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March 06, 1956 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1956-03-06

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Prof. Sees
No Change
In Business
President Dwight D. Esenhow-
er's decision to run for a second
term leaves the basic, long-term
business outlook unchanged, ac-
cording to Prof. Paul W. McCrack-
en, an expert on business condi-
"It is an oversimplification to
k. say political developments have no
economic significance, but our eco-
nomic destiny is not strongly de-
pendent on any party or man,"
he said.
There are several reasons for
raising the question of whether
the business community need be
too concerned with the President's
decision, he .declares. One lies in
the lesson of history.
"During the prior administra-
tion some business leaders who ex-
pressed grave doubt about the eco-
nomic vitality of the country were
also in their own businesses ap-
proving large capital expenditures
for new plants, new products and
new equipment-all of which are
the basic ingredients of an ex-
panding and dynamic economy,"
the professor points out.
* Another point raised by Prof.
McCracken is that both political
parties want the same thing for
the economy.
"Both want full employment and
both are basically in favor of the
free market system of economic
,organization," he declares.
"Moreover," he continues, "be-
cause of the complex combination
of liberal and conservative ele-
ments within each party, even a
shift from one party to another
usually produce only a modest
change in the ideological center
of gravity."
While it is true that both parties
want the same thing as ,far as
broad objectives for the country
are'concern&d there are substan-
tial differences in the way various
political groups would go. about
achieving these objectives, he
Station To Poll
On Expansion
The University will canvass some
five thousand families in the
southeastern part of the state this
month for their opinion on a pos-
sble expansion of the broadcast
schedule of the University's radio
station WUOM (FM).
At present WUOM is on the air
weekdays from noon to 10:30 p.m.
and has a short Sunday schedule,
according to Waldo Abbot, direc-
tor of Broadcasting Service.
The poll, to be conducted by
mail, will sound out public opinion
on morning broadcast hours and
anextension of the broadcast week
into Saturday and all day Sunday.
University radio broadcasting
has reached an increasing number
of people throughout its 32-year
history, Abbot reports. The Uni-
versity now operates two radio sta-
tions,\ WUOM Ann Arbor and
WFUM Flint. In addition a tape-
recoring service provides 150 pro-
grams a week to commercial sta-
tions throughout the state. In the
fall, direct hookups bring football
broadcasts to more than a score of,
Michigan stations.
11th Photo Contest
Saturday is the deadline for the

eleventh annual collegiate photo-
graphy contest.
SEntries in the contest, black and
white pictures at a suggested size
of five inches by seven, may be
turned in at the Union.
Prizes for the contest include
sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica
and a week at Life magazine.
The fifty best photographs will
be sent around the country, with
the first showing at the national
convention of Kappa Alpha Mu
at the University of Oklahoma.
Entries in the national contest
may also be submitted in a local
contest sponsored by the Union.


0 1

-Courtesy of University News Service
CREATE LABORATORY "STAR"--Temperatures almost three
times as great as those on the surface of the sun are produced for
split seconds in this University shock tube, providing information
of great value to astronomers. In the foreground, Thomas D.
Wilkerson opens the valves that control the supply of high-pres-
sure gas into the shock tube. Looking on is Prof. Otto Laporte,
supervisor of the physics department's Shock Tube Laboratory.
Race Relations Require
Middle Course: Clinchy,

