer market
of laborers or office workers which.
is already glutted with college stu-
dents who do not choose to go to
summer school. Contrast this with
the accountant graduating in June
with a B.B.A. who can earn $5,000
to start, summer employment
guaranteed and included.
The cry for new buildings is a
matter of housing. New buildings
go up and the old ones remain in
use. Try teaching 50 youngsters
in a room meant for 30. How-
about this world of wonders. You
can't eat it and you can't buy a
house with it, but it's all-import-
ant nonetheless to their happiness.
Gloria J. Parsons
(wife of a teacher)
Can't Meet Candidates,
To the Editor:
. YOUNG is certainly correct
in suggesting (March 6) that
there is a basic fallacy in our
(SGC) form of student govern-
ment which accounts for student
apathy. The fallacy, he says, is
that "The SGC is quite obviously
a body whose existence is allowed
by the University as an outlet
for those students who like to
exert their energies in debate,
busy-work and politiking." This
is really a bit thick and rather
wide of the mark.
Suppose that there are 21 can-
didates for seven offices. Will
you, sir, be personally acquainted
with all 21? Or even with seven?
Certainly they will reveal little of
themselves in the political cam-
paign. If you take classes with
some of them, will this help you
to know how they react to cam-
pus issues? Will this candidate
protect your interests?
I submit that most of us can-
not know, not because we would
not like to, but because it is al-,
most impossible for 17,000 stu-
dents to have this sort of know-
ledge about a heterogeneous group
of 21 political aspirants. Hence
the apathy. Perhaps SGC is in-