'U' Foreign
The total foreign student en-
rollment at the University for the
spring semester numbers 1,160 stu-
dents as compared with 964 last
spring, according to M. Robert B.
Klinger, counselor in the Inter-
national Center.
An area distibution shows that
the Far East and South East Asia
area still leads with 438. The Brit-
ish Commonwealth, other than the
Far East, numbers 252; Europe and
Africa, 172; Near East 164; and
Latin America, 134.
Among countries represented,
Canada still leads with 207 as com-
pared with 179 a year ago. Second
comes India with 104 students, as
compared to 66 last year at this
China is in third place with 80,
up from 69. Turkey holds fourth
place with 69, up from 43.
Permanent residents from East-
ern Europe (displaced persons)
number 60, down from 18; Phil-
lippines 57, up from 53; Japan, 42
up from 32; Venezuela 38 up from
31;- and Korea 38 up from 18.
Danes Offer
Grad Study
The Danish g6vernment has of-
fered three fellowships for Ameri-
can students of demonstrated aca-
demic ability to do graduate study
in that country, it was announced
The Danish Ministry of Educa-
tion in cooperation with the In-
stitute of International Education,
1 East 67th Street, New York, has
made available funds of 3,900 kro-
ner for a year of study in an in-
stitution of higher education
Three fellowships forstudy in
Sweden have been made available.
by the Swedish government, the
institute also announced. A know-
ledge of Swedish is desirable for
study at the Universities of Goth-
enburg, Lund, Uppsala, Stockholm,
and other, approved institutions.
Eligible candidates must pay£
their own travel and incidental ex-
penses, but may apply for Ful-
bright travel grants through the
Horace H. Rackham School ofa
Graduate Studies here.,
Tau Beta Pi
Pieks Leaders7
Tau Beta Pi has elected officers
for the 2nd semester with Carl
Peterson, '56E, moving up from
corresponding secretary to presi-
dent of the society.
Assisting him as vice-president
is John Meyer, '56E. Others head-G
ing the society are James Mohr,
recording secretary, James Mason
as corresponding secretary and
Pete Lucyshyn as catalouger.
Number one on the program fo,
the new officers is the 50th Anni-
versary of the Michigan Gama
Chapter to which all past mem-
bers are invited. The chapter has
an enrollment of 2,500.

College Roundup
At the University of North Carolina, students attempted to see
whether women's suffrage could be voted into effect today if it did
not exist.
Turning the clock back to 1910 when there was no female vote,
a co-ed in the university's Philanthropic Society introduced the suf-
frage bill.
"Women do have intelligence and a great deal of influence," she
stated, "and they should have the right to vote."
But student representative John Brooks countered, "Women are
too busy with dressing and going to balls and acting the part of a
good hostess to be well informed on political matters."
Another representative declared, "Women should remain on
their own level. Women are too emotional to vote."
And even a co-ed representative agreed saying, "Old maids or
spinsters can be easily persuaded by handsome young politicians.
Women already dominate the home scene and domineer their hus-
bands by telling them what to do and how to vote."
The dreadful nature of the female was amply referred to in such
examples as Salome, Bloody Mary and Helen of Troy.
The bill failed to pass.
* ,
After the University of Manitoba Student Union telegramed the
University of Alabama to protest the treatment of Autherine Lucy,
the Canadian institution was besieged by letters from this country.
The Canadians were denounced in the letters as "meddling," and
supporters of "lousy British justice."
"Your Negroes (are) a hundred years behind ours and you still
treat them like animals," a Florida letter writer charged.
* * * *
Ohio State brags of having "the Greekest" organization of all.
Sigma Epsilon Phi "fratority" is composed of both men and
women. But every member of the fratority is of Greek descent.
Membership in one of the "pseudo-Greek organizations" on
campus does not prevent students from joining the organization.
From the University of Alabama, the "Crimson-White"
student paper, although devoting virtually no attention to the Auther-
ine Lucy case, does note in a short article that it has been deluged
by mail from all over the world.
"An analysis of the number of letters shows that about 200 have
been received." It reports that the president and the student gov-
ernment association were receiving even greater numbers.
Petitioning Open For Exchange
Program Scholarship To Berlin

"Real statesmanship is required
to take the middle course in race
relations," Dr. Everett Ross Clin-
chy, President of the National Con-
ference of Christians and Jews,
said in an interview yesterday.
"It takes a period' of time for
individuals to accommodate their
ideas and emotions to drastic
changes," Dr. Clinchy explained.
"It is necessary to cut the nerve
of fear which causes the belief
that equal educational faculties
will lead to intermarriage between
races. Only time and education
will immunize these founded
fears," he added.
Dr. Clinchy is spending the
week on campus as the featured
speaker in the annual "Religion
Today" series.
The problems of peaceful ex-
istance between races is becoming
increasingly' important since two
thirds of the world's people are
Mongoloids or Negroes, the edu-
cator explained.
These people have reached the
point where they are going to
ride in whichever bus they prefer.
If society. fails to accept the fact
and change accordingly, our civili-
zation will be as dead as the Baba-
Dr. Clinchy urged moderation
and caution in dealing with race
problems. As long as these mat-
ters are handled under law and.
order, justice will prevail. Mob
rule must not be allowed to exert
undue pressure.
Explaining the purposes of the
National Conference of Christians
and Jews, Dr. Clinchy stated that
the organization exists mainly for
educational purposes. The NCCJ
was formed during the 1928 poli-
tical campaign when prejudice
against Al Smith was at a peak.
More than 100 hate and fear or-
gAnizations existed at this time.
Next DAC Play
The final Dramatic Arts Center
production of the season will be
Christopher Fry's "A Sleep of Pris-
oners," opening at 8:15 p.m. Fri-
day at the Masonic Temple.
Directed by Joseph Gistirak, the
play will feature Sydney Walker,
Ralph Drischell and David Met-
It will also run at 8:15 p.m. Sat-
urday and March 14 through 17
and 21 through 24. There will be
a matinee at 2:30 p.m. March 25.

To counteract the outburst of pre-
judice, Charles Evans Hughes call-
ed a conference to bring members
of different ethnic groups togeth-
After the Second World War the
National Conference of Christians
and Jews extended its scope to in-
clude international affairs. A sec-
ond group called World Brother-
hood was formed to deal with in-
ternational matters. At the pres-
ent time 65 offices of the National-
Conference of Christians and Jews
operate from coast to coast in the
United States.
SGC Plans
Europe Trip
A mass meeting will be held at
4 p.m. Thursday for all students
interested in the SGC student
flight to Europe.
The meeting in the Union Ball-
room will provide more detailed
information about the flight and
will also give SGC travel commit-
tee members an idea of how many
are planning to take the trip.
The plane, a Flying Tiger Line
DC-4, seating 68 passengers, has
reclining seats and is air-condi.
tioned. Two meals on the flight
will be provided. If all seats are
occupied the round trip per stu^
dent will cost approximately $300.
Beginning today, there will be
an information booth in the
League operated by travel com-
mittee members. The booth will
be open every Tuesday from 3
to 5 p.m.

Petitioning is open for scholar-
ships to the Free University of
The scholarships, a part of the
student exchange program, will
be awarded on the basis of four
Students interested in the pro-
gram must have a knowledge and
understanding of all major stu-
dent activities, and a good aca-
demic record. Knowledge of Ger-
man and familiarity with modern
Germany and its current problems
are also prerequisites for the schol-
Students selected will study in
Germany for one academic year,
November to August, 1956-57. The
scholarship will include tuition,
room and board, spending money
and travel in Germany. It does

not, however, contribute funds for
traveling to the German border.
In addition to representing the
University academically, the Uni-
versity student will also be repre-
sentative of campus activities.
All classes at the Free Univer-
sity will be conducted in German.
The University, which was found-
ed in 1948 by students in protest
to Communist control of the old
University of Berlin in the east-
ern zone, has a very high academic
rating among European univer-
Petition forms are available at
SGC headquarters, Quonset Hut
A. All petitions must be returned
by March 17. Final selections will
be announced before March 28.

outstanding Boys, Girls, Brother-Sister & Co-ed camps,
located throughout the New England States and Canada,
invites your inquiries concerning Summer employment
as counsellors, instructors or administrators. Positions
are available in all areas of camping activities for chil-
55 West 42nd St., Room 743, New York 36, N.Y.

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Because the best place to keep going-up-is with a

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